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Status Updates posted by AndrewTech

  1. I'm now up to three people telling me that I should PK my flagship character, Mandru. Sheesh. :/

    1. Elfen_


      Wut, why talkkk to me on skype please o.o

    2. monkeypoacher
  2. Just read the thread announcing Trench Warfare. This and the World War 1 documentary I've just watched have made me pretty darned excited...

  3. Love new maps SOOOOO much. However, it sucks when you get a "Wandering Spirit" message and have little access to commands. Full server slots also kinda ruins the hype. ;~;

  4. Question: these IPs. Anyone got a working one?

  5. This unresolved host error for some people. It still exists. PLEASE techies/GMs, could you find SOME way to fix it...?

    1. Ivran


      Use a different IP, mc.lordofthecraft.net works fine for me.

    2. Rassidic


      Use the TS Ip.

  6. Yep, that's me. :3

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