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Posts posted by Fid

  1. *Ranley plasters a response* I have many, many glass blocks, which I could sell to you for 5 minas per. Bottles go for 15 minas per. If you feel that this price is too low or too high, tell me. We could meet at the Sanctuary Docks. ((GreatSmirnovius)) Signed, Ranley Brewbottle

  2. Signed ((MC Name: GreatSmirnovius)) RidesWithWind

    I would just like to point out that, like Gunjar said, the decision for the charter HAS BEEN RP'ed! While I understand the worry about ghost towns, the conflict between Vladivoj and Gunjar was Rp'ed, and Gunjar was defeated by popular vote. Now, he has decided to leave Varivik for political reasons and start a refuge outside its bounds. Varivik will not be a ghost town, as it is still inhabited by plenty of its denizens. Renshaviik will not be a ghost town because it has several people (Like me) that can afford to be online often.

  3. It definitely could be interesting, especially the architecture. Just kind of wondering where you would have them be geographically. Not sure if I'd make a character for them, but maybe.

    ((The Thunderheart are people of the plains, so really any plains biome would work. Preferably, the land would be a huge, empty prairie with herds of wild animals to hunt. This can be decided after the lore is (hopefully) approved and I get a village charter))

  4. ((As a lover of Native American culture, I have often wondered about the complete lack of American Indian - like RP in Asulon. Therefore I have decided to found one, and will get to writing their lore very soon (Watch the Ideas and Lore section) I would just like to know if this would interest anyone (ie Would you play as one). The tribe is similar in culture to the Northern Plains Indians like the Lakota, but will most likely just be a hodgepodge of many different Native-American cultures.))

  5. * wiping his brow with a large yellow handkerchief, Ranley picks up the box and carries it to his brewery. After several minutes, he comes out and stands on the steps.*

    "Attention, people of Varivik! The votes have been counted. With a grand total of three votes is former Warchief, Gunjar, and with nine votes and the victory is Chieftan Kirvel."

    * He looks around shrewedly*

    "I hope that the loser will take the news of his loss peacefully, and depart as was stated in the terms. Thank you."

  6. Faldo listens to the proposals, standing over and observing the map like some seasoned war general.

    Cor blimey! Tha's a lot o' lumber to chop!

    ((Looks good, but possibly a bit too large, and I'm still worried about spreading the RP too thinly. For me, the RP is not in how many blocks you have or the size of your kingdom or what have you, it's meant to be centralised or people will get bored and go some place else. As of now, walking through the village ensures you'll most likely bump into a fellow to have a chat with, I don't like the idea of not seeing anyone and then having to trek over to the other town to see if anyone's there either))

    ((I personally like Mr.Took's first idea, with the two small villages. While the trek will probably not be too long, we could have a ferry go there or some such (As Reggie and I discussed) Also, the fact that there are no available homes drives away many many people, so overall I think this will be an improvement to RP.))

  7. ((Well I understand it differently. As I am to understand it, Varivik have the advantage in regards to men anyway. ANd unfortunately today is my mum's birthday and we're going out to celebrate tonight so thats not possible. ANd thursday is the last night I have on lotc for a while due to my surgery. Trust me, I HONESTLY think you'll be fine.))

    ((The Ulfgars may have one or two allies. As in like a man here or there, but Valgard himself wont be calling upon friendly armies. Its a pride thing.))

    *An Ulfgar emissary grabs the note and rushes over to Valgard, handing the letter over to him.*

    *Valgard quickly reads the note and crumples it up and throws it behind him*

    "Who do these people think we are? We are Ulfgars. Not some weak men in need of aid. Next time brother, dont bother giving me letters like that one. Destroy them."

    ((Considering that by my counts we will have about 3 men... I dont think so. But we'll see.

  8. Throughout the day, Faldo was happily paddling up and down the stream, content with his life, until Tibb Fairfield decided to ruin everyone's day. It was quickly decided among the people gathered at The Vale to muster an armada of rafts and paddle boats in order to thwart the villainous fiend. Numerous small paintings have been created detailing the event.


    The Armada musters!


    Someone's having some difficulty with their boat...


    Tibb is spotted! Lighting the river ablaze with a craft ale trap!


    Unperturbed by the blaze, the Armada drive on, for victory!


    We got 'im! But he tries to commandeer a vessel! Yet the battle is won.



    An' we all 'ave a good sing-song and a dance around the Inn afterwards.

    ((Another fun event. Thank you to those who contributed to and watched this epic bout of justice))

    ((Sorry about this completely out of context question, but what is that lovely texturepack you are using?

  9. * Ranley is walking by the notice board and sees this debate. He immediately sets to writing an addition.

    While I understand the natural halfing dislike for haste and change, I also understand where Mr. Took is coming from. Only recently, I myself went through the rigors of getting accepted in the Vale. (Not complaining, its a delightful place) and am still trying to keep the Lumber Chest stocked and find Hobbs for a burrow. Fact is, though, Branborough is small, and its awkward at times. I'd like to see expansion!

    ((OOC: The Vale is a large place, and only a small amount of it is being used. Why can we not grow? Too many of our players are moving on to other places because of the house shorta... whatever it is. Thinking back to LOTR for a second, there were several towns in the Shire, connected by paths. Honestly, I have half a mind to charter a halfling village somewhere else in the world. It just seems a waste is all to have all of this space IN THE VALE empty. I love the natural feel, but not the emptiness. Please address this, people with power.

    ((OOC: Also, as an afterthought: Why is there only one builder? Reggie Took was "apprenticed" but never taught? I am all for control of the houses going up, of course, but why is only one person building? It just seems odd to me. Also, in response to Benny's lamenting the lack of drinking buddies, I personally know one or two halflings that have been discouraged in their wait and decided to leave to find an easier place to settle.

  10. * Ranley is walking by the notice board and sees this debate. He immediately sets to writing an addition.

    While I understand the natural halfing dislike for haste and change, I also understand where Mr. Took is coming from. Only recently, I myself went through the rigors of getting accepted in the Vale. (Not complaining, its a delightful place) and am still trying to keep the Lumber Chest stocked and find Hobbs for a burrow. Fact is, though, Branborough is small, and its awkward at times. I'd like to see expansion!

    ((OOC: The Vale is a large place, and only a small amount of it is being used. Why can we not grow? Too many of our players are moving on to other places because of the house shorta... whatever it is. Thinking back to LOTR for a second, there were several towns in the Shire, connected by paths. Honestly, I have half a mind to charter a halfling village somewhere else in the world. It just seems a waste is all to have all of this space IN THE VALE empty. I love the natural feel, but not the emptiness. Please address this, people with power.

  11. Ranley notices sign as he walks about the Vale. "well, I been lookin fer a home since Varevik... And might as well settle in as beautiful a place as this!" He quickly writes his name down,looks about, and then walks off.

    (( I need perms and if possible a burrow MC name GreatSmirnovius))

  12. A note is pinned to the Blacksmith's door.

    "hello! I am Ranley, you may remember me from our meeting. (Sheriff Lobo and Elder Tibb and Ms Littleknight were there too!) I do a bit of traveling, and have some Iron ore from the mine in Varevik. While iron is precious of late, I'd like to donate it t' the city of Branborough. ((14 ore)) give me a holler if you see me round town, you need it more than I.

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