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Everything posted by Garblesnow

  1. refresh, refresh, refresh.

  2. Oh why hello again. I missed you LOTC. Sorry for neglecting you.

  3. Caelie is the nightmare of any woman: a child conceived from rape. Her mother had been the "prize" for some marauding bandit who had robbed her. She was left behind with child and despair. Now penniless, she lost her home in a matter of weeks after her robbery, unable to pay her taxes. She found herself living in a common house, full of beggars, thieves, cutthroats and other unfortunate victims of expropriation. After her nine months of barely eating anything at all, her body was too weak to handle the birth of Caelie, which happened right on her bunk in the common house. The baby came out small and scrawny, but alive. The same could not be said of the mother. Caelie grew up with the owner of the common house, a charitable female elf named Idril Eledwhen. Having helped during her birth and watching Caelie's mother die in her house, she felt responsible for the child, so she took her in as one of her own. Idril taught Caelie many basic skills in her free time, such as cooking, farming, common courtesy and things of the sorts. Years passed and life for Caelie was quite normal and even by times happy. She quickly became the new favorite chef in the common house and became somewhat famous in the little slum she was living in. She was nine years old when her life forever changed. It was raining that morning. It was very early. Caelie woke up to the sound of smashing windows and the door being kicked in. She quickly rushed down from the Idril's quarters on the top floor of the house and ran down to the main area, where she saw all the inhabitants of the house running outside in a frenzy. A pack of guards were frantically searching for someone yelling his name and other incomprehensible orders. Caelie got caught up with the residents and they were herded outside into the street under the heavy rain by some guards. The guards surrounded the small crowd as they watched other guards inside tear the place apart and eventually drag an old halfling outside. He was brought to his knees, and beside him was Idril. The commander of the guards spoke up and explained the situation with a harsh tone. He accused the old halfling of having stolen valuable trinkets from some foreign merchants and he also accused Idril of harbouring and supporting criminals. He said that it was the governor's command that they be executed for their crimes and that the rest of the residents of the house were to be brought to his dungeon. Caelie did not know what to do. She looked desperately at Idril. When they gazes crossed, Idril made a swift motion with her head, showing a distracted guard and the alley behind him. The commander of the guards was getting ready to execute Idril. Caelie crawled her way to the back of the crowd, ready to take off. As she looked back one more time to see Idril, the commander swung his sword and Idril's head came rolling off. Caelie panicked and ran off, pushing the guard out of her way and making her way down the alley and through the calm streets. Tears filled her eyes but she could still make out a column of smoke coming from where the common house was approximately. She simply kept running. She eventually reached the end of the town and found herself sprinting through the forest. She did not want to go back. She did not want to face anyone there ever again. Tired and hungry, she stopped in a clearing. She let herself fall on the ground and began sobbing loudly. It was still raining heavily. She was completely lost. Her tiring run took the best of her and she quickly fell asleep in the clearing. She woke up the next day to some hunter poking her, checking to see if she was alive. They asked her who she was and how she came to be there. Caelie told them she did not know. She said she didn't remember anything. She did not want to think about what happened the other day. She did not want anyone to know. The hunters did not pry and offered to bring her back to Abresi, where they would go sell their game. She went with them and from that point on, lived a homeless life, begging for food and money, traveling from town to town. When people asked her where she came from, Caelie told them that she simply woke up in a field one day. She told no one of her true origin. ((This paragraph is where I picked up with her life when I started playing with this character)) Two years later, she finally found herself a home. She was 11 years old when the Valiants of Auvergne took her in. Life seemed to be returning to normal now. They gave her food and shelter, and in exchange, she cooked for them. It was almost like before. She made friends with the Valiants and helped around with other various tasks. Her life continues and no one knows what is in store for her next… ((To be continued ;P))
  4. GOD DAMN skeles interrupting my roleplay

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