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Posts posted by Tayelikel

  1. In the deserts of the UGZ a half orcan girl, who appears elven aside from her bloodrage, A tan, blonde, blue and green eyed women packs her things and heads out of the city that she had lived in her entire life. Looking for the sister she had lost. As she walks, she reflects upon the events that took place.


    The screams and roars of a fight hit Elheiya (el-hey-ya)and her twin Elphaba as there infant forms sat in the hot sands of the ugz. There Father had stolen them from there crib, Now there mother was fighting for them. due to her lack of strength because of the birth. In the end, all there mother was able do was save one child...




    Elphaba the saved one, As there mother left with Elphaba in her arms, there father stood and held Elheiya, And for five years he raised her as a proper orcan child, with the mind, and thought process of the orcs. But then he had gone and brought Elphie back with him, As he was about to reunite them, he saw the elven mind in Elphie and had decided not to taint Elheiya with it. So he raised the girls, never exposing there true relationship. As time went on, Elphie had shown more and more elven thoughts and calmness, save for when bloodlust couldn't be helped. Whenever she did, Elheiya and her father would beat her until she bended to the rages will, That went on till the girls were ten.


        There father had taken them on a hunting trip, and leaving them to there own devices they separated, Elphie had been the first to find his dead body in the sands, she ran off to the temple, the trauma of everything coming to her at once, her mind walled itself and made her forget all memories until that moment. And as the amenisac Elphie made her way to the temple, her sister, found the body hours later. in a rage she screams to krug "I WILL AVENGE HIM! ELPHABA! YOU.WILL.PAY!" she hisses, grabbing her bow, and running for the orc city, where a celebration of blowing up the elven boat is happening.


    But its to late, Elphie is no where to be found, with that, Elheiya decides to stay, and train for the day she can murder the traitorous child named 'Elphaba' for, who was she to kill /her/ father! the man who had taken that miserable child in! ((keep in mind they dont know they are twins at this point)) She had no right to speak ill of him MUCH LESS KILL HIM!"


    The memories of the past quickly fade as Elheiya comes back from her thoughts, In her hand she holds a locket her father had kept burred from her, a locket containing a choral drawing of a elven woman, her father, herself, and a figure she has yet to pinpoint "she can help me. . ." she thinks to herself, not realizing the infant beside her in the drawing is Elphie.


     With the drawing in hand Elheiya takes her first steps away from the ugz, to head for malinor, Knowing the infant in the picture had not been seen in the ugz, she decides to try malinor, after all, the women in the drawing was elven. it was a long shot, but one she was going to take





    ((If you wish to play Elheiya, pm me here or IG my MC is Kizumachan ))



  2. did not know that slavery was banned XD now i do lol, but you have the story a bit off. Alhera and Elphaba faced the trials, before they could fight the scorpion there mother came, but due to her weak state, only Elphaba was saved, Alhera faced the trial and barley lived, but in the ugz, due to her looking more elven shes treated poorly, We can work around the slave thing. 

  3. Elphaba cries in pain at who she assumes to be the three tali'mali murder victims. She weeps for them despite not knowing them.


    "No matter if I did not know them, they were my brother through our father Maln" she whispers to herself, wondering what she can do. An idea comes to her, she posts posters all throughout malinor in the dead of night, with her hooded robe covering her




    "My fellow brothers and sisters, I call to you! three of our siblings have been taken before there time and for reasons im sure are unjust! I write this today because I call for us to unite! To the siblings who share the burden of two curses, the tali'mali, I call to you! let us come together as we should, and stand together to show that we are more then what our blood tells us we may be! We cannnot change the minds of some, but that DOES NOT mean we will be pushed around! I am tired of fearing for my son when he plays outside in the gardens, or for my husband when we walk into the market to gather food. Why are the talimali bothered by such things when most people never have to feel the pains of two curses. What gives them the right to talk us down! My fellow talimali, I ask you to come together, not to attack, or to try and change the minds of the arrogant egocentrics, but so that we, as talimali. Can have a chance to be together, and act together to help one another. Instead of being spread out as we are! as one we can do little, but together, we can help each other  i hope some of you agree, and I hope you will come to my calling as we try and protect yourself from theses recent murders. We must band together, not to fight the people who oppress us, but to find peace for ourselfs, for our children, for anyone who wishes to co exists AS THE FOUR BROTHERS once did. Is that not what we want? PEACE? so that we may walk about. If you desire peace, then please, stand with me, so we may finally find a chance to live how we desire to. Instead of being pushed aside"


    -A Voice Of the Talimali"

  4. Ahleria was born a twin. Her sister, Elphaba, was just like her. Both born half orc, they each took after their parents. Elphaba took after her father while Ahleria took after their mother. While both shared the same dark hair, Elphaba took her mother’s nature while Ahleria took the orcan nature. When they were eight days old, both were dragged to the trial. Just as they were about to be put in, the mother appeared, arguing with their father. She managed to get Elphaba away before the trial, but not Ahleria. Name was dragged in and put before the scorpion. The sting was enough to nearly kill the young half-orc. Unwilling to lose his second daughter, the orc took her in and had her healed. He began turning her into a servant to protect her life, never making her do more than what was too much. 
    When she turned 5 everything became worse for her. She watched as Elphaba was brought to them, and she became her father’s favorite. Ahleria became jealous and would tease Elphaba, however their father would punish her every time she did.  It all went from bad to worse over the years. After Elphaba returned from a hunting trip, she learned her father had been killed. Raised as a slave she was given to another and her hatred for Elphaba only grew from there. As her life was now in the hands of the new master
    ((OOCLY my friend wants to play this character and needs someone to  play her master, anyone interested please PM me or skype))
    ^ this is her 
  5. Elphaba smiles at Azel as she stands by him, hearing his words, she holds her son in her arms, proud.

    "My brother Mali speaks the truth, Blood is blood. It matters not that someone is /half/ As long as they live the life of a mali! Like myself, I imagine so many other Tali'Mali yearn for acceptance, We are not evil, we are not dirt, we are STRONG! We deserve the rights that the 'pure' Mali have been given. Unless a Mali has done wrong, why should they suffer the stigma given at birth. DONT WE SUFFER ENOUGH! WHEN DOES IT END! A HIGHELF MAN THREATENED ME AND MY UNBORN SON WITHOUT ANY PROVOCATION! HE TRIED FORCING ME INTO A BLOODRAGE! AND YET..../IM/ THE LESSER CITIZEN!



    This whole thing is a joke. . .a mere. . .ugly joke that just goes to show how ignorant and down right. . .vile, some people can be. I will say this though. I WILL NOT STOP THIS! I will /FIGHT/ for the rights of EVERY tali'mail alive! and for the memory of the tali'mali passed on. OH HOW MALN WOULD WEEP! if he could see how his children treat eachother. .  .


    What have we become. . .?"

  6. Troll_Powah_by_HaxOrran.jpg


    Elphaba stands at the docks and sees the post about the citizenship. Her eyes blare red in blood lust; however, she composes herself and posts a note.



       "My people! I am one of Tali'Mali blood. This new 'application' for citizenship is a pure INSULT! Who are they, the 'PURE' Mali to judge the tali for what we are worth! Who are they to say we are worth less then a pure human, orc, or dwarf. WHICH IS WHAT THEY IMPLY BY THIS! The fact WE, the tali get lesser then the 'pure' is going AGAINST what the Mali culture says! We should care for our own blood, A Mali is a Mali  I have the blood of an elf in me; and my people. I AM PROUD TO HAVE IT! The forest calls to me and I have lived as Maln's daughter for my entire life! 

        I am a daughter of Maln! proud, strong and wise! I will /FIGHT/ for my Elven brothers and sisters. I will tend to the forest, our home, and keep its culture bright. I will teach my son the words of our father! I will BE PROUD to be Elven! I will not falter in my Elven pride. I want the Elven life for my son, I want him to live with his Elven brothers and sisters happily, Not the life of a third rate citizen who has less rights then he deserves!


            I have been taunted, hurt, Even hated by some. Yet I have friends, who are pure Elven and we are together without hate, or any thoughts of blood. True. For the Tali'mali the imprint of blood runs deep, BUT, our legiceys are not made from our genes! They are made by what we do, by the company we keep, and WHO WE DECIDE TO BE BY THE CHOICES WE MAKE!


         So for the high counsel! I URGE you, I PLEAD to you to make reform! For my brothers and sisters, My ELVEN and Tali'mali brothers and sisters. PLEASE COME TOGETHER! Show everyone we are not vile! show them.  They we CAN be something different then our blood stigmatize us to be! 


        If any of my brothers or sisters need me please send a bird to me (kizumachan) and remember, Tali'Mali doesn't mean you aren't Elven, or that the Elven isn't there"



  7. So, Elphie had her son. A half orc, The question i have is how fast an orcan child matures. AKA when they should be able to walk, talk, things like that, I would assume they grow rapidly because of the trial they face at eight days old. But im not sure and i rather find out before assuming things

  8. They reach the boat without fail. Elphaba looks one last time to see if they had been followed, she watches all the people take there seats, save for Khel who is giving her away; and she looks to Daylen with a big bright loving smile 


    "Finally" she whispers to him with a sweet tone "Soon, love. we will belong to each other" a bright blush came on her just as the realization hit her full force. It was then Elphaba knew everything was perfect /he/ was perfect. Part of her felt guilty that Kugar had been hurt by her choice, but for now. She didnt Care. Daylen had her heart, she was bound to him and as the last second preparations were made she looked to him and giggled as she did when he first told her he loved her.


    "I love you my husband" she said with a bright smile as people adjusted to there seats. Soon it would be time for Daylen and Elphie  to go up to the alter, Followed by Elphie and  Khel, Elphaba wanted a mix of Xii's idea and a simple wedding idea. For Daylens sake. Elphie knew he wasnt found of big wedding ideas and she was ok with keeping it sweet, yet simple. She was happy enough to be able to call herself /his/ wife. 

  9. Elphie smiles to her group, shooting a look to Azel "Azel, don't kill him please, I happen to love him" she says with a playful smile. She turns to Daylen at his response and hugs him lovingly "you are truly the most amazing man i have ever met." she says as she starts for malinor's town square. hoping that it is empty of people who would try and stop this moment [ please...please let the square be clear...] she says, taking care to try and hide her worry

  10. Elphaba looks to Daylen, a bit worried that he seems so..passive. "Alright, if your sure your ok with it i like xii idea" she says with a big blush "Alright! i think its time we can head to the shore, and for the boat!" she says with a happy twirl. How could this day get any better


    Her mom, who she had lost, was now be her side. And would be forever. They had lost each other once it had nearly distracted them both. Never again would they suffer. They had been eachothes salvation and were close as can be.


    Khel, the father she wished she had had. he cared and taught her all she needed to know. She admired him and would do anything he asked, she owed him that much, and more for all he had done for her


    Azel The one how stood by elphie and defended her as so many others did. He defeded he with no need to, and that made elphie feel close to him


    Nienna the one highlf who never judged her, or degraded her. She was kind, and elphie enjoyed her company whenever they could spare a moment to talk


    Xii, xii was doing this favor without need to. Elphie appreated it more then words could describe


    and daylen. The love of her life and the man she would soon belong to


    They had all came, everyone, had come. all that was left was to walk out of malinor and to the docks for the wedding.


    Elphie smiled, standing close to Daylen "thank you! thank you all" she said with a smile "All of you...you all show so much kindness to me...i..i dont know how to thank you, i just hope that you all enjoy this day as much as you can!" she says happily eyeing them all "Are we all ready to start for the boat?" she asks everyone

  11. Elphie took his hand and did a spin, overjoyed by everything. Yes, life had dark times, life gave wounds and scars. Wounds can heal, and scars can be dealt with though. Daylen was her healing, theyre love made her forget all her issues. Today was the biggest day of there love, and she tried to guide him into the living room to make the last minute preparations.

    She explained all Xii had told her and she asked "What would you like to do" Although she knew he would want to keep it simple, that was fine with her. As long as she was his at the end.

  12. Elphie heard the knock on the door, and instantly all her doubt, and sadness due to the far away giggled "two halfs dont make a whole" comment went away, she ran to the door, and opened it. Seeing Daylen for the first time today. She gave a bright smile and with her hair done, and in her dress she ran up to give him a loving embrace like she had wanted to do for so long, sense she woke up that morning.

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