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Posts posted by __WaterFox__

  1. Addressing some apparent lore issues:


    I think Kor is more like a gate keeper, he just keeps the dishonorable out


    Due to Apohet creating the realm for the honorable and how the lore suggests honorable souls are siphoned there first, I would imagine it would not matter if your character even knew of the spirits so long as they were honorable

  2. 12 hours ago, Chamo said:

    Orcish 'Honor' has always been equated in my mind to European Chivalry or much more so Bushido of Japan. It's less so a literal definition pulled from a dictionary website in an attempt to be blunt on the matter, but just a simple 2 word moniker that just breaks down to the way of life for Orcs. Orcs have a fairly heavily structured set of traditions and social ethics that they follow and they usually package these parts of their Culture into their every fibre of law and religion, which has always what Orcish Honor has been to me.  


    Also to note I don't see the point in calling this, it's a relatively valid term to use that may only require brief explanation as to what it is and doesn't really deflate the points being made by Divine or anyone else who dare use 'Orcish Honor' leisurely.

    I am bringing it up because a lot of people use 'orcish honor' as in being right in killing anyone who is weaker than you. Even with Bushido or European Chivalry, respect for yourself and respect for others is the basis of it and the heroes that are archetypes of honor often perform actions that almost make them seem humble. I also bring it up because I do not think that when the Wandering Wizard blessed the orcs with honor to combat their blood lust he had in mind orcish culture (Which probably took centuries after to develop into it's modern form) specifically, which Divine was trying to use to justify why it would be so hard for other races to get into the Stargush Stroh. I may have misinterpreted what Divine said, but it did seem  that he was putting orcish culture over honor.

  3. @DivineJustice, you might want to look into how many dark elves venerate ancestors before making that claim. Most of Ker'nor ,and I believe the Warhawkes, venerate ancestors. I also noticed that the term 'orcish honor' is getting thrown around a lot so I am going to toss this here: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/honor


    So unless you mean orcish sense of honor as in their cultural way of showing respect or what one looks like when they have respect I suggest you refrain from using the term 'orcish honor'

  4. 3 hours ago, DivineJustice said:


    Do not force Dark Elves into the Spirit Realm. Hellfiaz pushed his agenda which did no aid to the uruks, he did it for himself. The Dark Elves have no place in the Ancestral Plane and would have been banished by Krug, who still has the powers of Shamanism post death. Remove the Dark Elves from the Ancestral Plane if they have no honorable death to them. Suicide, death by alcohol, isn’t an honorable cause. And it would take one hell of a death for a Elf to land in Stargozh’Storh.




    Was the lore for Apohet retconned or something? I honestly thought that daemon made his own realm for the honorable to spite Aeriel


    Papers would be seen laying in the taverns and inns of all nations that were non-human


    "     Do not forget that the only way one can be a rebel is if they decide to fight against something they were a part of. Our current human friends claim they will be overthrowing an old empire so that the world could be a better place. Don't be fooled. They just didn't like their emperor. Oren will survive through them and you will know it when they start making demands of us.


           To the dwarves, you know how business is. How long will it be before our human friends start to get jealous of your land? How long will it take for them to lust after more power?


            To the orcs, were the humans you fight with now not the same humans who sought your extinction just a few years ago? Do you honestly think these humans are any different from the empire they rebelled against? You are no more a friend to the humans now than you ever have.


            To the Dominion, you've suffered terrible things. Don't let your guard down now, there are already whispers among the rebels of destroying you. Seek reconciliation with your cousins, all of you will be stronger for it.


            To the high elves, you too have suffered much from the hands of humans. A race so logical, I am sure you already know that the rebels only valued you for support. Reconcile with your cousins in the Dominion.


             To the Warhawkes, you have been a wandering people for a long time. I wish your settlement the best of luck, but make sure your alliance with your fellow elves is strong. Your value in the eyes of humans is the same as everyone else's.


             I reiterate, do not forget that these rebels were grown in Oren. Do not think this will mean peace for the rest of us, we will all be forced to choose a side in the next war the humans have and our decision will be between great suffering or uneasy security. We cannot let the humans continue the dominate the rest of the world. Refuse them the next time they start another war. And if they start a war with one of us non-humans? Join them, not the humans."






  6. Name: Neci Vincrute

    Age: 78

    Race: elf

    Do you know much about the Ancestors already?

    What you've taught me

    Which Ancestor do you favour most?


    Which sect would you prefer once your initial training is complete?

    Spirit Seer

    -                  -

    MC Name: Wanderingfriend

    Skype: you have it

  7. A group of young dark elven males would be seen passing out fliers in Dominion territory


    " As this karim passes to another, we look back and find things to change. Join us in celebration of a new year! Renew your outlook! Renew your vows! Renew yourself! Renew yourself for the ancestors!"


    ((January 3 at 7 est pm

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