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Everything posted by Damperstorm

  1. 5/10 I am Damp, of course! Who else would still be damperstorm in Minecraft and also have Danle Kollur for a character? Or have a picture of the Reckless Fist from Elsword and be asking for help with getting a picture of Eve and Raven from Elsword fit for my signature?
  2. Ohaiyogozaimasu, Lord of the Craft-sama. Kyou wa kawaii sagashiteimasuka.



      *gasp* I know what that means!

    2. Damperstorm


      Prove it, buddy. ;P

  3. All hail Princess Luna!

  4. Okay, I have Minecraftia Reborn ready to start in the Forum Roleplay, but I still have to think of my character. Lol.

  5. Danle Kollur's Journal Month Two Day 134 ((11:20)) So, some new people came by and things got weird. Don't know what happened since I saw an orc casting magic. I somehow ended up in a trance until after she was gone. After much delay, I am returning to Malinor to post a request for info on the Mages' Order on the Wall. Hope I'm getting as close as I feel like I am... Day 143 ((14:20)) I have not gotten any leads and now we have left for New malinor on a new set of islands. There are a lot of people here with me. I don't recognize any of them. I guess I will have to wander and ask random people for information. Day 145 ((15:00)) I got assualted by an Enderman. Being unarmed, it nearly killed me. I ran back to the docks where some people killed it. But now I'm wounded and don't know anyone who can heal me.... Day 148 ((16:00)) I found Prince Khel but he then had to run. The guy he spoke with told me to ask for a Jon in the crowd of people t the docks when I asked for info on the Mages' Order. I finally have a lead! Though no one has been able to help me further except telling me about a Blundermore in the mountains. I checked to no avial; the one tower that looks befitting the master magi is locked. At least I have something now, though. Day 178 We left again, this time to a new giant land. Once more, our navigator got us lost, so we arrived late. I haven't gotten care since the Enderman attacked me. I... don't feel well at all.... But... I am so close.... Day 180 ((16:40)) I am sore, I am ill, I am thirsty, I am hungry.... And I still haven't arrived at anywhere really worth mentioning... But I did meet a kind human who gave me painkillers. That was yesterday... I need... Mage.... de...... Day 186 ((18:40)) I reached the newest Malinor, a beautiful city made of living trees and simple earthen elements, at last. I wandered around, asking for the Mages' Order for two days. Instead, I got help for my wounds. After a crazy woman caused some more. I had blacked out but was told that some weird things happened before I returned to normal. I have woken finally and now that I have caught you up, I must go and find out what the two who helped me know about the Mages' Order. I am so close; I can just feel it! Day 200 I didn't get anything worthwhile from them, so I decided to try to find the Mages' Order myself; I just know they are nearby. I have been wondering the wilds since then. I think I'm actually lost now. I'm running out of food and I'm unarmed. I need to find them.... Day 214 No food, no weapons, no sign of civilization.... I am exhausted... I am lost... I am desperate.... I am not sure how much longer I can survive out here... Please let me find the Mages' Order soon....
  6. Could their be a forum post detailing magic and its subtypes since the wiki is lacking and its going to be ripped down soon to redo for 3.0 map?
  7. Wow, I have played 8 hours on the server (few hours before that were just wandering and dying), though about 4 hours of that is just kinda hanging around and idling, though that always led to something happening before I had to log off that day (I get 3 hours per day).

  8. Danle Kollur's Journal Month One Day 106 ((0:40)) I have traveled quite a bit from the docks, but now I'm in this human city, safe from the majority of the monsters. But nobody is paying me any heed, even though I'm starving and offering to buy food. Day 108 ((1:20)) A man in full armor and a white rose threatened me for being in the human city, Orun. I left to run into a kind dwarf and man whom gave me some bread. I continue on traveling, this time on the road to Malinor, my fellow elves. Day 112 ((2:40)) I finally made it to Malinor. I had troubles with tons of monsters, a volcano, a ruined city and then undead pig...men.... But I have made it! It is a beautiful place, but no one is around right now. I will rest and wait. Day 114 ((3:20)) I met Prince Khel and (TBA) as they worked on extending the wall. I helped a bit, but I am not cut out for hard labour.... They were nice people. It's good to be somewhere that I'm not ignored, especially amongst my own kind. Day 119 ((5:00)) I did very little these past few days, but I have seen familiar faces a few times. I also witnessed the assualt of a horrible monster called an Enderman. Afterwords, Dalia explained what is known about it, and a random guy said they are rumored to come from the Void... That's where most magi get their power from... Curious.... Meanwhile, my search for the Mages' Order continues with no leads. Day 127 ((7:40)) More of nothing, though I did see a kharajyr and a human have some issues. Stupid human was being very persistant, too.... Ugh, will most men be like that? Day 128 ((8:00)) I met Dalia again today. She had an interesting theory to tell me. I fear to write it down here in case someone steals it and it gets into the wrong hands. But I'm keeping my eyes open and I feel the excitement rising! Day 131 ((10:20)) I met the Crimson Edict today in their inn and they invited me to join them. I am their bard and I will get some combat training from the leader, Ventus. I got a place to bunker down at while I look for leads on the Mages' Order now, too.
  9. Danle Kollur's Journal Prologue Day 1 I was all prepared to depart on my journey when panic spread; a dead man lay on our shores, killed by the plague of the main land. Everyone flooded onto the boats, dragging me with them. I was seperated from everyone I once knew. Worse off, we are going to flee with the mainlanders for a new home. Day 43 I hate the sea. We've been lost for weeks. Ugh, when will this end? We are low on food and water, we haven't seen land since we departed, and everyone is losing hope. Day 90 We found land yesterday. Since then, we have been following the coast, looking for the others. Today, we will consume the last of our rations. We have more but... it's for when we set anchor.... Day 104 We found the docks! We are preparing to set anchor and join the others! It looks like we are way behind, but we are here at last! I can't wait to get off this wretched boat! Maybe I can even find the Mages' Order easier!
  10. Danle Kollur Age: 54 Gender: Male Race: Dark Elf Status: Missing, assumed dead Description Height: 6'2" Weight: 120lbs Body Type: Lithe and physically weak. Eyes: Blue Hair: White Skin: Dark grey Markings/Tattoos: Purple markings mirrored on each arm that glow often Health: Perfectly healthy Personality: A kind soul who is often childishly excitable, but can keep himself under control if deemed needed. Inventory: Nothing Lifestyle Alignment: Neutral Good Deity: Undecided Religion: Undecided Alliance/Nation/Home None Job/Class: None Title(s): None Profession(s): None Special Skill(s): Skillful speech like the bards; magic that is able to be judged by the markings on his arms Flaw(s): Unskilled in combat and unlearned out of his hometown by the Bards' College; magic is able to be judged based on the markings on his arms Magic Current Status: Silenced Weaponry Fighting Style: Adaptive Swordsmanship: Unskilled Archery: Unskilled Biography Parents: Unnamed / Ex-Arma Lunans / Lost History Having grown up on Arma Luna, Danle has always dreamed of traveling the world like the bards. But, when he heard more of the magi and the College of Arcane, he desired to become a master himself. It took him dozens of years before he believed himself ready to seek the College out. But that day was the day ArmaLuna was evacuated with the mainlanders as the plague spread to the last safe havens. After months lost at sea, they finally made it back to the rest of the survivors. Danle sees this as a different oppurtunity to find the Mages' Order, maybe even easier than it would have been. He is determined and won't back down easily.
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