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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Keldrith

  1. Hoping the AT app was good, man.

  2. Reminder: Go to CT to get healed

  3. Reminder: Go to CT to get healed

  4. Leading the Monks now, at least until Spike gets back!

  5. Signatures make me happy, thanks for re-adding them guys.

  6. No Signatures -dies-

  7. Is lag issue fixed? I'm afk.

  8. Anyone else remember the hype when this came out? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXxcqd91DZk

  9. Fun strategy game if anyone wants to play with me. Click link (Browser based) http://atwar-game.com/games/?newlink=9253917478

  10. Lovin the new change. 

  11. Monks need a new wiki guy. Anyone on wiki team down?


  12. 2012 gang where u at?

  13. Applying for mod after 7 long years of playing... Its time. 

  14. Join Haelun’or! Fight for the winning team! 

  15. Please watch my minecraft Letsplay 


  16. a78e83a3dab3a048df6da62dbe20603c.png



    I miss you babe. Never Forget. -Undead Wrath

  17. Check my page, and click on my ads. I put graphics on them and they took me hourss. Please support my products.

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