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Posts posted by TheBareSheet

  1. Arahael looks at the previous messages.

    Then she decides to write a note to Seth.


    Karin'ayla Seth.

    Kae did not expect nae to be hosting these classes.

    Though it is kae honor to learn elven and kae do not mind who teaches me.

    Perhaps lye could arrange a lesson with kae?
    Kae might know some elvish, yet kae is not used to speaking such words.

    Especially in sentences.

    Van'ayla. Ahern into nae'leh.


    As always maehr'sae hiylun'ehya.


    ~Signed Arahael Eloem.

  2. ((MC Name:)) PianoEby

    Name: Arahael Eloem

    Gender: Female

    Age: 68

    Origin: Haelun'or

    Profession (if any): None, but wishes to be a librarian or scribe or teacher. Currently applying to be Head Scribe in Malinor.

    Time in Haelun'or or any other settlement of the blessed high elves you now reside with: Ever since Kalos and Elysium

    How many mali'aheral do you intend to live with? List their names. No one. Unless someone invites me of course. 

    What does the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you?

    It signifies progress, and health. To stay pure, maintain our culture, progress in education. To bring our blessed race to prosper.

    How can you declare you are mali'thill?

    My parents are thilln. So am I. I believe I have passed Kalenz's thilln appearance test. I had been in the Mali'aheral district for all of Kalos and Elysium and no one has questioned my presence. I believe that my name is also known amongst the Mali'aheral and I am not a stranger to them.Yet if I am known, they would know how I act and look. Yet till now I have no heard complaints or what so ever that question my purity. I know what is right and wrong and certainly I will preserve my purity.  In future, I plan to contribute to our community as much as possible.

  3. Arahael looks between the Mali'aheral.

    She herself sat at the side.

    After looking up at the Mali'aheral, she looked back down to her open book.

    She continues to scribble in it with her pot of gold ink.

    On her face, was a very unusual frown.

    A slight crease has also developed in her youthful face.

    Her body also seemed to be thinner after to travel to the new land.

    She seemed troubled, yet she does not make a sound.

    She suddenly sighs as she stops her writing, with a heavy drop of ink as a full stop.

    The writing today seemed brief compared to the ones before.

    It wrote. "I always trusted the meaning of the name of our race. Mali'aheral. The blessed elves. Yet do we seem blessed at the moment?With all these troubles and conflicts at hand? Shouldn't we be in a grand city right now? Instead of sitting around a camp? With merely tents? With no resources? Oh how I remember those days at Haelun'or. Though the lands may be harsh, I fear even more for our future as well as our relationship. What has become of our reputation? Why are we a band of racist cut throats in other's eyes? What have become of our blessed race which should be high above, respected, education... Oh maln, haelun, how I miss you, how I miss the Silver City of the High Elves. Kaean'leh thilln chul'okarae. Iheiuhii narne narneyem'ehya, yet I believe asul lente karinto. Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya will come. Bless our race."

    Arahael goes slightly limp as her eyelids flutter closed. A small smile on her face, as she dreams of Haelun'or the Silver City of the High Elves.

  4. Arahael frowns deeply as she sees multiple writings. Though Elorna had informed her, yet she has came one step late.

    She takes a deep breath as she takes a several parchments, selecting one of them, then returning the others back in her satchel.

    She takes out her quill, dips it in the gold ink which is held tightly in a special spot made in her satchel just for her.


    Choice 1: Head Scribe

    ((MC name)): PianoEby

    (RP) Name: Arahael Eloem


    Arahael frowns as she reads the age part, as she writes her age down she hastily adds a sentence.

    Age:68 - I may not be old and full of experiences yet I have full confidence in my ability and already have great plans if I receive this position.

    Gender: Female

    Do you have a family, if so how many members will be residing with you: None is residing with me, I live in the inn. Kalenz Uradir may be my distant cousin however there are no facts proven so, only word from the mouth.

    ((Please state your time zone)):GMT +8 Hong Kong

    ((Please state your average playing time)): 3 hours - 5 hours each week. However during holidays I play 14 hours each week. And if my parents forget to block my minecraft I also play 14 hours each week. Let me explain. I am on an Academic Scholarship and my parents believe minecraft will distract me, so they blocked with IP firewall. However since I am extremely dedicated to minecraft, I am always available on skype and the forums. Around 12 hours each day, on the skype and forums. Though normally if you have any meetings for me to attend I make an appointment like thing to my parents and they let me play. :) Though I think by having this scholarship it does proves that I have at least a good standard of skills.

    ((Please state why we can trust you with this job)): Ever since making my whitelist application, I already have dreamed of having this position. I also have a huge interest in English and Humanities and I have implemented that aspect into my character. I participate in the Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education Humanities program. I have also been now admitted into the Education of Gifted Youth by Stanford University and passed the test with distinction. Lastly I believe I am mature, dedicated, as well having great skill in leadership. Since I cannot go in-game I have been on the forums and Skype very frequently, that is a show of my commitment to replace the time I could not play in-game. Also teachers in my class often praise me with my leadership skills. In a group, I always have been a natural leader, and I have taken courses in the Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education Leadership. Even though I believe sometimes it is better to be modest, I wish that the High Council can understand my skills in this area, resulting as granting the position of Head Scribe to me.

    ((Do you use skype?)):Yes, my skype name is sumchuen. That is my real name since I am chinese, and I don't have a chinese name. However I do believe this name suits be very well.

    ((How long have you been on the server?)):  1 month, however I have fully participated in activities, and tried to rise my reputation in my community. I am also in the High Elves chat, so I believe if you ask any Mali'aheral, they should know me.

    ((Why, as a player, do you wish to join the lower council?)): Arahael always have wished to serve the community. And Mali'aheral don't work for a pay, so I believe this job suits her. She also wishes to be more involved in Malinor.

    What nation do you reside in, if any: Malinor

    Do you hold any allegiances to other nations and or organizations/guilds? If so state them, and their nature: No. I wished to join the Association of Robed Librarian, however it disbanded before I decided to make an application.

    Do you have any work experience, if so where and what: I am the High Magescribe of Guild Arcane Delvers. As well as librarian in the Mali'aheral eternal library and I am the librarian of the Malinor library (Or job offered by Prince ember hard.) I do keep a diary as well as I do write poems for Galas which there will be one coming up hosted by Azorella Coulissante. I normally assist our district, help get resources for the Mali'aheral College. Volunteering to be a teacher and so forth. I have also volunteered to help Elorna Avern in her next plan to recreate a library (Anthos). Lastly I have applied to be the courier of the Treasury of Malinor.

    Do you have a criminal record, if so state your offenses: None.

    Why do you feel you are suited for Job Choice 1:  I have always kept contact with Elorna Avern the former Head Scribe about the news as well as volunteering to help with her. I have been always working with libraries such as the Mali'aheral Library and the abandoned Robes library. I have been very keen on having a job such as a scribe and librarian and I think this job suits be very well. I have spent my years at Haelun'or College, and I hope my efforts will not be waste as I believe I could demonstrate and use my skills most fully and efficiently.

    State any comment that you think may aid you in this application here: Not much. I would like to thank you for reading this application. Also to say I urge you to select one Head Scribe soon as I believe it to essential and beneficial for Malinor to have libraries and such. But I do not mean to pick me. Of course I would like this position though I would prioritize the Mali of Malinor first. I would lastly like to say, I do not see this application as a competition, as I am willing to work with others who want this position, not only was a Leader if I do not get this position, I am also willing to work as a follower.                  (( “Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.“ President Roosevelt ))


    Arahael smiles satisfied when she puts her application where it should be. She takes a heaving sigh as if a great burden had been lifted from her. Though a bit of tension remains as she still awaits if she receives this position. She puts on a grim face as she strides back to the Mali'aheral District.

  5. Ev reads the proposal silently to himself.  Onlookers notice him take a more relaxed stance, leaning on his staff casually as he ponders the message.  He neatly writes out a note to be pinned underneath the original.





    I have some basic knowledge of alchemy, but nowhere near what I believe you are looking for in a teacher.  I gladly support this proposal, and hope to see it come to fruition.  Please inform me if you need any help with the planning or execution of this project.


    -Ev Ar'Ahern


    Arahael looked very pleased indeed when she finally saw a reply.

    Again she produced a piece of parchment and started writing with her quill.

    "Ev Ar'Ahern, it is my upmost pleasure to see that you support this proposal. As I also appreciate any help at all, I'd gladly meet with you, if possible, to inquire more about alchemy. Thank you for your help and concern. ~ Arahael Eloem"

    (( Perhaps I could meet you with? I can come tonight 9:30 pm be aware my time zone is GMT +8. I have read the alchemy lores and stuff, I know how to brew but I cannot bring that to my character so I really need someone to teach my character more about Alchemy. ))

  6. (( Arahael we already have a civil historian robe unfortunatly, and I believe Althallos and I decided to still have the brown robes, but more so as trainees rather than assistants. As of right now there is just not enough things for the brownies to do, we are in desperate need of tomb guards however because of recent event taking place like the roof being blown to smither-ruins and we have no idea why, and there being a lich wanting to kill Gwen and make her into a Popsicle. So please keep posting applications if you wish to be a tomb guard.))

    (( I see, I see. However as myself and a high elf, I don't make a very good fighter, probably just an obstacle that would provide good loot. I'd probably be beaten to pulp as well as the person I'm supposed to protect and I'd probably ruin I lives... Unless we have a monk....))

  7. *A new notice is posted along with the other ones:*


    The Evaglno Theatre will be having its very first show in only a few Elven days. We will be having a flute player playing. The admission will be 40 minas. We are still in desperate need of paid waiters and waitresses. If you have any interest whatsoever, send a bird or leave a note.

    Jon Evaglno,


    [[OOC stuff: it's gonna be at 3 PM EST on Sunday, February 10th. I do still seriously need waiters, though.]]

    (( I am online now. So.. whats your in-game name? ))

  8. Arahael Eloem smiles faintly.

    "Finally.." She murmurs.

    She produces a piece of parchment and pen from her robe.

    She writes

    "I wish to study Alchemy and Poetry when there is a teacher. Other than that I also wish to apply for the position as ground keeper. Even though I do not have much experience, I believe this is the place I should start. As it was my dream to apply for a more educational post. If you have any inquiries about me, please post a notice under this one.

    ~Signed Arahael Eloem, Mali'aheral"

    Arahael looks hopefully at the notice and well as her own.

  9. In neat cursive, you see a notice.


    I am Arahael Eloem, Mali'aheral. I wish to study alchemy. I do not wish to spend much time to experiment and find out recipes for potion, therefore I require an experienced Alchemist to teach me. However once my studies are satisfied, I wish to contribute to our Mali'aheral society with my knowledge. In my mind sprouted this idea.


    I hope that we can set a little house, near the gate. There will be a wooden door and inside different chests perhaps. Each containing different potions. The purpose of the sanctuary is to help the wounded or to buff those who has important tasks and missions.


    The idea to study alchemy came from recent events such as normal monsters that patrol the night, as well as from thieves and unwelcome visitors, including unwelcome magic users.


    If this goes well, I believe this could be even more expanded. Such as perhaps have a doctor there? I am not sure, but I believe that Doctor Sullas is looking for some business.


    Please make another notice below this regarding if this proposal is possible, requires, if you want to support this, or be my alchemy teacher.


    ~Signed Arahael Eloem

  10. Name: Arahael Eloem
    Truename ((MCName)): PianoEby
    Race: Mali'aheral
    Origin: Haelun'or

    What do you wish to become a citizen of Malinor: I am already a more known member at the Mali'aheral district and I wish to apply for Citizenship so that it would provide more opportunities in economic positions and such. (( But I remember posting a citizenship before, I'm not sure if its the same thread. Also I already have the permissions at Malinor ))

    Do you agree to adhere to the rules of Malinor: Yes, I agree to the rules

    Skills: Scribing, Herbalism, Alchemy, Poetry, Speech and Public Speaking.

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