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Posts posted by Cpt_Noobman

  1. pufHu94Q1W1C13Aq_1P57OLb3cy0W46WNe9O9e7PjEBFJS4-NKuD_ETa9DeXMRyVXAXl_N9XWrHdQls7kNwlzpf2TcLGlJRvq7AB7yvVjPeojA2yPS1nq-w_4g4fsPqF0Jj0PkKQ7zqq1w3bXC-5UE8




    ~ ᛞᚨ ᚴᛁᚱᚴᛃᚨ ᛞᚡᛖᚱᚷᚨ ~


    Penned by Priest of Grimdugan, Roseen Mossborn, 

    and High Preceptor Thazzaer Grandaxe


    Section I: Magic as Recognized by Da Kirkja Dverga


    At it’s core, magic is a tool, and like any other tool it bears both uses and hazards. Just as a smith requires a lifetime of practice to achieve mastery, a mage or sorcerer requires training and caution to use magical forces to their utmost potential. What dictates whether or not a specific magic is permissible for Dwarven use is the degree of control one may express over it and its alignment with the will of the Brathmordakin and the natural order. A dangerous tool must be used with the utmost caution and a tool beyond control should not be used at all.


    When considering a magic’s permissibility, we must ask the following questions;


    1. Can it be controlled with a reasonable degree of certainty?


    A dwarf must be in reasonable control of the power they express. Yemekar has charged us with the responsibility of being the masters and caretakers of this world. Any magic that subjugates the will of its user or that forces a dwarf to act in ways beyond their desire or the will of the gods cannot be permitted. How can we master creation if we cannot master ourselves?


    1. Does the magic infringe upon the domains of the gods and disrupt the natural order?


    Each of the gods maintains dominion over specific aspects of our life and experience. If a magic subverts the proper order of creation, it cannot be permitted. To subvert what is natural is to corrupt what is good; Such is the domain of Khorvad. Pursuing power for power’s sake at the expense of all safeguards and morals is to forsake control, and thus enslave the perpetrator.


    1. Does the magic demand blasphemy?


    The only beings in the whole of creation that are worthy of worship are the Brathmordakin. Any magic which requires worship of a being other than one of the gods is blasphemy and is not permissible for a dwarf to engage with. 


    Additionally, some ‘deific’ magics require practitioners to follow tenets and rules prescribed by Aengudaemons, or other creatures endowed with similar powers. To utilize magics granted by such creatures is only permissible if the tenets they demand to be followed are in line with the will of the Brathmordakin and the doctrine of Da Kirkja Dverga. Any magic that requires a dwarf to violate or otherwise stray from the will of Brathmordakin is not permissible.


    To bind oneself to worship of a non-divine being is to disrupt the natural order and enslave oneself to a will not their own. To enslave oneself to another’s will is to forsake control of one’s power, thus violating the will of the Brathmordakin.


    To bind oneself to tenets and rules inconsistent with the will of the Brathmordakin is to subvert the natural order, and thus forsake control of one's being.


    If one may practice a method of magic without denying these questions, the magic is most likely permissible. All magics should be tested thus, and constantly retested should the magic change form or method.


    Section II: Permitted and Forbidden Magics


    The following list compiles both permitted and forbidden magics ruled on directly by Da Kirkja Dverga. The list is not exhaustive. Should any magic not on this list be considered, please refer to previous questions. Should an answer be unforthcoming, submit the magic to Da Kirkja Dverga for review.

    Current Permitted Magics




    Golemancy, the magic bestowed by Yemekar THE CREATOR HIMSELF to the dwarfs to manipulate rock and stone to create large hulking brutes and prosthetics for the injured. This magic itself is seen as the closest magic to the Brathmordakin and thus is held to the highest extent.


    It is to note, non dwarven Golemancers are seen as lesser Golemancers and are not held very highly by dwarven kind. 




    Tawkins and Animii are considered tools of the Dwarven kind to manipulate and use for the betterment of the world. Similar to Golemancy but not held the same in high regards due to not being directly influenced by Yemekar. 



    Sorvian Clay Magic 


    Sorvians, seen as a lesser cousin of Golemancy, are sanctioned by the clergy. These clay masked beings while odd are permitted in Urguan along with their creators. 




    Both magics are accepted as they do not require any connection to other beings and instead utilize the power of the dwarven soul forged by Yemekar himself.  




    A martial magic that focuses on melee and unarmed combat. The clergy have found no reason to ban or restrict this magic as it comes from the soul and body of a Dwed.




    Templarism has been discussed heavily. Officially the clergy has found that templars are not required to worship the Aengul Michael, nor are his tenets inconsistent with the will of the Brathmordakin, so any Dwed who wishes to become a templar can do so while being a devout Dwarf. 




    Druidism has also been discussed heavily. The council has found that while sanctioned it depends on the druid. The dwarven druids MUST worship the Brathmordakin while being a druid and not the aspects. Continued investigation into this magic in particular has been advised and continued updates by the clergy will be made in the future. 


    Blood Magic


    Blood Magic, which many see as a dark type of magic, is instead seen as a simple tool of nature. Manipulation of blood is just an ingredient for dwarfs to use to achieve new potentials in invention. The council has decided that this magic is hereby sanctioned and allowed of course with continued investigation and updates to its stance.


    Forbidden Magics




    The manipulation of the dead and souls. This magic subverts the cycle of life and death and thus violates Dungrimm’s.  Its purpose is the accumulation of power at the expense of all morality, and is thus the realm of Khorvad. As violators of the natural order and corrupters of all that is good necromancers should be sought out and destroyed wherever they may reside.




    Discussing the relationship between Paladins and Xan, the clergy have henceforce found that the relationship is that of worship. Due to Paladins powers and tenets being heavily reliant on worshiping the aengul and not the Brathmordakin this religion is forbidden for any dwed to practice if they wish to maintain the sanctity of their soul. 


    However, the mission of Paladins is consistent with that of the Brathmordakin, thus non-dwarven paladins may be permitted to practice within Urguan and may be made allies, so long as their creed remains in line with the gods’ will.


    Infernal Sorcery 


    Dark magic that conjures daemons and bargains with devils and Khorvad worshippers. This magic is thereby denounced by the clergy for selling and using souls and the pursuit of power that corrupts and turns the user to the realm of Khorvad. 




    Thazzaer Grandaxe, High Preceptor

    Alaric Grimgold, Preceptor of Dungrimm

    Roseen Mossborn, Priest of Grimdugan

    Thumbrindal Grandaxe, Priest of Dungrimm

  2. 4sSDiXhpZ_SPRVko62tAOApzuxfNe7EVN6i1K5te2NUijzqzMNGSAPgRbBSePJVILpuYqa-b1xzjezi2Zn4A7Eht_mM-Az5G-m14Gw1OvEarCdLdOYYsVaLtCJELn_20Xx0qgsUq3YjH6iF7mWkUrdY

    2nd of the Deep Cold, 2A 173


    High Preceptor Thazzaer Grandaxe



    Writ of Condemnation of

    Baldr Ireheart & Thormodur





    ᛁᛟᛏᚺ ᛒᚱᚨᛏᚺᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚾᚨ ᛁᛟᛏᚺ ᛗᚨᚲᚨᛉ’ᚲᛁᚱᚲᛃᚨ’ᚱᚢᛗ’ᛗᚨᚱ’ᛖᛞᛟᛊ 


    For those who betray the will of the Brathmordakin, damnation is their reward. Upon the field of battle Baldr Ireheart and Thormodur, overcome with fear, gave into cowardice and black acts of highest heresy. Fearing for their worthless hides they turned coat, submitting themselves to the enemy as a slave does to his master and partook in the murder of their brother dwarves whose hallowed souls shall be blessed forever in Khaz’A’Dentrumm.


    For these despicable actions Baldr Ireheart and Thormodur are thrice damned as coward, kinslayer and betrayer. Should they be spotted by any dwarf or any being of noble standing in the lands of Aevos, death should be administered immediately and without mercy.


    Upon your deaths no god shall bid upon your souls and you shall be banished to eternal torment in Vuur’Dor. You shall receive no burial, you shall not be mourned, no living being shall remember your name. Your entire existence shall be forgotten as stone forgets the passage of time. 


    However, Da Kirkja Dverga is not entirely without mercy, so I offer one hope of salvation through repentance. Submit your lives to the holy clergy and have your souls bound to servitude as golems for a period of three thousand years; one millenia for each disgrace. Perhaps at the end of this period of servitude, a merciful god may take pity on your soul and allow you the meager lot of a servant in your afterlife.






    Thazzaer Grandaxe, High Preceptor

    Grelu Irgard, Grand King of Urguan, Priest of Dungrimm

    Thumbrindal Grandaxe, Priest of Dungrimm

    Roseen Mossborn, Priestess Of Grimdugan

  3. 12 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    the problem with ranged combat in general is that it's only good in larger CRP fights where actual battle lines develop, and these CRP fights also tend to take 3-5 hours of your time to resolve and you don't want to get into them to begin with!


    if CRP was more streamlined such that it could operate faster with larger amounts of players involved, we'd see more archer characters.


  4. Missive From the High Prophet


    The time of unity is upon us. 


    As your newly appointed High Prophet, I undertake this duty with the one and only goal of reunifying the faith and bringing the diverse and disparate sects and cults of the Brathmordakin back into the fold of Brathmordakin Orthodoxy. When my work is complete there will be but one true faith which all dwarves may follow in accordance with the will of the Brathmordakin and the wisdom and tradition of our ancestors.


    To this end, I will begin by meeting with representatives of each sect and cult individually. Together we shall discuss the particulars of their beliefs and work together as partners to orient their methods of worship with that of the universal faith of which all dwarves may partake. No sect nor cult shall be persecuted, but should any sect cling to heresies or practices dissonant with Yemekar’s will, they shall not be included amongst those of the true faith.


    Meetings are currently being arranged with representatives of the following sects. If your chosen belief is not represented in this list, or should you disagree with the chosen representative, contact me at once.


    The Rhun Oathed: Thromdrick Irongut

    The Heffrumm Seers: The Green Priest

    The Cult of Kjellos: Sigrun Stonehammer

    The Cult of the Mask: Alaric Grimgold

    The Mountain Seers: -To be decided-


    Additionally, a meeting of the clergy shall be hosted in the temple weekly from now until further notice. The topic of the first meeting shall be officially recognizing our assigned posts, establishing a structure which the order shall maintain going forward, and discussing a change of titles to better represent our current roles. 


    Any current clergy members or those who wish to join should attend. All positions and titles from the previous clergy shall be maintained unless otherwise noted.


    ((Meeting Sunday 2/18, 2pm EST))


    May Ogradhad Grant us Wisdom,

    Thazzaer Grandaxe

  5. Thazzaer shakes his head in disappointment. "Da Kirkja Dverga is an institution as old and prestigious as Urguan itself. Never has it's autonomy been violated in such a way. I disagree with most of what Alaric preaches, but the kingdom government has no right to enforce it's will upon the holy clergy with such disregard for tradition... Cults, denominations, rivalries, disunity. There is but one true faith and it is none of those listed"

  6. “Astronomer!” the king bellowed . “I grow tired of waiting! Tell me, what do your divinations foretell of my son?”. “Just a moment your grace…” the astronomer replied absently as he focused on his work. “The stars shall reveal their secrets, but the moment is not ours to choose.” 


    He adjusted the lenses of the telescope in his grand observatory as he peered through the eyepiece, the brilliance of the heavens coming in and out of focus as he looked for the familiar formations. “Blood?” He thought to himself. “No, not quite emergent yet… Life?” He almost smiled, then tutted with a frown.


    “What is it?” demanded the king. The astronomer took a step back from his scope, and turned to face the king with a sad shake of his head. “Born under the symbol of death, your grace. A poor omen indeed…”







    Constellations are recognizable groups and formations of stars. They may look different to every pair of eyes, and bear vastly different meanings dependent on culture, but some are recognized by nearly every single species capable of abstract thought that has ever existed. These constellations that transcend cultural boundaries are recognized as the material alphabet.


    Although stars flicker out of existence with the death of Aengudaemons, the indelible mark of the creator’s grand orchestration of the cosmos is the continued observance of his most recognizable signature. Nearly all signs and symbols that make up the material alphabet are visible under the open night sky, should one look under the proper timing and conditions.


    However, just because the constellations exist does not mean they are easy to see. Astronomers spend countless hours staring into the void of space and sometimes struggle to see any constellations at all. Although the most prominent constellations on any given night may be likely to be seen by the naked eye, others require complex and expensive telescopic equipment to view. Even then they may only be discernible from locations that are completely devoid of light pollution and other inhibitors.


    As months pass, multitudes of stars can be seen journeying across the cosmos and during the same time each year the familiar formations return before once again fading from view until the beginning of the next cycle. 


    It is not uncommon for a single star to hold a position in multiple constellations, occasionally overlapping as one constellation moves in and out of prominence with another. It is equally as frequent that an entirely new star replaces one that fizzles out, or that a star belonging to one constellation swaps places with another. However, as the stars expand and battle against the ever looming void, the symbols are maintained.


    What these constellations could imply is a great and ponderous question indeed. Countless scholars of countless races across countless centuries have gazed up into the night sky with reflective eyes filled with wonder. Some have attempted to use them to divine the future, others as inspiration for their works of art. Some have developed complex metaphysical interpretations of their meaning, while others still have been content to merely gaze upon their beauty.


    The nature of stars, constellations, and their purpose is perhaps unknowable, but that has never stopped someone from looking on in awe and pausing to wonder.


    Visible Constellations By Month



    Note, the word visible does not necessarily mean visible with the naked eye. With the passage of each night, a new constellation may come to prominence and then begin to fade with the coming of dawn. Using astronomical equipment however, one may view any constellation that is in season. 


    This list of constellations is robust, but not exhaustive. It is possible for new constellations to be discovered, or for players to describe their own constellations. This list represents the constellations of the material alphabet which would be recognizable to any who see them.


    The only constellation that is visible for the entire year is the sign Aether.



    Malin’s Welcome












    Aqua Vitae


















    The First Seed

























    The Grand Harvest

























    Sun’s Smile










































    The Amber Cold





































    The Deep Cold












































    Snow’s Maiden










    Distilled Water






























    Constellation lore does what it says on the tin, giving players the opportunity to look up at the night sky and describe what they are seeing with context. Beyond the usual impact of looking upon a symbol of the material alphabet, players may extrapolate additional meaning as they will.


    I have provided images for all of the signs/symbols I was able to find. If anyone has access to the original depictions of the missing images, I would eventually like to include them as well.


    Complete list of used images.


    Bonus Images


    Works Referenced


    Space Lore

    [✓] Space; From Within the Void - General - The Lord Of The Craft


    The Material Alphabet

    [✓] [World Lore] The Material Alphabet - General - The Lord Of The Craft

  7. The admins plan to charge backpay minas on all tile debt to every realm/nation. Obviously, no NL/realm members want to pay this, so we should just boycott. Once the announcement is made that they will begin charging backpay NLs just organize your players to not log on until they reverse the decision, then our glorious nations get to keep the minas they've earned from the blood sweat and tears of the hardworking voters. 



  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Thazzaer Grandaxe


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Ursus Grandaxe


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. The Grandaxe Clan

    “the Spirit o’ the Dwedmar ‘as been kept broight, an’ fer tha’ ah am proud” – Fimlin Grandaxe




    The Grandaxes are an Elder Clan of mountain dwarves hailing from the northern mountains in Aegis, originally known for their long lines of politically powerful dwarfs and proud honorable warriors. These dwarfs are known far and wide as honorable and proud in nature. Traditionally, to be a Grandaxe means to embody justice and honor above all except the Brathmordakin. The Grandaxe clan is also known for having three main bloodlines of kin; Blackaxe, Braveaxe and Grimaxe. Notable dwarven kings and figures of dwarven history can easily be traced back to the Grandaxe line one way or another. Notable figures include Fimlin Grandaxe, Valen Grandaxe, Thorin Grandaxe and Thorik Grandaxe, who are all dwarves who have contributed much to reforming the Dwarven Nation and building up its strength. When the dwarfs need a reliable fighting force, look no further than the Grandaxes. Their speed and force may send even the most mighty of Ologs onto their backs. Overall the Grandaxe clan are proud and honorable dwarfs who live as both warriors and politicians.


    Modern day Grandaxes focus on fighting for their family and clan. While they still retain many militaristic aspects in their culture, their skills have diversified to include helping others around the community. In addition, Grandaxes tend to make up the backbone of the dwarven workforce, with many serving in taverns, working in the legion, or promoting trade in the city.





    The Grandaxe clan was founded by one of the sons of Urguan, Bogrin Grandaxe who gathered his family and his followers to the northern ranges of Aegis. The clan participated in the politics of Khaz’Urguan from a distance, and when Velkan Ironborn rose to power and formed the Empire of Khorvad, the Grandaxes joined in Simppa’s rebellion against the Ironborn rule. When Simppa marched on the Ironborn, the Grandaxes followed suit alongside the Frostbeards and Ironguts and vanquished the Ironborn. Thus the Kingdom of Urguan was restored and the Grandaxes stood by it.


    A tragedy would soon befall the clan however, as the new King Grimlie declares war on the human Kingdom of Oren, the clan descends into disagreement. The Clan Father, Thrain Grandaxe wanted the clan to support the Kingdom in its war effort however his brother; Decks Grandaxe opposed the war and was banished from the Kingdom. Decks now disgraced took his brothers Gulik and Grady and their children and moved into Kal’Domhain, one of the old Grandaxe holds. With the clan split in two, Thrain Grandaxe and his brothers Rhakun and Gilneas named themselves the “Braveaxe Clan” to show their loyalty to the Kingdom while Decks and his followers became the “Blackaxe Clan” a name meant to bring disgrace but was accepted by them.


    Many years had passed, eventually Decks passed away and his son Bazian Blackaxe became the leader of his clan. Bazian, tired of the grudges between their kin brought the Blackaxes back to Kal’Urguan to live with the rest of their kin. At this time the King was Gotrek Firemane, known to frequently travel and be absent of his people. Thorik Braveaxe, son of Thrain was disgusted by the status of the Kingdom and couped Gotrek from power, taking up the mantle of King himself with support from both the Braveaxes and the Blackaxes. Thorik formed the Grand council out of his supporters Chaecus Braveaxe, Stronghold Braveaxe, Broski Braveaxe, and Valen Blackaxe. The Grandaxe councilors do much for the Kingdom, protecting Urguan in the Great War of Aegis and defeating the Elven-Orcish alliance and later conquering Alras in the Dwarf-Alras war.


    The Undead of Aegis had begun to further their foothold, forcing the people of Aegis to convene against them. Champions were sent by the four descendants into the Nether to try and destroy it, from the dwarves was Kjell Ireheart, Urir Ireheart, and Valen Blackaxe. At the cost of Urir’s life the attempt was a success, however it was short lived when the Undead overran Kal’Urguan and the other nations, forcing them to flee to the land of Asuloun. In Asuloun Thorik continues to rule the Kingdom until he is supposedly assassinated, the title of King falling to Broski Braveaxe, then Stronghold Braveaxe before finally falling to Kjell Ireheart.


    With Thorik’s kingdom in shambles and the dwarves in a state of decline Bazian Blackaxe calls the Blackaxes and the Braveaxes together to unite back into the Grandaxe Clan. Both clans agree and the Grandaxes are made whole once more. With Kjell’s new Kingdom, the Grandaxe clan founded Kal’Anart on the northern border of the Dwarven lands, defending them against the Orcs not far from their hold. The Kingdom had now been made up of a great expanse of land, including the Irongut hold of Kal’Dwain, the Grandaxes in Kal’Anart, the Goldhands in Kal’Alras and the Irehearts in Mount Ire and Kal’Mugdor. Under this system the Empire of Urguan was founded, the lords of each hold becoming the council below Emperor Kjell to assist him in managing the Empire. The Orcs attack the Kingdom, and enjoy initial success but are pushed back into the north by the dwarven armies before they are able to conquer any major dwarven holds.  The clan continued to live in Kal’Anart through the end of Kjell’s and into Hiebe Irongut’s reign and until the destruction of Asuloun, where they fled to Elysium.


    As the opportunity to avenge the death of their former King, Thorik Braveaxe arose Valen Grandaxe marched the Grandaxe Clan in full force into the hold of his killers, but found something they did not expect. Under the possession of an ancient evil, Thorik still lived and with the Hammer of Urguan, was freed from the prison of his own mind from Ondnarch, the bringer of the silent cold. The return of the old Grand King had dwarves of all clans and creed rally beneath him as he claimed his right to the throne. With the backing of the Grandaxe Clan, Thorik Grandaxe was once again crowned Grand King of the newly formed Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Thorik started restoring the Grand Kingdom with the Treaty of Aturial, forging an alliance with Emperor Godfrey and the Holy Oren Empire, it was his hope that peace would soon ensue. Thorik also wrote the Articles of Urguan, a constitution to govern the Grand Kingdom with Valen Grandaxe, Bazian Grandaxe. After the articles were finished Thorik stepped down and Omithiel Strongbrow took to the throne. After discovering the path to Anthos, the clan set sail with the dwarves and lived within Kal’Azgoth, the new dwarven city.


    In Kal’Azgoth, Omithiel ruled until he decided to step down, allowing Thorin Grandaxe, a skillful Legion Commander, to become Grand King. When a dwarven lord was killed by the White Rose on the way to Kal’Azgoth, Thorin grew furious and broke the pact with Oren and declared war. The dwarven Legion marched north and met the Orenian army on the battlefield at the Nation’s Crossing, but was pushed back after a flank from the west. Despite the victory, many Orenians decided to leave Anthos for another land, allowing Thorin to pressure many of the human lords into submission and conquering the rest. With the Orenian lands beneath Thorin he divided up the former Empire into individual kingdoms and named himself the Emperor of Urguan, forming the second empire in dwarven history.  The clan had little time to enjoy the victory however, as the deaths of Valen Grandaxe and later Thorik Grandaxe left the clan with little leadership outside of Thorin himself. But even then the clan did not have time between its grief, as Thorin Grandaxe himself is slain by Ondnarch, releasing the conquered kingdoms.


    The clan fell through the leadership of several dwarves with little time in between until falling to Fimlin Grandaxe. Fimlin obtained the position in the midst of the Orenian invasion of Urguan, and urgently called for his clanmates to return and fight against the invaders. Fimlin was largely successful, reviving the clan and bringing it back into an integral part of dwarven politics after both he and his brother Fili Grandaxe earned spots on the King’s council. After the war had ended with the Grand Kingdom successfully repelling the invaders in The Battle of Indagolaf the clan began to further come back to life, and was able to see Wulfgar Grandaxe onto the throne after the death of Indago Stormhammer who had ruled during the war. Wulfgar not only began to rebuild the Grand Kingdom post-war he also helped the clan further gain back its power by promoting Fimlin Grandaxe to the Lord’s Council. The clan continued to grow in numbers and when Anthos fell it followed the Grand Kingdom into Kal’Arkon until eventually moving on to Athera.


    In Athera, Midgor Ireheart the son of Kjell Ireheart was Grand King, ruling from the mountain city of Kal’Agnar. Early on, the Grandaxes and the Ironguts moved into the north of Athera, founding Hiebenhall and Kal’Akyth respectively. Midgor was not pleased at the leaving dwarves and threatened action, thus when the time arose the council removed Midgor from Kingship. In his place Fimlin Grandaxe was elected and the Grandaxes returned to Kal’Agnar with Fili Grandaxe as the Clan Father. Fimlin ruled the Grand Kingdom when Khaz’Urguan was rediscovered, and the Undead released back into the world. With the return of the Undead, a remnant of the ancient Ironborn clan waited for an opportunity to invade Kal’Agnar, and found that opportunity when the Starbreaker clan rebelled from the “Underkingdom.” The Ironborn with the backing of the Starbreakers and the Undead launched an invasion on Kal’Agnar and overran the dwarven Legion, forcing the remaining dwarves to retreat to Hiebenhall. The clan took many losses in the invasion but continued to persevere with the rest of the dwarves in Hiebenhall until the dwarven armies rallied up to retake the Grand Kingdom and were able to successfully do so despite the fortifications in their way. Fimlin then tried to rebuild the Grand Kingdom after the war, commissioning the construction of Kal’Karaad but was removed by the council before it was finished. The clan then held an ongoing distrust for the council and its deeds, believing it to be corrupt and against the dwarven interests. The Grandaxes, disheartened with the politics of the Kingdom founded Kal’Bogrin north of Hiebenhall for the clan to reside in. Zahrer Irongrinder was elected Grand King and tried to re-establish the Lord’s Council of Anthos but the motion was rejected by the Grandaxe and Frostbeard clans. Furious the Grand King removed the Frostbeards from their power and replaced them with the Doomforged who voted in favor of the council. The new Lord’s Council was made up of its supporters which further angered the Grandaxes, who were then the largest clan in the Kingdom. After an incident with Zahrer’s elven concubine, the Lord’s Council wished to banish the Grandaxes from the Kingdom. When Zahrer refused, the council removed him from Kingship but the Grandaxes had already abandoned Kal’Karaad and moved into Kal’Bogrin. The Grandaxes declared their independence but soon came under immediate threat from the Kingdom of Oren, which marched on Hiebenhall. The Grandaxes vowed to defend Hiebenhall despite the council, and eventually with a majority of dwarves dissenting against the council the Lords were expelled from the Grand Kingdom and the land given over to the Grandaxes. The Grandaxes then without hesitation gave the lands to the elected Grand King Hodir Doomforged and marched south to defend Hiebenhall. The Orenian army, surprised to find a united dwarven army was repelled.


    The initial victory was soon lost as the dwarven Siege of Drakenburgh failed and the Orenian army given time to recooperate. With a renewed offensive, the Orenian army attacked Kal’Bogrin and captured the hold, which had luckily been evacuated after being warned. Hiebenhall too was captured, at night by a squadron of Orenians while the Legion was fighting in an ancient hall. With the war lost, the Grandaxes moved south of Kal’Karaad in the foothills where Kal’Eknar was founded. Peace would not last long however, as Vrograk’Gorkil became the new Orcish Rex he warred on the dwarves and besieged Kal’Eknar. Although the Orcish horde initially dominated the dwarves, the garrison at Kal’Eknar was able to charge out and cut down the Orcs while they were unexpecting. The Grandaxes, hoping to protect their kin from further tragedy helped form a Mountain Blood-Pact between the Grandaxe, Frostbeard, and Ireheart clans. They continued living in Kal’Eknar until Athera fell and the dwarves forced to move on to Vailor.


    In Vailor, the Grandaxes established a hold on the Isle of Avar, named Kal’Valen after their renowned ancestor. The Grandaxes formed a vanguard against a potential invasion from Orenian forces, as Avar was a large island between the sea separating the two Kingdoms. Fili Grandaxe went missing and Fimlin Grandaxe became the Clan Father. This issue was used as an excuse for the Frostbeard clan to break the pact, dishonoring the clan greatly and setting a grudge on the Frostbeards. When Skippy Irongut was elected Grand King against his opposition; Verthaik Frostbeard, the Frostbeard clan rebelled and tried to forcefully take the throne. The Grandaxes stood by the Grand King, still angered by the broken pact and the rebellion was defeated. The years following saw the clan developing Avar, allowing for humans to settle the eastern portion of the island and the Irongrinders to establish the fort Jarnstrand. During this time Fimlin Grandaxe stood down from Clan Father. 


    The Grandaxe clan continued living in Kal’Valen when the Eighteen Year’s War broke out between the Dwarves and Oren. The Grandaxes rallied to defend their kin, losing the Battle of Rhewengrad but repelling the armies in the subsequent Battle of Khro’Nagaak. The Rurics, a house of northern humans living on Avar rebelled against the Grandaxes and vassalized under Oren. Launching a new offensive the Orenian army sailed to Avar and broke the Dwarven naval blockade of Seahelm, home of the Rurics. The Orenians then moved on to besiege the fort of Jarnstrand before moving onto Kal’Valen itself. The defence of Kal’Valen was valiant and nearly broke the Orenians however after a lengthy siege the Grandaxes had lost their hold. The clan had suffered great losses, of land and of kin but continued to fight in the Battle of Kal’Ordholm where the war finally ended with a successful dwarven defence. 


    Following the war an extended period of stagnation befell Urguan for many years, and the Grandaxe clan’s number and power dwindled. Finally a pestilence descended upon Vailor which forced the Descendents to flee to a new realm; Axios.


    There Svardin Grandaxe took up Clan Father, and Torvin Grandaxe was elected Grand King. During his reign, Torvin ruled during a period of relative quiet, while also trying to maintain neutrality and peace with Oren. During this time Fimlin Grandaxe retook the role of Clan Father and multiple build plans for a clan hold were drawn up, but ultimately scrapped. It would not last, after invading the Orcs, the Orenian armies turned to Urguan, and attacked. Outrage ensued, and Torvin was removed and replaced by Algoda Frostbeard. The Duchy of Courland revolted against the Orenian Empire whilst the invasion began, and joined Urguan’s forces in defense. Oren’s initial assault was repelled when their army was surrounded in a narrow gorge, for which the “Battle of the Red Gorge” gets its name. The days following Grand King Algoda was captured and killed while travelling alone, prompting Bastion Ireheart son of Igor to be elected. Victory was again achieved over the Orenian Army at the “Battle of the Golden Fields”, subsequently causing the Duchy of Lorraine and Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska to surrender. With most of the Imperial supporters out of the war, Urguan and Courland besieged the capital city of Johannesburg. The Empire’s defeat imminent, the Emperor ordered his men to explode the capital using Thanium, leaving a massive coat of permafrost over the lands within the radius of the explosion. 


    Dominance asserted and fracturing of Urguan’s age-old enemy Oren caused an economic boom in the capital, and the Grandaxe clan grew back its strength once more. The initial boom was not long lived, however the clans had grew in size, with the Grandaxe and Frostbeard clans sitting at the top as political rivals. To provide a base to their power, the Frostbeard clan established the hold of Jornheim in northern Hanseti while the Grandaxes established their hold Tal’Azmar in the mountains southeast of the capitol. With internal power-struggles and conflict growing, Grand King Bastion declared a grudge-war on Norland. The war was initially successful, but the final assault on the Norlandic capitol was twice-repelled, and peace was made. The somewhat-inclusive ending prompted more unrest within Urguan, until Bastion was believed to be assassinated, or committed suicide over the conflict. As a result, Clan Father Kerwyr Frostbeard took the opportunity to forcefully seize the throne, and slaughtered opposing dwarves in the senate. 


    The Grandaxes fled to Tal’Azmar and provided shelter to the other clans displaced by the coup. There they openly defied the Frostbeard insurgency and Gror Ireheart was elected Grand King. After various successful small-scale engagements, including the retaking of the now empty capitol Kal’Omith the Frostbeard regime collapsed, and Kerwyr was executed by the newly crowned Grand King. 


    The years following saw much of the same, with a continued rivalry of the Grandaxe and Frostbeard clans under an inadequately ruled Grand Kingdom. In an attempt to further their goals, the Frostbeards invited the Grandaxes to meet and tried to convince the clan to join their side but were not interested in the peaceful compromises the Grandaxes required. However some members of the clan wished to join the Frostbeard’s cause, and broke off from the clan taking the name “Blackaxe”, not to be confused with the Blackaxe bloodline, most of which remained loyal to Urguan. With the clan splintered and a civil war in Urguan imminent, Fimlin left for the wildlands to avoid fighting his own kin.


    The rest of the clan fought on either side against each other, and with victory over Urguan to Kaz’Ulrah, the Grandaxes stood divided between Tal’Azmar, Kaz’Ulrah, and Arcadia until the end of Axios.


    The Dwedmar upon arriving on Atlas remained divided, and likewise the Grandaxe Clan. The “Blackaxes” dwelled in Kaz’Ulrah, with the rest split between Az’Adar, the successor to Arcadia and Holm, the Irongut-owned multinational city. In Kaz’Ulrah the Blackaxes briefly flourished under Aemich Blackaxe’s leadership, becoming a very large and influential clan within the Kingdom. The success was short lived, as with his resignation also followed stagnation, and the Grandaxe bloodline grew weaker. Eventually Fimlin returned, and convinced the clansdwed to mend the rift and retake up the Grandaxe name. The Blackaxes complied and the clan reunited in name, however neither group would agree to move to either city, and thus the clan remained scattered.


    Kal’Bogrin was refounded as a third neutral option; an independent hold owned by the Grandaxes, referencing the Grandaxe Exodus and the first Kal’Bogrin the clan moved to during a period of moral conflict with the established Kingdom. There Borin Grandaxe was elected Clan Father under the guidance of Fimlin Grandaxe, who oversaw the Hold. In Kal’Bogrin the clan took a specific stance on the moral questions and conflicts plaguing the dwedmar. The clan’s doctrine disallowed the claiming of another to be a “false dwed” and calling for re-establishing a union of the dwarven race. 


    At this time the dwedmar were split 6 ways, the Kingdom of Kaz’Ulrah, the Republic of Holm, Az’adar, the Kingdom of Ord, the Confederation of Hammers and the Kingdom of Bogrin. As Kal’Bogrin grew its population and support, so did its enemies. Kaz’Ulrah treated the clan with vague hostility, being upset with the challenge to their crumbling hegemony over the dwarves. A larger threat soon presented itself; the September Prince, leading the armies of the wrath of nature attacked and destroyed Haelun’or just north of Kal’Bogrin and Holm, and turned his eye towards the holds. In response Kal’Bogrin launched the “Bogrin Offensive” to drive the September Prince out of the area and retake the ruins of Haelun’or. The Offensive consisted of Bogrin, the Confederation of Hammers, Holm, Az’adar, Ord, the Starbreaker Clan, and a group of High Elves. In preparation for the Offensive a team from Az’adar recovered the Kal’Varak, and positioned it so that during the battle it could be used to trap the September Prince in his own mind in an attempt to destroy him. The Offensive was successful, the Prince’s army was routed, Haelun’or was reclaimed, the Kal’Varak maneuver crippled and delayed the Prince however it did not destroy him.


    The Offensive proved to restore confidence and trust between the dwedmar involved, thus Fimlin began negotiations over a union with the Confederation. The result was the creation of the Kingdom of Agnarum; a merged nation of the Kingdom of Bogrin and the Confederation of Hammers. The city of Kal’Azgaryum was founded as the seat of the new nation, one with a King who derived his powers from the council’s support, for which Fimlin Grandaxe was unanimously elected.


    Founding Agnarum proved to be a milestone, as the majority of clans, and dwedmar were now centered around Agnarum which was intent on reuniting the Dwarves. The only holdout; Kaz’Ulrah, as they were now greatly challenged by their rival states. Their response to Agnarum’s success was to send their Orcish allies to raid Kal’Azgaryum. The raids proved to be mostly stalemates, with only minor victories and defeats on either side. Eventually the Orenian Empire declared war on the Orcs for their raids on human settlements, which also pitted Kaz’Ulrah against Oren. Agnarum ultimately chose to remain neutral, though some dwed fought on either side unofficially. Ultimately both the Orcs and Kaz’Ulrah were destroyed by Oren, and Agnarum endured. Refugees from Kaz’Ulrah flocked to Agnarum, with the Frostbeards and Goldhands notably absent. 


    With the major obstacles to unity gone, Az’adar and Ord also joined the Kingdom of Agnarum, and a strong alliance was formed with Holm. True unity would not be achieved until the migration from Atlas to the newly discovered world of Arcas. There in the capitol Kal’Varoth, Fimlin negotiated the return of the Frostbeard and Goldhand clans, who gradually began to integrate. When all sons of Urguan were once again united under one nation, Fimlin Grandaxe founded the Under-Realm of Urguan, but cautioned against following in the footsteps of the Grand Kingdom and the mistakes made in years past. The rest of Fimlin’s reign proved less successful, as the newly minted union went through growing pains, causing the waxing and waning of the Legion and Guilds, and a struggling economy. Fimlin achieved his final goal with the passing of the new Articles of Urguan, where he laid out a modern constitution intended to re-establish trust in the unity of the Dwedmar. Having achieved what he had set out to do, and confident in the future of the Under-Realm, Fimlin Grandaxe resigned from his role as King.


    Following the resignation of Fimlin Grandaxe and the ascension of Atandt Irongrinder to role as King of the Under-Realm of Urguan, the clan began to rapidly dwindle in numbers. While both the clan and city underwent a brief resurrection during the three-month war against the Holy Orenian Empire, in which the human empire briefly violated Urguan settlement rules and built on dwarven land, the kingdom as a whole appeared to be on a downward trend till the removal of Atandt by Clan Lords and the Ascension of Utak Ireheart. With Utak at the helm, he oversaw the reconstruction of the city following a great earthquake,renaming the dwarven capital Kal’Evraal. Despite this  bloom of prosperity for the city, it was not reflected in the state of the Grandaxes, which had seen little to no Grandaxe activity under its current iteration. When Borin Grandaxe finally handed the title of Clan Father to Thorolf Grandaxe, many Grandaxes had disappeared or chosen to return to their previous clans, leaving the clan without kinsmen. However, this would change in 1754 when Dhaen Grandaxe briefly united the Starbreaker and Goldhand clans in support of a clan rebellion and brought many Grandaxes out of the shadows into the light of the dwarven populace again, ascending to the first ever position of Grandaxe Clan Mother. Through this position, Dhaen revived the clan and instigated a temporary pact with the Goldhand Clan, offering them a trade in knowledge and kinship to further their re-assimilation with the dwarven people of Urguan. In addition, she oversaw the building of the Grand Brewery which became equivalent to a hold for the Grandaxes of the time.


    In 1767, a war between Urguan and Krugmar broke out over the enslavement of one of the members of the Goldhand Clan. This war marked the return of many older dwarves of generations past. With Utak leading the forces, the Orcish people quickly resorted to acts of terrorism, the most prominent example being the boomsteel explosion in the courtroom of Urguan that same year, which found Dhaen and the Medical Clinic at the forefront of the recovery process. The war ended with the replacement of a proper Rex, and the Under-Realm of Urguan changed officially to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. With this change, a revival of the Official Urguan Council occurred, with Grandaxes holding a prominent position on the daily affairs of the Kingdom and leadership.


    It was during this time period, Thumrilgrad had increasing examples of corrupted creatures spawning from its depths and subsequently fell. With it, fell the last of the holds overseen by Fimlin. Soon after, King Utak Ireheart stepped down, with many fellow dwarves following his footsteps and stepping down in addition. Dhaen Grandaxe, weary from the wars and multiple positions within the city, also resigned from her duties. Just as Jorvin Starbreaker took the mantle of King of the Grand-Kingdom of Urguan, so too did a young Grandaxe named Nabrick - with the title of Grandaxe Clan Father. However, unlike the newly crowned King Jorvin, Nabrick did not uphold his duties for long, forcing Dhaen to return and reclaim her previous title as Clan Mother. After re-instating her clan in a position of prominence, Dhaen instigated clan elections to find the next Clan Lord, the motherly Brynaelda Grandaxe. Now free of her duties as Clan Mother, Dhaen swiftly took control of the position of Grand Merchant of the Grand Kingdom. Meanwhile, as the second Grandaxe Clan Mother, Brynaelda started her reign, guiding beardlings, clan members, and elders alike with her honorable sense of duty and family. Her tenure was one of the longest during the time period for the Grandaxes, which flourished immensely with consistent and active clan members. At her peak, over twenty dwedmar of Grandaxe descent could be found within the city at any point. Brynaelda is also well known for her dedication to the clergy. Her well-known festivals and parties often invoked Anbella and Belka, and led to her renown as one of the most popular prelates to ever come out of the modern Urguani clergy. Eventually, she also ascended to becoming High Prophet in addition to her title of Clan Mother. 


    During the voidal incursion into Arcas, the Urguani Government began to require a more consistent leader on the homeland, so King Jorvin Starbreaker, Grand Marshal Dimlin Irongut, and High Prophet Norli Starbreaker could focus their efforts on the warfront. Once only maintaining the economy and housing, Grand Merchant Dhaen Grandaxe quickly began to have a heavier hand on the domestic affairs of the Kingdom. Her continued support of Jorvin during his reign eventually led to their partnership and engagement. After Jorvin's defeat of Ghazardiel and subsequent illness from battle, Dhaen led her people to Almaris aboard the Dwedsmark. Once there, the two married in one of the largest dwarven weddings known to Urguan. This also marked her ascendancy to Queen Consort and Lady Regent during Jorvin's bouts of illness.


    Following the settlement of Urguani people to the dwarven Almaris capital of Kal'Darakaan, Dhaen helped to create the Iron alliance between Haense, Norland, and Urguan. An up and coming diplomat to Norland and surrogate son of Dhaen, Levian'Tol Grandaxe, soon rose to prominence during this time period as an expert politician and merchant. Already a well-known brewer, Levian's skills marked him as a successor to Dhaen during the following election cycle, which saw Norli Starbreaker ascend to the role of Grand-King. At this point, Dhaen withdrew from the public eye with Jorvin in tow, to raise their children. Only a few stone months later saw Brynaelda following suit with her recent husband, Officer Grudgebeard.


    With both Dhaen and Brynaelda now departed, Levian'Tol Grandaxe was quickly marked as a prime successor to Norli Starbreaker. He also acted as temporary clan-father. During Levian's reign, the Kingdom of Urguan underwent one of its largest land expansions to date, as settlements for all races were established. Though brief, Levian'Tol's reign is often remembered as one of the most prosperous and fruitful of Urguan's recent kings. Following the election cycle, the clan was transitioned to Brynaelda's leadership once more and Ulfric Frostbeard reigned as the new Grand King. While the initial decades of Ulfric's rule were peaceful, the kingdom was soon swallowed up by a war with the human kingdom of Oren. The new Grandaxe clan father, Thumbril Grandaxe, a well-known elder of both the Grandaxes and Metalfists, helped to lead what little of the Grandaxes that were left during the war into battle. At the close of the four stone-month war, the Irehearts, led by Bakir Ireheart, attempted to pull away from the governance of the Grand Kingdom. Their clan father, Agnar, quickly was removed from power by the clan, as his views did not align with the attempted splintering group. To soothe both factions, Bakir Ireheart became the successor to Ulfric Frostbeard as Grand King, and Agnar rejoined his blood clan of the Grandaxes, taking over as Clan Father, from Thumril. Dhaen also returned at this point to help provide her knowledge in stewardry and reclaim the title of Iron Baron.


    After Bakir's reign ended, Agnar was elected the Grand King of Urguan and ruled steadily for many years, leading the nation through the Mori wars, and guiding the dwarves safely from Almaris to the land of Aevos. The Clan then entered a brief period of inactivity, but has since seen a resurgence. The current clan father is Thazzaer Grandaxe, son of Fili, who succeeded Agnar following Agnar's kingship around approximately year 140 of the Second Age.



    ~Clan Values~



    A Grandaxe will defend his honor with his life, and will demand the same of other dwarves. Grandaxes do not steal or harm other dwarves as it is considered highly dishonorable and nearly unforgivable. They also hold to their word and hold blood pacts in high regard. A Grandaxe never breaks a promise, save in the most dire of circumstances.



    A Grandaxe is courageous and stoic. When faced with a challenge, a Grandaxe does not back down, they instead rise to meet it. Even under the threat of death itself, a Grandaxe will stand by their values and will never compromise their conscience.


    Yemekar's Balance

    The Grandaxes are staunch believers in Yemekar's Balance, which refers to the balance of world’s peoples and environment. Should one nation attempt to exterminate one of the races from the realm then that is a clear breach of Yemekar's Balance. Such a situation upsets Grandaxes, who take pride in the world as a place built by Yemekar’s hands.


    Dwarven Unity

    Independence and Unity is the great paradox of the Grandaxe clan. Grandaxes have always supported the notion of Dwarven unity, yet simultaneously have also struck out to make their own holds and settlements. The Grandaxe clan recognizes that for Urguan to be united, clans must be given the freedom to make a life for themselves. Several times in the past the Grandaxe clan staged bloodless rebellions to root out corruption from the kingdom. To actually engage in bloodshed and violence against fellow dwarves is unthinkable, but it has previously been necessary for the clan to withdraw to independent holds to deprive corrupt politicians of their ability to rule.



    ~Common Religious Values~


    war axe | Tumblr

    Dungrimm, the Brathmordakin of war and death is the primary patron of the Grandaxes due to his affinity for valour and glory in war. Young Grandaxes especially choose Dungrimm as their patron, and hope for greatness in battle.



    Innkeepers daughter by LKivihall.deviantart.com on @DeviantArt ...

    Anbella, the Brathmordakin of family and hearth is the second patron of the Grandaxes. Her dedication to  kinship reflects the Grandaxe view on Dwarven unity. In addition, she is popular with many Grandaxes who take up the arts of healing and bartending, as both require one to be open to helping their kin.



    Ezekiel Malachi | The Malachite Isles Wiki | Fandom

    Ogradhad, the Brathmordakin of knowledge is the third  patron of the Grandaxes, and is usually worshiped more fervently by the politicians and the diplomats of the clan. Nobles of the clan frequently go to Ogradhad for guidance in matters involving politics, and thus is more popular among the older members of the clan.




    The Braveaxe Line


    Dwarves of the Braveaxe line are characterised by their red hair and blue eyes. Traditionally, Braveaxes tend to be the leaders of the Grandaxe clan, with many taking charge in battles and acting as diplomats in political negotiation.


    The Blackaxe Line


    Dwarves of the Blackaxe line are characterized by their red hair and their distinct brown eyes that have come as a result of breeding with other mountain dwarf families. Long ago, these dwarves became infamous for their raids upon settlements who were deemed to have broken their strict code of honour. Currently, Blackaxes have taken up roles as fierce fighters and  politicians. Mostly notably, the brothers Bazian Grandaxe and Valen Grandaxe belonged to this bloodline, and later brothers Fimlin and Fili.


    The Grimaxe Line


    Dwarves of the Grimaxe line are unique amongst the Grandaxes in that they tend to have brown hair and brown eyes. Many are also shorter in stature than most mountain dwarves, due to breeding with other dwarven families. They are the youngest branch of the clan and tend to focus on individual goals within the clan such as merchant work and architecture. Most notably, Thorin Grandaxe belonged to this bloodline.



    ~Grandaxe Culture~


    Most Grandaxes join the dwarven Legion at a young age, and are often taught diplomacy and civil service as well, usually becoming key politicians in the Dwarven Kingdom. Grandaxes are known to be the woodworkers and lumberjacks of the dwarves, as most clans typically are miners and blacksmiths. Additionally, many Grandaxes choose to be Leatherworkers and Weavers, and are known to produce well-made furs, clothing, and textiles.

    Carpenter Dwarf by JonHodgson on DeviantArt

    Currently, one prominent skill of the Grandaxes is brewing. Each family line of the Grandaxes have developed their own drinks, with the most famous of them being the Grandaxe Ale, which is served most frequently in Urguani taverns and feasts.


    Clothing and Appearance

    The Grandaxes are on average, one of the tallest clans of dwarves. Like all Mountain Dwarves, their height and mass sets them apart from the shorter Cave Dwarves or the more lithe Forest Dwarves. They have light skin that is fair or lightly tanned, and eyes ranging from a silvery blue to a dark brown. Perhaps most recognized is their traditional red hair. Often styled into elaborate coifs, the signature Grandaxe red hair ranges from a fiery orange to a deep crimson. Generally, Grandaxes who sport red locks age into grey hair by their elder years. Male Grandaxes usually have larger beards, often combed but undecorated in comparison to clans such as Goldhand. Female Grandaxes are surprisingly prevalent in the clan and are known for their traditional and intricate braids, often displayed with both pride in their detail and practicality on the battlefield.



    In terms of clothing, Grandaxes tend to wear the more battle-ready clothes of their culture, with many preferring to wear pelts or armor on top. Grandaxes can often be found sporting darker colors such as dark browns, blacks, and greys. Traditionally, many choose to have at least one article of Grandaxe tartan on their person. This plaid fabric is typically dark red or crimson, highlighted by black strips threaded through the pattern. 




    Like most dwarves, Grandaxes traditionally expressed creativity and art through their architecture. The Grandaxes have adhered to age old architectural doctrine, being the first clan to use wood in its architecture; mostly in the roofs and walls of a hall. Grandaxes also abstain from using gems and ores in decorating their halls, instead choosing tapestries and various designs in the wood and stone. Under the leadership of Dhaen Grandaxe, many Grandaxes took to exploring the artistic values of the dwarven culture, with a few going into stone carving, smithing, and even Dhaen herself being well practiced in tapestry making. This tradition of  promoting Grandaxe culture through art persisted into the leadership of Brynaelda, who’s revered Bardic skills made her well-known among the dwarves of Kal’Evraal.




    ~Battle Traditions~

    The War-axe


    Grandaxes use all forms of dwarven weaponry however traditionally Grandaxes are trained with use of the war-axe. Waraxes are the typical weapon of choice for Grandaxes and they are often heavily decorated in runes and various inscriptions.


    The Ordaz (Hammaxe)


    The Ordaz or the Hammaxe is a dwarven war-axe with a flat hammerhead on the opposite side of the axe-head. The Ordaz is typically used in engagements that are close-quarters. The Ordaz are also moderately heavier than a war-axe because of the need to balance out the weight of the hammerhead on the other side.




    Originally forged by a Grandaxe of the Blackaxe line, Khoroklad armor is thick plate armor forged from black ferrum alloy and often underlaid with chainmail and leather undercoats. Khoroklad armor is noticeable by its dark complexion and sometimes has the symbol of a double-headed axe on the chest.


    Azlann (High Ram)


    Grandaxes unlike other dwarves have a tradition of taming and riding goats as opposed to boars and direwolves. The breed of “Azlann” or High Ram is a species of rams that live in the mountains of the dwarven lands that have distinctly long horns that curve steadily towards the back of their head. The Azlann typically dwell at the highest inhabitable points in mountains and are skilled climbers, making transportation across mountain ranges easier with this breed. Although useful Azlann have never been used in battle, and are not known to most dwarves as it is discussed mostly within the clan.



    ~Clan Initiation~

    Trial of Courage

    The trial of courage is the first trial a beardling must undergo to achieve full status in the clan. The dwarf will be tasked by the clan father with bringing back the pelt of a wolf, slain in battle. After the pelt has been retrieved, it will be nailed to the beardling's wall, as a show of strength and pride.




    Trial of Faith

    The trial of Faith is the second trial a Grandaxe beardling must undertake. As directed by the clan father, the beardling must undergo a pilgrimage to a shrine of the Brathmordkin. Once there, they must meditate upon all of the gods’ principles, and then pledge themselves to their favored patron.





    Trial of Honor

    The final trial for a Grandaxe beardling is to make and undergo a dedication to their patron god. This dedication must be discussed with a clan elder and usually consists of a task or feat to be completed in accordance with the values of their chosen patron. This could be joining a guild, completing a masterwork of craftsmanship, or any other dedication approved by a clan elder.




    ~Grandaxe Holds~




    Kal'Domhain, the original hold of the Blackaxes, rested among the peaks to the far north of Oren. Far from the bustling cities of Aegis, it once stood as a home for mountain dwarves who wished to live away from the deep caves of Kal'Urguan. Many Grandaxes still live today who spent their early lives in Kal'Domhain, completing vigorous military training and living off of what the harsh land had to offer. Kal'Domhain was later abandoned when the majority of the remaining Blackaxes returned to Kal'Urguan and was likely destroyed in the fall of Aegis to the undead.




    Kal'Anart, the mountain hold to the north of the dwarven Kingdom is well reputed as one of the finest works of mountain dwarf architecture, as well as one of the most defensive fortifications in Asulon. Originally built by Bazian Grandaxe and his kin during the third Dwarf - Orc war, it withstood many skirmishes by the orcs and their allies in House Flay. The hold acted as a home to the Grandaxes and a vital point for dwarven trade. It was left behind in the move to Anthos, and is believed by many dwarves to have been destroyed.



    Kal'Bogrin is the hold that the Grandaxe Clan and its allies fled to after being banished by the corrupt Lords Council, and served as residence for the clan for many years. Built upon the ashes of Hanseti and the Undead castle after, the land of the hold was highly coveted by the Kingdom of Oren, who claimed to be the “rightful rulers” of the land because it was once settled by humans. The hold was abandoned during the Great Northern War between the Dwarves & Humans and the clan moved back south where it would later establish Kal'Eknar.




    A hold located in the Kazradin Foothills, south of Kal’Karaad, positioned next to the naval port and connected to the capital by a railway running through the mountain. The hold guarded the route between Elven lands to the Orcish jungles which brought it to be attacked in the Orc-Dwarf war. During the war with the Orcs the hold was besieged by the Orcish army, but was successfully defended when the defending dwarves charged out and overwhelmed the siege camp.





    A hold located in the Northwestern Valley on the Isle of Avar in Vailor, this was the capital seat of the Jarldom of Avar, which belonged to the Grandaxe Kazrikkin. The hold governed Avar under the Grandaxes and housed the Huscarls of Avar. The hold fell in the 18 years war in the Siege of Kal'Valen, a valiant defense yet ultimately unsuccessful.



     A hold located in a portion of the Evraal mountains known as the "Giant's Foot" on the Continent of Tahn in Axios. This hold was built among the peaks atop of the revered Shrine of Dungrimm. When the Second Frostbeard Rebellion broke out, and the capital Kal'Omith was taken by the Frostbeards, the Grandaxes opened up Tal'Azmar to house the dwarves who were made homeless by this tragedy, making it the capital of the Grand Kingdom for a time, although still owned and ran by the Grandaxe Clan Lord. The hold was abandoned when the Grandaxe clan split in the Third Frostbeard rebellion, leaving Tal'Azmar to the annals of history.



    The second iteration of Kal’Bogrin was built under the supervision of Fimlin Grandaxe in Atlas. It’s conception is most notable for having been the starting point for both Fimlin and the Grandaxes to begin to unify the dwarven people, later leading to the founding of the Kingdom of Urguan.


     The Grand Brewery


    The Grand Brewery is a Grandaxe hold built in the Sutican Peninsula. Its design was heavily inspired by Dwarven religious values and is highly reminiscent of Clergical Halls. Primarily, the Brewery is used in brewing the famed ale of the Grandaxe Clan. Currently, it is the only active Grandaxe hold active in Arcas.




    Clan Father:

    Thazzaer Grandaxe (cpt_noobman)


    Clan Elders:

    Ursus Grandaxe (_grey_w0lf_)

    Fimlin Grandaxe (fimlin)

    Thumbrindal Grandaxe (D3F4LT#4284)



    Recruitment is currently open. Upon being accepted you will be promoted to a Beardling, and then given the trials before being fully accepted as a Clan Member

    MC Name:

    Character Name:



  10. Just now, DISCOLIQUID said:

    "Chaos seeps into Urguan. Where is the sense? Twice he has attacked, a century of madness proven, and now he is still defended."

    "No trial? And yet he walks free after house arrest, free to strike at the Grandaxes."

    "And at every turn, an oust against the King is threatened, who has seen no justice for an attack on his Kin."

    "A high prophet, soon teh face charges of vigilantism, subversion o' justice, and assault, along wif a magistrate, all at deh bequest of a corrupt king who 'as no respect fer our laws. YEH are deh taint"

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