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Posts posted by Tayelikel

  1. Elphaba takes note of the picture and moves her right hand to her left arm, holding in in reminder of when he burned her "I'm barley able to resist, I wonder what he does to the others..." she thinks with a frown, thinking of little zyra, and evarks claims that zyra would sever him in Elphies place. "So cruel...and...people call /me/ the monster" she sighs and takes a seat under a near by tree, taking out her book and beginning to write

  2. Elphaba was unaware he had ever intended such a thing. Her life, her being, would be in a whole different direction had Khel rejected her, but she already knew that, she had thought he had abandoned her once before...It had lead to her hurting her mother, and feeling deadened until Khel explained he had never intended to abandon her. She had gotten better, back to stability. Her life had returned to good. She still had issues with Kalenz, but she knew that would never change. The only pain and fear in her life, was Evark, but even he wasnt in her list of things to worry about today. There was still so much to do. And still no signs of Daylen.

    She quickly snapped out of her thoughts and looked up to Khel "Everything working out! No issues so far" she said smiling happily, giving a small spin as she made her way to a seat "all that's left is for Daylen to arrive, then we can start planning the last minute details, the others, unless they come here, will meet us at the boat" she says when she hears a faint voice

    "two halfs dont make a whole"


    Elphie looked out the window as she heard theses words, A slight frown came on her face as she sighs

  3. Elphaba's eyes widen and a big smile decorates her face as Khel enters the room. She gets up to go hug him. Oh the history they had. She still remembered the day they met,it was so long ago yet the memory kept fresh.

    She had heard it, the bombs that had blown up the elven boat. A act and mark of a war she was to young to understand. She followed her orc breatheren blindly. Not having any other option. They had gone to the ugz to celebrate there act of destruction she had seen the rex and the maker of boats heading off alone, she thought nothing of it and wandered around a bit. until she overheard, very. interesting information. With no hesitation she started off for normandor, to warn them. Two elfs were on the path and she began pleading with them to accept her into the city, and to hear her warning. they began walking off when she screamed

    "THEY'RE MAKING A BOMB" she yelled at the men, who stopped, which the men stopped to turn there heads to. She explained the plot the orcs had which involved bombs. They took her to normandor to speak to Khel.

    All through her childhood no one listened, or respected her. She had no 'friends' per say. Khel was the first to not only 'listen' to her but also 'hear' her. He welcomed her into Normandor with open arms, he took her word and trusted her. He quickly became the father she had lost.


    he had been more then even her own father had been.

    He taught her, helped her learn what she needed to, guided her on how to deal with the hardships of her life. Never had he let her down, and never did Elphie stay to far from him. After awhile Elphie finnaly confided in Khel about her mother. He promised to help Elhphie find her lost mother and reunite them. That promise wasnt in vein. Elphaba was forever in Khels debt, even if he had asked for nothing in return, Elphaba would do anything for Khel, he had done so much for her. It was the least she could do to try and show her appreciation

    And now, eight years later, here she stood. Not the small little, confused girl he once knew. Elphaba was now a proud Mali women, on her way to starting a new chapter in her life with getting married, and with Khel right beside her, as the two had always been, giving her away to the man of her dreams. She couldnt think of anything to make it better. It was all coming together perfectly; and no matter what darkness in her life came, she would always look back to this day, the day all the people she loved, were around. Today was a celebration. Not just for Daylen and her...no..Elphaba also saw this as a Celebration of thanks for the people who love and cared for her, and something as powerful as this, would never fade from her memeory.

  4. Listens intently to all she has to say and debates on what to go for.

    "It sounds similar to what we already had in mind, just with added things. I love them all! all the ideas are wonderful, perfect for us" she smiles happily

    "I think we will do this plan, but I cant speak for the both of us, Daylen should have a say to sense he is my husband to be. maybe when he arrives we can talk more about it,but. I think I already know what I want to say" she closes her eyes and thinks hard about her words.

    "It is said that people come into our life's for a reason, along with people having scars that they carry because of the people that can come into your life. I have scars of my own; and, my life isnt easy, just like the years, it brings trouble, and bliss around every corner."

    she takes a breath before continuing

    "But I feel that this unity is what changes things. No more will we have to carry the burdens alone, no longer are we alone" she closes her eyes and thinks more

    "Love is one of the highest powers, and greatest gifts, and to be blessed with such a gift. Is truly a wonder of the word, love can heal, love can hurt, but if its true love, it will never, break" she opens her eyes "how was that?" she asked "is that to much for the speech? or just enough?" she smiles, hoping what she suggested want to over the top

  5. Elphaba turned to her mother, standing up to go hug her "so far,no one else has come yet. im sure there just getting ready" she says smiling. everything seemed to be falling into place nicely. this was a day for celebration. Elphaba looked at herself in the mirror, her hair finally brushed. she went back to sit down

    "Im still shocked, its...its hard to believe that this day actually is here, that i was lucky enough to find someone to love, and, who gifts me with his love in return, im so happy, yet, scared at the same time, this is all so new, and, exciting at the same time! I wonder if it feels like this for everyone..." she finishes, looking at the window, eagerly awaiting the guests to arrive

  6. Elphaba opened the door, still in her nightdress, but hair washed and with her running her brush through it

    "WELCOME!" she greeted happily letting her in

    "alright, now khel needs to arrive, and mother needs to wake" she walking to the living room, taking a seat on the sofa and brushing her hair, the roses and vines she plans to put in there sitting on the table

    "todays the day!" she says with a blissful tone, happily setting her brush down and smiling at xiiyah

  7. How long had it been?

    been sense she saw him, the elf with jet black hair mixed with white, looking at her in the square...

    ...two years...

    Elphaba smiled at the fond memory, from her spot on the wall she kept to her books as she usually did, either writing or reading. Reading took her fancy on this day...she still remembered the book she had in her hands when it happened, when she saw him.

    A quick look up from her book showed the people on the square below. One of them happened to be a elf lost, then looking at her. She blinked at him then smiled

    "Hello" she said with her usual cheerful voice

    "Hi there" he responded, seemingly lost

    "are you new here?" she asked "you seem....lost"

    After he nodded Elphaba laughed softly and offered to show him around. As they walked she talked of malinor, of the chapel, the shore, the different districts. All she knew, she told him. She had not noticed his looks, she didn't take note of how he saw her. Why would she? she was Tal'uruk. Ata'mali in some eyes.

    "No one will love me" she thought contently whenever relationships entered her mind. Oh how wrong she was.

    "Lets rest here" She offered a seat to him after awhile of walking. He took the seat, still giving her curious looks, At least to her they were curious. They sat, talked, laughed, smiled. The day was in a word. Perfect. Sadly, all dreams must end, and that dream was put away as the mooon rose that night. They parted ways. But not before promiseing to meet again the next day.

    "So meet here tomorrow?"

    "its a date"

    The blush came to Elphabas face as if floodgates had been open. He wantedto see her again. The idea of her making an actual Friendother then her parental figured was one of her deepest desires, now she had a chance to do just that! Maybe even make him more then just a friend...if that was possible. With that in mind she accepted with no hesitation, failing to sleep that night did not bother her, she had much more on her mind.

    The warm sun beaming on her face woke her. She quickly got herself ready, running to the mali'ker caves to see him, he had been waiting for her, after they greeted each other they spent a day on the beach, again, talking. They talked for hours. About her, about him. what they liked and disliked. Stories of what had happened in there life's, what they wanted. Oh Elphie loved talking to him.

    "Please, please...if he doesn't love me, then at least...at least i want things to continue like this" she thought to herself. Not believing someone of elf blood could ever love her. She was dead wrong however; After there lunch Daylen suggested a swim. Smiling at the thought of the fun of the cool water Elphie accepted and they spent more hours together playing in the water.

    Where daylen surprised her with a warm embrace. That night, that night and day at the beach was there beginning, and she remembered it vividly in her mind every moment she saw him. He won her heart,telling her he loved her, she felt the same, finally, someone loved her, finally, she had someone to call her own, and who she could be for, someone wanted her love, and she, theres. Quickly he added himself to her collection of drawings she had done of the people she loved.

    Things progressed like that,for two years, and one night, Daylen had asked Elphie to marry him

    "I never want to lose you, Elphie, your perfect, I love you more then anything and I want to be with you my entire life!" he hugged her tightly in her arms and kissed her as he asked her, Elphaba gasped a gasp of surprise and overwhelming joy escaped her and she agreed. She quickly went of to the people she felt closest to and told them of the news...

    Now...wedding day was here, finnally...here


    Elphaba jumped up "MARRIED! IM GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" she screamed out happily, looking at the mess her hair was, and looking down at her black nightdress "Ah, a few hours of work, and...i'll be his wife" she smiled and looked out the window "We'll be together forever, finally" she held her locket tight to her chest, along with her hand that her ring was on "I bet Daylens waking up and getting ready to...oh love, I cant wait to see you, haha, all our waiting, finnally. paying off" she said with a confident happiness "And nothingwill ruin our love, not Evark, not Kugar or the orcs, not the racist highelfs...no. You've seen all my scars and still stay with me, this day will not be ruined, i promise that, we're strong, and even stronger together" and with that she walked into the hall of her home to get her mother to help her get ready for the big day ahead, a day of celebration

  8. Elphaba walks along the streets only to be hit with a rock, she looks up "who threw that!? gha! ata'chikir!" she yells

    Raeyn walks along the path, her violin case in hand, she feels rocks fall on her and she quickly tries to use the case to sheild herself "please stop throwing rocks!" she yelps as whoever is throwing them

  9. ((Oh come on guys who are bitching, why cant we have fun rp?! this tension between the elfs and humans has brought great rp to the server, everytime i get on lotc and think about this new tension i cant help but sit at the edge of my seat, waiting and wondering how it will pan out. and this, this rp here was amazing till somepeople had to ruin it))

  10. Forgive me if this has already been talked about in a topic; however, with my new character Elphaba I am very, very new to orc roleplay. I did my research before making my character; but one thing still questions me...blood lust.

    The lore is very, very clear that orcs suffer the curse of blood lust, hence why from day one they are thrown into a world of training, combat, and are raised with behaviors most other races would object to. My question is this; what is blood lust exactly? and i don't mean the obvious answer of "A desire to kill" What I mean to ask is...

    1)What would the Character experience?

    2)Are there different 'triggers' that set the blood lust off for different orcs or is it somewhat generic?

    3)Is there a way to control it? If so, to what extent? Also, how much effort would be needed to control it?

    If I could get these questions answered I feel like I would be able to do a better job of roleplaying and open the door for more interesting roleplays to happen, so if you know the answered, please post below, or tell me if these have already been asked and answered :)

  11. Im not trying to be a bother ^^ but would Acaeles daughter Illera also have a legitimate reason for her being whitewash (I posted the story somewhere on here and never got a response)but i wanted to see if that story was actually ok, or not

  12. I also had a question about Acaeles daughter Illera. Acaele raised Illera from day one to be elven like. She knew how to handle orc bloodlust because of her time with Grom ((illeras father)) Everything was going good, Illera had her mothers mentality and her bloodlust showed during times of stress (ex: Her family being insulted, anytime she got upset, or if someone annoyed her) but she was 'well behaved' by elven standers. When illera was 10 the orcs kidnapped her and took her to the ugz to be a true orc. Illera came back after hearing her brother was near death and Acaele convinced her to stay and lived with them after finally telling illera about her dead father (she had never spoke of grom to illera until this point) So my question is

    would it be lore ok for illera to stay with Acaele? seeing as shes proved herself to be worthy of her orc blood and acaele knows how to raise her

  13. I just want to make sure that my orc character Elphaba is ok

    Her father was a orc who fell in love with her elf mother, cause her elf mother proved herself to be strong. But when it came time to have the baby her mother left to have Elphaba away from her father. Her father caught wind of this and managed to find her. He took Elphaba and raised her as a orc till the age of 5 at which time her mother killed her father in a sneak attack with a stab to his neck and back. She took Elphaba until Elphaba was 10, at which time Elphaba saw orcs who were kind to her and she wanted to be strong like them. Then she saw things that her mother had said were dishonorable (ex:slaves) and so Elphba is now torn. Wanting to be with the orcs and elfs she now is somewhere in the middle. with a hidden loyalty to the elfs

  14. My character elphaba is a whitewash, but she hides it from other orcs, her father raised her until her elf mother assassinated him and took elphaba for herself. still feeling semi close to the orcs she hides her whitewash side from them, with her desire being to be a strong orc like her father, but compassonate like her mother. She was raised in both worlds and tries to live in the middle.

  15. Elphaba walks in. Over hearing Khel "Khel, Im not sure if it matters...but...I went to the ugz, and it looks like they are making traps on the gates; And your right, the others need to be protected to! Im sorry i cant free them from the ugz, I would if I could...but..." Her sentence ends and she looks to Khel wondering if her information will help

  16. ***A note is pinned on the board at cloud temple and normandor***

    Ug...Mi am Elphaba, mi tink popo iz flat agh mi elf momo iz mizzing, Mi mizz hur agh wunt tu fynde hur, Please! Ib latz peep hur blah tu me! she am wood elf! wif brown hair agh blue eyes...agh momo...ib latz peep dis...fynde me...please...

    My friend told me to add common to this note, and he is smart, and he says i need to work on my writing too...but, My name is Elphaba, i think dad died and my mom...is missing,i miss her and want to find her, please! if you see her talk to me, she is a wood elf with brown hair and blue eyes... and mom...if you see this, find me, please! Im a 10 year old half orc half elf child, with a diamond locket my mommy gave to me.and I...I want my mommy back!

    ((if you would like to play Elphabas mom or orc father, seeing as I put him as missing, or have any questions at all please pm me either here on the forums or in game, my MC name is Kizumachan and if you wanna post in the reply's for fun go ahead lol :P))

  17. Is there a way to clear up Orc+Elf child genetics? I understand that not all orc/Elf children are gobins but I would like to know which traits are dominate, It seems somewhat unfair that all orc traits become donate; However, some traits. Such as the tusks; Would defiantly be dominate. When it comes to skin;However, would chance play a factor? Like how some black/white children turn out darker, others turn out lighter (just as an example)

  18. ((This person clearly needs the job more than my character does since Matilda actually has a job at the moment.))

    ((Lol my girl sort of has a job XD shes trying to work as a farmer in wilvanish as a farmer to pay for the house shes in but its not workin out to good lol))

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