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Posts posted by Jakesimonson

  1. The Akovian Opinion

    4th of Sun’s smile, 1611


    “Courlanda Delanda Est” has become the new battle cry of House Ruthern. House Ruthern the great House who refused to pay 7,000 minas whose honor would not allow it. Where was this honor when the House Ruthern stabbed their King, Marius Barbanov in the back as they saw the war turn out of their favor? Where was this honor when they slaughtered the entirety of the Roswell family? Where was this honor when drew their weapons in the throne room of the King Joseph Alexander Staunton, a man who they swore their loyalty to?


    This House Ruthern is not honorable, they are nothing more than the mere rat. They will do anything for their own survival. They will do anything to fill their stomachs for another day. This House Ruthern holds no moral standard, their conscience remains silent as they commit heinous crimes with no remorse. These men are not noble, they are not trustworthy. They deserve nothing more than to be six feet under the ground.


    As their plans to expand their power fail, they attempt to lie. House Ruthern refuses to accept the adequate punishment presented to them. The lies spit from the mouths of the elders of the House seem as if the Lord Joren has penned them himself. These elders of Ruthern hold no intelligence, no loyalty. The only thing has kept them alive for this long is their rat like nature.


    It pains me to condemn this young Lord Joren Ruthern, who has been groomed and manipulated by his uncles. It pains me this young Lord must lose his future, as his uncles poison his young mind. House Ruthern was once a honorable house, back when the Rutherns ruled over the island nation of Valence in Anthos, however these days are long past.


    House Ruthern speak as if they won their rebellion, a lie far from the truth. House Ruthern will be crushed, yet I pray that they see the foolish of their actions. I pray that no more blood shall be spilt in the North. I pray for them to see the light.




    HIS GRACE, Franz-Josef Kovachev, Grand Duke of Akovia, Duke of Carnatia, Count of Kovachgrad, Karovia, Istria, Vsevograd, Baron of Vsenk, Godansk, Laval, Warden of the North




  2. A letter is sent to Metterden, sealed with the sigil of House Kovachev


    To the Count Joren Ruthern


    Your recent actions in the County of Istria are a cause for concern and will not slip by without action. The removal and execution of Edward Roswell without due trial can only be described as barbaric and will not go without consequence. You have undermined my authority in the North and in the Arch-Duchy, which will not be tolerated. You will hand over the County of Istria to I, the rightful heir to the lands as the rest of Edward Roswell's line lie in the ground.  If you fail to comply, then I will have no other choice then to call my banners and forcefully take back what belongs to the Arch-Duchy of Akovia. Enough blood has been spilled in the North in these recent years, Lord Ruthern. You have two Elven days.



    Franz Josef Kovachev, Archduke of Akovia, Count of Karovia, Vsevograd, Istria,

               Baron of Vsenk, Godansk, Laval, Warden of the North

  3. A missive is delivered to the nobles of the Kingdom of Courland.


    Friends & Brothers,


    I write this to herald the return of my house, and to expel the infidelities fed to you all for the last century. The Kovachev line has long been false, a name stolen by Emperor John Frederick to control the Raev throughout his rule. Through his tenure, he gave the name to an unknown peasant, dubbing him Jan son of Varon in order to add whatever credibility he could to those would heed his manipulations. He had fooled some, but as in my travels, long since the death of my grandfather and father, I have heard of the idiocy of the reigning false Lord - I had long since planned my return to challenge those that would spit on the Kovachev name.


    The only true son of Varon Kovachev was Andrei II, my father. Any who contend this have no right, for they know nothing of my tribe and the scions of my line. There is no legitimacy behind this peasant Jan, and whatever offspring he shot from his arse. Since the sudden appearance of this fake Kovac, his Carnation sons have existed in the velvet pocket of the Emperor, tribute to the fact that it was his purpose to keep the Raev willfully obedient underneath him. We saw the Emperor’s successor attempt a similar resolve, ‘gifting’ Krajia to the Hetman Vsevolod, however he was not as easily manipulated and rose up against the Empire.


    I call for the capture of these false men, so that they might be lawfully tried and their illegitimacy recognised. My name is my birthright, and I will not allow it to be commandeered by some peasant class that sat on the leash of a Horen. It was once a house which had gut and will, who toppled Empires and reigned over Akovia. It will once again be a House that demands respect, however we must first seek to end the fallacy of their current line, for it holds no blood higher than a serf.




    Franz Josef Kovachev, Count of Laval, Akovia & Karovia,

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