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Everything posted by Observer

  1. *sigh* Ah... you all know I can't just stop. I love you guys! Well it was worth a shot.... I guess I am truly just misery's host. Expect me back. I will never go. I mean no harm. I just love you guys. See you all very soon.

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    2. Observer


      I showed you that with the accounts lewis1404, ARROWGOD, and Minecan1. I wasn't causing any trouble. It's not about the game. It's about misunderstandings, misconceptions, and how utterly terrible and depressed all of this has made me feel.

    3. Observer


      So I promise you all this, that I will be back. I will probably banned again and again. But I will always be here. That doesn't make me any less sorry for what I did. I still am extremely sorry. Calm down Lotc it was just a /pm. See ya around.

    4. Skippy


      And what did you do when those accounts were discovered? Trolled. That's why the GMs can't let you back.

  2. Under all of the stress, sadness, and pain. It still makes me happy to see you don a red tag ... you definately deserve it more than anyone else.

  3. Oh, Respiren is looking at my profile. Hmmm. I want to say something to cause some...love. But...it is and I know it will not be to any avail. I hate accepting emotional pain and distress>>>

    1. Respiren


      Just looking for my horoscope :P

  4. Aquarius~ They are powerful and willfull in all they do, often achieving much more than the other two qualities. On the other hand, they are also inflexible, rigid, stubborn, opinionated and single-minded. These traits are often paired with the need to be considered "right": they will ruthlessly fight on behalf of their beliefs, regardless of any contrary beliefs. Only during moments of importance or necessity would they consider changing an opinion.

  5. That feel when your just so sad, pained, distressed, and you can't talk about it with your family or friends because it is too ridiculous for reality... so the only people you have are the people that hate you. ;/

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