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Posts posted by JtPv

  1. OOC
    Mc Name  _JtPv_
    Age 15
    Gender Male
    Rp Skill  I like to think I'm fairly average.



    Name  Rynast Sord
    Age 29
    Race Human
    Gender Male

    Are you good in Speech or are you good in a Fight? Speech
    How will you show your faith I will spread the faith to the reaches of the world
    Will you be willing to die for the Prophet He is my prophet, the Voice of the one above, and I am his servant. So, yes.

  2. I personally think that this whole thing is just adding unnecessary competitiveness between nations really in a world already beset by people who treat nations as their own personal stomping grounds and want to see every other place gone to improve it.

    To be honest I would personally like the administration to start trying to help communities like malinor and the likes to get back on their feet like how oren has had before. I mean if it was done then why not now... because simply the Elves are literally being pummelled into the floor within and without from lots of different reasons such as the constant insistence of having the elves split into three separate subraces that then act independently from one another in a population that simply handle this fact. Or the issue that players don't really want to go join Malinor due to the fact it is trying so hard to do things and simply can't.

    Don't get me wrong. The people in malinor are trying everything possible to get things working again properly but each time they gain so much as a tiny bit of ground back they seemingly fall further down the hole and it seems as though the admin doesn't want to help them to get out of it anymore even though it has done so in the past to the now mighty oren who was once in a very similar situation to what malinor is in. With three separate kingdoms and three separate playerbases.

    We're trying to make events and all for malinor but as justima has said events don't make lasting players within a place. They simply attract the crowds who disperse soon afterwards. Heck even I'm breaking my rp somewhat in a desperate attempt to try and help malinor out because of the fact it is one of the original four nations on our server.

    There's just not much malinor can really do in rp. Sure writing new lore and changing political systems may or may not spark some interests but that alone doesn't solve the problems really.

    Isn't there something the admin can do to help out this playerbase or are you just gonna give them the cold shoulder again... even though the admin has done the same in the past with the near same situation prior?

    "Dealing with it in rp" is not a viable solution anymore. The playerbase is slowly declining and there simply isn't much in rp that can be done about it because of the fact malinor doesn't get new people in really from new applicants.

    What is going to be done to help out?


    And before you say no towards this notion administration may I ask this if you are going to say no. What makes Oren more important and more deserving of support from the staff than malinor? You gave this support to oren and look where it is now. Why is it malinor can't have the same support? Why is it that it is allowed to continue to flounder on it's own dried up lake whilst you continue to top up water in the now carp like oren in its lake? Why can't the administration help out in this situation as it has done so to oren. You can't say because it can't be flaming done. We know it can be done and has done so in the past. So why not?

    "Because it wouldn't be fair for the other playerbases" no, you lost your right to even mention that argument when the admin stepped in to save crippled and dying oren from literally going the way of the orcs. It is right now an unfair advantage to not be giving the same support to other groups like malinor at the moment.

    So I ask again. Administration. What, is to be done?

  3.  Q. If a player alters their skin so that they have armor on it, does it count as having that armor?


    A. If the player does not have the actual item in their inventory, then it is roleplayed as them not having it.

    So, I might be confused, but if someone were to go out, roleplay getting armor, and skin it, it wouldn't count as armor in roleplay? Or is this referring to last minute changes?

  4. :livid:

    Okay, enough is enough. Guys, you really are just saying "You're wrong and I'm right" in a variety of different ways. If this doesn't change, I ask this thread be locked for the following reason(s):

    • You must not personally insult another participant.
    • You must act 'decent' throughout the debate.

    No more "You're beliefs are wrong because I believe something else!" type stuff please. I'm sure some of you remember me from way back then, and my two cents, but still, saying this is just...not acceptable or decent behavior 

    I once had hope for humanity. Now that I have read this, I no longer have hope.

    This comment. This comment. This comment is absolutely useless... and not going to help your credibility in this argument.

    I'm going to call God the invisible pink spaghetti monster that explains what I can't be bothered to figure out on my own.

     But I'll give you the first and single contradiction needed to turn the bible into fiction. Adam & Eve. End of story.

    By your reasoning, you've already lost... there is more than one shred of evidence against creationism...

    I understand I am not a FM, but this is just ridiculous. I mean, there have been things like ^ said throughout the entire debate. Yes, mostly all 84 pages of it. Remember, if you can't act decent on this matter, please do not post. This does not apply to those of you who are actually being mature about things. Thank you for hearing my two cents.  :rich: Good day/night 

    ​PS: Those quotes were pulled from random, and were not designed to hurt or insult any 1 specific person  :ujelly:  

  5. First things first, glad to see this thread revived. 


    I actually found a couple of questions about evolution I would like answered. 

    1. Throughout the history of science, life has always come from life, and all attempts at creating it have failed....miserably. Now, I know people usually blame this on mutations, but life itself is very complicated, and personally, I just can't accept that the body, with all the stuff that works together, is something that happened due to chance.


    2. If the laws of physics say that matter cannot be created or destroyed, how did an explosion create it? (Although this goes more to Big Bang theory, it's still a confusing question...)


  6. MC Name: _JtPv_


    Character Name:  Tremor Formido


    Does this character already have a VA (Y/N): A minor one for theft and conning (It's Malicor, except he lost his memory, for those VAT out there)


    I want my character to be turned into a Dread Knight (Y/N): Yes.


    I want to become apart of your group because: I've been looking for a new roleplaying experience, and this seems fun. 


    What can I bring to this group?  ...A cheery personality? I dunno. A new person, I guess....don't judge me.But, seriously, I like to think I'm a good Rp'er, and a generally happy person....kinda.  IC ly, Tremor is a Dark Elf who doesn't know who he is. He's basically very depressed right now since he can't remember any of his family, past,  friends, or even possible wife and children. He doesn't know if his family is waiting for him at home or not.


    Time zone: PST

  7. Responding to the issue of them becoming normal,

    The myths surrounding ghost are still burned into the minds of everybody. Even if this ghost was a good or even your best friend, you would still be scared. Now, imagine that on somebody they barely know. They would probably call some sort of priest/scientist/shaman/etc to come and get rid of it ((Or just run away flailing their arms in the air while the ghost becomes invisible...)) If people roleplay this right, it works out.  :thumbup: 

  8. Okay, I'll address these one by one. Thank you for your feedback.


    1. Neither truly have an expiration date and I'll fix it if it seemed like there was. A spectre doesn't HAVE to move on if it doesn't want to. Ghosts are still individuals. My friend spoke to me about becoming a poltergeist that only acted destructively part of the time, which I thought was definitely possible. Individual ghosts don't have to sit neatly in either of the boxes. For instance, if this gets accepted, I'll have my character Gisela become a ghost. She'll be on the Spectre path. She'll have accepted her death and made peace with it, but she simply doesn't want to move on quite yet. She will eventually, but not yet. And poltergeists can be banished via exorcism, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have to move on. They just can no longer go to the place they're banished from. I think it's all going to be handled on a case by case basis. Hrm...I sorry, I seem to have misunderstood this. I agree, but could you clarify what you mean when you say they aren't tied down?


    2. I'm considering possession, but I'm just not sure yet. I'm trying to work out a rule system that would be fair to everyone. Plus, RPing possession is REALLY HARD. My character Tanith got possessed once during an E-team event and it required a lot of OOC coordination. I'll update the post with my thoughts later. I can see issues with this as well....I suppose, if it is too difficult, it shouldn't be in it. OOC drama and rage over this is not something to aim for.


    3. The ghost's form corresponds with its mental self-image, not its physical body. So if a ghost remembers looking a certain way, that is how it will appear. Which is precisely what allows them to shift form. The wounds they sustained appear in Phantasm phase because they've not yet quite learned to shift appearances and unconsciously remember getting the injuries. Rotting would make them too zombie-like. The OP says, they live in a half fantasy half real world. They see themselves as normal, because if they didn't they would be able to turn into a revenant by themselves. Others live on the plane of reality, however, and only see that image of them. They would eventually seem to be rotting to a live person, simply because they only see the real, and not the fantasy. Although, once they accept they are dead, they should be able to return to their human body, as they see both the real and the fantasy fully now. The experience of a rotting body would obviously be too traumatic, so their subconscious would automatically return them to their human form. This could be considered their "halfway" body, as they can get another depending if they become a spectre or a ghost. 


    4. I'm not sure about this? I want to say they lose magical ability when they die. Ghosts are non-combat characters unless they go the poltergeist route. Because it'd simply be WAY too overpowered to have a ghost mage that can light people on fire, yet can't be killed or stopped by itself. Too much like Aegis Undead.I think you misunderstood. They wouldn't retain their abilities, but would be able to learn their "ghost" abilities a bit faster than normal ones. This is due to the fat they spend much time around the void, which in itself, is nothing (So they would be used to the feeling), or a God/Spirit which is basically touching the dead or divine, etc. They would also have a better concept of "supernatural" like powers, due to their affairs with magic in the living.


    5. I think the destruction of a soul is a little iffy. And I don't want them to be Undead/Ascended. They're just different types of ghosts. They aren't at war. At most, I think they would just find each other repellent and avoid each other. But it's very individually based. Maybe two differently classed level 3 ghosts would like each other, just disagree on how to treat living people. Again, they would be polar opposites. Depending on which is stronger, the winning team would be more likely to NOT be banished, while the "destroyed" would be banished from these lands. Like you said, trauma is very hard to live by, so this wouldn't be like a supernatural thing, but they would fear going there incase the spectre or poltergeist is there. The best analogy I can make of this would be like a magnet. This, however, does NOT mean they are at war with each other, it just means they repel, and, like a magnet, the strongest beats the weakest. 


    6. Revenants can't move on until they hit spectre stage. At that point, they can choose to move on or not depending on what they want. Being a spectre just means they're at peace. Again, I must have misunderstood. I assumed that the purpose of a spectre would be to finish their life goals, while a poltergeist would just be madness. That is why I put "do not wish to finish their life work, and have taken their deaths gracefully".

  9. A few thoughts.

    ​1. Poltergeists seem to be immortal, while Spectres, do not. Spectres should have more purpose to live, and poltergeists should have some sort of weakness. Other than religion, that is.


    2. Possession IS possible, but it would just have to be monitored more. Perhaps, another group of magic, and take years to fully master.


    3. If a ghost stays as a phantasm, it's body should correspond to it's dead body. To others it would look as a rotting, walking, zombie type...thing, but to itself, it looks how it did in it's living body, with a few exceptions.


    4. If a ghost had magical abilities in it's life, it would be more powerful. Phantasms wouldn't rot, or if they did, it would take MUCH longer, and every type of ghost would be able to learn their "powers" easier, simply because it would have been more in touch with the void/God/dead/etc, which makes them more familiar, and used to this. ((This does not apply to...alteration, I believe it's called? I may need clarification on how that lore works...))


    5.Spectres and Poltergeists should be polar opposites. They cancel each other out. If a spectre became strong enough, it could, essentially, destroy a poltergeist. Of course, the same would apply to poltergeists. They would also naturally have a sense on "where to avoid", kinda like a magnet. 


    6.If a revenant does not wish to finish his lifes work, and accepts his death gracefully, he/she may choose to rest, and go to the land of the dead. 


    Just my thoughts. Great lore by the way!  :thumbup:  :ujelly: 

  10. 29, huh? 


    ArzySpider/\(::W::)/\ - Yes, it was absolutely to put that whole thing in there. Kirilinko is dead, it don't matter that Geo said he was the best character.But he was...

    Edit: Forgot to mention, I signed it too. Where did that thing go ,anyways? 

  11. Half a stack is over one of the four chests provided at the spawn. I stock each chest with 27 bread (one in each slot) several times daily. Not spawned bread, either. It all comes from the monk farms. The bread is supposed to get you to a city so you can buy your own food, not live off forever.

    There's even a sign saying "don't take more than five loaves". If you choose to ignore that, it's your own fault.

    Cappy....those farms are big. And if I recall correctly, the sign says "PLEASE do not take more than five loaves of bread" meaning it was asking, not demanding it....but, don't quote me on that... :grin2: 

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