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Status Updates posted by Sentlit

  1. *sighs* I thought I'd get more people to support my Va than have already. I thought it would be veeeerrrry quick, but many of the people who rp with me most of the time aren't on. Sad day.

  2. Heh, noone seems to visit my page :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptorious
    3. Pum!
    4. Sentlit


      >.< All of a sudden random people view my page XD

  3. Cyrus Eisenheim... What do you think?

  4. :O I write almost everything that goes through my mind without thought!

  5. Magic interests me...

    1. Guest


      You interest magic...

    2. Sentlit
  6. Waiting for my application to be accepted...

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