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Posts posted by InfamousGerman

  1. 33 minutes ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:

    99% of banditry is motiveless, done out of boredom or determined by who is the easiest target or has the best loot. If you have a specific RP reason to attack someone, then you should be attempting to RP it out anyways instead of jumping to PVP.


    Its not that much harder to call reinforcements for PVP than it is for RP, either.


    Additionally, 99% of what people cry about when they say "metagaming" is when bandits come and cause open, public trouble in the most populated area of a city (i.e the main square or front gate where people naturally congregate), and act surprised when guards who live in the city and spend most of their time in that area by default anyways are able to respond quickly and in great numbers. And let me tell you, that's an issue that lies in the attacker's choice of location. RP or PVP, in a case like that, there is more than enough time for a defense force to form up before the fighting begins.


    If you're attacking people inside a city centre, dont complain when you get overwhelmed. If youre attacking people outside a city centre where RP does NOT naturally congregate, and reinforcements show up inexplicably, then call a GM, because it is pretty obvious metagaming.


    Like you said, every argument goes both ways. But the main tipping factor is that a minority wants to be able to force something unenjoyable for many, even when they're the ones attacking, whereas the larger group wants only to be able to get their attackers to RP, only if they are the ones being attacked or aggressed on. The goals on both sides are not at par. Also, this is an RP server, and for all the problems people claim about emote fighting, its still closer RP than PVP, especially when you consider PVP disregards all a character's strengths, weaknesses, magics and powers, and etc, in favour of who grinded more. PVP is a valid alternative if both sides prefer it, but not something to be forced on people in lieu of RP.


    if im going to attack someone with an rp reason I'll always be prepared for rp but if i war raid someone I'd like mechanic combat to get **** done, force a victor and go on with my day in a matter of a minute 


    attackers don't really get a choice of locale because fast travels are right next to a city and you can't camp fts


    i don't complain about fighting out numbered, i like fighting outnumbered and still can win outnumbered


    if im attacking for good loot, then the opposing side should carry the same **** i have or better right? I've never grinded on lotc, i only kill the people that do


    dont think im going to change your mind here Leo and vice versa I'll just agree to disagree

  2. 3 hours ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:

    Yep, exactly. You chose to attack them. Defenders dont choose to get attacked. Key difference.


    No ones forcing you to rP, because you have the CHOICE to not attack people who will ask you to RP. Defenders dont have that choice.


    Dunno why that's such a hard concept for you to grasp tbh


    ah yes, we should pussyfoot around the opposing party and attempt to goad one side into attacking so my team can gain an advantage


    i shouldn't attack someone who realistically would be my ic enemy because ooc barriers dictating combat so much for 'dynamic rp' you go on about


    in addition to what gob said, it is miles easier to **** with the other side with an rp default leaning combat system. at least with pvp default stalling is painfully obvious with ((im not ready please wait)) for 10 minutes. Rp default system i can power game slightly and extend my chars lifespan, take more time than necessary to type out my emotes and become involved in an ooc argument to drag out what should be a 5 minute encounter to 45-1h encounter.


    "if someone's powergaming just call a mod????"

    if someones doing terrible villain rp just call a mod???!


    the real kicker in this rp vs pvp default argument is that every argument works both ways 



  3. 2 minutes ago, ski_king3 said:


    The point is that if 8 people defaults to PVP, and 4 people can do lawless raids, you cannot use defender default to select RP without being at a disadvantage. That's why the cap was raised.


    What? Raiders can only bring people every 2 days minimum, usually it becomes 5 days. Defenders can use any and all skype chats at their disposal to bring in monumental amounts of reinforcements. Reinforcements can join in the defense at any time they want and suffer no punishments. Now you want them to also have the ability to outnumber raiders in a forced rp fight that they'll automatically win with attrition due to it being a 5v4 max.


    How many damn things are you going to slant in favor of the defenders? At this point you might as well just say you want to remove raids.

  4. 1 minute ago, Malgonious said:

    Scratch the Golem Persona part, and the Bases Allowed to be invaded.  These are just obvious handicaps or setups for flays to manipulate.  Bases should never be allowed to be invaded.


    its literally 130 vs 20 calm the **** down conspiracy theorist

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