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Posts posted by EmbryoGod

  1. I'm confused a little bit as to the creation of a Wight. So essentially what is required is three Necromancers, the person who wants to become a Wight, a dead body, and a word inscribed on the individual who wishes to become a Wight?

  2. Character Name: -- Aebek the Healer

    Minecraft Username: -- GruntBirthday

    Timezone: --- Central Standard Time

    Usual Playing Times: -- Usually any time during the day, though tomorrow, Wednesday June 11, I will be preoccupied so I will not be playing much that day

  3. To put it simply: this magic would be far too complicated for any Conjurationist or Druid to handle. They would be "overloaded" in a sense- it would take up too much of their energy to be able to control something of this scale- as per their own set of rules and regulations. And this puts a far more specialized and more logical standpoint to a magic. For instance, you said that Druids could be capable of doing one part of the magic, Conjurationists another, and Necromancers another. Well that's all well and good, but I don't see a Rogue Druid Necromancer Conjurationist around. And even then they wouldn't be able to do certain things guide-lined in the magic. To be blunt: this is different, it has differences from other magics it doesn't matter if you put three other magics together and go "Well... if all three of these magics worked together then they could do some of it".

  4. NAh, this is pretty much just a copycat of what necromancy can already do. -1

    How so? It doesn't sap life force, in fact it doesn't even mention life force, and no it isn't. Necromancers DO NOT have the capability to manipulate and maneuver the bacteria and infections already in the world

  5. Necromancy is already capable of bringing about diseases and plagues.

    They use their ability to corrupt life force in order to spread plague and diseases, they would kill the person would would in turn cause the infections. They do not have the ability to manipulate viruses and bacteria already in the atmosphere and world


    I'm pretty sure that this can be achieved through

    Conjuration to begin with.


    Conjurationists wouldn't have the capability 1: to even see at such a microscopic level, it takes very high power microscope to study them and 2: virus and bacteria change and reproduce so quickly it would be impossible to keep it up at the level of use that a Pathomancer has

  7. (Note: This is a revamp of a post I saw in the archives, I feel that I've made it a bit less overpowered and far more understandable. Also I apologize for making this so long, however it needs much detail and in-depth description of things so certain... misconceptions do not occur.)


    What is Pathomancy?

    Pathomancy is, in short, is a deity-based magic that gives its users the magical ability to spread disease and pestilence. It shares similarities with other branches of magic, such as Necromancy and Conjuration, but it has some striking differences and those will be stated later on. A trained and skilled Pathomancer would be able to bring opponents to their knees in a coughing or vomiting fit, making them weak and able to be overtaken; an expert Pathomancer's opponent would end up dead on the sidewalk, in a pool of his own retch.


    Pathomancy has existed for as long as organized religion has existed. Pathomancers are nothing more than fanatical priests that were given their boon by the god they refer to as The Rot. If someone were to join the religion and follow it whole-heartedly, they would know of the Pathomancers existence. However, the religion has been slowly fading in recent years; as other religions have taken its place with far less gruesome and sickening practices. Many who have seen a Pathomancer have not even noticed it, for it shows signs of either Necromancy or Conjuration, both of which are different from it, though they appear similar in form.

    The Rot:

    The Rot is a god worshipped by Pathomancers and followers of the religion, the religion's name has long-since been forgotten, and so now it is referred to as "The grotesque church of the belief in The Rot" (the name was probably another reason it lost favor in more recent years). Followers of The Rot have no true name for their god, only that they call him The Rot, and it is indeed a fitting name. Theirs is a god whose sole purpose is to spread the beauty of disease and filth to this seemingly full and vast world. The Rot views every single bacterium and every single virus as a gift to humanity, The Rot's own way of leaving a gift to mankind. The Rot sees bacteria and viruses as life (which any Druid would tell you is fact), and views them as creatures of equal importance as well as any other human or animal. His motives are not one of a dark and evil origin, only the ignorance of a god who feels that the world needs more life on it, the Pathomancers are more, if anything, the ones that use his boon for negative influence.

    What really is a Pathomancer?

    A Pathomancer isn't a Conjurationist or Druid who has decided it was in his or her best interests to bring death and disease to a relatively unwilling planet. The reason for Pathomancers is similar to the reason of War Clerics: to fight and defend the religion which they so dearly believe. Pathomancers view themselves as battle priests and defenders of their church, though in order to view the situation as that you must surely be ignorant or insane. Pathomancers, while they purposefully kill and maim, do not see themselves as evil, after all alignment is only subjective. Pathomancers view that, while taking a life of a living being, they can produce millions upon millions more in the form of bacteria and viruses which would spread through the air to infect more people. To others, of course, this is merely the insanity of a rogue mage who is attempting to take over the world. There are, however, rogue followers of the religion, that choose to use his boon for evil and dark influences, such as mass killings, however; The Rot still sees them as fighters and spreaders of his much loved diseases.

    How does a Pathomancer get his or her magical abilities?

    A Pathomancer does not simply will themself into existence, it is a long and rather arduous process through the church. First of all one must convert to "The Grotesque Church in the Belief of The Rot " and rise through the ranks to become a priest. Once the other Pathomancers come to a majority decision to allow a new priest into their ranks, they all gather around the initiate and beg and pray to The Rot to give this upstart the knowledge of vast and ever changing species of disease and the magical knowhow to do it. The priest will then injure himself and give an open wound so that The Rot can "mark" the follower: this means that the priest will endure countless infections at a rapid pace, being kept alive by the prayer of his brethren and the will of The Rot; which then is followed by the receiving of the knowledge of the magic given to all Pathomancers when they once start their journey. This does not mean, however; that a Pathomancer is as strong as an expert and has the knowledge of a master, these skills will take time to develop just as any other magic would.

    How does Pathomancy even work?

    Pathomancy works by the communication between the Pathomancer and The Rot, to put it simply, the Pathomancer will pray or speak to The Rot to use the magic, similar to Priest Healing. And unlike other magics such as conjuration, the virus or bacteria stay inside the world once the Pathomancer cuts connection with The Rot, which is a rare trait of magic, indeed. Pathomancers will use the magic and knowledge given to them by The Rot to manipulate bacteria and viruses either already inside the recipient's body, or in the surrounding air, to be injected into the body and then being multiplied one million fold, causing either quick or instant infection. This cannot be done with Druidism or Conjuration, however; because of the rate at which disease evolves at. Druids and Conjurationists could, in theory, find one specific type of bacteria or virus and study it long enough to be able to create it from the Void, but then what? The immune system would easily fight it off and it couldn't evolve because it was from the Void, not to mention that in order to make millions appear and be able to reproduce would be far too much for either of those two to be able to handle.

    What can a Pathomancer do?

    Well now we all know how Pathomancy works, but what can you do with it? Well, the possibilities are almost endless. Since they manipulate already formed bacteria and viruses in the air, they could poison meats and drinks, even make weapons become infectious and rusty things that's sole power isn't for its stab, but its diseases. As long as you are capable of manipulating a virus or bacteria, you can do it.


    The scaling system for Pathomancers is a bit different from other magics: their skill levels are based off of disease names, not tiers or titles like master or expert.

    Common Cold:

    This is the first step for Pathomancers. They learn how to manipulate disease and learn to better communicate with The Rot. At this stage Pathomancers are able to make people sniffle and cough for a little bit, nothing too drastic or noticeable. Small symptoms occur here, for instance mild fevers and the like. This will take 2 elvish weeks to complete.



    Pathomancers begin to dabble into the art of stomach and chest pains, as well as vomiting. Nothing fatal can be done yet, though their ability to continue diseases amplifies, as well as disease abilities (louder coughing and more violent sneezing, etc. etc.). This takes 1 elvish month to complete.


    Pathomancers are now capable of killing a person, though it takes a lot out of them. They can cause people to retch up so much that their body can't handle it anymore and will shut down. Short term disease become easy for them, and chest and stomach pains can become unbearable. They now are capable of making people feel large chills and the "need to go now" if you catch my drift. Making fevers also become largely apparent in this field. This takes 3 elvish months to complete.


    Pathomancers become even more attuned to disease and death. They can now sufficiently kill 3 men by making them projectile-vomit, and they can cause respiratory failure, among other things. This is when a Pathomancer's knowledge becomes extremely advanced and it is impossible for a list to be written of all the things Pathomancers are capable of at this level. One interesting characteristic to note, however; is that they can now poison and taint food and water, becoming more attune to The Rot. This will take 4 elvish months to complete.


    If you find a Pathomancer of this skill-level, your best bet is to run and hide. They have become so attuned to disease that they appear to be living embodiments of the disease themselves. They can kill up to 5 men, maybe more depending on their time spent at this level, by various diseases. They can even make long term illnesses such as arthritis or respiratory problems (requires OOC consent). Once you reach this level, your skill increases gradually, about every 2 elvish weeks you grow stronger (incrementally, not like "wow 2 elvish weeks time to murder everyone"). Another noted thing about this group is that they can create a sort of area about them that can be filled with bacteria and filth so that they may be impervious - for a short time - to up close attacks. Plants will also seem to wilt in the presence of these advanced Pathomancers.


    ·         Pathomancers are impervious to disease due to the fact that they had to go through and build an immunity to multitudes of diseases during their initiation.

    ·         The magic itself is diverse and, in my opinion, fun.

    ·         It holds great rewards for those who really stick with the magic until the end.

    ·         It could add a lot of roleplay for you and your character.



    ·         It takes awhile to get much advancement in the magic.

    ·         The magic itself takes longer than normal ones.

    ·         Pathomancers will start to slowly appear green and diseased looking the more powerful they become and the longer they study the magic, this is merely a side effect of The Rot's mark on them, this is generally in the form of green skin and maybe boils/cysts.

    ·         Because of the effects of the mark you will be easily noticed.

    Red Lines:

    • No over-exerting yourself.
    • MUST have OOC consent for long term diseases.
    • ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS make some form of fatigue, even if you're advanced doing a simple thing.
    • MUST be a member of their church of The Rot
  8. Feel free to format the app as you wish:
    Mcname: GruntBirthday
    Forum Name: Valter
    Skype Name: gruntbirthday
    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications?:  Yes, since I've started playing on this server, I would love to look at the new applications and see how the AT would respond to new applicants. I feel that I have a grasp of the lore (though there is always room for learning) and I have also seen the standards of the AT typed out onto a screen during Denied Applications, I feel that I understand the standards well.
    Why you want to be an AT member?: I have always wanted to be an AT member since I originally joined. I want to be able to go onto the Forums and help people who are struggling with the application process as well as their backstories. I want to see people join the server and enjoy the roleplay experience as much as I have.
    Is there anything else you would like to add?: I was once banned for an extended period of time (I would prefer if that reason was kept private, so if you wish to know of the infidelity I've committed please private message me). Also I have been told that my grammar is excellent. However, I am currently 15 (turning 16 March 28th) so school might conflict with my schedule, as well as my JROTC events. However I assure you that I would be on at least once a day for 2 hours minimum, but in the summer I would be available most of the day. 
  9. OOC

    MC name: GruntBirthday

    Do you have skype, and if so what is it?: gruntbirthday

    Do you have TeamSpeak?: Not anymore, no



    Name: Valter Darke

    Age: 60

    Race: Adunian


    Previous Occupations: Guard of Old Abresi, Royal Guard of King Nigel Therving, Mercenary, Farmer, Sergeant in the Sons of the Creator


    Out-Of-Character Information


    The simplest section of the application! Simply
    answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - GruntBirthday

    How old are you?: - 15

    What time-zone do you live in?: - Central Standard



    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?:
    - Through the MMORPG Runescape

    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Only
    once on a Runescape server

    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link
    past applications): - No



    How did you hear about us?: - A friend commented
    about how great the server was and that I should try applying

    What do you think the server will be like? – A fun,
    energetic place filled with people willing to play their characters to their maximum

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes

    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with
    the most?: - My favorite rule is the one banning client side modifications,
    they can really make a game unenjoyable for the people on the receiving end of
    these mods




    This is simply so that we can get an understanding
    of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but
    make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website /


    What is roleplaying?: - The taking on of a role of a
    fictional character created by you


    What’s metagaming?: - Taking something you know out
    of character that you know but your character doesn’t and using it in game


    What’s powergaming?: - Doing an action that the
    recipient thereof cannot respond to (i.e Valter cuts off your head)


    In-Character Information


    Now you actually make your character - be creative
    but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try
    to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    What’s your character called?: - Valter Darke


    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - The


    What sex are they?: - Male


    How old are they?: - 18


    Give us a brief description of their life - their
    story, childhood, family: - Valter Darke grew up in the city of Abresi. He
    spent most of his days in the city’s marketplace, enjoying the sights of new
    goods that were shipped in and out of Aresi. His father, Adalwolf, had to raise
    Valter on his own because Valter’s mother, Alexandria, died giving birth. Valter
    is an only child so he got much of his father’s attention. His father taught
    him the ways of swordsmanship and the ideas of loyalty and respect. When Valter
    turned 16 he set out on his own to find some money to feed his father and
    future mother, Tamara. He had to do so because the corrupt guards of the city
    were threatening his father with jail time on false charges unless Adalwolf
    could get the money to bribe them. Valter moved far up north to a cold
    settlement to mine and make wages for a year, his time there made him cold,
    hard, and rugged. When Valter finally moved back to his homeland at the age of
    17, he saw something that would change his life forever. Valter’s father and
    his future mother were both lying dead in Valter’s old home. Enraged Valter
    took up an axe from one of the local Lumberjacks in town and went to the guards
    place, attempting to slay as many guards as he could. Needless to say he didn’t
    kill any, and that the guards overtook him and injured him severely. Disfigured
    and greatly injured, Valter crawled to a nearby tavern to seek shelter from the
    now angry guards chasing him. As he sat down onto a bar stool a voice came in
    his head. “It is I, Iblees,” it said to him, “I have plans for you mortal. Take
    up arms and join the guards, and take control of as many local guards as you
    can, I shall give you a sword of immense power that will be unlocked through
    time, in exchange, you shall be my follower forever.” And thus a black bastard
    sword, with intricate silver crosses engraved into the hilt, appeared before
    Valter. Tempted through blind fury and despair Valter took the blade in his
    hands, “you have decided well,” Iblees said, “now go and do my bidding mortal.”
    A searing pain shot up Valter’s back as a large ornate cross, the same on his
    sword, appeared on his back. Valter toppled over until the pain subsided and he
    passed out. Valter awoke in the Cloud Temple, wounds fully healed except for
    the mark on his back. He was ready to do as his savior commanded: take control
    of the guard and bring them under his boot.


    What are they like (personality)?: - Valter is a
    very proud and vengeful human. If Valter sees injustice in the world, he will
    take it into his own hands and fix it any way possible; most of the time Valter
    can be a very sweet and charming person, when he isn’t out for vengeance of
    course. Valter generally tends to stay away from contact with people but
    eventually he will warm up to a select few individuals he deems worthy of his
    hard work and friendship. Friendship is considered an extremely high honor to
    Valter because he feels that when a person is a friend, they are willing to lay
    down their lives and time to protect you. Valter can be very cunning and
    logical, which some people misconstrue as him being cold and heartless. 


    What are their ambitions?: - Valter wishes to take
    control of every single guard barracks throughout every city in an attempt to
    reform their corrupt ways. He feels that this can only be accomplished through
    joining the guard, becoming a high ranking official there, and proving himself
    through any form of combat, whether it be blade, arrow, or magic.


    Do they have any special skills?: - Valter has a
    high pain tolerance due to his rugged time in the mines. Valter was trained in
    the ways of the sword by his father Adalwolf, so he knows where to hit his
    target to debilitate them. He also can tie a cherry stem in his mouth and is a
    very good kisser (I plan to use that later on in the server).


    What are their weaknesses?: - Valter absolutely
    cannot stand when people are disloyal and refuse to follow basic social order
    and structure. Valter also hates seeing any sort of violent act being done to
    an innocent and unarmed person, especially women. He also has a very soft spot
    for women


    Give us a description of how they look (not a
    screenshot yet!)?: - Valter is of medium height and weight, with medium length
    black hair and piercing red eyes. He covers up his mark from the incident at the tavern with his clothing, which is usually a black garment of some kind, with
    long sleeves; when he travels long distance he prefers to wear a mask to hide
    his identity from people who may have a grudge against him. People consider him
    somewhat attractive because of his sense of loyalty and ambition.


    Anything else you want to say about them?: - Nothing,
    I feel that I have portrayed Valter in the way I wish him to be.




    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s
    skin: - The attached file has the screenshot



  11. Out-Of-Character Information


    The simplest section of the application! Simply

    answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - GruntBirthday

    How old are you?: - 15

    What time-zone do you live in?: - Central Standard




    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?:

    - Through the MMORPG Runescape

    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Only

    once on a Runescape server

    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link

    past applications): - No



    How did you hear about us?: - A friend commented

    about how great the server was and that I should try applying

    What do you think the server will be like? – A fun,

    energetic place filled with people willing to play their characters to their maximum


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes

    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with

    the most?: - My favorite rule is the one banning client side modifications,

    they can really make a game unenjoyable for the people on the receiving end of

    these mods




    This is simply so that we can get an understanding

    of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but

    make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website /



    What is roleplaying?: - The taking on of a role of a

    fictional character created by you


    What’s metagaming?: - Taking something you know out

    of character that you know but your character doesn’t and using it in game


    What’s powergaming?: - Doing an action that the

    recipient thereof cannot respond to (i.e Valter cuts off your head)


    In-Character Information


    Now you actually make your character - be creative

    but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try

    to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    What’s your character called?: - Valter Darke


    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - The



    What sex are they?: - Male


    How old are they?: - 18


    Give us a brief description of their life - their

    story, childhood, family: - Valter Darke grew up in the city of Abresi. He

    spent most of his days in the city’s marketplace, enjoying the sights of new

    goods that were shipped in and out of Aresi. His father, Adalwolf, had to raise

    Valter on his own because Valter’s mother, Alexandria, died giving birth. Valter

    is an only child so he got much of his father’s attention. His father taught

    him the ways of swordsmanship and the ideas of loyalty and respect. When Valter

    turned 16 he set out on his own to find some money to feed his father and

    future mother, Tamara. He had to do so because the corrupt guards of the city

    were threatening his father with jail time on false charges unless Adalwolf

    could get the money to bribe them. Valter moved far up north to a cold

    settlement to mine and make wages for a year, his time there made him cold,

    hard, and rugged. When Valter finally moved back to his homeland at the age of

    17, he saw something that would change his life forever. Valter’s father and

    his future mother were both lying dead in Valter’s old home. Enraged Valter

    took up an axe from one of the local Lumberjacks in town and went to the guards

    place, attempting to slay as many guards as he could. Needless to say he didn’t

    kill any, and that the guards overtook him and injured him severely. After his recovery, most of


    which was spent hiding in fear of the guards, Valter ventured out into the world, his anger still not


    yet lessened. Valter vowwed that he would take control of the guards that killed his family, and


    make them pay for what they have done.


    What are they like (personality)?: - Valter is a

    very proud and vengeful human. If Valter sees injustice in the world, he will

    take it into his own hands and fix it any way possible; most of the time Valter

    can be a very sweet and charming person, when he isn’t out for vengeance of

    course. Valter generally tends to stay away from contact with people but

    eventually he will warm up to a select few individuals he deems worthy of his

    hard work and friendship. Friendship is considered an extremely high honor to

    Valter because he feels that when a person is a friend, they are willing to lay

    down their lives and time to protect you. Valter can be very cunning and

    logical, which some people misconstrue as him being cold and heartless. 


    What are their ambitions?: - Valter wishes to take

    control of every single guard barracks throughout every city in an attempt to

    reform their corrupt ways. He feels that this can only be accomplished through

    joining the guard, becoming a high ranking official there, and proving himself

    through any form of combat, whether it be blade, arrow, or magic. Valter also has had an


    aspiration for magic, though he feels if he tried it he would be very inadequate for it


    Do they have any special skills?: - Valter has a

    high pain tolerance due to his rugged time in the mines. Valter was trained in

    the ways of the sword by his father Adalwolf, so he knows where to hit his

    target to debilitate them. He also can tie a cherry stem in his mouth and is a

    very good kisser (I plan to use that later on in the server).


    What are their weaknesses?: - Valter absolutely

    cannot stand when people are disloyal and refuse to follow basic social order

    and structure. Valter also hates seeing any sort of violent act being done to

    an innocent and unarmed person, especially women. He also has a very soft spot

    for women


    Give us a description of how they look (not a

    screenshot yet!)?: - Valter is of medium height and weight, with medium length

    black hair and piercing red eyes. He covers up his mark from the
    incident at the tavern with his clothing, which is usually a black
    garment of some kind, with

    long sleeves; when he travels long distance he prefers to wear a mask to hide

    his identity from people who may have a grudge against him. People consider him

    somewhat attractive because of his sense of loyalty and ambition.


    Anything else you want to say about them?: - Nothing,

    I feel that I have portrayed Valter in the way I wish him to be.




    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s

    skin: - The attached file has the screenshot


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