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About Tunata

  • Birthday 08/04/1996

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    LotC, Sports, Gaming in General

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  1. Hey guys! I'm just coming back into LotC after about two years of inactivity, so, i'm a little rusty. Can someone send me the link to this profession mumbo jumbo? Cheers!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tunata


      Cheers bruv

    3. Publius


      Oh, also, if you're an Orc, they have a major storyline thing going on where they've all become crazy with bloodlust and are having internal strife. It has probably seen some of the best RP on the server for the past few months

    4. Space




      Don't do professions though, just go RP and ignore them.

  2. ________________________________ Holm Engineers Application ________________________________ ((All quetions must be answered in rp. Your character would come accros this application in holm hanging on guild house's front door or from someone inside. You may also rp someone giving it to you that has been to holm. In other words you can not find anywhere else EXCEPT the guild house.)) Beams of light shone through a few bleak cracks in the old timber tree. There, Doogle was working on one of his weapons he had been building from the ground up, for about 2 months." Doogle! We've got a customer, get your bombus ass up here! Doogle trudges up the cracked stone stairs, towards the counter. "Lo', Doogle" muttered Dae, a usual customer. "What can I do for you this time, Dae?" Doogle muttered." I'm looking for a sturdy pair of boots, Leather, preferably." Doogle nodded, then scurried back down the stairs, and in to the supply room. He walked out with a slightly dusty pair of boots, and trudges his way back up again." These should do it" Doogle plopped the boots on the counter, right in front of Dae. Dae, smiled, pulled out a small bag of Mina, and tossed it towards Doogle."Oh, and my wife told me to give this to you." Doogle's eyes lit up." It's a flyer, a man down the Market was handing them out, Dae placed the Flyer on the table, and walked out the door. Doogle's eyes widened, "The Holm Engineering Guild Wants You!" the words bouncing through Doogle's head."Oi, what are you Gorkin' at?!" Tevaels voice boomed through the hollow shop. Doogle wasted no time, he ran down stairs got what he could, and ran to the Docks, waiting for the next boat to Holm. Name - My Name is Doogle Hatchet, and I own the only Blacksmith in Malinor. Have you read over and understand what you are applying for? - [/b} I haven't stopped reading the Flyer, and know exactly what I'm getting into. Rank you are applying for? (not this rank is not promised and Director/head can not be directly applied for) - I was hoping I'd be able to be just an average Engineer. Experience - I am the only working engineer and Blacksmith around Malinor, meaning business is good, and I know my way around Ores and Ingots, I've also made a few weapons of my own. Expected payment - I don't expect to be paid, I just want to be around an environment that thoroughly supports Redstone Work. Reason why we should choose you? - I am a dedicated Worker, I won't stop unless directed to, my knowledge of redstone is decent, and I'm willing to learn as much as I can about Engineering in General Please return this application to the Guild house's drop box so it may be processed. ((Post your application where you see this.))
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