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Arseman Snoretop

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    Arseman Snoretop
  1. OOC: MC Name: Snoretop Age: 15 Country: Denmark Time-Zone:GMT +1 How much time can you be online per day?:2-5 Hours (Sometimes more) How long have you been playing on the server?:This character 1 day, my other character 2-3 weeks. What past guilds have you been apart of?: None Have you ever held a leadership role before?: No How would you describe yourself?: I'm always bright, and I play a lot of videogames :P Do you have a Skype? If so what is your name?: Luknegaard Do you have a VA?: No. IC: Name: Arseman Snoretop Race: Halfling Age: 30 Past Experience: Oh, me never been in fights with weal people What are your skills?: I can use a bow, and a small knife. What weapon do you prefer?: Bow Why do you wish to join the Order?: I look for pwotection, and foowd What branch of the Order would you like to join?: Talan What is your personality like?: hm, me is a happy fellar, I dont get mad often. What are some strengths of yours?: Hm, I am good with the bow. What makes you different from others?: Oy, me not very different from others, But I very happy. Why should we accept you into the Order?: I am good at using da bow. What position do you wish to achieve in the Order?: Not a high one, I do dough wish to be of good worth to da militawy. Tell us more about yourself (Biography): I live in a small town for a wong time then, I met a sweet gurl, we was gon a get mawied but den, she died, and now I look for work.
  2. ((MC name)) xapeb ((Time Zone)) UTC/GMT +1 hour ((Activity, Amount of time spent on)) 1-4 hours per day Name: Jab Farnsworth Age: 29 Gender:Male Race: Human Tell us who you are: I hope this is IRL, Well, my name is Lukas Negaard im 15 years old and I like to play minecraft, I usualy come home from school, and play computer, sometimes I go to sports and I hang out with my friends alot! Skills: Farming, Swordsmanship Why do you seek to join us?: So I can help The Corridians and also, It was nice to get some shelter and food! What are your ambitions?: Helping the Corridians What can you bring us?: A trustful man who can handle a blade well. Do you pledge to work diligently and for the better of the guild (listening to orders , etc): Of course! Do you agree to the Honor Code?: Yes
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