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Posts posted by Mining

  1. Jonathan lets out a tired grunt as he eases himself into his chair, looking at the small pile of applications. "Right then" he mutters as he starts reading through them. Upon finishing reading, he would write and send out responses to each individual applicant.




    A fresh and energetic messanger raven drops a letter addressed to Nessa Drakon. It bears the sigil of the Arcane Vigil!

    Dear Mr or Miss Drakon,


    Your application to join the Arcane Vigil has been received. You stated that you wish to be a mageshield yet at the same time, you know some magic. The mageshields are designed to be the physical counterpart to that of the mental. Where the mages weapon is his mind, the mageshields is steel. You stated as being proficent with both a blade and bow. There will come a time where you will have to chose between your progression in hydromancy (such a progression would mean transfer to the magi) or remaining at a highly limited level of proficency in your hydromancy and advance with your physical skills in combat. In any case, the Arcane Vigil will gladly accomodate you, be it as a magi or mageshield. Come and seek either myself or one of my collegues out so that you might be intervied and the matter discused further.


    Sincerely, Jonathan Elers


    P.S - In regards to the interview, you may speak with myself, Khel, Heial, Vuln or Toby. Consider seaking them out to be a challenge







    A slightly tired looking messanger raven drops a letter addressed to Yulna Delario. It bears the sigil of the Arcane Vigil!


    Dear Mr or Miss Delario,


    I thank you for your display of interest in the Arcane Vigil, and would like to see you one day within our ranks. However there is one section of your application that I feel would be incredibly necessary for one applying as a mageshadow, and that is your skills. I apologise that it stated for mage shadows only, our application is currently being rewritten and reworked so I ask you be patient with us. In any case, I ask that you would send a brief letter in response by bird explaining the skillset you posses and why you believe it would benefit the Vigil. The position of mageshadow is a much more exclusive and limited position than that of mageshield and magi. Once again I apologise for any confusion caused and for the delay. Once you send your letter, we can arrange a meeting in person to further discuss your potential future within the Vigil.


    Sincerely, Jonathan Elers


    ((Basically respond to the thread with a letter addressed to myself (no set format) detailing your skills and why she should be a mageshadow. This is to be written IC. Good luck :) ))




    A rather tired looking messanger raven drops a letter addressed to Howard. It bears the sigil of the Arcane Vigil!

    Dear Mr Howard,


    Your application to join the Arcane Vigil has been received and I thank you for your display of interest in our organisation. Under which caste you wish to join, you stated none, however based on your other responses I will assume you wish to become an apprentice of some sort, wishing to learn (and with time, master) magic. That is to be commended, as we were once all like you. I am curious how you a farmer, would know the effects of necromancy, a closely guarded secret. Might I add that your description for Necromancers isn't necessarily true. However I still wish to know how you came by the knowledge of necromancers, as well as which magic you wish to learn. Send me a letter in response covering these topics and then latter we will, potentially, meet to discuss your future in the Vigil.


    Sincerely, Jonathan Elers


    ((Meta gaming is not something we wish to breed here. It seems quite unlikely that your farmer character would know the state of necromancers. Might I also add that they would only be able to be spotted for a necromancer if they hadn't drained in a while. If they had drained life force relatively recently, you wouldn't be able to tell they are a necromancer. IF I'm wrong here and you came upon the information through legitimate rp, please say so. Anyway, leave a response saying how you came by the knowledge and what magic you want to learn))





    Jonathan scans over the application as it finds its way to his desk. He raises his eyebrows in particular amusement when he notes the instance of being a mageshadow. Reaching for his quill, he quickly pens a response and sends it off via bird to the man


    Well Mr Shale, you've certainly perked my interest, however unorthodox your application might be. Come and meet me in the tavern at Alras and we will discuss your future within the guild further. Send me a bird to arrange a time that best suites. I look forward to our meeting.


    Sincerely, Jonathan Elers

  3. Hera sends word right away

    Dear friends,

    Many do not know me but my part in the development in the delvers was crucial. It was I who lead the delvers to their home where they grew and it was I who carved new stone to make our home a sanctuary. It is I who now ask you let this name die with it's ancestors. I beg that you let this guild drift away. Let things lay to rest. Take up a new name. One that symbolizes your new found morals and family! Do not give yourself the stigma of a delver but that of your own unique group. Come not from the expectations of others. Chart your own expectations for yourself!

    -Hera Acius

    The note finds its way to Jonathan, whom wastes no time in penning and sending off a response.


    Dear Hera,


    We never had the pleasure of meeting, but it warms me to hear from an old delver none the less. Your suggestions rings true, and we do indeed plan to leave the name of Arcane Delvers behind. We are yet to settle on a definite name but suggestions are being made and I suspect we will settle on one before long. That said however, I would like for the groups aims and what not to, for the most part, remain true to the original vision of Polgrath. That is, a tight knit informal brotherhood of mages, warriors, rangers all united by the pursuit for knowledge and adventure. I thank you for your wise words and hope that you decide to once again assist in the foundation of this new group of 'delvers'.



  4. Mental magic can not connect to a large amount of minds at one (I think a master mental mage can do more than one but it's quite difficult) , so simultaneously doing it to a large group of people is out of the question. Furthermore, you can't (to my knowledge, I may be wrong) force an emotion on someone, but you can present stimuli that would create that emotion. Eg you can't make someone enraged, but you can make an illusion of their wife being held at knife point. THat sort of thing. What I'm saying here might be wrong as I'm not a mental mage and mental magic is locked. Remember that, it's LOCKED so you need a teacher for it. If you have a teacher, ask them

  5. OqwBEYG.png

    Jonathan slowly breaks into a tired smile as he listens to everyone discuss. Tapping his staff against the table to get everyones attention, he clears his throat and speaks up

    "Thank you to all of you whom have come and voiced your thoughts and support" he starts, giving a nod to each who attended, both those he knew well and those he does not "For this new era of Delvers to be successful, we must ensure the mistakes of the past are rectified. Leadership must be clear and our purpose clearer" he slowly scans the small group, looking upon each face and making eye contact with each of them "When Polgrath first started the Delvers, they were a small group of adventurers banding together in their pursuit of knowledge, seeking safety from those whom would see mages hunted down. Times have since changed, but our goals need not. Let us be adventurers and seekers of knowledge before all else. Not a military. Not some ancient order of magic. Adventurers who have each others backs.


    "Heial" he says, turning to look at the old pearl "Firstly, congratulations on the body" he says with a slight, amused smile "The system you have proposed works well, closely resembling Polgrath's original model. Seeing as there are no objections, we should put it into effect" he nods, looking back to the group collectively "A new era of Delving is beginning, ladies and gentlemen. And it begins today"


    ((Glad to see we've been so productive! Do you guys think we should build a base and start recruiting here in the Fringe, or wait for 4.0?))

  6. Given name(RP name): Norik Grandaxe


    (Skype name if you have one):  Sorry nope.


    True name(MC name): Greenpelt201345


    Race: Dwarf


    Are you applying as a ranger or an ACCEPTED mage ((As in you have a MA)): Rangers


    If ACCEPTED mage what form of magic ye use?: Ranger


    (Any Ban/Strike reports?): None



    Short Answers for all Applicants;



    Why do you wish to join the Delvers? Because of the recent drop in RP around Arkon, and the idea of 'delving' into old crypts and tombs sounds to be a fun and full of fun RP idea. And I have heard alot about the old Delvers and watched some videos and everytime I watched one, the players were having alot of fun doing it.



    Have you belonged to any faction or guild before? Yes, The Legion of Urguan, though I am retired, I still must answer the call of battle when needed. I am about to join the Remembrancer's guild, if this is a problem then I will happily choose delvers over the Remembrancers.



    List three words that a guild needs to function and survive.

    1. Good, mature players willing to RP in a serious or humorous manner.

    2. A strong idea basis for the guild, for example: "My guild is made so that I could have a guild.", that would most likely be removed as soon as a GM found it. But: "This guild is made for hunting down the undead and their masters", would be a nice idea.

    3. RP, a guild needs RP, I know this sound like a 'duh', but I mean players talking in RP and not OOC all the time. So perhaps a random chat in a hallway, or maybe having learning sessions if its a school type. Guilds always boil down to the amount little and big RP moments.


    In your own words describe what you think a delve is: A delve would be a expedition or 'adventure', into a crypt, tomb, or perhaps a new land once inhabited by a civilization lost to the ages, leaving books and other items behind.




    If you found an artifact and that artifact could do anything. What would it do? Norik.....has a.....slight.... addiction to coffee, so the artifact would give him coffee beans, coffee in drink form, coffee carrots (Dont ask), Bread made of coffee, Norik would basically have his own fortune in coffee.


    Thanks for reading my app, and I hope to join you on some delves!

    ((Heh, sorry mate but the guilds been dead for a few months now. BUT! If you read recent replies, you'll find that it might be coming back for 4.0!))


    The dwarfs application finds its way to Jonathan. He simply grunts and sends the bird back with a copy of the letter he recently sent out, instead of directly responding. 

    The Arcane Delvers.

    To some of you, this name means nothing. Something you might of heard mentioned in History tomes. To others, it is a memory. It matters not wether you were apart of this guild once, or not. All you need know is that we were a group of adventurers, mages, fighters. But most of all, learners. The Delvers are gone. Yet they need not stay gone. What I propose, is a rebirth


    My name is Jonathan Elers. In days long since past, I was a regent of this once mighty guild. My mind is filled with memories of the comradery, adventures and knowledge gained that I experienced in my time at the delvers. Wether yours are too, or you wish for them to be, I would like to call forth a meeting. Let any mage, adventurer, monster hunter or scholar whom was affiliated with the Delvers or wishes to be, journey to my land where we might discuss a potential future for a rebirthed Delvers. My home is in a place called Loopshire. It is just south  behind Haelun'or to the east, north of Fanghorn. A table will be set up where we might discuss the matter. I implore that any interested people attend and share their thoughts. 

    Let the Delvers be reborn, like a Phoenix.


    J. Elers

  7. An aged human man lets out a soft sigh as he sets down his quill, having finished writing. It had been some years since anything was heard of the Arcane Delvers. To the world, the Arcane Delvers were dead. Yet to this particular man, and all others whom may have been apart of the old guild, they lived on in memory. And now, in this time of great turmoil, there name would surface again. The aged man gives a curt nod to Vuln Shadeleaf, another ex Delver sitting across from him.The ravens would fly. Flyers would be posted and riders would ride forth, all spreading the same message to any Ex delver, mage, adventurer, monster hunter or curious soul.


    The Arcane Delvers.

    To some of you, this name means nothing. Something you might of heard mentioned in History tomes. To others, it is a memory. It matters not wether you were apart of this guild once, or not. All you need know is that we were a group of adventurers, mages, fighters. But most of all, learners. The Delvers are gone. Yet they need not stay gone. What I propose, is a rebirth


    My name is Jonathan Elers. In days long since past, I was a regent of this once mighty guild. My mind is filled with memories of the comradery, adventures and knowledge gained that I experienced in my time at the delvers. Wether yours are too, or you wish for them to be, I would like to call forth a meeting. Let any mage, adventurer, monster hunter or scholar whom was affiliated with the Delvers or wishes to be, journey to my land where we might discuss a potential future for a rebirthed Delvers. My home is in a place called Loopshire. It is just south  behind Haelun'or to the east, north of Fanghorn. A table will be set up where we might discuss the matter. I implore that any interested people attend and share their thoughts. 

    Let the Delvers be reborn, like a Phoenix.


    J. Elers


    ((Ok! So with 4.0 around the corner, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for a possible Delver rebirth! But I wanted to hear what you all think, both In character and out. The meeting will be done here, over the forums to make things as easy as possible. Make a post of your character turning up and we'll see where it goes!))

  8. Establish firm tiers again and lock all tiers higher than 2, aka beginner/novice level. Logically once you reach a certain point you can't learn further without some sort of guidance, and it would give people a chance to see the person's roleplay to see if they would powergame or not. They could then submit a SHORT application each time they furthered tiers, with examples of their roleplay and recommendations from other players/their roleplay teachers (no more staff-approval-required teachers). People could then post their own evidence of improper magic, roleplay, or powergaming.

    Dat my opinion.

    Pls note something really is necessary if we're going to have a magic plugin.

    I actually quite like this suggestion. A system where anyone could pick up and learn magic to an extent, see if they like it, try the rp of being a novice Mage etc without any form of restriction. But if they want to progress past parlour tricks style magic, gain both respect and 'power', some form of roleplay check or application would be needed. That's a compromise the way I see it.

  9. My opinion is something of a yes and no regarding this. I do NOT believe the magic system, as it was in the past, should return the way it was. It caused a degree of arrogance amongst mages that was not restricted to IC. I'm sure many will recall that back when magic was tightly locked up, if a new, eager role player made a post on the forums looking for a teacher or book....they got ripped to shreds in the kind of manner that turns people away from the server. It was rather unforgiving of new players simply looking to have fun roleplaying magic.

    But at the same time, it also weeded out some of the problems experienced in the current magic system. For example, people insta mageing yet having little to no clue on how to roleplay magic. It really grinds my gears when I meet a 400 year old elf character who says in rp they've been practicing magic since before my parents were born (despite me being a Mage of over 10 irl months) and then when they roleplay magic, it is wrong and power gammy. Now obviously the more experienced and knowledgeable mages should be helping educate those newer to magic. But that can only go so far when there are so many backstory mages who don't know what they're doing. Backstory mages (mages who never actually rpd in game to get their magic) should not be allowed in my opinion.

    Magic should be a wonderful force of creating roleplay. The old magic system ensured it created roleplay (by seeking out a teacher and slowly increasing in skill) but it was also heavily restrictive. The new system (that being no system) was designed to open up magical roleplay, however I feel it has cheapened it. Quantity is replacing quality in many cases of magical roleplay. All mages are master mages, apprentice mages and novices are all but extinct. Neither or the magic systems are perfect. It's my personal belief that their should be some form of check to ensure mages know how to roleplay their magic, but nothing as tight as the old system. Backstory mages shouldn't be allowed and the magical learning process should take a set amount of time.

    P.S - I would be willing to give up my magic for the sake of a magical purge (which I believe could be beneficial)

  10. Me thinked that you couldn't properly manipulated with evocation, more just evoke in a rough shape and throw.

    Of course,the shape will always be rough and the level of control is still faar from linear. However you can still manipulate it regardless. If you COULDN'T manipulate it to a degree, then as soon as a fireball (as an example) was evoked, the Mage wouldn't be able to do anything with it (such as throw it). So yes, manipulation is possible, just not to a fine degree. A water evocationist can't make a fine ice sword, but a jagged, point bit of ice is well within their means. Apologise if my message was misleading :P

  11. Oh do I want some kind of Lightning or Fire something Elemental, something that would take an Extereamly long time to do

    I'm assuming you mean that this is the type of magic you were looking to learn? In that case, the evocations would be your best option, with fire and electrical evocation both existing. Incase you're unfamiliar with magic on the server, evocation basically means creating and manipulating said element (in this case electric and fire) eg create fireball, throw it at someone. Alternatively, if orcish role play is more your thing, there is an elemental branch of shamanism. I'm not much of an expert on that, but basically in shamanism you manipulate existing elements (by communicating with elemental spirits I believe) as apposed to creating your own.


    As for something that takes a long time to do. Well, given that there's no longer any restrictions on learning magic, you are free to set your own pace of learning. However you will certainly gain more respect if you fully role play out your learning process (as apposed to insta master, which is somewhat power gaming). To put it in perspective, in the old system it would take roughly 3 or 4 months (real life time) of training before you could be competent enough to defeat a single melee soldier. Thats no longer the case, but bravo to you if you actually want it to take a while and are prepared to train :P

  12. The title really sums up this whole post. I can post responses and make topics on the forums (like so :P) however NONE of the formatting options are visible to me. They seem to have vanished....all I see is a white box that I type in with plain text. I've noticed however that I can format using the html code equivalents (eg b to make things bold and br is my only way of making gaps). However as you can imagine this is rather annoying and inconvenient. Getting the gui formatting back would be very much appreciated

    Now, I've tried accessing the forums across different browsers (chrome, firefox......even IE). I tried resetting to default settings on chrome (my normal browser). I've scoured the settings within these forums to no avail and I even tried seeing if it works on a new, sepperate forums account. All with the same result. Assistance here would be greatly appreciated so that my posts can stop looking like poo....<3

  13. Eh, I personally think the MT should stop focusing on skits, news reports and that sort of thing (great as they are!) which are more so aimed at existing community members. Instead I think they should be making trailers and what not. But then, thats just me

  14. Viralurth stands still as he listens before speaking up, his tone calm and serious "All great trees started as but small saplings llir. Ker'lomi is still a young city. In time, it shall flourish. Perhaps with your assistance, living quarters canned improved"

    With that, he falls silent

  15. Not really sure what this business about being "turned away" is. My Human character is always allowed in. Why? Because they know he's not a trouble maker, won't be using any edgy dark magic, won't hurt Mali etc. Chardoodled, being turned away from the gate definitely isn't you being told your not good enough, it's an rp thing. It makes sense that dwarves won't be let into the city given they are currently at war with the dwarves. Sure, your dwarf MAY not be involved in the war efforts in anyway, and may even support the elves in the war. But they don't know that, and it'd take a lot of proving.

    Yes, closed gates can be a pain for all. But I honestly don't think it's something that needs to be taken to ooc levels.

  16. Mc name: miningtilldeath Character name:Viralurth Male or Female:Male Do you want it shaded, or a noise added? (If you don't want noise, or shade, say it.):Shaded would be nice Editing a skin, or a new skin?:new skin Reference picture (recommended, so it will be easier for us to do):http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/107/9/d/dark_elf_by_icedwingsart-d7etwha.jpg Give us a brief description of your character: Spoke with ya in game leets :P Anything else?: Don't think so

  17. ((You can't have been learning magic longer than a few weeks man and you're deciding to open a school? Risky man, diving in right in the deepened like that. I know the knew system of magic technically allows that, but I personally would implore you to roleplay progressing through your magic a bit (as apposed to insta master mageing) more and gaining more of a feel for it. But of course, I nor no one can stop you from roleplaying how you like, so good luck))

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