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Posts posted by Booklight12


    5 hours ago, sami03 said:



    I mean i'm not going to blame staff entirely for the actions of the people who use this platform to roleplay; Most of the murderhoboing [CAs] and [MAs] exist from a time before most of the current ST were even apart of the system; and these pieces of lore persist because (Besides the murderhoboing aspect) they have provided roleplay that is consistently beyond the quality of the average lotc roleplay experience. I think what would be best in that instance is to just make an ST ruling which bars new submissions and any rewrites from having a mechanic which encourages murderhoboing; or direct murder in general to achieve a particular goal. (Yes we can have dark magic that plays on other themes than murder)


    Regarding the main point of the the post; I agree that murder needs to be a tool used on special occasion outside of raids and warclaims. But in order to have any type of real rule-based server change we would require staff intervention and a complete rewrite to our rule-system. These things take time and given that this topic has been brought up multiple times there's likely not a novel solution any of our staff can think of that is also simple to implement. Most proposed ideas say things along the lines of "We should have lives" "We should make a death application to be reviewed to tell us if our chars are pk'd based on the rp" but all boil down to adding more staff bloat; which staff as a general concept never like. So, the only solution is to manipulate RP culture by convincing most characters not to kill and/ or create severe IRP penalties for people who kill. Or to discover that needle in the haystack rule which is both simple and effective at reducing the amount of murders which occur on lotc whilst also improving the general RP quality surrounding the death.


    One idea I have would be to require a "tell" emotes which indicates to the person you are RPing with that your character has some type of malevolent or unnatural intent towards their character, but have yet to spot your character or initiate their plan. Something along the lines of; *A band of 3 brigands walk along the road surveying every knook and cranny for something, or perhaps someone; though as they draw closer they have yet to see [Persona name of target]*. If they continue to rp as they were and ignore the tell emote they are then liable for all RP which ensues after; but if they rp running away or hiding from the murderous threat then they are not liable to be murdered so long as they avoid the conflict.

  2. Update

    - Reworked the immortality system for sake of simplicity by removing reincarnation in favor of a lich phylactory type of spell.

    - Added the Soul Strike, Spirit Bolt, Changeling, and the Mana Cleanse abilities 

    - Removed Horror Summoning and Hollow creation spell

    - Tone/aesthetic change

    - Added all redlines

    - Renamed Spells

    - Included an interaction for Veil Watchers using Mana Sight

    - Additional minor changes to the grammar and overall structure of the lore piece


  3. On 10/25/2022 at 10:14 PM, E__V__O said:



    23 hours ago, King_Kunuk said:



    23 hours ago, MeteorDragon said:



    9 hours ago, SoulReapingWolf said:


    - Total mages reduced from 10->7

    - The procreation bit was replaced with The Dreamers Welcome

    - Redline added to Oment requiring players to MCly be on the server and performing The Ciw in order to use Oment.

    -Will likely need to make a Creature lore post on horrors if this were accepted.

    - Adding a redline that reincarnated Av'talar under the age of 16 are not subject to the PK clause. While it isn't the most lore-friendly answer to this problem, I think it's a fair compromise to prevent people from perma-killing children.

    - The age reincarnated Av'talar regain their memories/abilities has been changed from 18->16

    -Omitted adding redlines to Walking Echo for the time being, but will add redlines as more issues pop up in the coming days.

    - And added the [T#] to each spell


  4. 1 hour ago, Valannor said:

    What is even the purpose of this submission

    It's like a time-capsule that I don't plan on opening


    17 minutes ago, TreeSmoothie said:

    Honestly seems neat, though I think the reproductive bit is unneeded & the 10 mages required for this + a mature voidal tear is a good bit too much just to get a PK clause and a few abilities.



    The Inheritance of the Void




    The Æther and the First Voidal Seed

    Long ago there was a settlement of elves who departed Aegis before the second Iblee’s War. By boat these elves traveled distant shores and settled upon a fertile land filled with dense forests, plump fruits, and a range of climates granting the weather of all seasons. Most importantly, land was in ample supply and gave room to grow for future generations.


    Days before finding the land, one of the groups seer claimed a great voice fell upon her while dreaming, and that the next land they find will be a great land fit for their descendants. So, when they landed on shore, the fleet of elves built an imageless shrine to this mere voice and praised it among the myriad of aengudaemons which made up their pantheon.


    Despair would soon spread among the settlers.


     Unaccustomed to the foreign soil, the elves trekked carefully along the forests near the fleet's landsite. Despite their caution, fear caught the community when young Tir'Laurir’s body was found scattered amongst branches of the forest's trees in a display for all to see.


    It wasn’t long before Laurir’tir’s death that the settlement discovered the horrors of the lands they dwelt in.


    In voidal hollows, where the veil was thinnest the horrors emerged en masse. The ancient evil awoke and groaned with gluttonous hunger for the descendants who landed upon their shores.


    But the leaders of this elven settlement were wise. They knew that they could not defeat this threat on their own, so they bid their people to call upon the focus of their worship to aid the settlement in defeating this unknowable foe. 


    Try as they might, it was for nought..


    The vines, and great forest beasts which protected the followers of the aspects were not enough to push back the waves of fire magic pouring from the horror pyromancers.


    The devout healers and clerics of Tahariae could not mend the voidally wrought wounds which scarred the souls of those who encountered the horrors.


    All groups praised their idols, and received plentiful reward, but none powerful enough to wipe the constant fear of a final voidal incursion that would destroy the settlement.

    Five generations passed, with new mali being born into fear and desperation to survive, yet the elves were strong. Fighting the horrors led to the creation of a powerful military which grew in size with each generation who wanted to fight back the tides of horrors and claim more land for their kind.


    And it was when the peoples spirits were low when they remembered the voice which made them cling to the teet of this new land. 


    That night, Abradea the son of the seer who first heard the voice, slaughtered a goat beside a fire and let the flames lick its body asunder as a burnt offering. 


    The fire froze and took on a pale white color before steps emerged which led to the clouds. 


    Abradea climbed the steps all night, and emerged in the morning carrying a book called The Æther.


    Within was a series of tales both short and long, wise sayings, and secret myths. 


    Enamored by the strange book plucked from the heavens, Abradea went and read it, finding many secrets woven within the text in a code-like manner. Deciphering it was not without challenge, but as Abradea grew he learned the secrets within and became the first Inheritor of The Void.


    Using the secrets hidden within The Æther, Abradea astounded the people who quickly began to follow the voice as the primary focus of their worship over the aengudaemons in their pantheon.


    When the fever for The Voice grew so great,  a stone monolith was erected in The Voice’s name and 15 sheep were slaughtered to appease him.


    This pleased the voice, who came down from on high and made this monolith its dwelling place. 


    As the praise of The Voice grew, so did the boundaries of the elven nation. The secrets within The Æther gave the elves the tools to push the voidal horrors to their hollows which were embedded deep underground. Though unable to close it completely, they sealed the hollows away with great enchantments until a time when the secret of cleansing hollows would be revealed to the voidally attuned.


    And so, even more generations passed, and after the flight of war ascended from the minds of the elves, time took its course and The Voice’s worship ended. The great stores of power granted to the elves dried up, and so did the great enchantments placed upon the seal holding back the tide of horrors. 


    The destruction of the elven society was both great and swift. A mist rolled upon the land for months, carrying with it eldritch beasts which knew no end to their hunger, satiating what they could on the bones of the doomed civilization.


    Only the elves which fled their homeland survived absolute annihilation, but were cursed to forever wander the mortal plane in want of their true home.


    Some of the most devout followers of The Voice still whispered its praises in secrets as they've travelled across the continents. Tasked to bring a restored Æther to new lands and share the secrets of The Void with only the most virtuous souls dedicated to Truth and Good.





    Inheritors of The Void


    The Void is an enigmatic realm of constant change. Realities branch out and die many times over, yet, The Void persists as the chaotic haze which creation is nestled within.


    Scholars and magi, since time immemorial have tried to uncover just what exactly The Void is. However, as hard as some might try, the elusive nature of The Void always devolves into theories, and complexities that overtake the truly small grasp we have on what the source of arcane magic is.


    Some say The Void is nothingness. The complete abstract notion which contradicts creation itself; known as anti-creation.


    Others say The Void to be a plane that harbors many forms of life known as Voidal Horrors. These diverse entities rarely escape The Void's maw, but are known to occasionally enter Creation where the Veil is most thin; in places such as, Voidal Tears or Voidal Hollows. Generally, invasions through these means are smaller in scale and often consist of a few dozen Horrors entering a given plane. Although, larger incursions may occur once when a large sections of The Veil are ruptured. These wounds to Creation cause great destabilization to the natural laws of Creation as a large fluctuance of magic floods creation with Aetherius. This floods the various corporeal and incorporeal planes with chaotic energy that will transmogrify the planes natural laws. One of the effects of this transmogrification is that is causes a great thinning of veil upon a host Plane which allows Greater Horrors and Voidal Behemoths to open Voidal Rifts that they may use to invade an entire plane.

    So terrible is a Greater Voidal Incursion, they they can only be overcame through a combined effort between the various Mortal and Immortal beings to repel the Horrors and repair the Veil.


    What we do know is The Void to be a vast realm which spans the physical and non-physical realities, and bundles them into one. It is the source of arcane magic, and a place which houses the mind planes of an array of horrors. 


    We also know that souls which are brought in direct exposure with The Void do not last long and quickly dissipate; annihilated by the void.


    Inheritors of The Void are the in-between; an entity bearing birthmarks from both creation and non-creation. They are walking paradoxes who carry a seed of The Void within their souls. This tether seminates the soul with raw voidal influence and shapes it through a Metanoic change that eternally wracks the soul with visions of grandeur as their minds are under constant symbiosis with infinity.


    Like moths to a flame, Alien minds plague the Inheritor’s who are under constant psionic bombardment in the many tongues of Moon-speak. 


    Yet, the true bounty of The Inheritors of The Void is the Voidal Seed itself. Acting as a throughline between the mortal's consciousness and the void. Inheritors have some degree of control over their voidal seed which they may use to manipulate the contents of souls, alter the world around them, and to interact with mind planes.

    Inheritors may also draw meaning from the runes of The Aether, a scroll which holds the secrets of The Void within it. 

    Normally, The Aether’s knowledge is hidden behind a metaphysical wall which acts as an obstacle to would-be readers. Yet the scrolls will open its wisdom to any with a voidal seed, and will imprint its meaning upon the mind's eye in a less risky manner than those not blessed or cursed with a seed.


    Ultimately, the Inheritor is a being destined to spread the revelation of The Void upon creation, whether it is of their own will or anothers.




    Voidal Seeds

    Voidal seeds are gateways to the void which are embedded within a mortal's soul and are known to either curse or enlighten its Recipient. There are two seeds which are known to descendancy, and represent the eternal duality within unity. These are, the Seeds of Fluctuance and the Seeds of Radiance.


    The Seed of Fluctuance


    This seed is created through a metanoic ritual, in which an Inheritor  fills a section of a recipient's soul with mana, which is quickly dispelled to form a vacuum in the soul. This tears at the very fabric of the soul’s essence and forms a two-way hole which expels a stream of unfiltered voidal energy into the recipient's soul. This volatile form of active mana is hereby known as Aetherius


    This constant influx of Aetherius alters the souls' very structure and wracks the Inheritor with apocalyptic visions which increase in severity as the seed develops. Inevitably this large influx of raw Aetherius will pollute the mind of its Inheritor with dark and fearful thoughts that may cause erratic and poorly thought out decisions under the guise of safeguarding the Inheritors life. 


    The Inheritor of a Seed of Fluctuance is highly susceptible to psionic attacks from voidal horrors who are likely to promise power and safety in exchange for service or worship. Though, others may skirt this tactic entirely and simply take control of the Inheritors' mind upon a successful mental siege.


     Seeds of Fluctuance mature more voraciously than the Seed of Radiance, and may mature to its full ripeness if left unchecked. Yet, as a sacrifice for this quickly earned power, the corruptive effects of the Seed of Fluctuance will inevitably turn its Inheritor into a void stalker, further sundering their soul to the maddening nature of the Void.




    Self Obsession

    Increasingly Maddening Revelation

    Extremist Ideology


    Whispers At The Back of One's Mind


    Existential Dread

    Apocalyptic Hallucinations



    • Tier 1 Lasts for 2 Weeks

    •  Tier 2: Lasts for 2 Weeks

    • Tier 3: Lasts for 4 Weeks

    •  Tier 4: Lasts for 4 Weeks

    • Tier 5: Maximum Tier

      • Upon reaching T5 Inheritors with the Seed of fluctuance will be turned into a Voidstalker



    The Seed of Radiance


    The Seed of Radiance is a voidal tear surrounded by a bundle of pale green-white bundle of mana implanted within a recipient’s soul. This seed is created through a metanoic ritual, in which an Inheritor  fills a section of a recipient's soul with mana, before dispelling the mana back to the void. This act tears at the very fabric of the soul’s essence and forms a two-way hole which expels a stream of Aetherius into the soul. Then a bundle of pale hued mana is created to stabilize the flow of volatile mana which allows only a fraction of Aetherius  to pass into the soul of the Inheritor. This fractional amount, despite its quantity; engorges the soul with a constant influx of raw mana which causes a Metanoic imbalance that mutates the soul overtime.


    This is like some Aengudaemons who choose to fuel their powers with tethers to the void on their Immortal Planes. The seed of Radiances acts similarly; awakening the recipient's soul to the power of the Void by marrying each together into one. This imbues the uninitiated Inheritor with a connection to the void, and gives them the inner knowledge to meld their mind and soul together to become a Conduit of Enlightenment.


    The Seed of Radiance feeds the Inheritor’s mindscape with visions of past, present, and future. Though, unlike visions and prophecies read directly from the Aether; the natural visions an Inheritor receives occur at random intervals and are generally unclear, presenting no specific details beyond abstract images, and words. This often compels Inheritors to seek out the Aether’s whereabouts so they may learn more about their personal visions.


    In its essence, the Seed of Radiance is a controlled tether to the void, and does not normally overflood the Inheritors soul with corruptive energies like the Seed of Fluctuance. Rather, the Seed of Radiance is a Metanoic change to the soul that grows as the Inheritor themselves develops. Though, there are certainly still risks associated with the Seed of Radiance.


    Other than the body of an inheritor being subject to voidal poisoning, the Inheritor is also under the great risk of an invasion upon their mind by voidal entities. Like the name implies, the Seed of Radiance shines brightly within the void and attracts the eyes of many horrors. Those of a more malevolent disposition are likely to enact incursions upon the Inheritor whereby they bombard them with constant psionic attacks in an attempt to dull their fortitude and take control of the Inheritors mortal vessel. Horrors that are already manifest upon the mortal plane would also seek out Inheritors, who, when consumed by a horror, empowers the voidal denizen and moves them up the voidal hierarchy. 



    Self Nullification


    Existential Dread

    Fixation Upon Good and Evil

    Logus Centered

    Martyrdom Idealization




    • Tier 1 Lasts for 3 Weeks

    •  Tier 2: Lasts for 3 Weeks

    • Tier 3: Lasts for 6 Weeks

    •  Tier 4: Lasts for 6 Weeks

    • Tier 5: Maximum Tier



    [Magical Effects]


    Casting Tells

    • Pupils may change shape and size when connected to the void

    • Whites of a characters eyes will  turn their aura color when connected to the void

    • Aura and mana may take a more physical form around the caster and their spells (ranging from: dust-thin gelatin)

      • Can’t be used for a combative advantage 


    Misc Effects

    Other Magical Effects

    • All enchantments created with or by an Inheritor will become slightly sentient; and may whisper in the minds of their wielders either blessings or curses.

    • Inheritors are never subject to Thamburn

    • The Voidal Seed imparts Voidal Weakness.

    • Subject to occasional psionic invasions by Horrors.

    • Unaffected by the volatile effects of Voidal Hollows

    • All fire within a 20 meter radius around the Inheritor turns the shade of their aura color






    T1- Moonspeaker- Non-combative- Passive/Active

    So entrenched are the ways of psionic communication in the lifestyle of a Voidal Horror that some observers believe it is as innate as oral communication is to a descendant. Inheritors of a Voidal Seed Likewise are imbued with this ability to communicate amongst themselves telepathically. 



    The Inheritor may create a tether over the course of 2 (1 Connect + 1 Cast) emotes, which links their mind to a designated target. During the spell's duration, the Inheritor may understand and telepathically recreate moonspeak, or the native language of their tethered target.


    Active Effects:

    • The caster may understand and telepathically recreate Moonspeak

    • The caster may understand and telepathically recreate the native tongue of their target.


    Spell Duration

    Tier 1- 3 emotes 

    Tier 2- 6 emotes

    Tier 3- 9 emotes

    Tier 4- 12 emotes

    Tier 5- Indefinitely


    T2- Manifestation- Non-Combative- Active

    So connected to the void is the Inheritor that physicality is no longer a barrier to assert their arcane will upon the mortal plane. From this point onwards, the Inheritor may interact with the world through a non-local avatar.





    In a 4 (1 Connect + 2 Charging + 1 Casting) emote spell the Inheritor funnels a stream of mana onto a reflective surface and uses its inherent reflectivity to cast an image of their soul blueprint. When this image is created the Inheritors consciousness will be sucked into their Manifestation,  and their mortal form will lay in an unconscious state where they cast the spell. From that point onwards the caster may see through the Manifestations’ eyes, and travel any distance away from their mortal form. Manifestations may also cast minor non-combative spells, and travel instantaneously in a spell akin to a Translocationists Greater Teleport.


    While a potent ability, this spell is not a perfect recreation of the mortal form. The Manifestation is merely a semi-physical vessel for the Inheritors mind that may be used to interact with the world physically, but provides no combative capability to the Inheritor wielding this form. Because the physical form of the Manifestation is so weak an Inheritor may not carry any form of weaponry in this form, and a mere prick of the skin, or the blunt force of a punch is enough to cause the Manifestation to dissipate.  If forced to demanifest, the Inheritors consciousness will snap back to their mortal coil and cause a severe mental backlash which shocks the Inheritors mind with powerful headaches, nausea, and convulsions that may last for 1 OOC hour.


    To demanifest safely a Inheritor must instead perform the Rite of Reclamation, which is a 3 (1 Connect + 1 Charging + 1 Casting) emote spell that bathes the Manifestation in the Inheritors aura color, and causes the image to implode upon itself. This safely eases the casters consciousness back to their mortal form where they first cast the spell.



    • This spell cannot be cast during combat, and requires a material with a reflective surface to be cast upon.

    • The casters physical form will lay unconscious when the spell is cast, and any physical disturbances of their body will cause their Manifestation to forcefully demanifest

    • A Manifestation will also forcefully demanifest if any combative force makes contact with it. Any other non-combative force would not sufficiently cause manifestation

    • Manifestations may interact with the world physically, carry non-combative items, and may use any known magic.

    • Spells cast in a projected form may not surpass T3

    • Because this is an inherently non-combative spell, an Inheritor can in no way cast combative magic, carry weapons, or cause physical injury to another person whilst in a manifested state.


    T3- Voidal Monarch- Non-combative- Active

    Through a set of powerful rituals an Inheritor may manipulate the land around them to create Voidal Monoliths, Heaths, and Voidal Hollows.





    Voidal Monoliths and Heaths

    Untamed Heaths are a great mystery and danger to those who wander inside; hosting all manner of voidally infused creatures, voidal terrors, and cults which praise the Void as if a god itself. It is in the Aether where the secrets of Heaths are revealed, their creation and purpose uncovered to whomever stumbles upon this archaic topic. Yet there is one throughline which connects the heaths within the mortal plane, and within the many spheres of creation. This is the Voidal Monolith. A powerful conduit of voidal energy which constantly streams Aetherius into its surrounding area; Monoliths have proven to be a great source of power which transfigures the surrounding land into a heath.


    It is those who study the Aether who have devised a means of replicating voidal monoliths to be used for a variety of esoteric rituals. The method of creating a Voidal Monolith first requires the presence of a Mana Obelisk that is commonly shaped in a tall rectangular form upon the land desired to be converted into a Heath. Only then does the ritual require 3 Tier 5 Inheritors to expel the contents of their voidal seeds into the mana obelisk, conjoining them together in a bed of Aetherius which evolves the Mana Obelisk into an empowered state. This causes the obelisk to shed all pigmentation, and take on the hue of a lightless black, and instantaneously would begin to change the landscape around it; scarring it in the form of a heath.



    • Requires PRO permission to be created

    • The average size for a Voidal Heath is a 100x100 meter radius , though may be smaller or larger


    Often for defense, or merely as a threat to outsiders, Inheritors who study from the Aether can uncover the means to cause a great voidal cataclysm which forms a hollow around a Voidal Monolith and Heath. This ritual requires 5 Inheritors to convene before a monolith, and over the course of mana hours tug at the individual strands of Aetherius within the Monolith. The Inheritors must draw out the Aetherius from the monolith and convert the raw voidal energy into a workable form which is tethered to the very land around the Voidal Monoliths’ Heath. This further scars the surrounding land, turning it into a hollow which surrounds the Heath. By repeating this ritual, Inheritors may alter the landscape within the hollow, or expand and contract the hollows radius.



    • Hollows require PRO permission to be created or expanded

    • The maximum size for a newly created voidal hollow is 100x100.

    • Voidal hollows may only be expanded once every OOC week at a maximum rate of 100 meters per ritual.




    T4- Reawakening- Non-Combative- Active

    Inheritors may learn to tug at the threads of potential to recoalesce dead Inheritors voidal seeds back into a mortal form. 




    As previously mentioned, all Inheritors carry a Voidal Seed; a metaphysical gateway which tethers the Recipients soul to the void and basks them in the raw mana found within the void known as Aetherius.


    Voidal Seeds provide a symbiotic relationship to their Inheritors and simultaneously grow with them. This marriage between Inheritor and Voidal Seed imprints the soul upon the voidal seed itself, and when the time comes that an Inheritor’s soul would be sent to the soulstream in a final death not saved by the Monks, the Voidal Seed they bear will consume the entirety of the soul, rending it free from existence and dissipating its essence into the infinite stream of energy within the Void. As a result an Inheritor can never be subject to undeath, and will instead permanently die as their very essence is wrenched free and annihilated. Yet, the Voidal Seed remains; nestling itself in the bosom of the Void and entering a stasis as it is exposed directly to the Void.


    The Archetype of Reawakenings is required for an Inheritor to return to the mortal plane upon a permanent death. This ritual requires 3 Inheritors to reach out to the void and call out to the voidal seed of a fallen Inheritor. A tether must then be made between the named Inheritors Voidal Seed and the soul of an unborn child still in its mothers womb, and overrides the yet formed soul of the unborn child. As the unborn child develops in the mothers womb, its unformed soul will feed upon the Voidal Seed of the previous Inheritor and shape itself to take on the soul blueprint of its previous bearer. 



    • The unborn child must have parents of the same race as the previous Inheritor. Ex: A high elven inheritor may have their voidal seed coalesced into any elven subrace, but not a human.

    • Inheritors revived through this ritual must age their character at a rate of 1 year per 7 OOC week until the character is 16. Requiring a total of 16 OOC weeks.

    • Revived Inheritors do not automatically get all their memories back; rather, they will take on the personality of their previous life, and receive some memories in the form of visions, but the specifics of which will be unclear. 

    • Revived Inheritors retain all magic they previously knew, and may begin casting at 16

    • All magic from the Aether is inner knowledge and will be returned in full when a character turns 16; all other magic the character knows will begin at T1 and grow at a rate of 1 Tier per OOC week until they reach the tier the character was at when they pk’d.

    • Revived Inheritors may never know the manner of their own death, or specific detail about their life unless told to them by other characters.



    T5- The Crown- Non-Combative- Active

    When the time is right, an Inheritor may ascend past the stars and form a mindplane in the eternal realm of the Void. This grants the Inheritor a form of immortality brought about by a permanent tethering of their soul to the abyssal plane.






    When an Inheritor has reached the pinnacle of their mortal prowess, a deep yearning to ascend higher grows within their mind. Try as they might, all physical means will fail to capture the great wanting nestled deep within their core. But they are not truly at an ends, as the Aether will open up it’s inner wisdom to reveal to the Inheritor the eternal truth of the void as a conduit for immortality.


    This spell requires five tier 5 mages (or Inheritors) to come together in a circling ritual which sees them wrench a single target free from their physical shackles so they may ascend to the stars. This great influx of energy will shed the persons body and reveal a physically manifested soul underneath, which is promptly ejected from the mortal plane in a beacon of their aura color. As they barrel through the cosmos, the ascending Inheritor will come upon the Veil, and like a flying arrow will pierce through the veil and escape to the Void where their voidal seed and soul will merge to form a mindplane which they may call home.




    The Ascendant Inheritor, while divorced from creation, is not dead in a common sense. Rather, they have merely taken on a new form of immortal life which is in symbiosis with the Void. Much like a phylactory is to a Lich, the Mindplane acts as a disconnected nexus which protects and sustains the Inheritors mind and soul from direct exposure to the Void. 



    Relegation is the state of being an Inheritor experiences when they are not physically manifest upon the mortal plane. Their full conscious awareness is through their mindplane, which is an freely open to interpretation world which appears as the Inheritor chooses. 


    Inheritors are severely limited in this state as they cannot physically interact with the mortal plane without casting Manifestation or using Moonspeaker to communicate to distant Inheritors.


    Returning to the Mortal Plane


    There are a few ways in which a Relegated Inheritor may return to the mortal plane, either of their own volition or anothers. These include: Travelling through a Voidal Tear, and having Archetype of Reawakenings cast upon them


    It is of note that Ascendant Inheritors draw extra vitality from their mindplane when Archetype of Reawakenings is cast upon them. This strange interplay of energies creates a series of effects which eases the burden of rebirth for the Ascendant. This extra vitality gives the Inheritor control of their biological process which they may use to age themselves up to 5x faster than the normal mortal does at a maximum rate of (5 years per 1 OOC week). Moreover, Ascendant Inheritors may choose to retain all prior memories, and tier points in magic they have an accepted MA in; which they may begin casting at full potency at 18.


  6. A New Journey




    The halls of House Xor were flushed with activity these past months. Some praise the house and say their rise was a natural consequence of their bloody determination. Some derogate from the praise and claim fear and the insecurity can make saints out of the strongest sinners. One thing is for certain, a bloody coup often lends well for its orchestrators, but only for as long as they can maintain the mantle of their quickly earned power. For now, the people choose House Xor.


    Horga Xor’s monarchic reign has not been smooth however. Political rivals from once great magic houses, logicians who opposed Xoric policy, and the vocal minorities who denounced the new regime were now hunted on the streets, and backwaters of Ghurim. This maneuver was intended to mimic the scorched earth tactics house Xor used to bade back invading descendant armies. Horga and his advisors thought the few dissenters who remained would have no foundation to channel their opposition, no ground to grow new weeds that could strangle the earth. 


    Only one bastian remained…




     Outside of the main city of Ghurim, dissenters congregated in the ruins of an ancient elven fortress from a time before. Therein, their Seers scryed the magic laden in the hieroglyphs sprawled across the fortress, and uncovered a prophecy.


    All things lost are found again…




    The prophecy describes ancient pacts forged between the elves and a voice which ruled the cosmos. The voice wanted eyes, ears, and means to travel between their mind planes and the mortal realm. In return, the elves were given a seed of magic that assured their prosperity for as long as it was watered. 


    The voice then rested.

    Some generations later, the elves reneged on their promise to water this seed. In response, the voice wrought destruction upon the lands of Ghurim, pestilence, plague, and complete chaos ravaged the thousands of elves who waited upon the altar of annihilation.


    Though the waterless seed withered, the voice did not rid the elves of their rite to water it. So, the few remaining who knew of its secrets cast it into the sea. There, the currents carried it to distant shores where it was ultimately buried and forgotten by most.


    The Bastian falls..




    Upon catching whim of the gathering force, House Xor quickly besieged the ancient fortress with trebuchets of alchemist's fire, and ritual circles of evocationists which bombarded the fortress day and night for ten days.

    Only thanks to the shields of abjurationists were the dissenters able to survive for as long as they did. 


    On the 9th day the dissenters knew they had lost the battle. The abjurationists tasked with defending the fortress were exhausted, many perishing due to the thaumburn incurred from the overuse of magic.


    Coming to terms with their impending doom, the leaders of the gathering decided to send a group of 5 of their youngest gatherers to  deliver the prophecy to the Mother order of the Mages Guild currently based in Almaris. They knew If the prophecy fell into the hands of House Xor, this seed of magic would be coveted by the monarchs of the house for evil. So, they thought it better to leave the prophecy elsewhere in a continent untouched by the events in Ghurim.


    Upon the tenth day, the abjurationists wards crumbled entirely, and Xor fell upon the fortress. Therein, a legendary bout took place at the throne chamber of the elven citadel. Ice and fire clashed as Do’mathra, the guildmaster of the Ghurim mages guild fought valiantly against the fires of Horga Xor. Do’Mathra, despite his renowned ice spear technique was quickly overcame by Horgas firestorm and was turned to ash before all eyes which bore the duel. The dissenters who remained quickly surrendered or fell swiftly to the sword and sorcery of house Xor’s scions. 


    Almaris and Beyond…




    After discovering five emissaries had been sent out of the fortress a day before its falling, Horga Xor personally sent 10 skilled agents to track down these youngsters, capture them, and bring the transcription of the elven prophecy back to Ghurim. 


    A journey begins…

  7. I think there are multiple factors which add up to contribute to what we may perceive as many people being "AFK". The one factor which i'll focus on is on @Narthok's distinction between RP takers and RP makers.


    An RP maker is the person who, as the name purports, creates roleplay. And an RP taker is the tendency for a person to receive RP without adding something of value which would progress the RP. I'd begin with the premise that most people exhibit both tendencies at different points in time, and that there are times to be both an RP maker and taker when playing a character.


    Firstly, on "RP takers". Under this theory i'd say that a lot of people on the server assume roleplay will come to them, or that they will stumble upon roleplay which would intrigue them. This is likely one of the primarch reasons for an apparent lack of RP, as you see people standing around cities, or travelling from city to city only to log off because 'there's no RP'. Off the top of my head there seem to be three reasons for this.


    (A) Many characters on this server, especially played by younger less experienced rpers, do not have coherent goals to work towards. With so many options for what one can do on a character it may be cumbersome to decides "I want this character to just be X, or just be Y". Because of this, we find players just wandering primarily because their characters are not developed enough to generate RP. To those people, i'd recommend joining a guild, nation, guardforce, or community and dedicating the majority of your RP time to that individual group. Instead of being a jack of all trades, you can become a master of one, and in that you will find an immense depth of roleplay you otherwise would not have came across by just lingering at the surface of LOTC.


    (B) Event Team often acts more as 'dm's', as opposed to facilitators of players RP goals. This isn't entirely true, as I have seen ET on many occasions create roleplay on a whim, or at the behest of other players. Despite this, the majority of ET are the the 'dms' of lotc, having preplanned events that larger communities are afforded the luxury of participating in. However, this doesn't quite boil down to  smaller scale communities or players who may be skirted the OOC political clout to coordinate with ET and create events, and instead are expected to create it themselves. Because the accessibility to ET events is scant, many plans which many players may want create are effectively rendered implausible which limits the scope of RP a character can create.


    (C) Limited Scope of RP possibilities, and a lack of creativity. On the coat-tails of (B), I think that the limited scope of what players can do without ET assistance is limited to non-consequential RP, casual RP, Political RP, criminal RP, family rp, Lore-finding rp, and then group rp which usually boils down to a mixture of the previously mentioned RP streams. While no RP type is greater than the next, and there still remains unmentioned niche rp types such as philosophical rp or occult rp, I think the mentioned types of RP are the majority types of RP people participate in, with the widest being casual/non-consequential RP. Because an LOTC player is generally limited to these particular forms on a daily basis the actual allure of meeting strangers is mitigated. If the random person on the street is not a big name, a staff member, or does not come up to you with RP, The expectation that the RP will result in non-consequential or casual RP can be seen in the eyes of a moderately experienced LOTC player as high. And for those who are not interested in this type of RP, this can create the unwillingness to RP with strangers on LOTC. To draw an analogy, in real life how often do you actually create a long lasting connection, or actually progress something in your own life when you are just walking around in public? Generally you are loitering around waiting for time to pass, walking to a destination, or walking and talking with friends. I'd argue the public space on LOTC acts the same way. 


    If you find that you're too heavily leaning on the side of an "RP taker", there are a few things you can do. 


    (1) Is to create a particular goal for a given character that you can work towards, that also requires other people. Does your character want to be a criminal boss? He will certainly need underlings to raise into the syndicate. Does your character want to have a vineyard? He will need permission from a lord to purchase this vineyard. Or more broadly, does your character want to see world peace? Well, you will certainly need others to advocate for you.


    (2) Be realistic in your goals. If your character wants to be a criminal boss he cannot start there. They will likely need to start with petty crimes, and will need to attract players towards his syndicate with the promise of many mina, he will also need a place of operations. You will also need to bribe many lawmen and guards to avert their gaze from your business, perhaps employ homeless people to be the eyes and ears of your operation to get a leg up on city intelligence. Does your character want to buy a vineyard? He will first need mina to purchase the land first, and likely, they will need a staff who would realistically guard, and upkeep the vineyard grounds. Does your character want world peace? They will need connections, and lots of them, they will need to conduct various meetings with world leaders and influence them towards good.


    (3) Join a group. This same criminal boss could also start differently, if there already is a criminal boss maybe start by joining them and ranking up in this group. Your character will learn the ways of organized crime and be able to use the connections of this group to facilitate their own criminal syndicate. Do you want a vineyard? Perhaps to gain money you can work as a guard or diplomat for the lord or lady you wish to purchase from. After years of service to them you can then ask to purchase this vineyard. Or if you want to achieve world peace you could join a monastary, or the church of Canon, and spread world peace through theological discussion and the expansion of the churches power in the world.


    (4) Do not get comfortable. There is always more RP you can do. Once you have become a criminal boss in Providence now it's time to expand. You can increase the amount of roleplay your syndicate does by expanding to the next duchy, or barony and plant your tendrils further to generate even more money and power. After you've gotten this vineyard perhaps you should sell your grapes and turn it into a famed wine bought and sold in Taverns across the continent. Or if you'd like world-peace, how would you achieve this ever distant goal? Facilitating a treaty between warring nations? When there is no war your char can create orphanages, or monastaries.


    (5) Create longevity. In America of our three branches of government, we have two the Legislative branch and Executive branch. The legislative branch is in charge of 'creating' laws, and policies within the country. In a symbiotic relationship we also have the Executive branch which is in charge of 'facilitating these laws'. Through various executive agencies this branch must bring legislation from the world of 'ideas' to have a physical manifestation so that these laws can come to fruition and be 'real' overtime.

    As an RP maker, your goal is to generate fun RP that other players, but it doesn't stop there. I'd also argue RP makers have two other responsibilities which are (A) to create fun roleplay, and (B) to make sure their ideas are actually being roleplayed.


    Ultimately, there's a time to be an RP maker and a time to be an RP taker. Its entirely possible to be both at once. It's a balancing act which you must find a middle ground on. Otherwise you will be an RP taker that never creates rp for others, or you will be an RP maker that only furthers their own story. Find balance.


    end rant

  8. 17 minutes ago, SaviourMeme said:

    I dont think this would be the case because the person is dying on the mortal plane, its just that their dead bodies are being stuffed into the void after their death. Which shouldnt interfere with whatever monk revival lore their exists

    There's two features to this ability. (1) the burial of an already dead body and (2) the execution of a person who has been defeated in combat, but is still  alive. (1) has no issue with revival lore; it is only (2) which is of issue since you're executing them when they are alive. Though, the lore writer amended this to say that (2) does not immediately send the person to the void, but in mealpieces; causing them to die before their body is fully sent to the void. I'll leave the story team up to the more metaphysical questions such as; does the spell also send the characters soul to the void, does translocating part of someones body send 'part' of their soul to the void, or does it remain attached to the non translocated body which would die before the 'slow translocation execution' completed. 

  9. While this is a cool idea and aesthetically an interesting way to execute someone, it may conflict with some pre-established lore. Currently the only reason IRP base-line mortals come back to life is because of the monks. Putting a person in the void to kill them would seemingly force pk based on pre-established lore because the monks would not be able to save them. I'd cite the Shunting lore which says, "One is always subject to death and harm without the confines of Earth (mortal plane). Conclusively, death out in the cosmos, far from the faculties of any monk, entails an irrefutable PK."



  10. Transmuters’ Forge (Non Combative)



    The Transmuters’ Forge spell creates a zone of influence in a designated area which connects any mage within the zone to all materials also within the zone. This connection grants heightened control and fluidity in casting concurrent transmutation spells within the zone of influence, including the casters own.



    Transmuters’ Forge takes 1 connect emote + x amount of scale emotes (Based on the size of the zone of influence) + 1 casting emote. The caster may cast the central point of the spell's zone of influence anywhere within a 5m distance away from their character. All transmutation spells cast within the zone of influence require only a voidal connection and 1 casting emote, skipping the charging or scaling emote step. Transmuters within the zone of influence may layer multiple transmutation spells atop each other simultaneously to their aesthetic discretion as long as the resultant effects are within the scope of transmutation’s redlines. 


    X of Scale Emotes

    6x6 and below - 1 emote

    7x7-10x10- 2 emotes

    (Anything larger requires a circling ritual)




    Enchanting With a Mana Obelisk

    The only way to enchant this spell is by imbuing it directly upon an activated mana obelisk. If so, the enchantment will: (1) take on the effective range of the imbued mana obelisk’s aura; and (2) the effects of the spell remain continuously activated so long as the mana obelisk is operational.


    Tier Progression


    Cannot cast this spell


    Cannot cast this spell


    Can cast this spell with the maximum zone of influence of 3x3

    The spell has a maximum duration of 10 in-game minutes


    Can cast this spell with the maximum zone of influence of 6x6

    The spell has a maximum duration of 20 in-game minutes


    Can cast this spell with the maximum zone of influence of 10x10

    The spell has a maximum duration of 40 in-game minutes




    • May not be used to gain a combative advantage.

    • The caster may only use other transfiguration spells concurrently with this spell.

    • Only spells that fall under Transmutation are affected by a Transmuters’ Forge.

    • All casting redlines for transmutation spells still apply to spells cast within the zone of influence.

      • For example, you cannot transmute a single object larger than 2m without a circling ritual.

    • This spell may aesthetically be cast in a multitude of ways as long as the minimum threshold of emotes is met.

      • This may range from using chalk to create a transmutation circle upon the ground, forming arcane glyphs around the zone of influence, or any other aesthetic means within reasonable discretion of the caster(s).

    • If the caster (Or one of the casters in a circling ritual) leaves the zone of influence, the spell will immediately fail.

  11. I can see why the ST don't normally retcon lore anymore. 


    Also, the difference between a 90 year old human dating a 18 year old human, vs a 90 year old elf dating a 18 year old elf is that the age of 18 for humans is both the physical and cultural age of maturation. For elves the physical age of maturation may be 18, but the elves hold a stricter cultural maturation age of 50. Elves below 50 are still considered children. This makes sense when your race is borderline immortal, as the standard in that cultural for someone who is mentally an adult is way higher.


    An issue i've found is how do you quantify this physical and cultural maturation distinction in a situation where you have a 90 year old human and an 18 year old elf. Technically a 18 year old elf isn't mentally different from an 18 year old human, and so culturally from the human perspective this relationship is valid. But under Elven cultural standards and the new cultural maturation rule seemingly no elven RPer could rp romance/child-reearing unless they are at least 50. So which standard would predominate? 

    Lastly, from a policy wise what is the age of consent now for elves? Seemingly at first it was 18, but then with the new cultural update it became 50 as it is the cultural age of maturation. Now it's 18 again? Or does the cultural standard still apply?


  12. Alter Humidity (Non Combative/Combative)



    It is well known that the barrier between Air and Water is not a bright line. Any competent air evocationist will know that within the air itself moisture varies on a spectrum. From the dry desert air to the humid swamp air, an air evocationist will often find themselves first casting their magic based on the climate around in their immediate surroundings. Through experimentation the air evocationist will find that they can alter the properties of their air to a desired combination of temperature, humidity, density, and velocity, etc. This spell acts as the bright line partitioning air evocation and water evocation allowing an air evocationist to cast a limited overlap in the quantity of water particles which augment their spells.



    This spell does not take a certain amount of emotes to cast as it acts solely as an augmentation to all pre-established air evocation spells/abilities (Combative and Non-Combative). An air evocationist is now able to increase the humidity of their air to such a degree that they may create a mist that can douse fire, but the quantity of water particles in their casted air cannot break the threshold of water evocation by becoming liquid. The temperature can be lowered to such a degree to create snow; but this snow cannot have so many liquid globules in it to become hail, or ice when cast below freezing point. It is also of note that because air evocationists primarily study the flow, and nature of air as a force; snow they may now cast must have an air flow directing it, or else these water particles will simply fall due to its heaviness.



    • Cannot create liquid, ice, or hail, or snow balls; instead the air evocationist is limited to unconnect particles that can never combine into a larger structure.

    • Snow cannot be cast by itself without simply falling to the ground. An air evocationist can only direct the snow if it is accompanied by a current of air.

    • Following all redlines and mechanics of regular air evocation spells, Alter humidity is simply an augmentation to these pre-established abilities for aesthetic or utilitarian purposes.

  13. 1 hour ago, TreeSmoothie said:

    pls no <img src=">

    The addition itself is an interesting idea, but the fact it can't be used in combat, and only can be used on objects unless you have the aid of 3 other Transfigurists makes this mad weird

    I felt that this spell should only be used for non-combative purposes as all transmutation spells follow this limitation. But I didn't want to completely curtail the destructive uses. If say I wanted to demolish a statue, it'd be way simpler to transmute the legs of the statue into a gelatin substance and allow it to fall. Vibration on the otherhand would simply be ineffective becuase it requires someone to shake a structure to such a degree that it essentially breaks. Perhaps this should be clarified in the cast of more brittle material. Glass for example would be able to be vibrated in a manner that an individual transfigurationist can shatter the glass; but stone/metal structures not so much. 

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