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Posts posted by monkeypoacher

  1. Niko and Tanriz, Scribe and Earl respectively, look over this war-claim with a sigh.


    "We'll be there, I guess."


    Upon a second thought, they write a letter and post it wherever it needs to be posted.


    "Please leave us out of this conflict unless entirely necessary."


    -The Earldom of Sakinaga under Holm.

  2. I love it.


    People constantly whine about how "It's an RP server", and thus that they should be allowed to have whatever they want and keep it forever.

    When I hear the antagonist will take away pointless and huge land plots from people who otherwise won't allow them to be touched, I jump for joy. People just whine: "MUH NOBLE POSITION" over land that isn't worth **** at all.


    Please come to the wilds and just take away as much as you like. I will hug you for it.

  3. *a note is posted all around the wilds docks, Holm, and especially that of the Jarldom of Tel-Jilad*




    Jonathan Stewart

    For treason to the kingdom of Holm, resisting arrest in Oren, and grand theft in the Jarldom of Tel-Jilad.


    *a detailed sketch of his armored and unarmored forms are included* ((kill_me12549875))


    *~100 Mina reward for his corpse, 200 Mina and 10 Iron Ingot reward for his capture.~*


    Contact Scribe Niko Kusarai, Jarl Tanriz Kusarai, or any other lawman of Tel-Jilad if you have fulfilled this.

  4. *In dark alleys and back-streets around Abresi, Kingston, Savoie, pretty much every human territory, notes are hung*




    In my failure to execute the *****-queen Aeda Elendil, I must ask for assistance, from any able-bodied man (or woman), who is willing to get their hands dirty.


    I speak of assassin-work. Whoever is willing to hush missus Aeda for good, I will pay well.


    Send any proposals to Nikolai Tovalin ((Charoodler)). Pay is negotiable."


    *someone seems to replace these notes if someone rips them up.*



  5. I would advise not playing a whitewash until you have a great deal of experience playing orcs and just roleplaying in general. I have seen tremendous amounts of effort put into taking whitewashes down, small armies sent to uproot one or two of them. Whitewashes aren't really supposed to be given asylum by other races/nations, but unfortunately they are, but still, it's better if you don't unless you know what you're dealing with.


    Regular orc RP is really fun. If you get past the somewhat confusing net of lore and language, it's really awesome, and you will not regret it.

    The reason that some of the orc players dislike whitewashes is that their community is the smallest of all of the main races on LoTC, and they really need more orcs. I'm not going to guilt you into not playing a whitewash like some others will try to, but I'm just going to say, please know that you're not going to end up playing a 8' green muscular human at any point in time. 


    That's my two cents. Good luck, dude, and have fun.

  6. All of these troubles we face now never existed back in Aegis. It was a simpler time, when things were FAR BETTER for RP. The Cities were nice and close, there was ALWAYS RP encounters on the King's Road, cities had bustling amounts of players, who were on much more frequently, and finally, there was a constant battle with the Undead.


    Let me share with the staff what they seem to have forgotten made this server the #1 Minecraft Roleplaying server in the world.


    Take the cloud temple spawn, for example. There was even RP going on right out front of the cloud temple, and if you walked just less than 100m, you would get to Laurelin. You could always find good, quality RP, and the world was much more player built. Although I wasn't here at the very beginning, I'm not 100% sure of this, but I believe all except a few key buildings were built by hand, by the player-base. It was good because the world was democratic in how it was built. The players were the ones who decided how the world grew for the most part.


    Now, onto the nice concentrated RP of Al'Khazar. The city was far more efficient than any I have seen today in Anthos. The was ALWAYS players who were city guards, and they would take shifts manning the gates, patrolling the wall, and the streets, and keeping a sharp eye out for the Undead. Another thing I particularly enjoyed, was the always full, Dawn's bakery. Very rarely was the bakery empty, and it wasn't just a place for the citizen's to go to, anyone who passed through would always stop at the bakery, have a drink and some food, and maybe stay the night.


    There is still much more I would like to say about all the cities and what went on that made RP amazing, so I will finish with this.


    Events on the server were not heavily planned, members of the staff would just think of something fun that could make the players involved happy, and add to the greatness of the server. There was a constant battle going on at snowy fields (up until the Undead won) where players would go with armour and weapons, and fight back the Undead. Events were barely scripted at all, until near the end of Aegis when they had to be.




    So, my one piece of advice to the staff, is that they need to look back at all these things I stated that made the server #1. Learn from the past, don't go doing massive changes that are making this less Minecraft than it should ever be. In Aegis, thing's were rather simple, and it worked. There is no reason to change something that works so well for so long.


    In fact, I even came up with an idea for 4.0. Go back to before the years when Aegis started. According to lore, we began Aegis in the year 1340, around there, so why not fill in the massive gap between year 0, and year 1340. We could follow the real lore of Aegis, and fill in the story. And since we cannot get the seed to generate the actual Aegis, since it was generated in a much older version, why don't we just go back to the earliest version that had the seed capability, and put the seed in, and generate a new, untouched Aegis.


    i want to hug you

  7. Please, don't get me started on this argument again, it will only end badly for the argument-regurgitating RP default principle. LoTC is Minecraft, not a text based forum RP and never will be. You better get used to it before Nexus arrives, or you'll be in for a big surprise.


    There's a fine line between "Minecraft RP server" and "Hardcore SMP/PvP server with RP." The ability for mobs that make no sense IC to kill players is confusing as hell. Even then, I don't care about that, I'm really good at killing mobs, so it doesn't bother me a hell of a lot. I support PvP default since recently, but no knockout... nopenopenope.


    My previous RP server experience involved lots of servers that advertised Role-Play but ended up as SMP/PvP servers, and this is what makes LoTC so special to me. When I see "Knockout Removed" I kind of freak out. And I think a lot of my fellow players do too.


    We don't want "text-based" or anything like that. 300-line RP battles make me yawn, and make everyone yawn. I think that even some PvP-defaulters want knockout back. If you PvP kill a player, they die anyways because of /damage 20 rules. The real problem here is not RP vs. PvP, it's mobs and pugsies.

  8. I actually like the return of the crypt. Please don't shoot me I think it will definitely help encourage roleplay by concentrating encounters within settlements. People will also need to start arming themselves with companions, maybe even hiring mercenaries or guardians, to protect their goods they wish to move. If people take the initiative of this addition, I think roleplay should multiply by a good amount. Fear of the untamed lands is what we need. The benefits definitely sound like they outweigh the inconveniences.

    Oh, and Aegis Nostalgia. Woo!


    OOC Fear =/= IC Fear. 


    OOC Fear would be me worrying I'd lose all of my items if some spider popped out of nowhere and rushed me. It's an OOC feeling and the only real "Fear" invoked is worrying about losing my items. I'm not "afraid" that my character would be massively wounded or killed. 


    IC Fear would be me running away after staring into the crimson eyes of a massive 8' orc wearing an angry expression. Not everyone RPs that, and they shouldn't have to. This is forcing RP on them, and it's just not fun. I play two characters who would run screaming from an unarmored hobo wielding a shiv. One more who is a downright coward. I roleplay fear on my own terms.


    Not everything can be perfect. There are going to be fearless characters, brave warriors, hardened brigands, more than there will be children and cowardly humans. If people enjoy RPing something, you shouldn't tell them to RP something else (at least within reason).


    No peasant would hire a guard to walk through the woods. The woods are also generally not filled with ravenous undead, massive spiders, and elite sniper skeletons. I like the idea of rickshaws and escorts, but they shouldn't be forced to exist because otherwise one would face the legions of the deceased. Undead, lore-wise, don't even exist on this level. 

  9. In the meantime, if you want to stay alive seek out protection in the towns.

    Capitals, recruit guards to serve duties, and people... carry less life savings on ya. Buy a house, participate in some roleplay. ^-^

    A few minor suggestions while we pump out the next plugin... x3


    I don't keep any of my life savings on me. I'm neurotic about storing items, mostly because I played a lot of pvp servers. Yet, I'm still losing RP items I need to keep on me. I've bought a house, doesn't help. I still have to travel between areas to RP, and I get jumped by a bunch of mobs.


    If this is the direction the server wants to take, the "hardcore" style of roleplay, I'll get used to it. But I still think it's kind of bad that mobs could sever your RP completely by killing you, then crypt prevents you from going back in a timely fashion. Crypt would be awesome for PvP, so people can't walk back and retake their stuff, but for mobs... it's just painful.

  10. How is this constructive at all?  Do you think they sat down and had a meeting saying "What's the best way we can make player's miserable"?


    It's fine if you disagree with the decision, a lot of people do.  But a lot of people have voiced their distaste without whining or being snarky, or having a bad attitude.


    I wasn't being "constructive". I apologize about it. 


    Regardless, this is just downright ridiculous. Not only is there no logical reason to remove the knockouts. Within two minutes of being on the server I was shot by a skeleton, all of my inventory dropped onto the floor in my cave-home. I had to wait 5 minutes to respawn, preventing me from returning in time before it despawned, and only didn't lose my character's wedding ring, and half of my building materials, because it was in an unloaded chunk. Mob deaths already cost me my character's drake fang and scales, items which are immensely important to my RP. 


    My idea is, add it back in, or at least explain why it can't be. Mob deaths shouldn't actually kill you, and I'm glad Tel's making a temp duel plugin. Sorry for coming off as snarky. I personally think that Telanir and the tech team are really awesome.

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