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Posts posted by LPT

  1. OOC:

    1. Mc name? : Jaden568

    2. What race are you? : Human

    3. Have you ever been banned? If so what for? : Never been ban, don’t plan on it.

    4. What reason are you joining for? : My character feels she has something to prove due to her looks

    5. Did anyone direct you to joining, if so who? : No one did.

    6. ((http://i.imgur.com/uyWtP.png )) (( put this on if you are accepted ))

    IC :

    *In fine inks of Hightower red and gold is questions of scenarios. There is space below each to answer.*

    Ser name? : Chey

    List any titles you may currently own : None that I know of.

    Where does thou reside? : I am homeless, however I am mainly in oren.

    What would you do in the situations below? :

    - A man is walking down a street in fine silks and exotic velvet, running up to him you see two goblins and a orc about to corner him in a dark alley by the tavern. You hear a yelp and rush in to find him dead, the three running down the alley. The first thing I would do is check to make sure the man is alive, if he is truly dead I would chase after the goblins and the Orc to see there looks if I have not seen them already. I would then proceed to talk to a higher rank about these people knowing that fighting all three would be a death trap.

    - Inside of the local inn you’re enjoying a nice mug of ale. You’ve had a few and you’re not in you best mind of judgement, nor are you in your uniform. A drunken man stumbles into you and believes you pushed him and begins to throw punches. What do you do? I do not drink ale often, but if this was to happen I would not hesitate to defend myself by knocking him unconscious, after that I would most likely respect he cannot handle his liquor and leave him to be laying there.

    - You are sent by Prince Lancel himself to achieve a mission that is of the highest importance. On your way out of the city you run into a higher ranked Shield who brings you into private and orders you to do a separate, non-linked high importance mission. What do you do First? I would tell the shield that I was sent by Prince Lancel in hopes he would respect that, if not I would tell him I can do his mission after as this was just as important, if he still persisted to ask me I would go back to Prince Lancel to ask him which one I should do.

  2. Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    EST, Canada

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?:

    Yes it is my first language.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?:

    No, but I have been taught by a popular member of the server.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?:

    Yes I have carefully read all the rules and agree to abide by all of them.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?:

    A member of the server.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft:


    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/! : Yes I have.


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is:

    I feel roleplaying is stepping into the body of another person and acting as them.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is:

    Meta-gaming is basically knowing something OOC and using it to your advantage. Example while talking to someone IRL and they say where there guild’s base is you use this info to find this base.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is:

    Power emoting would be not giving the other person you are fighting a chance such as *Ar Mal stabs random Orc in the eye and Orc bleeds out*

    In-Character Details

    Character Name:

    Ar Mal

    Character Race:

    Wood elf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Age: Older teen

    Height: 5'6"

    Hair: Blonde

    Eyes: Green

    Ar grew up in the city Normandor without many friends; everyone wanted to stay away from the ugly elf. Ar's only friends were his parents, and, with his mother always at war alongside the sentinels and with his father working full time as a shopkeeper, he rarely spent time with them, this later made Ar hate everyone including his parents. Ar started to train to live on his on with sword skills, bow skills, and food gathering skills. In Ar's mid-teens he left Normandor, in hopes of finding a group of people that would accept him, evil or good. Now all Ar has is his arrows his dad crafted him in his shop when he was a child, and a hooded cloak and bandana to hide himself from the people who judge him.

    *A few years later.*

    In his late teens, Ar had decided that he would travel Asulon in search of a group of people, whom he could befriend. However his attitude made this very difficult for those around to get along with him. Although he was alone, and struggled to fit in. His survival skills have served him well on his journey, not to mention the skills he had picked up in fighting. The skirmishes with the other elves, caused by his attitude. His past has made him cautious of those he meets, he finds it difficult to trust anyone at all. Never accepting help from anyone, which in turn made him even more of an outcast. He would help no one. A nomad. An outcast. All alone in Asulon.

    What are your characters ambitions?:

    To fit in with anyone he can be it good or evil.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:


    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character:

    Nothing I can think of.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    "Hello good sir would you like some bread"

    I start to walk away faster as if I feel threatened by this poor dwarf.

    "AYE I was talking to you"

    For some reason this has made me remember my father who would also say these words if I ignored him when being punished

    I turn around. "I am not in the mood back of" I then give the dwarf a gentle shove"

    The poor dwarf then makes a big scene yelling how if we were not in public a fight would happen.

    Pissed off and no longer able to hold off the anger I throw one Mina at the shop keepers head successfully hitting him in the eye, I see his face emotion get even more angry as he wipes his eye making sure it is okay.

    I run away, I can't take these cold glares which stretch across this place. Being watched like some animal, something I'm not.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?

    I see the Orc, realizing it is blocking my path I dive into a nearby bush to see what is going on, after I've seen enough I need to keep moving so I attempt to throw a medium sized rock at the Orc it narrowly misses.

    This makes me panic as I know that even with my training I could not fight a Orc by myself, and I am not too friendly with the Dwarf kind so I can’t expect any help

    The Orc turns around notices me and begins to chase after me.

    I then see a dagger go right through the skull of the Orc

    I run out of the bush to investigate, then I see the dwarf looking at the work it has done we both say "thank you" I realize that this is the Dwarf shopkeeper and see he is giving me a strange look like he recognizes me

    Scared he will realize who I am and start a fight weakening me on a dangerous road at night I run off, before the dwarf can say anything else I vanish.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?:

    As I come near the old man I start to snicker a little he rushes me an angry, disgusted, and sad look all at the same time, but I could care less.

    "Are you going to help me or will you just sit there and laugh"

    This brings me to a flash of my childhood when both the human and elf children would laugh at me, this enrages me that he would say this.

    “I was going to help you but now I realize you don’t deserve it”

    I then grab a stick on the side of the road and toss it to him, with force

    He grabs his money and the stick to struggle his way up. “You’re lucky my fighting skills are rusty or you would be the one on the ground”

    No longer affected by his words I keep moving to Malinor.

  3. Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    EST I live in Canada.

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?:

    Yes I speak and write fluent English.

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?:

    No, this is my first time roleplaying, but a popular member has given me lessons on how to roleplay.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?:

    Yes, I have taken long look at the rules and agree to follow them.

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?:

    A member on here I know told me.

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft:


    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/! :Yes I have.


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is:

    I feel roleplaying is stepping into the body of another person and acting as them.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is:

    Meta-gaming is basicly knowing something OOC and using it to your advantage. Example while talking to someone IRL and they say that an enemy has a weak knee you then hit this knee knowing it is weak OOC but not in character.

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is:

    Power emoting would be not giving the other person you are fighting a chance such as *Ar Mal stabs random orc in the eye*

    In-Character Details

    Character Name:

    Ar Mal

    Character Race:

    Tree elf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary:

    Age: Older teen

    Height: 5'6"

    Hair: Blonde

    Eyes: Green

    Ar grew up without many friends, everyone wanted to stayed away from the ugly elf. Ar's only friends were his parents who were always busy with work, this later made Ar hate everyone including his parents. Ar started to train to live on his on with sword skills, bow skills, and food gathering skills. In Ar's mid teens he had left the settlement he lived in,in hopes of finding a group of people that would accept him, evil or good. Now all Ar has is his arrows his dad crafted him in his shop when he was a child and a hooded cloak to hide himself.

    A few years later.

    In his late teens Ar now travels Asulon in search for a group of people that will like him, but his rudeness makes it very hard to get along with him. With his survival skills and fighting skills he is able to stay alive while he hunts for food, friends, and a new family. with his past he is very cautious in trusting anyone meaning he does not accept help from anyone and because of this he will help no one.

    What are your characters ambitions?:

    My character hopes to find people that will accept him and his fighting skills.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:


    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character:

    Nothing else comes to mind.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response? "Hello good sir would you like some bread"

    I start to walk away faster

    "AYE I was talking to you"

    I turn around. "I am not in the mood back of" I then give the dwarf a gentle shove"

    The poor dwarf then makes a big scene yelling how if we were not in public a fight would happen.

    I then run away because everyone is staring at me.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do? I see the Orc, realizing it is blocking my path I dive into a nearby bush to see what is going on, after I've seen enough I need to keep moving so I attempt to throw a medium sized rock at the Orc it slightly misses.

    The Orc turns around notices me and begins to chase after me.

    I then see a dagger go right through the skull of the Orc

    I run out of the bush to investigate. I then see the dwarf gazing at the work it has done we both say "thank you" then I run off, before the dwarf can say anything else I am gone.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?:

    I see the old man and snicker a little he rushes me an angry disgusted and sad look all at the same time

    "are you going to help me or will you just sit there and laugh"

    " Be quiet old man you are luck I am doing this for you"

    I then grab a stick on the side of the road, As I'm doing this I notice all the coins I think of stealing them but then wonder if it is a trap and don't do it. I hand him the stick and refill his bag with the coins he dropped.

    The old man then hits me with the stick and says "that is what you get for calling me old" and hobbles off.

    Not very affected by his words and hit I go back on my journey.

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