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Posts posted by Sentlit

  1. Character name: Cyrus
    Gender: Male
    Race: High Elf
    Colors?: Black and White is just alright
    Gimmie your skin! Attach your skin (or a picture of it) here: http://gyazo.com/cd20e2326096a9cbc4d9237d1f302b76
     What should they be doing? Any details not obvious on the skin? Pets, weapons, or other items go                                                          here too: Just a Portrait like in the examples.
    Did you pay me? Say so here when I'm done with your art: Will SS when the art is complete. I promise at least 100 Minas :P
  2. ********************************disclaimer: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum


    "Let's see what loves or pursues or desires the pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it. And demoralized by the charms of pleasure is to be welcomed pain that produces no resultant pleasure. So blinded by desire that they can not foresee those who fail their duty through weakness of will, which is the..."

  3. -Snip-


    I would appreciate it if you had bullet points of these things specifically. Outlining the most important things in bullet points is a good tactic for posts like these.


    Also, how is this going to look IG? Is it player run or ET run?

  4. I don't know why people are against this. There's no harm to it. This elitism you speak of has already been killed with the freeing of magics- and since wights can be rendered asunder by an influx of magical energy or by a stroke of a hammer, I'm not sure why people would want to be a wight to be 'elite'. It stands that wights are simply there to make roleplay more interesting as well as a way to add more dark entities for paladins to purge and for the unlucky traveler to come across.

  5. This is really cool actually. I want to ask, though, what is the Aengul's RP practicality? Will ET members do this, or will players call upon it for clairvoyance? Will people do this ritual to find out information that otherwise could be metagamed? Does the aengul only share practical knowledge, like assistance with alchemical things and magic? What things does it share?


    All you need is to draw some lines and illustrate some specific ideas for the practical implementation of this aengul. Once this is done, I'd like to see this implemented.


    Also- very appropriate music choice :3

  6. Cyrus' eyebrows furrow as his eyes pore over the tome, and he mumbles to himself "My goodness, I've had a habit of using colloquialisms, and my robes are rather colourful too. I should rectify this to the best of my ability." Once finishing the text, he would set it back upon the shelf just as found, and stride from the library with an unusually straight posture, and with the written word of Lucian Sullas scrolling through his mind.

  7. Cyrus receives this message with relief and says with some amount of introspection "I am glad that we need not raise blade against the Mali'fenn to cure this deviation from our law. I pray we soon find a cure for this perversion of our blood. I suppose I shall attempt some way to cure them of their blight."

  8. Cyrus bows his head humbly as he is given the task, saying no more than "Yes ma'am." and accepting the pile of dresses. He knows not at all how to clean a dress properly, but carries on regardless. After folding the dresses neatly over his arm, he would walk into town in the waning light, met by much smirking and amused whispering. In town, Cyrus would consult a tailor who was closing up shop which would assure him the proper method of cleaning fancier fabrics. The tailor sells him a bit of soap and chuckles as Cyrus leaves with the dresses.


    Once returning to town, Cyrus would retrieve the bucket he stowed and fill it with water. Near the edge of the river where water moved, Cyrus fills the bucket and dips one of the dresses in the water. Carefully he would scrub over the dress with the soap, working out any traces of dirt carefully with his own hands with but the silver moonlight to assist him. He then rinses the dress with the water and rolls the dress over itself to press out excess water. Then, repeating the process he would clean the other two dresses and string them up to dry.


    Later in the morning, the dresses would finally come dry, and Cyrus would inspect each for any deformities or bits of dirt that were missed. It would appear that the dresses are, despite working overnight, quite clean. Just before noon, Cyrus would approach the Calith's door again. Upon opening the door, one would find a rather weary elf, whose own clothes require cleaning and with exhausted posture bearing neatly folded dresses, immaculate in appearance. Dark circles lay under Cyrus' eyes as he struggles to remain focused and attentive.


    "The task you required... is complete. What will you have me do now..?" he would say to the person at the door.

  9. Regarding Cyrenn, Cyrus exhales slowly and says "It will be possible for me to fetch you tea and some pastry, but if I enter that library within the Elven week, the 'book-keeper' will have my head..."



    At another time, Cyrus would nod to Seth curtly, replying "Understood." and then striding away to begin cleaning the Inn. He would once again borrow from his friend a broom, but now he also would carry with him an empty bucket and a rag. Cyrus fills the bucket with water and begins to wipe down the tables, seats, and counters with a damp rag and sweeping the floors. The sun again would begin to set before a rather exhausted Cyrus would be satisfied with a rather spotless inn. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he returns once more to Seth's residence for perhaps another task. He keeps the cleaning supplies nearby in the case that he needs yet again to clean a public area.

  10. After some time, Cyrus would return to Seth, simply stating "Ser, I have cleaned the steps well, but I have not any means to acquire a warded object at this time. For this, I apologize. Even so, one of the tasks that you had required is completed. Are you satisfied, or do you wish some other task of me?"



    Some other time in the day, Cyrus regards Cyrenn as he is waved off "The Scrolls of the Eastern Isles- what are they and where might I acquire them, ser?"

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