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Posts posted by Fid

  1. What with the splendid new map up and coming and preparation for the Halfling area in development, I would like to take the time to ask current Halflings and Halfling associates what they would like to see in the Halfling area in the new map.

    Please keep suggestions fun, interesting, different, do-able and basically non-stupid.

    Things to consider:

    • Revolutions in architecture? Not seen throughout the whole village, but in one or two key buildings such as the Inn.
    • Vegetation, trees, mushrooms, whatever you want, create some quirky ideas to incorporate these boring pieces of foliage.
    • General town layout and themes. More spread out? More compressed? Perhaps striking a balance between the relative space of Dunwood and the concentration of Branborough.
    • Town names. We need a town name, Petyr is usually good at stuff like that.
    • New key buildings to be made?
    • Fun dungeons and quests are a must. Places like in Faldo's Fantastic Treasure Hunt would be good, although 10x better.

    Please come up with more ideas.

    I want to see a more spread out, Shire-like area. Basically, I want to live in the Shire... with flower beds, fields of wheat, and many rolling hills, as well as (maybe) a single very large hill where several holes are dug (Think Bag-end, here).

  2. Cecil gets up from his usual seat in the WIlven Library just as a falcon drops a note at his feet.

    Stooping gracefully to retrieve it, he chuckles to the sound of the falcon trying to fly up the stairs, then opens the note with interest.

    "House Klaren... ah yes, I remember him. Tall, dark fellow..."

    He puts the note in his satchel and walks up the stairs into the Sanctuary, thinking of a proper gift for an elf like Goroth Klaren.

  3. *Hearing Aris' story from his place in the corner, Steward Ranley Brewbottle II stands and puts down his ale.*

    "What about that spider I demolished with my axe? That was a fight to be seen, make no mistake!!"

    * He pulls out his golden axe and brandishes it as if fighting a spider*

  4. Bili reads the note, and scratches his chin. In his mind, he begins to think,

    "Wha's gonna 'appen when 'e finds ou' tha' Daeon's dead? Eh, 'e'll probably stay 'ere. I shouldn' min', if 'e's no' as dull as Daeon was!"

    Popping up in the Vale as he usually does, Ranley notices the commotion and strides over, puffing out his chest and displaying his beautiful shiny armor. He reads the note over Bili's shoulder.

    "Hm, hm. I sure hope so."

  5. MC Name: GreatSmirnovius

    Duties: Honey Bee Work (If it needs doing, I'll do it)

    Natural Dungeons


    Concepts: The marshes of Minecraft aren't fun to traverse. I have a couple of ideas that I think will make them a lot more realistic. Also, if Asulon is anything to go by, folks like building flat-top mountains. It seems to me that the mountain ranges should have sharp peaks and fairly deep valleys in between. This goes with the mountain pass concept as well.

    Other Works: The restoration of the City of Somerset

    Work in Levanthus designing buildings and the large underground complex

    Experience with creating large trees (a bit of a favorite build for me)

    Teamspeak with Mic: Yes.

  6. MC Name: GreatSmirnovius

    Strengths: Pixel Art, Archery, Mob Slaughter

    Weaknesses: None, I am invincible!! Just kidding. I'm not very good at PvP'ing, but without the whole LOTC combat system, who knows.

    Have you read the rules listed in the Olympiad Rules? And do you agree to abide by them? Of course.

    Other: I really hope I get this, it looks like a lot of fun.

  7. Eh, being new or not having time to learn a whole vocabulary might not have much at all to do with being a good RPer.

    Telling an interesting story or involving others are marks of a good RPer, for instance. Making communication difficult does not help in involving others nor telling stories. Keep that in mind as you use this. Add spice, don't confuse other dwarves. ;)

    To clarify, I meant that the willingness to invest in your character is a good indicator of RP prowess. Just my opinion.

  8. *I looks at the flier*

    W'at miners 'ave t'at muc' iron? T'is tax be too steep. I be not paying in Iron. i will give me 'ome up. Varivik was to be tax free and now it be very steep. T'is place be going down'ill.

    *to himself*

    I must talk with Gunjar

    *Ranley, not at all intimidated by Beladin as he is ((presumably)) surrounded by friends, pushes away Beladin's hand. His eyes burn with rage.

    "You seem to think that this new position, or your name, elevates you above any of us. You are wrong, Beladin, for it is not the name that makes the man. I had no respect for your father, and I have no respect for you. You have done nothing to earn it. I will pay your paltry taxes if it keeps the peace, as I respect Vladivoj, but do not think for a moment that I do this because I fear you or your little threats."

    * He returns his little pipe to his mouth angrily and looks at Garion, saying gruffly:

    "If you wish to stay, I will pay yours as well. I have the necessary funds."

  9. * Shaking his head, Ranley sighs.

    "Beladin, this is foolishness. You try to make too many reforms, too fast. A currency? Why bother? Minas are used all over Asulon, creating these new coins will make it harder for us to buy and sell wares. I feel that this reform comes from the dreaded "pompousness and pride" that Jess mentioned. Perhaps... we should slow it down. That is all..."

    * He leans back against a house and pulls out his little wooden pipe, watching Beladin.

  10. ((((Touche. I will surround this OOC in DOUBLE DOUBLE brackets just to please you. Now, to business....))

    Walking along on his daily jog and smoking his little clay pipe, Ranley notices a paper flapping in the wind. Seeing the "Kirvel Crest" his brows furrow, and he looks closer, reading it. After a minute, a little smirk appears on his face.

    "Heh heh...that little upstart." He puffs at his pipe again, "Overstepped yerself, ya have, Beladin. If ya think I'm gonna pay any tax in your name, yer a fool. I'll be talking to Vlad about this..."

  11. ((The Warhawkes are a native-American like culture, read up on their lore.

    http://www.lordofthe...1-the-warhawke/ ))

    Though I understand your concern (And it has been said before as well) I must assure you, friend Kynareth, that the Thunderheart are VERY different from the Warhawke.

    I apologise that I do not have any concrete details for you yet, as I am collaborating with Hamin, and the intricacies are being ironed out right now. Once the lore is up, I strongly recommend that you read it!

    PS: I am insulted that you think me ignorant of the Warhawke :P

    The lore Kynareth linked to is great. Read if you are interested in the Warhawke.

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