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Posts posted by Katherine1

  1. My dryad's name means sour, so I thought she'd have a sour disposition and that the only things that she really finds joy in is her tree and pulling pranks. Can't make her too grumpy, you see, or else she'd be the Grumpy Tree dryad, and we both know that won't fly ;)

    Apple dryads are supposed to be motherly... o.o

  2. Ooh~



    Name of Dryad, Greek word and English meaning: Agrios (Fierce)


    Type of Dryad: Maple Dryad


    Picture of Skin: b85iiqa.png


    MC Username: angelgirlx617


    Forum Username: angelgirlx617


    Looks good, you have a tree picked out?


    Name of Dryad, Greek word and English meaning:  Nkriniári̱s Sfendámou - Grumpy Maple

    Type of Dryad: Grumpy Tree (Maple)

    Picture of Skin: N/A (Existing Dryad)

    MC Username: bballman12

    Forum Username:  Destinator8

    You didn't need to repost an application, just needed to let me know you're still active as your dryad ^-^;;

    Thanks for letting me know!

  3. Avoid unnecessary adjectives. Best option is if the adjective can be connected to the noun to create a word. If the adjective gives meaning to the noun but when put together the meaning is skewed, then place it before the noun.


    There are also times when the adjective is the last word of the sentence. That happens when the purpose of the sentence is effected by the adjective, as opposed to the noun by itself. As in the difference between a pretty pig and a pretty farm, if the farm is pretty then 'pretty' is the last word of the sentence. This is a fairly poor example.


    So, Irrin'pern

    Glass potato, or potato glass?

  4. Leyun looked toward Elorna and Milo. "Is anyone entirely innocent? If someone rips a leaf off a tree they are harming it, yet we do not do anything about it, because on the grand scale of things, everything is fine. If a rogue druid decides to met out death as a punishment for any sort of harm to nature, no matter how small, it may not be an acceptable response, but is it something the Aspects would revoke their blessing for?" Leyun paused a moment before continuing. "The Order could break his attunement. It was done before with Elphaba. It's not a light sentence by any means, but unless anyone has an idea how to stop him, I don't see what other choice there is."

  5. Leyun took Aryla's hand as she spoke. "Who here remembers Dri'Killian? For those who don't remember, He had harassed most female members of the order by the time he had left. Whether disciplinary action needed to be taken was going to be brought up at a moot, but he ran before that could happen. Now, the reason I bring him up is that I've heard disturbing reports of Dri using the Aspect's blessing to kill and bury people alive. People who are no more guilty of harming nature, then the average person on the streets of any town. This is unacceptable."

  6. Leyun just gives Callax a look before she starts. "Well, with everything that's been going on so soon after bringing the circles back together, we've been homeless and scattered, all while trying to deal with this crisis and what has happened at the Equinox Grove. Because of all of this, Callax and I have decided it is time to pick the third Elder. After some discussion, we settled on Dain being the best choice."

  7. Leyun looked to Aryla as the woman took a seat next to her. "You didn't miss anything. We've only just started."


    Turning her gaze out to the rest of the moot, Leyun spoke up to the collected druids. "There are things I would like to discuss with the Malinor circle, but those can wait until we have finished with the things that need all circles present. Without Respiren's circle being present, though, I don't know what we'll accomplish on the subject of Grand Druid that hasn't already been done at the last moot."

  8. Apple Druid Leyun made her way up to edge of the moot circle, where she preceded to circle around until she found a good spot to sit. Lowering herself down to the ground, she looked around for the one who called the moot. There was much that hadn't been discussed at the last one.

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