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Mr. Etan

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Posts posted by Mr. Etan

  1. 4 hours ago, Luciloo said:


    Is this referring to any connection? Attunement is just the specific Druidic nomenclature for connection to the Aspects. Is a Paladin capable of learning Astral Sorcery? Housemages are 'connected' with their mana pool too, are they unable to learn?


    Outline exactly which magics are compatible and incompatible.


    I really appreciate your feedback I'll be sure to expand upon this section with a bit of research.


    31 minutes ago, DesiredBreakfast said:


    Within the Current Combat rules that can be found here it states that while in CRP or Roll Combat "You may only move four blocks per emote". With this rule set in place wouldn't it make more sense to limit someone's movement speed when inside the constellation field to 2 blocks/meters per emote?


    Oh hey I didn't know this I'll look into adding something for this. Thanks!

  2. On 1/16/2021 at 4:36 PM, Sorcerio said:


    A mere conjurer scoffed upon the missive, therein uttering in some obscure, though poetic versing"A tragic affront, to not practice what thoust preaches. For one not to learn, and yet still teaches. Such reckless abandon of the infinite Void, leaves all remnant truth to be destroyed. I pity thee, ill-fated scholar." 




    Sarrion watches the human be edgy in the corner lofting a brow but assumes that the human just thinks he's being cool and leaves him to his little games.


  3. 0b7c5ca800e8545cef05b2f0d03d6226.png



    You find a small publicly available booklet published by The Enchantry.


    The Lex Arcana

    is a guide written by mages, for mages - a set of duties for those practicing in the voidal arts. In this passage I provide a brief explanation of the void and the three most important duties of any Mage, regardless of race, creed and affliction.


    The Void

    is a vast canvas waiting to be painted upon by our minds to bring dreams forth to reality safely with pure mortal willpower. What it means to be attuned to the void and practice its arts is to learn how to access untapped potential that all is sourced from - to grasp knowledge of the arcane and its vast layers from the void to the veil and in the end become a guardian to protect against the unknown. 


    The Schools of Magic

    There are three Schools of Magic of the Arcane: Evocation, Alteration and Illusion. Evocation is the act of dreaming an element of choice and bringing it forth to reality. Alteration is the ability to alter reality with a dream, simply meaning, the ability to change reality with one's mind. Finally, Illusion is the concept of manipulation of the dreams of others, a trickster's magic, though in good hands it can be used for great deeds. 


    The Thee Principle Tenants


    Dealings with the Eldritch are forbidden. Those who lurk in the abyss of the void are nothing but foes of mankind and a mage must never speak or work with such sins.


    A mage must be mindful of their castings. Always consider the consequences of who and what will be affected by your spell. Remember your actions and how it will be outlooked.


    Regardless of creed or race, a mage has the sole duty as a guardian of the veil from the Eldritch of the void. We must stand to repel any attempts to consume our world. 


    To forsake these three tenants is to forsake one's true purpose as a mage regardless of their goals in the arcane pursuit.




    Written By

    Sarrion Zytiaear




  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old enough


    Character's Race:

            High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Water Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:

             Water evocation is the art of making false water from the void. Once achieves this with a connection to the void and a questionable intimate relationship with water - Even though it does act and feel like real water it only lasts for as long as its summoned but it'll get you wet at least. You must follow the guidelines on how the spells work as creativity is a sin however you can do flashy small aesthetic changes. Spells range from a simple water projectile to a ice storms at later tiers. 


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?

            Its just puddlemancy so no



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?

             Sarrion connects to void.

             Sarrion thinks real hard about water, droplets would slowly gather over his palms

             [!] Soon a small ball of water would spawn over the elfs hand.

             Sarrion would grin the grinniest grin as he sent forth a projectile of water outwards aiming to hit his foe.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?

    Sarrion and some student would be sitting at a calm lake the mage looking over at his reflection. "So in order to create false water from a dream one must simply understand water in its entirety. You must get a feel for still water.. flowing water.. its different temperatures." 


    The student looked rather board slowly running his hand through the water - he would get a feel for the liquid and how it worked when he moved his hand scooping up a bit of the water and slowly letting it drip downwards.


    Sarrion would sigh. "You must get closer to water." he uttered before shoving his student into the lake.


    Said student fell in and got soaked offering a rather upset face.


    Sarrion simply chuckled. "Study this lake and the rivers near by and learn how still and flowing water works in reality and report back with your notes in a week." He would go to walk off leaving his student in the lake.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?

             I tell them what they're doing wrong and if they continue I will get an ST involved for a formal warning. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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