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Posts posted by Detective

  1. I shall pay up to 500 minas if done very well. Mine is simple, I just want it as a sketch in black and white please, and I don't need any legs in the sketch, just from the waist up please.


    Here is the position I would like my character to be in: http://gyazo.com/b376df1542ce50e4af4458954db53980

    (​Yeah, the photo up there is so classic…xD)

    (Just make like so, except I want it to match the character's skin found here, and could you make her hair flow from behind her and a bit to the right, anime style.):UbcIfiB.png

    I would be very grateful when it is done. Cheers!




    You can PM me when you are finished with the skin.

  2. Mina paid Format (100 normal 150-200 expedited,50 minas extra for couples): I am willing to pay up to 666/777 minas if its really good.


    Are you willing to wait? (Got work life so will do them when free after work): Yes, take your time.


    What body build ? (body structure? tall?wide? short?): My character has a feminine body shape, so bit slim yet fit, and she is 5,6 at the moment.


    What position do you want ? If there is a picture you want to reference send a link: iHF2wef.png


    Just like the picture only that her right hand resting on her hip like '>' so, and there is no magic aura coming out of the hand. The staff is just straight and tall, no curves on the staff like it shows. I also want a grin showing a bit of her teeth going up the left side of her face slightly. You can tilt her body just a bit, just make sure you can see her grinning and most of her left eye. (Sidenote): She is almost nineteen.


    Character skin: (Can I just get PNG file or an imgur link not screenshot.) Do you want the rig or your Skin: Qe5Vxm2.png?1


    Eyes?: Yes, and green please.

    Mouth?: Yup, as explained up there.

    Eyebrow?: Sure, could you put them in an innocent position like /  \ that, except you can lower the top parts 90 degrees. (The '/' were just examples, I'm sure you get it though.


    If you want mobs or items around your character list (up to 3): Just a long stick to represent the quarter-staff will do.


    Scenery, (If you want to be in an area and its in Athera send me a screen and cords to set up the area. This is the hardest part of pictures besides the positioning): x:596 z:488 y:72, is where the character is posed in the picture. Here is a screenshot of where the 'camera' is. I say camera, but I'm sure you know what I mean.


    (You don't have to use this screenshot, I would prefer it in shaders anyway, this is just where I would like it to be.)



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