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Posts posted by Shorsand

  1. 3 hours ago, Islamadon said:

    3. No Combat Rule Changes

    - Though technically possible, changes would need to be enforceable serverwide and approved by Moderation/Admins given that it extends beyond ST purview.  

    4. No CRP Overhaul

    - Necessitates a complete change in ruleset and the way we engage in CRP on the server.

    5. No Roll-Based Mechanics

    - Necessitates a complete change in ruleset and/or the way we engage in CRP on the server. This would also likely require different team responsibilities and plugin requirements.


    Without these three being feasible or malleable in any way, there will be no meaningful changes to the current CRP system. Whole thing needs to be broken down and built back up, especially in regards to magic and ST signed items simply due to bloat. Whatever changes that may erupt from the plate/ranged decision are only going to serve to alter a meta slightly and not meaningfully change a broken and unpleasant system. I would move to take this discussion to a higher level and see how feasible and entire combat overhaul would be instead of focusing on nearly non-issues perpetuated by an inherently flawed system that's been coasting off its patchwork roots since 2012.


    Coincidentally the only engaging and enjoyable form of CRP I have seen is @Islamadon's event system. While it is gamified, it is neutral and doesn't inherently lend a meta in any specific player direction. I think this formula needs to be extrapolated upon server-wide and eventually manifest itself into player-on-player CRP scenarios instead of being relegated to just events.


  2. A simple way to frame this is to ask the following:

    Is the server population mature and sensitive enough to craft a meaningful narrative around overcoming an extremely hot-point IRL subject? -- and, if so; do the individuals engaging in homophobic RP promote a good-faith OOC environment where mutual respect and communication occurs before, after, and during RP to ensure that a narrative is being crafted without marginalizing people?


    You may also simply ask: Does anyone who isn't heterosexual overtly desire to engage in that sort of RP? Some people might, as its a crucial aspect in a lot of fiction and is a story that deserves to be told -- but is MCRP the best place to do that when majority of the audience are individuals <18 who are still learning about the world and are more focused on chasing pixel-clout than anything else?

    The answer to these questions may surprise you! More at 11. Back to you, Tom.

  3. i cant have enough of an invested outlook to have a proper opinion on gender treatment based on the OP anecdotes. i speak from male privilege tho i do acknowledge simply because of what the core components of this community are there will likely be always more misogyny than not and we should endeavor to fix it.


    however the real issue that we need to put an end to is roleplaying as children. evil.

  4. 1UZThq9.png


    Crest of the Honing Doe Lodge and Retreat


    Fair Nobles and Those of Renown,


    I greet thee with enthusiasm.

    I am the owner and proprietor of some small property in the far North. In this space I have made my home -- a stately cabin wherein I have lived and enjoyed solace far from the business off the City and its noise.


    Here, I hunt, I fish, and chase game without worry. This is open country, where man may find himself oncemore where he belongs. I came here shortly after we arrived at this continent, growing all too tired of my service to a City and Kingdom that lay in ruin half a world away.


    The life of the city is much too stuffy for lords and ladies to partake in ever-constant. We, as a sophisticated sort, require a recurring reconnexion with what runs in our blood, what separates us from barbarism and unrefined tastes.

    Thus, I bring thee the Honing Doe Lodge -- a retreat and resort for lords, ladies, and their retinue to engage in hunting, fishing, and living in the wild outdoors as our forefathres moste delightedly put us on this earth for.



    God has lain a great bounty in the land for us, and it is a shame how little we partake in it. Great specie of deer, stag, bear, wildhog, moose, and wolf lay in these lands. Deep, pink-flesh fish swim in the iced lake. At night, the stars shine so brightly overhead your mind dizzies over with an overwhelming sense of Godliness in the twilight.  You will not go a single day without some splendor of the land, I assure you.



    For those not so inclined, I will teach you. I will teach you, your children, your aprty how to hunt, to fish, to skin, and to live off the land for your duration here. We will become immersed in nature, and when the day is done, we shall retreat to the sizable lodge to share drink and story, roasting our catch over a great hearth that our forefathres spake of in ancient tales.





    I invite you all to this for a modest price. You may bring yourself and a party of nine. You may bring your retinue, guards, or whomever else you wish to on this trip. The price is flat and fair (though I humbly request you leave your metal armors at home -- they will serve you ill purpose in the frigid cold). For two-hundred minas I will host you and your party for the span of a week.



    For booking, please respond to this at the address I have in the nearest Hamlet. Stamp it with wax and a note of promisory credit to your treasury, which I will withdraw only after your stay.


    The only things I ask are for you to leave your material possessions behind large-in-part. Swords, bows, weaponry may be brought for sake of personal security. All else, including steeds, mounts, carts, blankets, etc ought be left at home or transported away with a detachment upon arrival.

    Note!: Bookings will be assigned at my discretion, though likely in chronological order of submission.


    Holden deLain of Honing Doe





    Character Name:
    Number in Party:

    I will be hosting this at a date that we'll determine over disc. Probably on a weekend evening EST. Event will engage in what was discussed above and involve some in-depth hunting/fishing and nature activities. Hard-ish limit on 10 people (within reason).


  5. The server needs to generate a roleplay and NARRATIVE mindset first over anything else. We don't do that. Many things are gamified in a sense of winning primarily because we appeal to that type of audience. There needs to be a culture that enforces the narrative of the RP world with both wins and losses without regard to OOC input or output. We have to enforce that this is a community with a shared overarching idea of the aforementioned -- not nation versus nation in a shittalking OOC fest or sabotaging bs or being lootgoblins.

    We should all be here to contribute to an epic story ala Lord of the Rings in scope of its lore, but we are the individual actors within it. We can't all be heroes, we can't all be kings, that's okay.



    In terms of solutions, we need to take power and influence away from Nations, Nation Leaders, and Nation-based roleplay. If NLs stay, they should be encouraged to create interesting and meaningful conflict amongst their own players and among other nations. They should actively encourage intricate sabotage plots among themselves, planning assassinations of their own royalty for the sake and enjoyment of other players beneath them or in the courts; almost acting like Story Team members. I think if we achieved this and did some more tuning of how well we approach PvP and conflict-based/reward-based RP, we could really have a delightful server.


    This comes from a person who has been on since 2011.

  6. Needs to be an option to drop into the center of the map in an area that isn't CT but is semi protected like it and spokes out into major roads. Idk why we couldn't have that. I miss hubs but I don't miss a giant waste of space CT on map. Also there's some immersion breaking as to the location of the cloud temple as separate from everything else, doesn't feel a part of the world and is exclusively a videogamey teleport hub. As for the SS system, it's kinda neat but its a bit clunky, should just be able to click the pillar/have a sign to warp there instead of binding it to an SS. Seems like a needless waste of time and could be more efficient.

  7. Almaris Aevos Braevos Express CEO Fast McDeliveryman glowers as the news of a RIVAL delivery company makes their debut in the new continent.

    "They will NEVER usurp Eastfleet Express! Braevos Express is the ONLY courier service in the land -- and will be! In perpetuity!"


    The Corporate Henchmen have been dispatched.

  8. The Isle of Failor, Second Age

    Following the Great Almaris Exodus and the Scourge of the Mori






    The trend had been seen across the Isle: the setting sun, a foul wind carrying the smell of decay and rot creeping over. The groaning of twisted bodies rising from the earth and sinister pits, congeries of limb and bone. A night of terror as the risen dead seek out those living, the transgressors upon the Isle of Failor.

    Rising in tides through the night, the living dead hordes put their assail on the pockmarked smatterings of civilization -- only yielding once the dawn sun crested in the Eastern skies, alighting the foreign Isle oncemore.
    Only night would inevitably fall, again, and again.



    Was there hope of this tide ending?

    The Descendants were in the hands of a Fate most cruel.






    For in the depths of the Isle, a Vile Necromancer continued his work, raising armies of those long-cast dead from beneath the soil of the Isle -- amalgamating limbs deep within the foul lair beneath the ground.

    The Vile Necromancer had made it known -- this was HIS Isle. The Descendants were a foil upon what was once his isolation among the dead.

    He would not yield Failor easily; and gestating within the putrefied cesspools of his Lair were foul beings of Vile make.


    The Lair may yet be unknown to much of the Isle, yet there are those who had drawn the ire of the Vile Necromancer, attempting entry.

    These egregious acts only serve to strengthen his resolve; to remove the wicked threat of the living which plodded upon the Isle.


    The undead will march over the lowlands of Failor, continuing to take advantage of the disorganized and nomadic Descendants, punishing them for their unyielding folly.





    Perhaps there is hope -- some brave souls have made themselves aware, or have been made aware of this Necromancer's location. The hope lay upon them to rally their fellow man to purge this evile from the Isle -- for it was their only option. Destruction was nigh certain if they failed.


    But until they succeed -- IF they succeed -- the attacks of the undead seemed to grow more frequent, and more potent. Whenever night falls, they are liable to attack anywhere.






    OOC: PvE undead attacks will be increasing over the next few days. Those who are RPly aware of the Necromancer's lair may strike an official siege on it

    TUESDAY, 5/30 at 7:30PM EST

    The event will be capped at ~30 players. The event will be PvE with light dialogue and objectives to complete.

    Location not posted here, but there are people aware of it IRP. Feel free to share it or learn about it in roleplay if you want to participate.


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