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Posts posted by Sentlit

  1. Cyrus exhales with half-frustration, regarding the Librarian "I do believe we have met in rather sour circumstances, and I hope you understand that my intentions are correct. Assessing the situation, to you it would appear as if I am perhaps some book thief, and to me, you could be nothing more than a rather angry ghost. I myself have considered the possibility that you may be the keeper of the Tahn'siol library- after listening to what you have said. It seems entirely reasonable to assume that you are not who you say you are, for I have but just met you- and you the same to me. So- either we can stand at an impasse of misunderstanding and distrust, or we can take a moment to assess the situation and decide what is in actual reality."


    Cyrus clears his throat "Now, I can see this situation ending in several ways. You can choose to trust me despite your first impression or you can verify my identity as Cyrus- one who studies all things magical and mystical- and allow me to be on my way. I would prefer not these ways, but I can simply take the books by force and return them later or spend a couple days copying the books. I will not under simple circumstance leave empty-handed without solid and strong reason."



    ((Acquiring the Wolf-companion for Ellir))

    By some incredible and convenient happenstance, Cyrus, while on his way to an Orenian market to perhaps find a domesticated wolf for sale, comes across a man minding his pet wolf who had just finished giving birth by the side of the road. The wolf itself had rather dark-grey fur, but half of the pups did not match their mother's fur color- instead being a much lighter shade. Interested by the spectacle, an amused Cyrus approaches the crouching man and states "It would appear that you are littering."


    Completely missing the joke, the man looks over his shoulder, saying "Wot?"


    "Never mind," Cyrus replies, "I should like to ask what you shall be doing with these pups."


    The man stands up saying "Well, I was hoping to raise them and train them to be fightin' dogs or huntin' dogs or both."


    Nodding slowly, Cyrus says "I'd like to buy one. Seeing as you have quite a few pups there, I trust you wouldn't be too disadvantaged."


    Grinning widely, the man replies "700 minas."


    Cyrus' eyebrows furrow at the price "700? It is but a pup, ser. I will manage 400."


    "Fine. 650. I will not go lower- or you can find yourself another huntin' dog."


    Exhaling irritably, Cyrus reluctantly hands over a portion of the few minas that he has to the man. Pointing to one of the pups with light grey, almost silvery fur, Cyrus says "I'd like that one."


    Picking it up by the scruff, the man hands the newborn wolf-pup with silvery fur to Cyrus "Make sure to give 'er proper amounts 'o milk, hear?"


    "I will ser," Cyrus says before striding back to Tahn'siol with wolf pup in hand to find the bewildered elf Ellir.

  2. Cyrus pauses for a moment, looking to The Eternal Librarian. "I see. I suppose I have never read a book outside of a library..." He then looks away, a bit embarrassed "Right, I suppose I shall require proper permission. Might you allow me to bring these books outside of the library?"
    Early the next morning, Cyrus, after having cleaned the steps leading to Tahn'siol, receives the task to pluck a few stones from their resting places under the lake. Seeing no other suitable way to retrieve the stones, Cyrus clothes himself in his older, darker garb and wades out into the lake, plunging down and bringing up a fine variety of different, smooth stones varying from dull and gray to a deep black, most of them covered in a layer of moss. After retrieving a dozen assorted stones to shore, Cyrus wraps them up in a cut of leather and presents them to Kaelthes.
    Some time in the afternoon, Cyrus would turn suddenly to a voice regarding him. Upon receiving the quest to acquire a wolf of silver hair, he makes  a mental note "Right... an illusion breaking ward and a wolf pup."
  3. As Cyrus' eyes run over the note, a look of mild displeasure comes across his face. As many do after reading something, Cyrus voices his opinion to himself "Only the weak of mind succumb to mental deterioration- and is not the study of the Arcane a science? We cannot simply ignore the more mystical and seemingly less orderly sides of our world."

  4. CyrusTahnsiol_zpsdd49dd1c.png


    Cyrus jumps just as he was to leave the library. "Ah- I'm terribly sorry- I did not see anyone present, so I thought the books were free to borrow. You see, I am fetching these books for a resident of Tahn'siol as to amend the wrongs that I have done against the Mali'thill. Pray you allow me to fulfill this task?"



    Later, Cyrus would bow his head to Kalenz and simply state "Thank you, llir."



    At another time, Cyrus would look to Seth and respond- "Let it be known that I will attempt to complete both, ser. I shall clean the steps for sure, and certainly try my best within a reasonable time to retrieve the warded object you require."


    With this, Cyrus descends the steps to Tahn'siol. He exhales slowly and simply closes his eyes, letting all excess thoughts leave from his mind. Then suddenly, in one smooth stroke, he theatrically twirls his arms over then under his right shoulder, and a rush of water appears just under his fingertips. On the upstroke, the conjured water is released, and dust and dirt fall off to the side of the first step. Inhaling, his arms would twirl the other way, another rush of water running over the second step. From the top of the steps, it would appear quite the spectacle.


    Cyrus exhales quickly and releases his concentration with a bit of sweat accumulating upon his brow. This is certainly not a way to be dealing with dirty steps...


    An hour later, Cyrus is seen humbly sweeping the steps of Tahn'siol with a broom borrowed from an old friend just as the sun is about to set. Night falls as he reaches the top step and he exhales once more, wiping the sweat from his brow.


    He mumbles to himself "Just a ward now, right?"

  5. CyrusTahnsiol_zpsdd49dd1c.png


    Cyrus replies quickly, yet softly "Yes, ma'am. It shall be so." before striding purposefully toward the Tahn'siol library. Descending the steps, he runs his hand against the stone sides of the eternal library and listening to the echo of his feet against the stony floors.


    Upon reaching the bottom, he would begin his search over the vast shelves that had recently been repaired. After several minutes of searching, Cyrus compiles a suitable collection of tomes named thusly:


    "An Introduction to Internal Architecture and Design"

    "History of the Valah" - volumes I and II

    "History of the Elder Tree"

    "Recounting the Travels of the Mali'aheral"

    and "Techniques with Paints, Oils, and Dyes"


    ((Void below due to conflict with the librarian :P))

    Properly minding the eternal librarian, Cyrus carries the stack of books back toward Yulnii's residence, and presents them to her.


    "Do you find these works suitable, or shall I search once more? Also- I should like to inquire- if you are satisfied, that you give forgiveness for the wrongs that I have committed against the (he tries his best to pronounce this) maehr'sae hinlun'eyha, or else grant me another task that I may rectify said wrongdoings."


    (666th post >.>)

  6. I differ in your idea- for they do not have the same end.


    One starts with roleplaying and ends with mc death- and maybe roleplay afterwards.


    The other starts with roleplay, has roleplay in the middle, and possibly ends with roleplay.


    The PvPing option does not create a story but for that is before the fight, and plays on the skills of the operator OOCly if done properly. It resolves conflicts relatively quickly. If not done ideally, people get killed for items or those with inferior computers instantly lose. This is not necessarily an even playing field.


    The roleplaying option creates more of a story than *he gets ran through by a sword* and plays to the skills of each character if done properly. If not done ideally, then one finds PGing and a debate-war. Unless each party is rolling for each action, this is not an even playing field.


    I encourage roll- based roleplay fighting. It's always even and adds a story element to the fighting. As Hannah Montana once said "You get the best of both worlds"

  7. It has been brought to the attention to the general public of Tahn'siol that an outsider high elf, named Cyrus, found to be of pure birth seeks to attain full purity and citizenship in the Silver City.


    As per custom, Cyrus visits the residences of each Mali'thill, listing the following crimes against his race:


    -having been of impure mind and flawed principle

    -having been apart from the Silver City

    - having desecrated appearance with undesired color


    In order to seek redemption, Cyrus would request that each citizen grant him tasks as to rid himself of his impurity and begin the life of a Mali'thill. He stands silently at the doorway, awaiting the requests of the citizens...


    ((Forum RP, please. It is much easier this way.))

  8. Why is letting the majority decide such a bad thing?



    But in all seriousness, the only reasons that I don't  PvP is because there is 1. No system yet to represent my character's abilities in combat other then RP and 2. My horrific framerate for minecraft. Seriously, I can barely fend off mobs.


    But also, I think PvP is made as restraint for people who lack the ability to maturely judge their character's abilities and actions versus another player's- and also due to the lack of a rolling system (which makes DnD exciting) that would make things easier. Rolling fights are fun, because you describe each action and roll to see if it succeeds. Makes sense to me as the main defense for PvP is that it is fair. Nothing is more fair than rolling a dice, right?


    Seriously guys, screw RP or PvP default. It's all about ROLLplay. :3

  9. Cyrus exhales slowly, letting his mind slip off once again to the Void, leaving reality behind... but suddenly is interrupted with a wave nostalgia and melancholy enveloping him. He stumbles forward, and clutches his chest with his right hand, feeling an odd emptiness there. How long had he been away from people he could trust, with whom he had been familiar?


    Ages, it seemed, he had been away from any member of his kin- yet would any recognize him as theirs? The feeling continues to linger in his chest, throbbing dully. A desire sweeps up from this melancholic feeling, a longing to be home... but where was home?


    "I must try" he resolves "to become a citizen of the Silver City." He exhales again, trying to relinquish his reality back to the Void.


    "I must go to Haelun'or."

  10. I genuinely thought that the curse was a magical sort of thing, like an unbreakable enchantment of sorts on the genetic codes of each race. I'm not sure the idea is specifically specific in the canon lore...


    But, according to LotC's lore, half-breeds get 100% of BOTH curses afflicting their lives. ie Half elf half human would suffer infertility and a short human life, Half orc half dwarf would lust for both gold and blood, etc.

  11. You (Heff) asked for solutions so I have permission to write stuff, right? :D


    I will put suggested solutions in a list:

    -people magically stop being lazy..?

    -make capitals popular by creating a reason for people to be there and not pounding out RP hubs with raids and conquest :(

    -eliminate all the trolls!

    -try to draw focus away from just being conflict or peaceful RP, but have a healthy balance of both in their own place and time... requires heavy community collaboration... campaign for it through propaganda?

    -be careful not to make cities to expansive, but keep them simple with a public square in front with bars and restaurants bordering, and make cities not so numerous... and not too far apart...

    -make people be responsible for their actions and make them suffer the consequences for bad behavior!!! >:P but then forgive them and move on. a repeat offence or two after the original punishment warrants harsher punishment with less forgiveness!

    -remove ghost towns and cities :(

    -shrink the civilized world, because it's sometimes hard to find things... and most people don't like taking long walks in the park


    Practicality and/or possibility may or may not be an issue in any, some, or all of the above listed points.

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