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Posts posted by Criala

  1. trans.gif

    A flash of blue caught Ryllae's attention. He paused in his stride, looking to see just what the blue was. If one took a closer look at it, it was just a flower. It wasn't anything fancy or special. But the sight of the flower made a small smile come to his face.
    Gently, he plucked the flower from the ground and lifted it to his nose, taking in the scent of it. A scent that he could never forget, because those flowers had been his mother's favorite. It was one of the few things he could clearly remember about her, since she died when he was barely six years old. It was one of the things that could make her smile no matter what was going on.
    "Mama! Mama!" A small elven child called out with a wide smile. The child was no more than four years old.
    The female elf looked away from the vegetables she'd been chopping. A smile came to her face. "What is it, Ryllae?" 
    "Daddy says he has something for you!" Ryllae exclaimed, throwing his arms out into the air.
    "Does he now?" She laughed, brushing her hair over her shoulder. Her hair was a dirty blond, not as light as Seith's.
    "Yes!" Ryllae grinned as wide as he was able, nodding his head enthusiastically. 
    She was about to say something else when another voice cut in.
    "I sure do, my dear Meleia!" Seith chuckled as he made his appearance, hiding one of his arms behind his back. 
    "And what would that be?" Meleia quirked an eyebrow at him, glancing at the arm behind his back.
    "What's behind your back?" There was a smile still on her face, and her green eyes were twinkling.
    "A surprise!" Seith flashed a grin at her, much like the one their son had given her. He made sure to keep his arm behind as his back as he approached.
    "You know I hate suspense." Meleia placed a hand on her hip in playfully stern manner.
    "I know. Why do you think I do it?" Seith laughed. This also coaxed a giggle from Ryllae, who was looking back and forth between the two of them, waiting.
    "You're infuriating." She told him, though it was obvious by the playful tone of her voice that she wasn't being serious. 
    "And you still love me anyways." He retorted, a slight smirk tugging at his lips for a moment.
    "Sometimes I wonder why." She teased, pushing his free arm lightly.
    "Because I'm so charming and handsome." The grin was on his face again.
    "Right." She laughed, shaking her head at him.
    "Here you are, my dear." His grin softened to an affectionate smile, removing the hand from behind his back and holding out a bouquet of blue flowers for her. 
    "Oh, Seith..." She murmured softly, taking the flowers from him and smiling. She leaned in, inhaling their scent. "Thank you. They're beautiful." 
    "Not as beautiful as you." He replied, letting his hand find a lock of her hair and play with it.
    "Such a charmer." She chuckled, leaning up to kiss his cheek. 
    "You bet I am!" His grin grew even wider, if that was possible, slipping an arm around her shoulders.
    Ryllae took it upon himself to infiltrate the hug, smushing himself between their legs and holding onto the of their legs.
    They both looked at him, then shared a laugh. Seith reached down, picking up their son and ruffling his hair.
    "Her favorite." Rylale smiled to himself, pulling the nearly book from his bag and placing the flower between the pages. When he went back home, he'd have to place the flower she loved so much on her grave.
  2. Forum Name: Criala
    Character Name: Ryllae
    Race: Wood elf
    Skin Render/Reference Images (PLEASE NEST THEM INTO SPOILER TAGS):


    Physical description/Additional information: Ryllae is on the shorter side, standing at five feet and seven inches. He has a slim and lithe build. His hair is a light blonde and it goes down to his ribs. He keeps it tied up, with some hair framing his face. His eyes are green. He's an archer, so if you want to include a bow, you can! If not, that's fine.
  3. An arrow sped through the air, embedding itself into the trunk of a tree.
    "Not too bad." Ryllae muttered to himself, wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead. "May be time for a short break." 
    His practice had been going for a couple of hours now. Practicing kept his skills up to par, and while it was hard work, it was something that he enjoyed. He made his way over to the tree, pulling the arrow from its trunk. He took a moment to at it, recalling the first time that he'd ever shot a bow.
    "Ryllae, come here!" Seith called out to his son, wearing a grin on his face. He glanced at the bow he held in his hand, waiting for Ryllae to show up. There was another bow strapped to his back.
    "Coming!" The young wood elf called back, jogging up to his father. "What is it, dad?" 
    "Here, take this." Seith said, holding out the bow out to his son.
    "But why?" Ryllae looked confused, taking the bow from his father.
    "I'm going to teach you how to shoot it." Seith responded as he took the bow from his back.
    "Oh..." Ryllae trailed off, not sure about this. He'd never had an interest in bows before, but his father looked so happy about teaching him that he couldn't say no. 
    For the nest short while, Seith spent the time showing Ryllae how to properly hold his bow. Once the young wood elf had gotten the hang of that, he moved on to the actual shooting process.
    "Great! You're a natural, son!" Seith grinned brightly, pulling an arrow from the quiver that was laid on the ground beside him. "Now, onto shooting arrows. Watch carefully now." 
    He brought the arrow up, placing it against the bow. Once he had it secure, he drew the string back, keeping hold of the feathers end of the arrow until he wanted to shoot it. Then he let the string go, watching the arrow soar through the air. Soon, it as embedded in a nearby tree trunk. 
    By now, Ryllae's interest in Archery had been piqued. It was fascinating to watch his father shoot a bow and arrow. Maybe one day he could be just as good as his father was at it!
    "Now you try." Seith smiled, turning his attention back to his son. He grabbed another arrow from the quiver and held it out to Ryllae, waiting patiently for him to take it.
    "Okay..." The tone of Ryllae's voice conveyed the uncertainty that he was feeling. It took him a few seconds, but he finally took the arrow from his father's hand. He brought the arrow up, copying the movements that he'd observed his father doing. Making sure it was steady before drawing the string of the bow back. A nervous glance was sent Seith's way, but he just smiled encouragingly.
    Ryllae gulped softly, then he took a deep breathe, before finally letting go of the bow string. The arrow zipped through the air. However, it didn't make it to the tree trunk. It ended up a couple feet away, stuck in the dirt. 
    This caused Ryllae to sigh and his shoulders to slump. But the slump didn't last long, because a moment later, there's a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to see his father looking down at him, smiling. 
    "You did good for your first time shooting a bow. With practice, I know you'll be one of the best archers around." Seith grinned.
    A smile tugged at Ryllae's lips and he nodded his head enthusiastically. He jogged towards his arrow, pulling it from the ground and heading back to his father.
    "Such a long time ago..." Ryllae murmured to himself, smiling and docking his arrow again. "Back to practicing..." He would keep practicing, so he could be a great archer, just like his father had said he would be.
  4. What person's name will be used on the signature?: Ryllae
    What size would you like the file? The standard size I use is 500x150 pixels: The 500x150 is fine!
    What colors are going to be used? (write "none" for a normal black and white colorway): Black for the writing. Maybe a parchment type background? If that's possible, of course. With the roleplay aspect, it just seems like it would fit if it's possible!
    Other comments/requests: Nope, thank you very much!
  5. Same, coming from a new player its awesome to see the server grow in population. :)

    It is great to see the population grow. It'll be great to see it grow together! And welcome to the server! I hope you enjoy your time on here!


    Welcome back to the server, hope you enjoy your return here.

    EDIT: And to Roux~ glad to see a new player being active on the forums and enjoy your stay here as well.

    Thank you very much. I'm enjoying it so far!

  6. Hello! I go by Criala, but you can call me any varition of that you please. Other nicknames that I go by include Mimi, Misa (because I use the name Misaki a lot too) or Edward (like from Full Metal Alchemist, because I'm pretty short).
    I used to be active on the server back in the summer of 2012, but since it would crash more often than not, I wasn't able to play that much and eventually just stopped going on. Not long after that, I started college, so I got really busy. Then a couple weeks ago, my friend asked me to start playing on the server with him again, so here I am again! It doesn't crash like it used to, but it does lag me quite a bit if there are 120+ people on, so I'm usually on when there's less people, like 60ish, on.
    Currently, I'm studying to be a criminal profiler, also known as offender profiling. It's what they do on Criminal Minds. If you haven't seen that, this is the defination of it! :) "Offender profiling, also known as criminal profiling, is a behavioral and investigative tool that is intended to help investigators to accurately predict and profile the characteristics of unknown criminal subjects or offenders."
    I've been roleplaying since I was fourteen, so roughly seven years now. I started out on Neopets, then I moved onto roleplaying with a few select people on email and MSN. Then I moved to roleplaying on Skype, which I still do everyday. And about a year ago, I made an RP blog on tumblr, that I am still active on everyday.
    Writing is a passion of mine, which goes hand in hand with roleplaying I would say. I hope to publish a book some day. I've been writing ever since I can remember.
    I'm a huge anime nerd. Naruto is my absolute favorite, but Death Note and Yu Yu Hakusho are close seconds. 
  7. mc name: Criala
    Race: Wood elf
    Character age: 91
    Physical description: Ryllae is five foot, seven inches. His hair is al ight blonde and it goes to the top of his shoulder blades. Usually, he keeps it tied up, with some hair framing his face. His eyes are a darker green and his skin tone is a paler tan. His build is slender and lithe. 
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