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Posts posted by InfamousGerman

  1. 2 hours ago, Legoboy7984 said:

    Agnar watches them leave

    ((You do know that the Frostbeards can only WC 4 times and they have to do a skirmish then siege the dock fort. Kal'Omith won't be sieged.))


    ((the war has to have 4 warclaims at a minimum, not maximum, to end, these being - jornheim fields, boxfort, the skirmish this saturday and kal'omith


  2. 9 hours ago, Charles The Bald said:

    t’s face it, you cannot actually win this war as we have way more soldiers and gear than you have. Without any allies, we still have more soldiers than your whole kingdom can rally on a good day. 

    "It was going to be that until the false midgets started calling in Oren to win their war for them since they're too lethargic themselves" says John

  3. 6 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Why don't we just remove nexus entirely? Most people on the server don't like it anyways. We could replace the Nexus system with vanilla crafting or some other system that doesn't involved too much grinding. 



    sorry i forgot this was a nexus crafting your view

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