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Status Updates posted by Criala

  1. So, I remade Ryllae in Sim 3, and now I'm completely happy with how he turned out! :D http://i61.tinypic.com/qq92cx.jpg

  2. I've got a couple ideas that'll hopefully work out. Everything I write about Ryllae is canon, so it takes some time to make it work the way I want it to. x.x

  3. Writer's block is the bane of my existence. >_

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. OhDeerLord


      If your comfortable about it maybe a silly adventure with Dwyn?

    3. Criala


      I'll think about it.

    4. tnoy23


      -Keeps waiting for Renai to request a story off his thread-

  4. Think it's about time to write some more soon. Feeling the urge to write.

  5. Feels good to write. A lot of the stuff I write about Ryllae will probably be him remembering the times with his dad. :)

    1. OhDeerLord


      It's really cool seeing all of these written down. It's great you decided to post these!

    2. Criala


      Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying them.

  6. Writing more stuff for Ryllae! :)

  7. Playing Skyrim alot, so that's where I'll be!

  8. The lag seems to die down around 9pm PST my time, when there's a lot less people on, so after that time, it's more likely that I will be active.

  9. Server is a bit laggy for me during the day when there's 120+ people on. Will be more active at night. :)

    1. OhDeerLord


      It's so weird though, at night that seems to be when all the random ass crashes happen. They always seem to get me mid-sentance

    2. Criala


      I seem to miss the random crashes at night, so we'll see how it goes.

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