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Posts posted by Jachnun




    MC name: Narfmeep


    Timezone: EST


    Skype (if you do not have a Skype, it is highly recommended): I do have a skype, andyblue2001


    Do you have TS? No




    Full name: Merrick


    Age: 43


    Race: Human


    Gender: Male


    Do you live in Abresi?: Yes


    Are you a citizen of Oren?: Yes, I am.


    Accepted, report to the Abresi keep.


    Vectis returns the messenger boy with his own news,


    "My old friend Edward,


    I never meant to offend Your Grace. I was led to believe, from whom I believe was His Majesty himself, that any lord over the rank of Baron was free to decide who he could or could not appoint as his vassals. Seeing my error, Mister Forren will not be taking this rank. I had also been led to believe you had bestowed Northal to my blood, though I suppose I was in error here as well. My memory seems to be slipping these days.


    In truth, Brandon is the most capable man I have ever met. Certainly more capable than I. I confess, Your Grace, I have found myself ill suited for this office you have bestowed upon me. Finding trouble organizing my levies and taking so long for my Castle to have finished was quite harmful to the prestige of my House, which I never meant to dishonor. It is for this reason that I have dwelt in thought of resigning from my post as Duke. After some thought, I have found I yearn for a simpler life. I have raised funds from my land and can provide better than ever for my family and my newborns' future education.


    I have been to Abresi and enlisted in their guard-force, feeling much more at home at the side of their Captain, the King's bastard, than in my cold, quiet castle. Once the Oren tournament is finished, I request Your Grace demote me from the peerage entirely, so I may live an ignoble life in peace to the end of my days."


    Captain Fairheart looks at this note frowning as he is not mentioned.


    MC name: crazybird




    Skype (if you do not have a Skype, it is highly recommended): Yes


    Do you have TS?: Yes




    Full name: Stewart




    Race: Human




    Do you live in Abresi?:Yes , but do not own a home


    Are you a citizen of Oren?: Yes


    A letter is sent to Stewart "Accepted, report to the King's Watch's keep in Abresi."


    The most amount of killing should be taking place in Wars and the battlefield - not the street of a city.


    1. Get your Guards to all know their stuff.


    2. Start using language as a cultural tool - it's very powerful. Orcs have Blah, Dwarves have their secret language, Elves have...Elvish, and even the Anadunai have Anadunie. What language do Humans have? I mean, you /can/ use Google translate then PM the English translation.


    3. Flaunt your culture hardcore, there's nothing wrong with doing that. But - Flaunting does not mean violent spread of it. Be proud of it, but not enough to kill a man over it.


    Trust me. The guards know their stuff. They are trained (if thats what you mean by stuff?) 

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