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Posts posted by EmbryoGod

  1. MC name: EclecticBoogaloo

    Character's name and age: Selrik, pretty damn old (200)


    Character’s Race: Elf

    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/135464-eclectics-self-taugh-ma-arcane/

    What magics do you desire to teach?: Electrical Evocation


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    Electrical Evocation is, the same as other evocations, a magical discipline wherein a user connects to the void, then uses their mana to manifest an object, such as a fireball, bringing it into the mortal realm. Naturally Electrical Evocation is the creation of electricity from the void into the manifest world. It is rather difficult to learn, as controlling electricity is very difficult, and in some cases nearly impossible. It takes much longer to cast a bolt of electricity than it is to evocate any other element. For a point of reference, compare it to a Fire Evocationist. They would be capable of casting two fireballs in the time it takes an Electrical Evocationist to cast one bolt. Eventually Electromancers will be able to produce streams of electricity, though this requires great effort. Naturally, as it is with every other form of magic, the longer a student learns, the more proficient they become, Electromancers eventually being able to cast large blasts from the sky, though these of course would be horribly inaccurate. Just as electricity in the real world is attracted to metal, voidal electricity is as well. If three blocks of a conductive material is around the caster, most of the electricity will shoot towards that. 

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):

    Selrik trudges forward in the rain, to his usual spot in the woods to begin training his new student. He murmurs small swears to himself, hoping that his new apprentice would be able to handle the rigorous training required of an Electromancer. Selrik continued a slow pace, his weight keeping him dredged down in the mud, until he found himself in a small, empty circle outlined by trees. A small stump rested a few feet away from him, he decided this spot would be the perfect place for him to lazily sit while teaching. 

    A crackling of leaves from his right told Selrik that his apprentice approached. He had assigned her to read up on what little information was available for Electricity. "Have you read what you were told to?" Selrik asked, the rainy walk here already trying his patience. A quick nod from his student informed Selrik that she had. "Alright. I'm sure you're capable, then, of producing something small, but tangible." Selrik said, raising his palm. "Now the steps are very simple, but very complicated to actually put into action. I'd rather you not be electrocuted, so you must be very careful in assuring that you have followed the necessary steps to not only keep yourself safe, but actually cast the magic. Firstly, make a connection to the void-" he said being interrupted from a twitch of his head, betraying his connection to the void, "then, envision the electricity. Imagine the feel of your skin as it slowly dances around your palm, tingling your hairs and making them stand on end. This is the most important part. Then envision it in your palm for now. Keep your eyes open while doing this, I'd rather not have you sit and attempt to do something as impossible as cast at something not in your field of view. Continue to envision it in your palm, you must whole-heartedly believe that it belongs there. This will bring it from the void into reality. Now you must keep the concentration, for if you don't the results are disastrous." Selrik paused for a moment, sparks appearing in his palm, bouncing around madly, attracted to the rainwater falling. "Now it is your turn to attempt this, apprentice." The sparks on Selrik's palm died out as he crossed his arms, looking to his student.

    She nodded quickly, clearly nervous at her first attempt. The student raised her palm, focusing intently at it. A flick of her ear told Selrik that she'd connected to the void. He continued to eye her with curiosity as she began to breathe heavily, her mana starting to become drained. She was surprisingly close to completion for her first task. After a few moments, a small spark began to form, "look master! I've done it!" the student exclaimed, her excitement getting the best of her. This was the turning point. She'd broken concentration, and was unable to control the sparks from slowly getting larger, before finally, the sparks dispersed, giving her a surprising zap. The student began to flick her wrist, a look of pain and surprise on her face. She turned to Selrik, almost agitated at him, as if he'd knew it would happen. "That lesson was important," Selrik said, a sadistic smirk on his face, "if you break focus on controlling it, the electricity will get quickly out of hand. I've no time to sit here now, and watch you continually injure yourself. I am leaving now. Continue this at your home, or perhaps somewhere a little more dry." And with this, the lesson was over, Selrik trudging back through the mud to his house with a nice, warm fire.


  2. I'm more tired of people trying to use Magic as a form of combat instead of swords, and powerful mages being destroyed because a new player said "PvP default" and walked in with armor on just completely wrecking the mage because the mage doesn't have to carry around a sword or armor. It's unfair to ask "Hey guys, if you want to be a mage, you don't get any representation on this server when it comes to mechanics based combat, and you have to just carry armor around, because you better expect some PvP Default." 

  3. I feel like if we moved away from Minecraft that'd be a technical nightmare. Like 90% of the interesting things that add to roleplay come from plugins, and even if someone, somehow, made a custom game that was purely dedicated to LotC, all of the Developer Team members would have to figure out either a) a new API for whatever game we're using, or b) the new programming language associated with the game. Not to mention managing all the data that we've got stored for LotC, good luck trying to move all that onto another platform

  4. MC name:



    Character's name and age:

    Selrik, 200


    Character’s Race:



    What magic/s did you learn?:

    Electric Evocation



    Who/how did you learn magic/s?:


    Electromancy was originally learned through basic self study, before Gareth Hawthorne (aerialkebab/piercingdarkness) took Selrik on as an Acolyte in the Acerbus Cult.

    Selrik picked up telekinesis on his own through tedious self teaching, I utilized the magic guides that were released at the time, as well as some in character help from numerous members of the Acerbus Cult, such as (again) Gareth/Kaegaz’arai.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:


    Electromancy is the use of the void to conjure electricity, in the most simple sense. You begin with meditation to acquire the void connection. Through understanding electricity as an element, a voidal mage can then aspire to conjure it themselves. The red lines of the magic include: An inability to manipulate pre-existing electricity and lightning/thunder, as well as the electricity being diverted should there be a large amount of concentrated ferrum nearby (about three blocks worth). I think Selrik is approx tier 5 in this sub-type.

    Telekinesis is the use of the void to maneuver objects with the mind. It requires a void connection, and is very malleable as a magical art due to its “manipulation” of pre-existing things. It can be used to hurl stones and other objects, some red lines include: it cannot grip organic material, you can’t use it to grip people in any way, and it can’t totally block things such as arrows, but it can divert them to the side if the mage was prepared.

  5. MC name:
    EclecticBoogaloo (GruntBirthday)


    Character's name and age:

    Selrik, 170

    Character’s Race:


    What magic will you be learning?:

    Previous to the reinstatement of magic applications and the MAT team I knew electrical evocation, and telekinesis.  I was tier 5 equivalent in lightning and tier 3 in telekinesis.


    Who will be teaching you?:
    Kaegaz’arai (Piercingdarkness/aerialkebab/rhalkilt, the later his current usernames) taught me lightning, while I gradually picked up telekinesis on my own.

  6. I'm glad Gay Marriage must now be recognized in all 50 states. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but it doesn't mean they're allowed to deny the human right of marriage to people just because "they don't get it" or "it's against their religion"

  7. Full Name: Selrik Lance


    Place of Birth:  North


    Date of Birth: Snow's Maiden


    Age: 107


    Profession:  Mechanised, Researcher/Scientist


    Date of Issue: Season of the Year 15== 1503


    Date of Expiry: 1507


    Core Guild Enlistment: 


    Valais entitlement Status: No


    Ownership of property within Salvus: 

    • Fully new languages require Lore Masters approval, yet bastardization of common (english) with accent and few other words, which have RP reasoning and RP name can be roleplayed without lore, such as adding the occassional odd word into common english from another language.  I.E. Don't call a new language Greek, and don't write fully in Greek, because not only will very few people understand you on the server, but you also allude to the IRL location which is not canon within our world.


    If there's a culture on the server, are they allowed to have their own language or would someone have to make a whole post under roleplay ideas for that culture's language?

  8. Can you alchemist chaps just say that due to the laws of nature in LOTC that explosions can not be made with the force able to cause structural (block) damage unless its in a certain proportion and ratio precise to the gram that just explains TNT blocks?



  9. Explosions are always the result of high pressure being created, but I don't know if that is the answer you want. The Chemistry explosions you talk about are cause due to rapid raise in temperature due to combustion (most times) which heats up the air, raising pressure, which creates a shock wave. What you call the physical explosions, is just the container of high pressure being broken, and the pressure leveling just outside it, and it behaves exacly like the chemical explosion, just without the high temperatures.



    Chemical explosion -> Raise Temperature -> Raise Pressure -> Explosion

    Physical explosion -> Big pressure release -> Explosion


    Well no I meant which one is allowed and not allowed, I know what an explosion is. Like for instance, are just explosions related to gunpowder not allowed? Because I knew there was some sort of limit on what explosions could do

  10. Honestly I have no idea where this question would go, so I'm just gonna post it here since this has to do with roleplay and can kind of be taken as an idea. 


    My question is: what dictates an explosion on LoTC? Are we talking about Chemical Explosions? (i.e decomposition reactions or combination reactions) Or are we talking about Physical Explosions? (i.e things such as high pressure)


    Now for my examples of these:

    Chemical Reactions:



    When molecules decompose they produce combustible gases that create a wave which would be what you would call the "explosion" (for example TNT).



    Think Fireworks, things have to be combined together to make an explosion.


    Physical Explosions:

    These are pretty much explosions where high pressure builds up and bursts, these are the least likely kind of explosions, for instance over-inflating a ball. 


    Most Shades barely even use the magic these days due to the fact they have to focus on fighting it. A large chunk of The Shades in-fact got rid of the magic because they couldn't handle it any longer ICly.



    If they got rid of the magic then how are they shades?

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