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Posts posted by Detective

  1. I tried to log in a few minutes ago, and this message greeted me: 



    Either the server got jacked up by the setback, or something wierd happened. Please fix asap, thanks.



    Oh yes, same thing happened to me, only I /roll 0, and now I cannot get in anymore... So yeah I need help on this aswell.

  2. Alright we've been slammed with your apps and they are great and wonderful. We are in page 15 that is crazy and I would like to thank you all for showing you want to be in the academy and helping us grow for 4.0. But right now for future Applications, they will not be ignored or deleted. I look at them everyday and read them. Right now we will be on hold till we start setting up more order and organizing so please be calm with us. There will be a waiting list, ;.;



    P.S I love you all <3


    I am calm, just waiting for 4.0.



    P.S You really love everyone don't you?

  3. Try and guess where the screenshot was taken in Lord of the Craft!


    Rules: 1. Anyone can put up a screenshot. 2. ONLY screenshots taken in Lord of the Craft are alowed. 3. Have fun guessing!




    (I myself am to fat to put up screenies, don't judge!)

  4.                                                             --------------------------------------
                                                                      Name: Charlotte Golding
                                                                             Race: Human  
                                                                                 Age: 16
                                                                            Gender: Female
                                                                      Skill: Promising Alchemist
                  Charlotte Golding, an apprentice Alchemist, and expert knife thrower (So she thinks…)
    Description: 95lbs, 5,3ft. Average woman build, no muscular build. She is friendly to those who show kindness, but a great enemy to liers. She is studying in Alchemy.
                           WARNING: Charlotte Golding has many tricks up her sleeves, and secrets                               
                                                   also, be careful what you say/do around her.
                                                              Long Story Short:
    Charlotte Golding was born in to a small family of four, her late mother Sarah E. Golding and father Peter Golding, but her older sister Annabella Makrov Golding still lives.

    Sadly, Charlotte's late mother died in giving birth to her, in so doing her father remarried, but the stepmother was darker than darkness...

    When she turned three the family found out that their uncle William A. Golding who was a blacksmith, had died from burning after a hot pot iron liquid tipped over, he was no more after that day. He left a great some of money as an inheritance to Charlotte's father, so that she and her sister, and stepmother could live very wealthy indeed, though the stepmother thought otherwise. She wanted the Inheritance money for herself.

    A year or so after the death of Charlottes uncle, her father one evening at tea time died…little did we know our stepmother put a tablet of poison in his glass of hot tea, Charlotte and her sister only guessed it was heart failure. The stepmother of course agreed with them, trying to cover up her guilt.

    They buried their father in a a church grave yard a few days later. The very next day Charlotte's and stepmother awaked them and announced that they were going going on a trip. About a week later they came to a large forest, fence, cold, and lonely, and they went in. Then the stepmother sighed and said: "We are lost, wait here while I try to find a way out." And so she left them. Some hours later Annabella was getting worried and walked with Charlotte through the woods till they came to a hollow tree, there she said: "Charlotte, stay inside here, I am going to look for stepmother." Then she walked off where she thought her stepmother went.

    Charlotte waited and waited, it seemed like hours maybe a day…but Annabella did not return. So Charlotte climbed out of the hollow tree and from there on wondered around the wilderness, till one day or maybe it was a year, she couldn't tell. She found what looked like a small village, and lived there for another four years begging.

    About six months later, a great famine was spreading through the land. Soon there was no point in begging anymore, so she set off from that town and started for the Elven city, she was told by a kind merchant that there she would find help, so it was.

                                               CHARACTER PHOTO COMING SOON.




  5. A bird flies over the trees heading for the Raine Academy, when it gets to its destination it would have dropped a small letter of hard but light paper at the Raine Academy's doors.




    MC Name: SureLockHomes
    Did you ever have a character with magic?: Nope this one (I hope) will learn the ways.
    Are you aware the rules of Magic:
    Yes I have and partly understand them.

    Skype: surelockmc

    Name: Charllote Golding
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    What would you like to learn?: All things Alchemist.
    Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?: I am wanting to enroll in the
    Alchemy Class.




    (OOC) (Just as a reminder, I will still be away for eight more days from now. But when I get back I am going to be VERY active, I'm talking 5 hours per day.)

  6. McName: HeroTech


    Forum Name: Herotech


    Skype Name: preston.humes


    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications? I have made a few applications and I feel I have a firm grasp on the standards, as I have been turned down many a time. I know what I would expect from a new comer and as a common player I have helped and dealt with many new players.


    Why you want to be an AT Member? I was in TS with my favorite GM Sky and we were searching for an At and for the life of both of us could not come into contact with any of them. I feel that I have been on the server long enough to get the Old Fart ranking that maybe now I can help the server even more by pushing along the new player base of LotC.


    Is there anything else you would like to add? I know I do not have the best reputation on the server as I have made enemies and I have ran into trouble with certain people.


    I like this. ^



    So I woke up this morning, and thought to myself: Alex (Thats my name) you have wasted a lot of time playing minecraft. (Total time was: 7 months, 17 hours, 12 minutes, and 3 seconds. Don't ask me how I knew it was that long.


    So I was thinking, I could have been making a game myself, or making websites with my skills. Or I could have been, doing magic tricks, spending time with my five other brothers, and four sisters.


    But no, I have just been wasting my time doing Minecraft/Vertual world) rather then spending time with real friends/family.


    So thats right you guessed it, I will be leaving Minecraft for a while, to repair the that gap in my family.


    And yes, you may ban my account if you like....


    BUT! I shall return, in due time...




    Wish you the best!



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