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Status Updates posted by Dargene

  1. *Seethe* *Seethe* *Seethe*

  2. *Sighs* Why do people lie on there app

  3. *Sits ontop of three reputation* Mwheheheh

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *falls attempting to sit

      on 0 rep*


    2. Pum!


      -Sits on top of her two reputation- AHAH! I have /two/ rep! BOW DOWN TO ME, MORTAL ANTS!!

  4. *Sleeps in bed* Okay good home set *dies and spawns at cloud temple* ... **** you...

  5. *Throws petrol into the fire* MWHAAH.... Now on too the fire in LOTC... stop :P

  6. *Unsolved rubiks cube on my desk for a year* "I WILL SOLVE YOU AT LAST" *after around 10 minutes* ".. HELL WITH THIS" *throws at wall*

    1. cmack1028


      I know dat feel

    2. Dargene


      I am learning how to do it now >.< So many algroithums

    3. ski_king3


      Give it to me for a minute or so. I can fix it!

  7. *Writes an app that takes him about 1 hour and a half... Googlechrome then tells him that it cannot find lordofthecraft webpage.....* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

    1. Groobs03


      Or really anything other than writing it in the LoTC Forums :3

    2. CloakandDagger


      You can actually just click the back button after doing what you just described.

  8. >.

    1. Urahra


      It sometimes takes a minute to change. Don't worry. :)

  9. #Giveahalflingahugday

    1. Amorphbutt



  10. #Idontunderstandthesestatuses2012

  11. #Pressalladsforlotc

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser
    3. Dargene


      Gives Lotc moar moneh

    4. Kaiser


      Oh I see we can cheat the system...

      I like it

  12. #Stilldontgetthepointinthese2012

  13. 0.02% Of forum posts are mine >:D Mwhahaa

  14. 1 more post till my 200 post :D

  15. 1 more post till my 200 post :D

  16. 1 more rep till 10.... Could someone be my bestest ever friend on the forums and give me 1 so i get 10 :3

  17. 10 more places till we are on first page :DF

  18. 1832 Minas lost due to bank, No combat skills as of yet.. a wood sword... Well... things are going well xD

  19. 1k Profile views O.o

  20. 2 and a half hours :3

  21. 242 people online LOTC server O.O

  22. 255 players online O.O

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