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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Bofauk

  1. My best friend on the server is banned for 10 months. Hiebe, i'm going to miss you. ;_;

  2. So bored :I

    1. Bofauk


      lol maybe next time u shouldn't get banned.

  3. Going to start a city walkthrough travel series once we go to 3.0

  4. I like to see someone try and take your life and you cant do anyhting about it. What would you think then? Abortion will always be a terrible thing to do to any human being.

  5. All the builders were removed from the Dev server. 3.0 is coming fast ;)

  6. So you guys want a guide on crossbows? Yes/No?

    1. Bofauk


      Yes I do, so many people don't RP them right.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What three in-game commands have been used in the server to give general assistance?

  8. Good for you orcs, cause of your bitchin they nerfed the axe. Maybe now you can actually win a battle

  9. I had to say goodbye to my childhood dog today after we found her unable to eat anymore. Goodbye Zoie

    1. Bofauk


      Sorry about that losing a good dog is like losing a family member sometimes it hurts even more.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. I had to say goodbye to my childhood dog today after we found her unable to eat anymore. Goodbye Zoie

    1. Bofauk


      Sorry about that losing a good dog is like losing a family member sometimes it hurts even more.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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