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Posts posted by WuHanXianShi14

  1. Artimec feels as if the weight of the world has been lifted off his shoulders.


    He has prepared speeches upon speeches, campaigns upon campaigns, petition after petition. And for it, he and his Lliran endured the weight of the corruption of the Mali. But no more.


    The Councils are gone. Hopefully never to return, and now? Now the Mali people are free to /live/. They may feel the fruits of their labour, they may enjoy the basic freedoms once taken for granted.


    Artimec could speak for hours, days. But he simply walks into the middle of Malinor's square. Saying one simple line, in a voice booming over a distance.



    "The leaving of the council is not our demise, it is our salvation. Now the Mali may rise, and we may show Anthos the true potential of our race!"

  2. Quite the generalizations you define the majority of malinor, that is, the reformers, with.

    How much power do I want? None. I want to own a home, knowing I earned it, knowing no one can seize from me on their whims. I want a livelihood worth a bloodei damn. I want leaders who LISTEN.

    Kolyat, the council, they do things their way, despite all protestations, despite the proven public opinion.

    If nothing else, we need a leader who does not ignore his people, and contrary to your beliefs, I do not believe it should be me.

  3. Art slowly shakes his head, walking into Darkhaven and seeing the boothes.

    "Azel, you had the right idea, but one needs more choices in these kind of votes. I won't put anything in those booths, consider my vote going to whoever has the potential to get things done, and wipe away the growing disdain the rest of Anthos has for our people."

  4. Actually, contrary to popular belief I do not start fights, I don't back down when they're started. Infact, last time someone tried to lynch me in oren I was simply looking for YOU. No trouble, no crazy criminal acts or whichever rumors people have spread about me lately...

    People see reformers like me, Ebs, Vanir, Mr. Treemail as troublemakers, disturbers of the peace. If you support the high council, although I cannot see why you would, please argue your point respectively, instead of trying to tarnish the reputation and personal history of your opponents in debate.

    This is addressed to all on the opposite side of the reform movement.

    And yes, Im kastorian now, because like so many others, I was driven away from Malinor, by the council, the sentinels, the malins. The same qualms brought up by the founders of darkhaven.

  5. Art frowns at urasept.

    "Frankly, I, along with many other citizens can testify for Ebs claims. Especially the accounts of sentinel brutality, in which I've personally expierienced many cases in which myself and many familiars of mine were made victims, even with active proof we had committed no crimes.

    Our petition, bearing the names of close to twenty citizens of malinor, was simply shut down bu Kolyat and his pet high commander. No logic, no law, he simply shut us down because he decided he didn't like people who dared to speak out against his cronies.

    So...To the one known as Urasept. I'd ask you not to deny that which most of us have expierienced first hand."

    ((Done on my phone, sorry for bad spelling and grammar and such.))

  6. Artimec quickly writes up a notice to Enyahs.

    "If you wish to meet with the Othelu. Kastoria will be the place, providing the two others agree. I'm loath to enter the northern lands as I do not trust malinor, nor the roses /lovely/ new checkpoints.

    Find the blue and gold capped towers. And don't fret over your safety, I personally will be honour bound not to attack you within the halls of my guild, and my men will stop any other assailent of guests."


  7. Artimec grins wildly, very pleased.


    "Looks like all that lobbying and petitioning and being beaten black-and-blue for having the AUDACITY to speak freely is paying off."


    He quickly takes out a lengthy parchment, and begins to carefully write something down.


    I myself, like many other citizens find this situation to be frustrating at best. Our leaders care nothing for us, they're perfectly content to ignore us! How many times have I approached our oh-so-esteemed high prince, with the wills of so many malinorian citizens on paper, only to have him deny everything, simply because he can?

    This letter speaks true, there is no opportunity in Malinor, a third of it's citizens, including the good prince, and favourite of the people, Prince Khel, have been all but driven off, Oren blocks off our roads and the high council sits comfortably in their hall, thinking if they do nothing for long enough, maybe the problems will go away.


    We are not free to speak as we will.

    We are not free to act as we will.

    We are expected to sit helpless while foreign forces encroach on us.

    We are expected to comply with the council's absurd idea of an economy.


    This is the time for change.


    Artimec quickly takes his poster to his friends, quickly getting them duplicated, now they hang in various places throughout malinor.

  8. Artimec laughs as he reads thep poster, satisfied with its words.

    "I've half a mind to muster the mageshields and maybe even the delvers to rally and burn this bridge down. But I'll wait, for now."

    Artimec nails a new message into the wall, under the first one.

    "You do not know who you've angered roses, people who when formed into an alliance could make your order look like a group of younglings swinging wooden sticks. Death, illness, and disease indeed, remove the bridge or face the consequences"

  9. Art sits atop the Delver's grand new castle in Kastoria. Smiling to himself.


    "People are leaving Malinor. They see now. They see all the corruption. Soon all of us will be forced away by the corruption within the Sentinels and the High councils, and they will be forced to step down, for what is a tyrant without their minions?"

  10. *A note is posted in front of the doorway heading to Mageshield quarters.


    "Regarding Uniforms.


    Uniforms shall be mandatory to a degree. When off duty or away on non-Delver business outside of our base, you may wear whatever you wish. However, when on duty, or in the Delver's base, you are required to don your uniforms. 

    I'd shouldn't like to force this upon the entire mageshield force, as I have seen many of you who prefer your civilians attire, but we have an appearance to keep up, so I ask this of my fighters.


    -High Mageshield Art."

  11. ((same conditions))


    Laila had been visiting her friend and sentinel when she saw the note. She sighs and nods. She writes a small note and adds it to the others.


    "I have had no issues with Lyweneth. She was the only one who got things done. It is sad to see the high council is part of the reason I had left. Not only have the sentinels failed at catching and arresting someone for attempted murder, but also judgement had been poorly placed by the so called 'judges'. I have left Malinor and the Sentinels for it was unsafe with the conditions they were in prior. If things could change for the better, not just in the sentinels, then maybe the former medic will return. Maybe. As of now, I am resting comfortably in another land, happy with my baby boy and my husband-to-be."


    She does not bother signing as she knows they will know who it is. She smiles softly as she posts the note and heads back home.

    ((That letter was left at Ocea's front porch in a sealed envelope, I don't you would have read it.))

  12. ((Im assuming they were posted in the area civilians were permitted, if I'm wrong let me know and I'll delete this.))

    Artimec quickly reads the message, managing to contain his elation. He quickly begins writings onto a piece of parchment.

    "Good prince. You speak the words many of us have been beaten black and blue for daring to utter. I fully support reform within the sentinels, and if I may, offer some corrupted names. Most notable:

    Lynweneth Vithsil. Gladewatcher. Quite possibly the source of your corruption. She has personally admitted to me as being nothing more than a common thug. Her solution to all she deems "crimes" is a savage display of violence, she does not protect citizens. She terrorizes them.

    Furthermore, she has displayed open insubordination to her superiors, namely former warden Bloodseeker, and Prince Khel.

    To the high council, I recommend her expulsion from the Sentinels.

    --High Mageshield Art."

    Artimec quickly folds up the letter and slides into an envelope, leaving it under the doorstop at Warwick Manor.

  13. Artimec sighs wearily as he collaspes another mound of sand.

    "Y'know Seyer, I could use home help. It's hard enough with the mages..."

    Artimec curses as the supports he put up show more strain.

    "I'd gladly serve the delvers, but I wasn't built for this."

  14. Artimec pins up his own opinion to the ever growing board.

    "They cannot seriously expect us to isolate our economy like this. Other lands sell things malinor does not. Things we need. Paying us in a currency restricted to our lands completely contradicts the open foreign relation policy the high council has drilled in."

    Artimec leaves his note unsigned, instead writing:

    A toiler of the work force.

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