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Valon (Yokey)

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Posts posted by Valon (Yokey)

  1. Taking away player lore could solve many problems, but it could also cause many. What if someone gets an incredible creature or magic idea. What do we do? I don't know if I'd like this at all. People should be allowed to tell their thoughts on additions to the server. If nothing new ever came through the server, what would there be to stay for? The same conflicts, the same enemies, the same dangers. What if you'd tried this sooner, and we never got ghosts? or alchemy lore? or dread knights? Think of all the things player lore has done, and please. Keep player lore.

  2.     "The halflin's 'ave they'a tea an' sweets. Them keep they'a cozy sweatahs. Them keep all they'a biz and bobblez. Them keep they'a cozy damn'd lifes. I needs none o' it. I got all I's need in me mischeif an' me hole. *grumble grumble*"


        Lenfarthing had their tea and sweets. They wore their cozy sweaters. They admired their bits and bobbles. They carried on through another day of their lives. And so, they all curled up into their cozy blankets and covers. They drifted off into their dream worlds, relishing the tea and bobbles in their heads. But nevertheless, doors creaked open and shut, floorboards creaked as if someone paced through the very hallways of the halflings' burrows. The flowers and grass were brushed past, and hedges were shook. But silence and tranquility fell back upon the scenic hills. People awoke, and stretched their arms and legs. They stood, ready to return to the tea and cake, the sweaters, the bits and bobbles of their everyday life. But it was not to be so. Screams echoed across the hills, and scenes of horror were amiss. Upside-down paintings in every home, unevenly-trimmed grass, chairs missing legs, cabinets without jars or bowls, and worst of all...from every house, from every box or chest or cupboard, not one silver spoon. Not one. It was a dark day.


       "Hehe...hehe." chuckled Gulmo Blagwam. This munchkin was just getting started.

  3.     So, since we're brainstorming about other things besides the map... what's the opinion on 4.0 burrows? We usually slightly change styles when we change maps so, here are some of my ideas. I'll just say, I'm not a very good builder Inb4 Dalek insults my ideas. 






         Instead of having the normal shire style where most of the exposed outside of the burrow is just dirt, my idea is that we have more prominent wood details on the outside with a grass roof. The grass and dirt would still come all the way to ground level every once and a while but there would be a lot more wood on the outside than there is in Anthos. Another idea would be to incorporate some colored clay on the outside to break up the monotony of just having wood and grass. It would probably used as more of a focus block for the burrow. Here's another concept image. 




       So, what ideas do you guys have? As I said before I'm a pretty bad builder so hopefully some others can run with these ideas and make some unique burrows for the 4.0 map! 


    Great Idea, Aris. I love it!

  4. House Fatroot







    "Pipeweed is the root of all happiness. We are that root. A very fat one at that."


    House Fatroot is a large conglomeration of halflings. They are pipeweed farmers many, and some perform other professions as well. Doctors, bakers, candlestick makers. Yes, being a fatroot is full of possiblities.


    ((If you want to be a halfling, this is a way for you to jump right in. Just show up with a aname and skin. No shoes, red hair, and have fun. Join the house!))

  5.  Well, one of the disadvantages of having less land is less burrows. Now, while I do advocate smaller burrows very much, we have been having problems with the number of burrows in 3.0. People don't want halflings that live in the inn. No one does. So what we need to do is find other forms of housing. Maybe a larger hill with two burrows built into it, or something. I'll get a map drawn up of my own design sooner or later, but I vurry vurry busy with region orchestra and marching state coming up. Afterwords, I should have a bunch more time. I'll be around at the times I can.


    Also, bigger inn, and Aris, utilize what I circled for wheat fields



  6. What if we all made event proposals centered around the Halflings? Of course anyone who wanted to could show up, but we could just make a bunch of event proposals that take place in Lenfarthing.




    Also, Yeah I'm trying don't yell at me pls I have sensitive ears and noses,

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