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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Doom321

  1. Players/Group Requesting: Orcs and Clan Laklul


    What kind of Event are you looking for?: Laklul, the lesser spirit of swamps ascension into being an independent spirit free to rule the swamps and bogs how he wants, breaking apart from Freygoth and becoming his own entity without being under the boot of another spirit. Nothing will change powerwise, no real great end game goal, just a swamp spirit becoming his own master ?


    Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: Free to discuss times, but would like it to be within the next few months


    Organizer's Discord: errent#2236

  2. bayard-wu-key-frame-b-07.jpg?1533457625


    Bogrum’Lak, after being given Rex, climbed up the Rex’s castle, up the stoney cold steps and into the warm, dim lit throne room, there he sits down in content and comfort, he sits there for a few hours before pulling out his journal, flipping open the crude leather book and onto the rough linen pages, he recalls fond memories of times past, his mentor and guide as an orc, Shreck’Lak, who helped him when he was a young tusked orc, the memories of training and being the right hand man, along side his brother, Elder Tawdnug’Lak.

    With Shreck’Lak and Elder Tawdnug’Lak, Bogrum’Lak would find endless fun and enjoyment in being apart of the Clan Lak, always happy to wake up and journey, fight and talk with his brothers, everyday was a day for Laklul and Krug in the old orcs eyes, as they grew slightly misty as he recalls Tawdnug’s death, flipping the page to spare him the trouble memories of his slain brother, coming across the great Grubgoth Wud

    The Greatest Grubgoth, and the closest friend, Bogrum would fill the hole Tawdnug left with the endless entertainment of Wud, the simple, brutish Olog who would serve nothing but delicious grub and fill the bellies of all Uruks was one of Bogrum’s closest friends, if not the only friend outside of Lak Bogrum trusted his entire life to. Wud was someone he trusted dearly and would always be glad to see him no matter what, as he was the greatest Olog to have ever lived.

    Pain gripped Bogrum’s heart as he recalled the old memories, flipping the page and coming across another newer orc, that of the bald orc Tajo. He was at first unimpressed by Tajo but after numerous time spent together, Bogrum grew to respect and eventually become friends with Tajo, admiring his skill and actions, he was always happy to go on hunts and kill people brutally with Tajo’s savage skill at his side, Bogrum remembered those times .

    But as the old orc flipped through his journal, he looked around in his throne room.


    He looked to his left, expecting to see the shambling obease figure of Grubgoth Wud, giving him fresh meat and saying some wise proverb like “Eat Halfing.” But he wasn’t there, and as Bogrum would look to his left for the old Laklul members who he stood side by side with, through the destruction of the Dark Shamans and Ugluk, through wars and uprisings. Expecting to see the Valiant Elder Tawdnug’Lak, Swampgoth Shreck’Lak and his newest friend, Tajo the bald elf.

    He saw no-one.

    Bogrum looked down at his scars, and at his journal. closing his eyes and snapping the journal shut, wrapping it in the sinew string of an animal. he placed it in the burning brazier next to him, the wisps of memories crackling and burning under the flame, he sat back down on the cold throne, in his empty hall and closed his eyes, clenching his fists as a tear dropped from his face.

    Bogrum was alone.

  3. 3 hours ago, Sporadic said:

    A: Among other things, it’s because in Minecraft chat is async and commands are sync. Sync execution is done on the main thread which is where 99% of all work is done because Minecraft is not at all multithreaded so it runs the risk of clogging up at times.

     Starting a message with ‘/’ triggers minecraft to handle your message as a command instead of chat and pass it to us as such. But in doing so it competes with resources with everything else, such as ticking your horses or handling chunk updates or clicks. By relaying chat channels to # we sidestep sync execution and are able to keep chat flowing during server hangs and reduce lag

    Hey nerd speak english

  4. Name of the creature:


    (Optional) Link to a picture of the creature + name of the artist:


    Is this creature tamable and if so, how:


    Gorgers will approach anyone who isn't apart of their species as threats or food. The process of taming is extremely difficult due to their anti-social and extremely aggressive behavior, mostly Orcs are capable of doing this due to their strength and bodies capable of showing a Gorger that they are the alpha of them, which makes the Gorger respect and trust the Orc who broke them in due to having the feeling of protection underneath a powerful creature.


    Can you use this in combat:



    Habitats - Check all that apply:



    Summary of the creature:


    A bipedal creature, lizard-like creature, with leathery skin and large round scales. Mostly found in solitary, these creatures are harnessed by the strongest of animal tamers and are mostly used by the Orcs for transportation. They're a strong and dangerous creature and requires a lot of effort into taming and controlling one.


    They come in three forms, The normal Gorger and the Squig




    Characteristics of the creature:


    A lone hunter, a Gorger will always hunt alone, they will set up territories of where they know food like to gather, such as watering holes or grazing grounds and will sneak and charge at any unsuspecting animals to eat. A diet containing mostly of meat but also capable of eating berries and fruits to survive, the Gorger is a brilliant hunter in their territories.

    While mostly liking to live alone, Gorgers will have the need to reproduce as any living creature, but will only do it for the sake of expanding the strongest of their race, so before a mating season begins, Males would sharpen their large protruding tusks to fight and gouge enemy Gorgers better and will work on their attacks, they will be observed charging trees or stones to attempt and toughen up their skin in order to kill better and survive any blows.

    When the time comes for it, a Gorgers will begin to court a female through an intricate display of affection, first bringing the female a gift such as a meaty kill, or creating the most comfortable burrow for them to rest and lay in. During this process, if a male is successful without interruptions they will begin to reproduce new Gorgers, but a male can sometimes be interrupted by competing Gorgersif there is not enough female Gorgers and will have to fight to claim the right for reproduction, this is also apart of the courting as it shows the strength of the Gorgers.

    Gorgers will approach anyone who isn't apart of their species as threats, food or friends if you managed to tame them. The process of taming is extremely difficult due to their anti-social and extremely aggressive behavior, mostly Orcs are capable of doing this due to their strength and bodies capable of showing a Gorger that they are the alpha of them, which makes the Gorger respect and trust the Orc who broke them in due to having the feeling of protection underneath a powerful creature.



    (Optional) Origins of the creature:





    The Origin of the Gorger is a rare defect birth in Venators, where they developed thick skulls, teeth, and skin and since they were deemed unfit for the pack, were left alone to fend for themselves. However this defect made them extremely tough to kill as a child, and their long, thick teeth made them an extremely easy to hunt small prey. Eventually, they would grow big enough to mate and spawn the Gorger, moving away from the packs of the Venators and into isolation due to the abandonment at birth.







    A strong thick skin that covers its body from head to toe, with large angular scales that cover its back and parts of its body, lizard-like eyes and tough crude but deadly tusks that can impale, crush and kill any creature that stands in its way. The Gorger is a fearsome creature backed into a corner.

    A Squig Gorger is a gross ball of flesh with no real strengths except for deadly sharp teeth.

    The Gorger is a near deaf creature, so the sounds are near and dull, only relying on its sight and smell to help guide it to its prey and its fellow Gorger. The pounding of blunt objects make it very disoriented and will make the Gorger weak as its brain is rattled and its internal organs are spasm out of control.


    Squig, the form of a stunted Gorger, are much easier to kill due to their weaker body structure.



    Red Lines


    • The territorial creature will attack anything in its sight or smells.
      - Skin is Thick as an Orc but thin as a halfling in Squig Form

    • Sharp tusks meant to puncture and crush through flesh

    • Huge stomping feet that can be used to crush bones
      - A sharp sense of smell

    • Solitary creature

    • No sense of hearing, will not hear the stampede of horses but can smell the musk of a dirty Olog

    • Squigs are the small runts of the Gorger and usually die off quickly, they are much easier to tame and cannot be used to mount unless you are Halfling, Goblin or Dwarf.

    • Extremely Docile after being tamed, will be useless in combat unless backed into a corner




    Uncommon - A person can only find one of these IRP from someone else who has approval to have one.

  5. MC Name: Doom321

    Character's Name: Duan Jun

    Character's Age: 28


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Hou-Zi (Laobai-Zhu)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:



    The most common subrace of the Hou-Zi believed to be the descendants of the first born of the God King’s Son, Hou-Wang. They live the shortest but are the most adaptable and most flexible in their race, capable of change and to adapt themselves to what needs be in their humble, meager lives.



    Ages past in the most ancient times of the world, The Hou-Zi were simple creatures with no idea of free will, they were creatures of impulse that acted on their most basic needs to live as creatures. But one day the demon of awakening, Metzli awakened them from their primitive life, the first monkey, Hou-Shen was awakened, the dawn of the Monkey king gave a path to the Hou-Zi. Wealth, Party, Splendor, and Lavishness of their self-indulgent lives, the jade trinkets donning their bodies and their parties that celebrate their wealth and passion, With their leader Hou-Shen, the Monkey King. Hou-Shen would live up to his title, and he was revered and place upon a pillar no other Hou-Zi would reach, for he was the greatest among them. But it would all come to a close, as the great Hou-Shen disappeared from their lives, The Hou-Zi crumbled without the God King Monkey, as he disappeared never to return from their lives. The once proud empire of the Hou-Zi closing, giving way to a more humble race then the hedonistic one, with Metzli being revered to now being hated as the Doombringer of the Hou-Zi.


    In the past, the Hou-Zi would commonly praise “The Awakener”, giving praise to such a divine being that had once blessed them with sentience, the ability to think and feel gave rise to a mighty empire, and so they would praise Metzli and revere the godly Monkey King. As the times and years would past, however, when the Hou-Zi stagnation and downfall, many would come to see the false god Metzli as a Doombringer instead, the one who brought the Hou-Zi to the end of their glorious reign.

    During the time of the grand and mighty empire, where the Hou-Zi became the lords, rulers and masters of the Asul and its jungles and lands, they would engage in strife and conflict with the elves. Hou-Shen led his people across all of Axios, his might was unstoppable, his power undeniable and his people as his sword that drove the Elves back. The First Conquest had the Hou-Zi rule like lords over a majority of Axios, but the arrogance of Hou-Shen had as he tried to conquer ALL of Axios is what lead him to fall in battle against the Elves.

    The spirit is broken, and the workings of Poison, the Hou-Zi mighty empire crumbled from outside and within, and with their fall they retreated into the jungles, never hoping to ever see the light of Hou-Shen or their empires jade pillars and golden castles. The spirit was broken.

    But the return of Hou-Shen restored their hope. The three sons that had led the people were overjoyed to see their father, and with it they began the second great war. The Elves were divided and the stage was ripe for the Hou-Zi to plunder and take control over the lands once more, but as they waged war they found out quickly that the elves were stronger then expected, even their superior weapons were naught but useless against the overwhelming magics of the Elves.

    With the fall of Hou-Shens sons, the distraught father retreated, with the ultimatum of staying inside their capital and never to expand again, Hou-Shen, defeated and saddened, accepted and the Hou-Zi would be locked away in their capital. To live in the Golden age.


    In the Golden Age, the lavish lifestyle of the Hou-Zi was much more prevalent, the banquets, parties, and bragging of jade jewelry by all the noble families of the Hou-Zi were abundant in the city of Jing-Taiyun. But as the golden years began to dwindle, so did the Jade and wealth, the Families who once parties and dined together became competitive, trying to outdo each other into being the richest. The God of Poison saw this and his corruption began at a much slower rate, and with Hou-Shen, losing his sons, millennium of defeat, and witnessing the slow fall of the Hou-Zi and the crumbling structures, he stood up from the great Jade throne and walked into the jungle of Asul, never to be seen again.

    As the empire fell once more, the waring noble families realized, and with somber hearts had to leave their city, as Metzli abandoned them and Poison took away their Jade Empire, the Hou-Zi once again retreated into the forests and the beauty that once was the Hou-Zi kingdoms were nothing but rubble.

    The Hou-zi however, survived, and as they lived, hope was still there for Hou-Shen to return from the jungle, to rebuild their kingdom and defeat the elves.

    But Hou-Shen has still not returned.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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