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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Temp

  1. Random crash ftw...

  2. Did the server update or is it just down?

  3. Well, no finishing that staus report.

  4. It amuses me to no end that people miss the point of a temporary server entirely.

  5. Anyone that has recieved a msg from me recently, /msg bugged and mass sent a message. No idea why.

  6. Incoming Oppression! Everyone duck for cover!

  7. Leave the keep, people come looking for me. Return to the keep, they're running away.

  8. I didn't delete the posts on mt status btw. I was at work, so I didn't even get to see them.

  9. . . . . -Rape whistle-

  10. ANyone else getting the lag?

  11. Some things just can't be unseen... D:

  12. Is a plug-in crapping itself or something?

  13. Hardly a day and someone has MC mechaniced their way into something, shame. Just... Shame.

  14. NO! I WON'T! GOSH!

  15. There's talk about supposedly "Forcing RP onto someone," and about how it's unfair. But at the same time, is it fair to void something when it's entirely just?

  16. Hmm.. What else is to be written.. Ah.

  17. So, quick question: Dwarven Tongue for: "Cave Leech" and "Snow Giant"

  18. Have VA's been temporarily frozen, or? Haven't read the most recent news, shame to me.

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