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Posts posted by Jachnun

  1. OOC: I am actually really offended as I have Palestinian lineage. To take up the name of Zionism is a troublesome idea taken by children who haven't really studied history. If you can't accept that the Mogmen of the past exodus posted images of Aryan superiority, Zionist superiority would be understood as non-tolerable as well.





    OOC: Actually I am an Israeli Jew who grew up in Israel for most of my life. I am one of the few here who is publicly Israeli on this server and is proud of it. I appreciate that people take upon the word zionism to really emphasize the unity of this zionist pack, just like the unity that Zionism brings to the Jews around all over the world. עם ישראל חי!! 

  2. Frottimer, I see what you mean and it is a valid point, but why for a month? What message does that show off? It only caused backlash and chaos so far. As for Chi, I would like her to respond to the point that were previously made since they were valid. If you feel that took part in most of the descision making, you can as well. 


    I would just like to say that I am utterly ashamed in this process of elimination made by the GM team at its current state, this was a completely corrupted ordeal, with an unjustified ban with an unreasonably long ban time considering the reasoning. 

  3. I don't think effective decisionmaking is based on how many people agree with you.



    Oren has been known to house a lot of trolls and arses but if you banned him for the attitude you shouldn't have banned him for the allegations.



    Being a former FM I understand the principal behind the ban.  Setting an example to those who don't take things seriously.  But at the same time you should not have banned him for what he was being reported for.  Simply warned him to take this stuff seriously in the future.



    If he didn't do it, you shouldn't have banned him for it.  I can't definitively say for certain what he did or didn't do.  But this thread, right here, should be a medium for you to give real answers.  The staff isn't about banning people on a whim.  Charoodler makes very solid points which you do not address but glide over.



    If he was not there, why was he banned for the accusation?




    If it was because of his attitude why was it so severe and why weren't warnings given FIRST?



    Thanks for reading.

    I completely agree with you, and I would like to express my opinion on this matter in a constructive manner. Knox has only violated minor laws prior to this day (returning to spawn, etc.) Why would you ban him for such a thing, especially during this time? In my opinion bias is extremely evident, Chi. 


    Not only have you degraded your own integrity as a GM, but you caused extreme madness and backlash from the whole server, ignore the ban reports on you, I am talking about the player reports on Dwarves, Orcs, Humans, and Alrasians. 


    You have in no way contributed POSITIVELY to the community with your actions, you go gurl! 


    By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept

        when we remembered Zion.

    There on the poplars

        we hung our harps,

    for there our captors asked us for songs,

        our tormentors demanded songs of joy;

        they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

    How can we sing the songs of the Lord

        while in a foreign land?

    If I forget you, Jerusalem,

        may my right hand forget its skill.

    May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth

        if I do not remember you,

    if I do not consider Jerusalem

        my highest joy.

    Remember, Lord, what the Edomites did

        on the day Jerusalem fell.

    “Tear it down,” they cried,

        “tear it down to its foundations!”

    Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction,

        happy is the one who repays you

        according to what you have done to us.

    Happy is the one who seizes your infants

        and dashes them against the rocks.


    ((שאלוהים יברך אותנו! note: this isn't trolling lol I am Israeli Jew.))

  5. ((it was OOC that influenced the RP to begin with. Namely the whole situation. I kept silent during the whole thing regarding how I truly felt. But to go as far as to literally bar me from the only other place I can RP, was a low blow. /most/ people get a trial or a chance to redeem. Sorry, but I am allowed to feel a bit upset that not only can I no longer play zress in conclave, but now I may have to get off Dhaun too. Its a bit hard to swallow.



    edit: and what you guys dont get, is now because of false accusations and this, I cant rp Z'ress anymore without the fear of you guys hunting her down again...Sure /some/ of you got fun out of this rp, but where does that leave my friends and me?))

    ((I don't get this? What do you mean fun rp? You handed your self over, no?)) 

  6. Z'ress dies as she lived, protecting her family. Hopefully now the posters will be taken down and her name stripped from all records. Maybe. JUST MAYBE, someone was kind enough to keep her name as a good one for the sake of her family. But that would be hoping too much.



    ((So without trial, based on either Meta'd info and false rumors, Zress has died. Truly a great way to ruin roleplay for someone who's only crime was creating NEW rp for people. Sorry if its sounding sour, but it left a bad taste in my mouth when I willingly went to execution without so much as a kindness of a trial or a chance to redeem.))

    ((I apologize for that, but there is no need to influence an OOC view in to RP tbh.)) 

  7. Zress sighs seeing this. She takes it and leaves the sanctuary of the cloud temple. She knew he would go this far despite what he had confided. She would go with dignity.



    ((in other words, due to a broken promise and threat, I am going to deal with this and be done with it. Zress is NOT worth the OOC I am getting anymore. Maybe with /her/ dead you will leave me alone.))

    ((Who bugged you? Trust me none OOC harassment can come out of this. There is no need to kill your character off based on an exaggerated matter.))

  8. [i'm sorry, but if Blundermore is getting death threats, justice needs to be done swiftly and harshly. No one deserves this, especially a member who has contributed greatly to LOTC since the beginning. Whoever is sitting there behind a computer thinking it's amusing to bully another player into leaving the server, I hope you're happy. You should be ashamed of yourselves, because you are one of the many things that LOTC's become. A cesspool of flaming, trolling asshats who have nothing else better to do than to spit on the fellow player. It pisses me off greatly.


    Don't even give the excuse that "It's the internet!" especially since the majority of you failed to realize that there are human beings with feelings behind a computer, using LOTC as a medium to escape their RL problems. Blundermore has a heart problem, and if he or someone else dies due to our server's horrible behavior, we risk getting this server sued.


    What happened to the community back in Aegis/Asulon? Where did the amazing players go?]]

    ((I would like to just say, that you have gone from thanking a member of the community, to just generalizing and referring to the server in the wrong connotation. )) 

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