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Posts posted by Mining

  1. If Jonathan knew, he would say "You haven't been seen in years, it was natural to assume you were dead. Welcome back though, you're needed now more then ever, Fellow Regent" but of course, he does not know, so says and thinks nothing.


    ((lol alrighty then. I don't even remember the last time you were on Toby and you said you weren't playing him anymore *shrug*)

  2. New forms of magic that do what existing magics can already do is generally quite frowned upon. As evoking ice is already an established part of water evocation, the only really purpose for having it to be its own subtype would be so you can cut the corner of having to get advanced in water evocation. In magic, cutting corners is highly frowned upon, especially by established mages

  3. Jonathan Elers sighs and leans back in his chair as he finishes copying out the last letter. On his desk lay many sealed letters, addressed simply to"Delver or Delver friend". That should be enough. Now wheres that damn Courier I hired He thinks to himself. After all, speaking your thoughts out loud when nobody is there to hear them is a silly and foolish practice that he does not follow. No sooner had he thought it, then the door to his office flew open and a young and light footed elf lad came jogging in. As he does so, Jonathan stands and gives the courier his instructions "If they wear the Delver uniform of blue and gold, such as I wear, you give them a copy. If you have ever seen them wearing a Delver uniform, even if it was our old one, you give them a copy. If they look to be a mage, be it because they wear robes or carry a staff, you ask them if they are a Delver or Delver friend. They say yes, you give them a copy. Anyone you personally know to be a Delver, you give a copy. Further more, I want you to unseal one letter and pin it up in the Cloud Temple. There's no excuses, every Delver and Delver friend must receive a copy of this. Understood?" The courier simply nods his head and starts scooping the letters into his Satchel "Excellent! Make haste then" he offers the courier a tired smile and with that, the courier jogs out the door. Now to see who will come




    Greetings Delver, Ex-Delver or Delver friend,

    My name is Jonathan Elers. And it would seem I am all that remains of the council of regents and the leadership of this once proud and mighty organization. Guildmaster Artimec has left us after many years of loyal service, and we will all miss him. Regent Toby Williams has not been seen in years and it is believed that an expedition to the North claimed his life. Regent Cyrus has similarly not been seen, leaving without any indication. His whereabouts, are unknown. I will not lie to you, our current state is pitiful. But that does not mean our future must be.


    With that said, I invite all Delvers, Ex Delvers and Delver friends to our base of Lil'Talaran in a Delver assemblage where we might discuss the future of our organization, where all might have a say. There was a time where the might of the Delvers rivaled that of nations. It will not be easy. It will not be quick. But with time and a good amount of dedication and hard work, I believe we can climb out of this pit in which we find ourselves, and come back a stronger force then ever. So please. If you care about our future, come to Lil'Talaran, and help me.


    ~Sincerely, Jonathan Elers~

    ((Now then, that gets the Rp out of the way. Yes, a large Delver meeting will be taking place. In game would have been preferable but given the spread out nature of our timezones, it will take place in a private forum conversation. Respond to this thread so I know to add you. I'll give it three days before we start))

  4. -snip-

    Jonathan reads over the application a few times before nodding in approval to himself. He takes a blank sheet of paper, dips his quill in an ink pot, before quickly scribbling out a letter. Upon opening, it would read

    Dear Mr Redgrave,

    I find your answers to be most intriguing. The force faction rank known as vigilant that you refer to is a thing of old and has been replaced by the Talaran Rangers, which you shall become. I must confess, I am unfamiliar with this 'white magic' you refer to, and I thought I knew most forms magic could take. None the less, perhaps you can explain it to me when we speak in person. You are accepted and I task you with finding me, Jonathan Elers. I'm a Valah in Delver robes with a staff, shouldn't prove too difficult. Welcome to the Delvers Mr Redgrave


  5. I certainly agree that the amount of villainous acts seen on a day to day basis is getting slightly out of hand. However I don't think that its entirely a matter of too many villains per say. I think its a matter of the Villain to Hero ratio being overwhelming. Guards are pretty much a neutral ground who can sway towards the villainous side (I'm talking Stab a criminal in the back, kill first ask questions never) or they can be more Hero orientated guards (get to the bottom of things properly, only kill if absolutely necessary). Now in any story, LOTC included, the job of dealing with the villain will fall to the Hero. The problem is, their aren't enough Heroes. Too many people are playing either the victim or the villain, but not enough rping as the Hero who stops the villain. My point is, I don't think that this is an issue that requires anything to be done ooc wise, but needs to be dealt with in rp.

  6. A letter is sent to Thurak. Upon opening, the writing would be neither elegant nor messy, just simple and legible writting. "Dear Thurak. Firstly, I would like to apologise for the wait which you have had to endure, it was never my intent to keep you in suspense. After giving your application some thought, I'm afraid I must decline it. Please know that it is not because of any lack of apptitude, as I have personally witnessed you to be a fearless and courageous Uruk in battle. However, I do not believe that your interests align with that ofthe Arcane Delvers. Your application reflects that you're primarily interests lie in battle and fighting, therefor I believe you would be better suited to military, perhaps mercenary work, as apposed to becoming a Delver. I appologise for any inconvenience I may have caused you, it was not my intent. Should you wish to discuss your denial further, feel free to contact myself or another Regent.


    Sincerly, Jonathan Elers

  7. ((All interesting ideas, but they are things that need to be proposed and dealt with in an ic manner. Further, this system would only really suit (society and culture wise that is) the human nations (Oren and Herendul). Systems like these are not and should never be an ooc system like the magic system of tiers, its something that is entirely conducted in roleplay))

  8. Jonathan looks at the note in amusement for a few moments before setting the tip of his staff hovering above the note the note. He focuses for a moment, his breathing calm, and a tiny flame flickers into existence at the tip of his staff. Before long it catches onto the note and it is reduced to ash. He then taps his staff against the remaining ash, and a tiny little explosion of wind sends the ashes scattering in all directions. Jonathan grunts slightly in satisfaction before continuing to go about his activities, not giving the note a second thought

  9. *Walking past the desk Leyu spots the men finishing their applications, with Jonathan reviewing them.....Looking over his shoulder she speaks softly for him to hear.


    Though I am not a Regent, I would certainly approve of more members. Our halls grow quiet as of late. And it has been a while since I have had the chance to teach an Orc.

    Jonathan looks over his shoulder and quietly murmurs in response "It's something Art and I have personally been working to fix. Three recruits" he glances over at Thurak as he leaves before looking back over his sholder "And a possible fourth in two days. Just yesterday we went on a hunt. Don't worry Leyu. Its being taken care of. Your opinion on Thurak is noted" he gives her a small smile as he finishes speaking

  10. Jonathan casually saunters through the streets of Abresi, as he frequently does. There was a time when he feared for his life in doing so but that time was gone. He had not seen Sabel in years and he had long since dealt with anyone he suspected to be a Hatter. He had changed much since he had last Sabel, and his only regret was that he wouldn't be able to 'show' Sabel the new him.


    ((Voidsoldiers gone completely dark. Nothing saying he was leaving on the forums and hasn't logged on in nearly 2 months. Unless another has taken control of the hatters, I think they're gone))

  11. snip

    Jonathan smiles as Durzo, sitting opposite him, finishes his application. He picks it up and quickly scans through it, mumbling quietly to himself at certain stages in assessment. Finally he finishes and puts the application down, smiling at Durzo "Well Mr Lafar, I think you'd make an excellent addition to our ranks. Accepted and welcome"



    Thurak is also sitting opposite Jonathan. After finishing his application (and taking longer then Durzo to write it mind you) Jonathan scans through it, before setting it back down. "Hmm" he murmurs to Thurak. "You missed a question, that being why it is you wish to join us. And the questions you did answer were certainly interesting. I think I might get the opinion of the other regents before I make a verdict, if its alright with you. Sorry about that. I'll get in contact shortly though"

  12. Would you please explain how I would emote connecting to the void.

    Also would you give me more detail on the tiers of magic, I have a general understanding yet I would like to know more.

    Now first of all I ask that you do not meta game this information. Before your character starts doing it, please find out in rp. That said, the way you do it is actually rather simple. When first starting out, have your character meditate in a quiet area and attempt to clear their mind. Once, it took irl months of meditation before one could connect to the void however that is no longer the case. How long you choose to meditate trying to connect to the void before you actually succeed is up to you, however as a general rule you shouldn't get it on the first go. Anywho, eventually you make your character succeed connecting to the void through meditation. How people choose to emote connecting to the void for the first time differs from person to person and theres no real set guide line other then your character will feel it. Some have nose bleeds, some gasp and open their eyes, some pass out, be creative! Oh and a role play tip. Only emote what people see. A lot of beginner mages will emote *closes eyes and trys to clear mind Or something along those lines of their mind reaching out. Emoting should be what people say, so instead do something like this (also break it up so people have time to respond)

    *closes eyes, his brow furrowing in concentration

    *breathing slows down to deep and controlled breaths

    *stays completely still for some time, his breathing calm


    And then work from there. This breaks the concentration/connecting process up so people have a chance to stop you (a less experienced mage can loose concentration from so much as a loud and sudden noise and even an experienced mage will loose concentration if they're hit with something) and also only emotes what people see.


    As for your concern about tiers. Technically speaking, the actual tier system itself with what you can and can't do is gone, as mages are equal to warriors now. BUT tend to loosely go on a tier system of beginner, noivce, adept, expert and master, or something along those line just to give an idea of where they are at with magic. A more advanced mage will cast more powerful spells, cast quicker, and get less tired.


    Hope I helped and post any more questions you may have :) If any existing and more qualified mage then I objects to any of this by all means say so

  13. Jonathan frowns as he sees all the selfish knoxmas wishes. "Selfish people...selfish people everywhere.." he murmurs softly. Suddenly his face lights up and he starts singing, softly at first but quickly gaining volume and intensity. Before long he is singing merrily and frolicking around in the snow, giggling like a girl occasionally. His amazing singing skills would no doubt gather a crowd


    Jonathan pants as he finishes his song and boldly walks over to the notice and writes in big bold letters

    "All I want for Krugmas is you" after writing that he looks around to make sure no one is looking before writing in small letters under neath it "But a new, enchanted staff for Jonathan Elers ((miningtilldeath)) would be awesome too"

  14. [OOC]
    MC NAME: miningtilldeath
    AGE: 17
    GENDER: Male
    DO YOU HAVE SKYPE: I do indeed, pm me for it

    NAME: My name is Mori Takashi
    AGE: It has been 19 years since first I entered this world
    : I am a male
    RACE: Whilst I am a human, I am of Easterner descent
    DO YOU BELONG TO THE TRUE FAITH: I am true to the creator

    CURRENT PROFESSION: Too my shame, I am currently unemployed, a soldier without an army
    CURRENT RESIDENCE: *the following section is left blank
    DO YOU HAVE A PATRON: I do not

  15. Ill say straight out, I prefer rp default. When its done well, and with good people that is, otherwise you end up with PGing, and lots off ooc bickering, at which point I, despite being a supporter of rp and living in australia (which means iffy connection) would prefer a 30ish second fight of pvp as apposed to 30 minutes of ooc bickering

  16. Jonathan observes line of people gathering with some amusement as he contemplates getting his fortune told. "Oh what the hell" he mutters to himself as he joins the cue, politely waiting for his turn. When it eventually becomes his turn


    He smiles at Pern "Shouldn't be hard to guess why i'm here~ So what does my future hold" he pauses for a moment before adding "And i'm somewhat interested in the power of these cards of yours. But for now, i'm interested as to what they say about me" he smiles once again before waiting for her response

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