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Posts posted by TheBareSheet

  1. Character Name - Catriona Kinsley-Bronte
    Nicknames: Cat
    Age: 36
    Gender: Female
    Race: 50% Human 50% Adunian
    Status: Alive and well in the Bronte Keep, needs some more weight

    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 82 pounds
    Body Type: Thin
    Eyes: Bright Green
    Hair: Black with streaks of gray
    Skin: Fair
    Markings/Tattoos: Nail marks at arms but is covered by the sleeves
    Health: Good. Needs some more weight.
    Personality: A kind and soft hearted woman. Takes care of the household, from laundry to cooking. She loves cooking and her specialties is cookies and pumpkin pies. She loves children very much.
    Inventory: Bread
    Further Details: None

    Life Style
    Alignment*: Lawful Good
    Deity*: The Creator
    Religion: The Creator
    Alliance/Nation/Home - Abresi Capital of Oren
    Job/Class: Housewife, Scribe of the Family
    Title(s): None
    Special Skill(s): Cooking, sewing, cleaning, writing
    Flaw(s): Soft hearted

    Parents: Alana Bronte (Mother), Gillis Bronte (Father)
    Siblings: Ivan Bronte, Luciano Bronte
    Children: None.. Yet.
    Extended Family: Duncan Kinsley
    Pet(s): None


    To be add



  2. Caln McHarnish's eyes open wide as he hears the news.

    "Catriona is alive! I haven't seen her in much time. Ivan must be thrilled."

    ((Caln is Ivan's friend IG and is usually around with him. He would probably know Catriona. Would that be okay with you? PM me if you have any questions about personal details on Caln))

    ((Sure! Awesome. I'm always online if you wish to ask me questions.))

  3. Catriona holds a parchment carefully, with the wind blowing against the paper, she looks at it as if something extremely fragile. Stepping out the fortifications she pushes the paper to it. From her satchel, she produces a hammer with her free hand. Using the hammer hand to secure the paper, she uses the other hand to take the nails which she bit on to. Putting the pin on one corner of the paper, she starts hammering. Continuing the process for every corner. After finished, she returns the tools in her satchel, putting both hands on her hips. Staring at her notice proudly, she smiles, returning to the keep.


    The notice wrote:

    "This land (39x40 and 56 blocks deep) given by the Great and Grand Emperor, His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Godfrey I of Horen to Ivan Bronte shall now be referred as The Bronte Keep before an official name is announced. It shall be used for the Bronte Household, Bronte Farm, as well as the Sapphire Shields training ground and barracks. Those who are in the Bronte Household, and friends of those receive our warmest greetings and welcomes, hopefully enjoy your stay. Those who do not have the proper reasoning and permission (Royalty, Imperial Royalty of course can come as you wish.) shall be regarded as trespassing. Punishments shall occur to those who do so and be found, as that is the consequence of disregard this notice.


    Catriona Bronte in behalf of the Bronte Family and Ivan Bronte. ((There is a wax seal stamped here.))




    ((Please if you see the keep and nobody is there, come to this forum post and perhaps we should forum rp. Thanks.. Really.. Don't trespass.. If I made any mistakes feel free to tell me.))

  4. Imperial Citizenship Form 1.0.0
    Name: Catriona
    Surname/House: Bronte
    Age: 36
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): B
    Physical Description
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 82 lbs/pounds
    Eye Color: Bright Green
    Hair Color: Black with streaks of grey
    Skin Color/Shade: Fair
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: None, nail marks at arms but covered by sleeves
    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): Capital, Bronte Manor, or Bronte Keep
    Nation of Residence (Choose one: Renatus, Salvus, Hanseti, Seventis): Capital 
    Profession/Occupation: Housewife, Scribe
    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):
    "I, Catriona Bronte, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  5. Catriona sat behind the window as the sun s her brothhone through. It was morning, Catriona just woke up, hair disheveled. It was time to write another letter to her - Ivan. Catriona gives a bitter smile as she dips the pen in the ink. Her eyes were distant.

    “My Dearest Brother,



    It has been a long time since I have written to you. I must apologize, I have been busy with my work. However, by paying with time, my research achieved fruitful information. I dearly truly wish to come back as soon as possible. Which I shall do so after I visit my last stop. My times at Malinor was most pleasant, the elves treated me like their own. I now see why our family does have Adunian Blood. When I come back, I shall resume my family duties, those once I thought sometimes was a burden, but now which I missed.



    How are you, I must ask? Have you missed me? How is my dear husband? How is our brother? Oh. I miss you all. My heart aches to see you all. What can stop my misery? I really must get going.



    Speaking of which, I must stop writing now, I must finish visiting and researching so that I can come home. “Home.” That word sounds so distant yet sweet. I wish I can say that soon.



    May the Creator guide and protect our way.



    Best wishes and regards

    Yours always,

    Sister Catriona Bronte”

    Soon Catriona was on her way back to the Capital of Oren. Yet things may not be as it seems. For a time, no one could reach her or find her. All they could do, was worry and predict. And their worry increased, increased when the emperor declared war, increased when the military declared to attack Malinor.

    Catriona staggers as she climbed to the steps in the capitol.

    “My legs.. You must not fail me now.” Catriona talks to her herself, puffing each step. Her sleeves were ripped, arms having bloody marks - marks of finger nails. Catriona clutches her books containing the research to her chest, so tightly her knuckles were white.

    As she approaches the door to the Bronte Manor, she takes heavy steps as she walks past the gate.

    “Ivan?” Catriona nears the door, knocking on it.

    Ivan Bronte opens the door as Catriona falls through, obviously she was putting her weight against it before.

    “Catriona!” Ivan gives a cry of alarm as he links his arms under Catriona’s armpits, lifting her back to a standing position. He looks at her up and down.

    “My sister! Long have I missed you!” He says in happiness, sighing as he finally found her.

    “What is wrong?” Ivan uses a serious tone.

    As Catriona was about to say everything to Ivan, her husband ran down, finding her weak, thin and torn.

    “Catriona..” He grabs her into his embrace.

    “I mustn't delay now.” Catriona lifts her book weakly to Ivan. “Before I collapse here with fatigue, you better let me tell you everything.” Even though she was very tired, a small smile plays on her lips as her goal was fulfilled when she went home.

    After Catriona washed and changed, she propped herself on the chair. Glancing at Ivan and her husband in front of her, she starts. “Everything happened as accordingly until I came back. I was on my way when my food ran out, my supplies ran out. I stayed at a tavern, without money, the owner was very kind as she let me stay and eat, however I had to do the chores to repay my debt. I stayed for a while. As I continued on my road, with only my clothes and such I arrived at Salvus. Twice, I was attacked by bandits along the road, I lost everything except for my book.” ((Mobs.)) “I had no food, no money, and I walked all the way here. And perhaps lost all my dignity too.” Catriona gives a wry smile. As she sees Ivan and her husband nod in understanding, her head slowly drops, and as her mind rests...

    ((So.. I’m having a new character which is the sister of Ivan Bronte. By making a post, I hope that more shall notice my presence. Well this character is pretty old as she is 36 already, I have a person in mind that shall roleplay as my husband, however as a woman like Catriona, not necessarily rich yet holds land does, as I assume, have some ‘friends’. Perhaps ‘females’ in particular. By writing this, I was hoping to get some ‘new friends’ for my character, but should be roleplayed as ‘old friends’. So nice to meet everybody!))

  6.  Hello! Mr. Bronte again. How are you? I really need to say thank you for saving me last time. Anyways..
    IGN: PianoEby
    Age: I'd rather not tell.. Under 15.
    Gender: Female
    Time Zone: GMT +8
    Playable hours: Hmm. This shall be an issue.. My parents blocked my minecraft ports.. As I hold many duties IRL.. Though I am very active on the forums or skype.. I get to play 1 hour each day.. Around.. For holidays.. And weekends... :O.. This sounds terrible.. I ensure quality time! 
    Character wished to play?: Either.. Though I've never played a male before. 
    Roleplay Experience: Experience? 4 months.. My current character is pretty wide ranged.. I guess. I've roleplayed with the 3 main races.. 
    Previous Characters: Arahael Eloem
    How active are you?: Active on the forums and skype.
    Will you be willing to make this character possibly your main or alternate character?: Of course! :D
  7. Arahael walks fondly as she enters the library.


    "Its time to start."




    Arahael starts to try to fill the library with volumes. Searching the Malinor library for magical books to fill the Arcane Delver one.


    As Arahael looks around, she searches for Kalenz Uradir, wondering if he has some books to share.

  8. As Arahael finds a reply, she rubs her chin and gives a small laugh as she nods her head. She picks up the note and raises her eyebrows as she sees all the spelling mistakes. 


    "Anyways lets give it a try."


    She uses the tip of the quill to tap her bottle of ink. Soon the mild tinkling noise awakes her dove. It chirps. Arahael takes a piece of parchment as she writes to the person called Cecelia.


    "Dear Luteplayer Cecelia,


    It has been most delightful to see your reply. It would also be great if we met, if you'd suggest a location, I'd gladly find you. As for the payment, perhaps you could clarify? I did not understand that part quite well. I would also like to mention, I do not have an instrument, perhaps you could suggest where to find one?


    Hope to see you soon.


    Arahael Eloem."


    ((Due to perhaps time zone reasons and real life ones, do you mind doing forum rp or skype rp?))

  9. The end of the piece of paper dances in the wind, yet confined by a single pin, attached to the post somewhere in Salvus.


    "Music, always with our world. Something that brings the emotion out of people. Music is what I respect as well as the people who use it. In the heart of Music is instruments, which  is an essential part. That is because it is one of the tools which project the music, essential creating it. Other than my respect towards Music and instruments, it has become a desire for me to learn such beautiful thing. In a more simple direct way of expressing what I said, I wish to find a teacher, so that I can learn, in a way passing the gift of music to me, which one day, I hope I can pass to others. So that the world may hear sounding music....


    If you are the person I am seeking, please contact me. Arahael Eloem ((PianoEby)).

    By then if you contact me, perhaps we could discuss the terms of payment.

    A person like me, I am not rich.

    As someone give me, I give something back.

    Perhaps bit of my knowledge in exchange.

    It is to your own choice.

    However I am disappointed I provide no riches.

    Yet if you are such a kindly person to aid my studies in such areas, for certain, you shall have my gratitude and respect."

  10. [[Vivenne Silverblade- Twin sister of Quinten Silverblade [Freema5] Currently a year old, she has Greenish brown eyes and very light brown hair similiar to Quintens. She is much more calm and not as wild as her twin sibling. Need to be in the EST or CST timezone and will be willing to follow the proper rp of how the child will be raised etc.

    I'd gladly take this character, and I believe I can do a good job, however due to my timezone and various real life reasons, I cannot join in-game to do such. Perhaps I could be a place holder? With forum or skype rp? 


    Or this one


     And the Other is the Daughter of Duke Uthor and Lady Elene Silverblade. Please read the bios and requirements in the first page. Fill out the app For bronn and pm me to play the daughter~"]]


    Yet the conditions above still apply.


    Thanks in advance for taking your time ]]

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