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  1. 1. google day z beta patch, dl and install the top link in green. 2. search six updater on google, install+run auto updates day z to latest stuff and can launch game from there. also if you have steam version search how to install dayz on dayzwiki.com, there's a few extra steps.
  2. So since valve was being a buncha dicks and not doing a sale I bought the game. 2 player induced deaths later I'm happy to report I've managed to acquire some loot and luckily a gillie suit ^.^ currently scouring the northeastern top edges of the map if anyone is near there.
  3. I want to kill the valve execs, i'm about to just up and buy it screw the reprecussions
  4. possibly today after 6pm central, but the forums are a ragefest that the sale hasn't happened yet, the longer they postpone the less time ppl have to play and its ticking the community off. So it's either today or the 12th according to forums, either way in about 4 hours we'll know which thursday it'll drop.
  5. because every summer for the last three years steam summer sale goes on last week of june/1st week of july >.>
  6. I'll be buying the game as soon as steam sale goes down sometime this week, I'd love to play as a packmule/explorer. Here's my steam and stuff http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197961101929/ or search Rauv.
  7. that's the stuff we need to start doing with the 'clans/groups' forming on the forums here >.<
  8. Ah darn, it isn't hardcore mode then. @jord, hardcore mode removes the targeting reticle and 3rd person mode for a more realistic experience. A server is usually set to standard or hardcore mode from what I have read. I was just trying to find out what mode LOTC's server was.
  9. just curious since I haven't bought the game yet (waiting on steam sale) If its hardcore mode which would be awesome or if its going to be the slightly more noob friendly 3rd person mode?
  10. Hey guys, I'll be grabbing ArmaII for DayZ as soon as steam summer sale puts it up and I'd love to join a group of survivors. Add me please! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197961101929/ or Rauv
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