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Posts posted by Galendar

  1. Out of everyone I've ever met on the internet, Cruz is my closest and most cherished friend. I know he is capable of holding this position and is more than capable, however, that draws me to my next point. I don't want to see him get roped into this GM role again and have him slaving away at modreqs. I support, but with a frown. +!




    Name ((OOC Name)): Jonathan Jrent of Johannesburg

    Surname/House: Jrent/Horen

    Date of Birth ((Example: 11th of Sun’s Smile, 1520)): 1st of Sun's Smile, 1551

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Citizenship Class (A or B): B


    Physical Description



    Weight: 200 lbs.

    Eye Color: Grey

    Hair Color: Brown-Ginger

    Skin Color/Shade: White

    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: N/A


    Personal Information


    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): N/A

    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown): Johannesburg

    Profession/Occupation: Whatever the Emperor asks of me.

    Have you paid your processing fee (CLASS A CITIZENS ONLY!): N/A




    Oath(s) of Loyalty


    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):


    "I, Jonathan of Johannesburg, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  3. The wind was brisk over the course of the wintery months, little stirred about the realm occupied by the races. This was the usual, winter was a harsh time and sacrifices had to be made and it resulted in little activity on the roads, but today was different. Very different.


    A small creature, simple in nature but wise in mind, hobbled down the road covered by his heavy cloak. As he moved towards the capital cities of different races, he would rear his ugly head, a soft smile crossing his face.



    [img] http://imgur.com/o39oki5  [/img]



    Behind him, a large carriage drifted about, astrewn with wares. He would offer a quick bob of his head before speaking,

    "Yhew bai, yahz?"


    these forums suck.

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF4RCOcz9ow

    Markus plunged his war hammer down into the skull of the last dwed that dared to challenge him, leaving the field about him scattered with the dead. With a solemn nod he followed the rest of the soldiers home from war, his squires taking up the plate he had gained as war trophies. As they teetered into the capital of Felsen after several days of travel, Markus set to repairing all he had gained from this leg of the campaign. He had high hopes, in truth, but came from humble beginnings in a far distant realm known as Brolimund. Orenian politics made little sense to him, and due to that he had no choice but to do what he did best, fight. As the sun rose the next day, Markus was awoken by a hard knocking on the door, his close friend, Ser Roke stood nearby, offering a quick statement to which Markus bobbed his head, following eagerly. As he entered the office, the door shut behind him and the men within began to chat. Suddenly, there were no other words, just steel."For zhe Order". His body contorted and shook tremendously as the dirks and swords pierced into his unarmored body, rendering him dead.


    "Why? What have I done? Why have these men I fought alongside betrayed me?"

    he thought as he drifted into the darkness of death.


    His body was heavy, though it did not phase his craven murderers. The four of them carried his body off for the balcony of the palace, throwing him off into the gardens below. Shortly following, his body was carted off and thrown into the sewers, only later being found by a young boy due to its horrendous stench. The only thing that traced Markus Aveere back to his identity was the tabbard he wore with pride, it bearing the dragon of House Horen.

    Markus Aveere, Knight Captain of the Crownlands, Holder of the coveted Imperial Merit Award and sole emperorsguard to Emperor John Horen, first of his name; was dead, murdered in cold blood by the craven men he surrounded himself with.



    I guess this was an interesting death, I can't really go on further into detail without ruining the surprise, but hey who cares anyway. Not sure if I'll stay or quit, I was excited about this character and losing him was kinda upsetting. Anyways, good rp I guess.

  5.            Markus would be unassuming as he traversed the halls of the palace, only recently receiving a summons from a guard, something he thought little of. Before long, he had noticed the crowd of people near where the young man's body lay, his head shaking as he'd draw nearer, "What happened?" he would ask. After pressing through the crowd, an unimaginable pain swept through him. The young Uilleam lay at the center in a pool of blood, a hole straight through his throat. This was too much to bear, it sent Markus into hysterics as he fell to his knees, going to take the young boy he'd raised for the past eight years into his arms, letting out a horrific roar of pain and anger. As he let go of the still warm body, Markus drifted off towards the gardens, hiding himself under the shade of one of the willows.

    "I cannot fail Callum."

  6. MC Name:

    o_Galendar_o, Galendar_Aveere

    IC Name:

    Phraasner, Harbinger of Death

    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]:

    Human, Subudai

    Transformed Form:


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]:


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    He was abducted from his Subudai hoard in his prime at the age of thirty, being transformed into Phraasner, Harbinger of Death. His time was spent aside the pure form of the Harbinger of Conquest, co-leading the attacks on the races during the late Anthos and Late Fringe periods. It wouldn't be until the death of Setherien that Phraasner would have faded away and disappeared, having last been seen on record at the Battle of the Red Realm. It is suspected that after the mortals fled, Phraasner took the form of a nameless soldier and merged with the races as they fled from Setherien's wrath.

    After Setherien's death at the hands of the Golden Lance, Phraasner joined up with a few orcish shamans who he had convinced and corrupted into believing he was more powerful than he truthfully was. These group of dark shamans would then go onto corrupt the Orcish clan of Azog into fighting against the Uzg. It would not be long before the Azogs were able to shake the spells and send Phraasner fleeing into the deep forests of Athera so as to seek refuge as he waited to regain contact with his forlorn kin.

    It would be after many years that Phraasner received word from Khrell'os that the Harbingers still existed and that he was needed once more in their new quest, a search for a new rumored drakaar. Without hesitation, the being would do as asked by his kin and now would be merging in with the remaining harbinger hive.

  7. Minecraft name:

    o_Galendar_o, Galendar_Aveere


    Skype ID:






    Have you had any bans or strikes? If yes give a link:

    Yes, there were a few for hacking which was proven false. Aside from that, there's no other bans on my record with reports. 


    Why do you want to be both a builder and an actor for the ET?

    I was an actor before, I did a lot of work on the ET the past two times I was here and believe I am up to the challenge of moving forward into both acting and building.


    What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible):

    I don't have any 'treasured builds' per say, I just do what I need to and go on. I guess I enjoyed helping with the New Felsen that's coming up.


    Do you hold any other staff positions?



    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?

    Ser Markus Aveere, and no, I am not.


    Pick three of the following building styles, and show us a build, of yours, that corresponds to each choice.(terraforming, organic, medieval, high fantasy, underground)

    Terraforming, Organic, Medieval (Underground as well, but I'm just going to show off the other three)



    I cant find any of my screenshots of the build itself, but I did the elven forests for Athera with help from a few others. 








    Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build?

    I can work both independently and with someone. The style I employ is used by a few ET and I could easily mesh with their style. If working alone, though, I can handle all aspects of said build, yes.


    Create two distinct RP scenarios/events that are based on the lore of LOTC, and that you would organize. 1) For a group of 5-10 2) For a group of 20+

    1.) Bump in the Night

    All about Felsen, there are reports of thievery, hold ups, and murders within the back alleyways. The city guard would find it difficult tracking down motives of these men until one is caught attempting to flee a murder recently committed. The guard would capture said man and continue with interrogations, finding the location of the much desired thieves' den. It would be up to the players from there on to see how things are handled. Should all the thieves be killed, there will be much loot left behind to be returned to those robbed or be kept by the guard.  


    2.)The Tale of Phraasner

    Few Harbingers from the old times of Anthos remained, one exception of this was Phraasner, Harbinger of Death. His sickly form survived a meager life within a small cave near the dwarven ports. His lair was hidden behind a great, hidden door. Players would begin to see this being attempting to abduct and kill travelers who stray too far from the path. As they'd finally catch onto him, the players would have to break into his lair and kill hordes of mobs before finally facing Phraasner. The being would be clad in runic plate with a powerful great sword, comparable to that of the greatest smith's in the realm. What men were left from the onslaught of mobs would continue to learn the backstory of this harbinger, how he survived as long as he did, and then receive whatever loot he still horded from Anthos. 


    How long does it take for you to complete a build?

    Depending on the size of the build, I can complete it in a few hours to a couple weeks. 

    Tell us how you plan on constructing a large build, a medium build, and a small build.

    Large: I begin by searching for concept art. This assists with ideas that I may not come up with, leaving less room for me to improvise. After that, I will mix and match what I see with what I can imagine.


    Medium: Concept art. I'll build with that in mind and make sure there's plenty of eye candy to make the build feel larger/smaller than it really is.


    Small: Concept art. Design out the build with a real life drawing or map it out with wool. During the build, being that it's so small, it is very important that block placement isn't taken for granted due to the limited space. 


    Additional details (Do you know how to Voxel? World Edit? Craftbook? Etc...):

    I'm fairly knowledgeable in each, less so in the last. 


    How long do you plan to stay in the ET?

    Until I'm tired of it, probably around a year. 


    Tell me a trick about building (eg: floating torches, custom heads)

    Ender portals and fire give of particle effects that can be hidden under the ground, these particles float upwards through the blocks and make the area look spooky. 


    Tell me what you want from the ET.

    A group of guys and gals who want to come together and work to entertain other players while being entertained themselves, that's it. 

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