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Posts posted by Galendar

  1. d4b51ecd96203acf818e194cace79f1a-d2o0p78


    The sun began to set over the Kingdom of Oren, Ostromir Vladov sat within his keep along with his close knights. They feasted and talked the night away, little was expected until the siege of the High Elven Capital and so they enjoyed themselves while they could. That was, until the letter came.




    I send this is hopes that you may be willing to do one more job for me, if you are willing. I am in desperate need of you to capture and return a high elven scout who with holds much information of our stashes about Athera. Should this fall into the wrong hands, it could reflect poorly upon the House for losing so much steel and fine weaponry.


    If you accept this job, I send with you Ser Valois and what few men can be spared. I pray you accept this, Ostromir.


    -Duke Franz Vladovic I, Your Uncle and Liege."


    The great bear tilted his head in acknowledgement of his orders, rising from his great chair as he would bellow out a command to his men, "READY YOURSELVES, WE HAVE ANOTHER JOB TO DO. THIS ONE WILL BE MUCH LONGER."


    No man disobeyed him. All forty of his closest banner men rallied each other and took to horseback, riding south once more to do their duty to the realm. The Black Bear was gone, for how long, none would know.




    Needed a cliff hanger for my character while I serve out whatever hiatus I chose to take. Whether I return or not is yet to be determined by myself, but at least if I do this I have a bit more RP to come back with.


    Take care guys, I'll be around here and there. If I return, expect it to be sometime this summer.



  2. I'm not going into detail about what happened or why I'm quitting. Those who know, know. I'm leaving for now, whether it's permanent or temporary I don't know and presently don't care.


    I wish the best for you all and maybe I'll see you later. 

  3. That's not the situation I am basing this off of, moreso the constant aggressive statuses and status posts made when you were banned, along with, as I said, the blatant abuse of permissions as ET.

    I don't recall any aggressive statuses or posts being made while banned aside from disagreeing with my ban. Perhaps my banter was not well received but neither were my attempts to discuss it. As well, to be completely honest, I didn't realize flying around without vanish was so horrific at the time or now.


    I digress, this is hardly the place to argue about it.

  4. I agree it's a bit early but I feel I'd be able to prove myself nevertheless.




    Just because I was mad at you one night for not agreeing with me, doesn't mean I'm rude to staff. I feel I've always been friendly and thoughtful of the staff since I've ever been on this server. Sorry we had a bad run in.

  5. Real Name

    Ingame Name

    RP Name
    Ostromir 'The Black Bear' Vladovic

    Time Zone
    GMT -5, Est Coast

    How Long will you be online per week.
    I'm almost constantly on the forums on even days (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.) due to my schedule. But I say I could spend around 8 to 12 hours on the forums each day.

    I will be honest and say I have never had any experience as moderator on any front as it has never appealed to me until now. I am hoping I can prove to myself and the community that I am capable and willing to do this job right.

    Previous Forums

    Why I should be a FM
    I believe I should be an FM because I am a very diligent person, driving me to do my work in the most efficient way possible. I am willing to set aside my grudges towards other players and groups so I can do this job correctly and help better the server on the forums side.

    Other Info

    I understand my past on teams isn't as colorful and happy as others, but if I were to, for some reason, goof up ever again I would be happy to never apply to a staff position again. I'm willing this time, I have the drive to learn and work hard at this so I can have a future in possible moderation. If I don't find that this job is of my liking, I will have learned that indeed, moderation isn't for me.


    I would also like to add that I have come back to this server with a different head on me in regards to players, staff teams, and the server itself. I am willing to prove it, thus the app.

  6. *A small box would arrive at the keep, addressed to Lorina Carrion... inside.....*


    A small note is pinned to the top of said skull,

    "Christopher Blackwell, Knight of Renatus and betrayer of all humanity. His... remaining... bones are yours to do with as you please. The judgement was passed and it would seem... he did not take the punishment well. Do take care,


    ~The Black Bear"

  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5MWCnKeH2s


    Upon hearing of a Varodyr about the lands of the descendants once more, Charles Valois would don his armor. His gaze would turn to Angren before it lowered to his sword and shield. With a single knight, the young knight marched north to face his King and brother, Maric.


    "I'm coming home, Maric."

    he would say calmly, his shoulders and head held high.

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