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Posts posted by OtakuAnonymous

  1. Aeyrius sits in the Oussana manor, his arms crossed as he reviews old parchment that he had used to form other organizations, setting it to the side as he looks to the Ceru'ker Dominion, resting his clasped hands gently against his gull, just back from his chin, eyes shut as he inhales deeply.


    "Now that business with the Lumidrim are over, my own time can be dedicated to this..." Aeyrius tilts his head to the side slightly...

  2. Markuz laughs at Aeyrius not knowing what on earth he is writing about, then bursts out in stitches when he suggests all they are good at killing monsters. "Silly dark elf fool, learn to think before you spew."

    One would note not a thing was written, as Aeyris turns towards Markuz, tilting his head, "You have no ability to apply metaphors, I would suggest hanging yourself, 'fore things change around here and idiots are hung for said reason." Aeyrius than paces off, entirely emotionless, as per usual.

  3. Aeyrius clasps his hand, looking to the compilation of edits and changes to this poster and additional notes, he would than tilt his head.


    "Essentially, what is being said here is that Prince Khel Oussana, otherwise known as my Father has declared these edgy Knights to be of a higher status than the normal Malinor Military? I believe Prince Lafthi Sylvari would disagree with that. Due fact this group emerged out of nowhere, and had supposedly defeated the Northern beasts.... A little suspicious, since there is no science in knowing this group has a higher purpose than simply thwarting monsters. Let us see how this unfolds, Lafthi of Khel, who will make the right choice..."  


    Aeyrius sticks his tongue out, running the surface of his index finger along it, before smudging out the golden ink, it is still legible though some may find it difficult to read.

  4. Aeyrius watches the sac be carried away, his arms folded elegantly as he observes idly, tilting his head slightly, and speaking to himself in a low mutter, "Why... Why would someone bestow the incompetence to bring a dead body into Luminaire, at the well... I wonder if they want to anger Luminaire into taking action? Taint their hands with this senseless murder? Whoever this person is, they sure are lacking." Aeyrius nods sharpely, going back to doing more of his work, thinking back as he tries to decipher the logic.

  5. Aeyrius would later have traversed these lands, observing over the wreckage, some of the bodies that were missed, or moved to the side in panic, noting the splashes of blood, or not, which would indicate blunt weaponry from these... individuals. 


    With a sigh, he followed the dying smoke doused in rain, and if that were to fail, the trampled grass and bloodied footsteps were easy enough to catch onto. After a gradual movement, Aeyrius stood in front of the Delver Ruins, to lift the note from the wall. "Do not blame the citizens of Malinor, they are not the ones who have chosen this fate, especially those of the Delvers. Our people are hung by one person's stubbornness, not everyone, remember that next time you make paste of a sixteenth of our people. Which on that note, one of which is that individual which I spoke of..." Aeyrius paced off at that point, he was well aware that there was little chance any of the attackers would return to read the note, but writing his thoughts down was enough...

  6. EQjDorb.png








    "Our great father Malin, in an age long past reached up into the night sky, and put that very fabric of darkness into the root of a tree, and from there, added the blood of his own palm. That is how we were created." -Aeyrius Oussana


    Since day one, the Mali'ker were to protect mortals, brought from the night skies above to send back the greater evils, it was our duty to uphold that. Even though the threat of years past has faded, another of the future nears. Do all of us even have the right to bare the name of Mali'ker? Some of us have descended to those we were to protect, some even weaker than that. That is no more. The Ceru'ker Dominion settles in the ruins of our land, granted by those closest to Malin among the Mali'ker, the ones who have not strayed onto the path of weakness. 


    That duty is one that all should know, and it is feared that time has caused it to fade. Mali'ker are warriors, created to rid the previous world of Iblees' creations, and if it was managed than, by our name will it be done this time around as well, they will be erased. The coming tide is one we must reform for.


    Our purpose is to reform the Mali'ker, and stand united indefinitely. With the seeds of any trace of mortality, can only be made up in quantity. As long as the immortal exist, a single mortal will be struck down, whether they are weak and innocent, or strengthened and experienced.


    The Mali'ker will stand together once more, the strong will adapt, and the weak will fade. 






    Days past, two Mali'ker met to discuss a broader view of the Mali'ker, those two individuals were and are currently known as Aeyrius Oussana and Kaldo Raven'kor


    All Mali'ker know in some place of what our race has become, and if not, what Mali have become, unable to protect themselves, weak and brittle. Anyone who could coordinate themselves could walk through that gate with five knights and threaten thousands of lives, the truth in that is awe-striking. 


    So, an idea arose, knowing why Mali'ker exist, at least they should be saved from the clutching hands of weakness. The Faeries could save their own kinds, but the Mali'ker will be the first to adapt to this savage new age.


    It was a swift and simple decision, and it was put into work, in context it seemed so simple, but in reality...


    There were conditions that needed to be met, and Aeyrius intended to do just that, he needed:


    -The permission of a representative of or the High Council itself.

    -A place to house these passionate Mali'ker.

    -The Mali'ker to see the need for this.

    -An abundance of fliers.


    And more.~


    Later in the week, Aeyrius managed to cross off the first issue, High Council member Prince Lafthi Sylvari permitted the establishment of the Mali'ker Group, dubbed as the Ceru'ker Dominion.


    The current conclusion as to where the Mali'ker will be living is in a separate wing of the Barracks, though discussions are still ongoing with this matter, as the military has yet to form as well.


    Fliers had already been laid out and graphically worked by both Aeyrius and Kaldo, and they both took it into their own hands to spread them throughout Malinor, a lengthy task.


    Now that leaves it where it is, in a stagnant limbo, all that needs to happen now for those of the future to embrace the present, and join the Ceru'ker Dominion.






         House Applications                   Citizen Applications

    Houses have a say in the Mali'ker council,                 Is your family weak? If that is the case,

    specifically the head of the house. To form                you can individually apply, you'll still

    a house, the member must have at least 3                 hold your family name, but only be one

    individual relatives. The say in which the                   person, to form a better name for your

    house has increases with the size of the                    family by joining the Ceru'ker Dominion.

    family, and or special conditions are

    applied. It is the household leader's

    duty to keep in contact and remain active,

    and maintaining their families activity within

    the activities.





    ((Can't read it? Want to Copy/Paste, here's the rough versions of both:

    Ceru'ker Dominion House Application
    Is your house that of the Mali'ker?
    Who is the leader of your house?
    How many members do you have?
    What are the 'average' members' profession?
    Have you lived in Haelun'or?
    Have you lived in Darkhaven?
    Place of current residence?
    Do you understand you're subject to the Dominions' order?
    Ceru'ker Dominion individual Application
    What is your name?
    Where were you born?
    What is your age?
    What is your profession?
    Living relatives?
    Size of family?







    (Ceru'ker Emblem)

  7. There are a lot of uses for this, foremost, it shows the most dedicated Elves, good for organizing military rosters and ranks, since you can put the ones who actually go: Forums>Roleplay>Elven Roleplay, click here because it's new, and vote, from the ones who play a Mali'ker to go: "Leedaleedalee" with twin daggers and a quivver full of shurikens in Abresi and don't use the forums ^_^.

  8. *The application is written in calligraphy and has a sent of a wild flower*


    ((MC name: Dannybrine
    ((*Skype name: Dannybr31
    What is your name? Loh'an Garrison (Or Logan)
    What race do you belong to?: I am a Mali'aheral, specifically Thill.
    How old are you?: 221
    What military positions have you been in before? Military Captain and been promoted to Commissioner of The Republic of Gallmore.
    For what reason(s) do you wish to join the Lumidrim? To protect from the outsiders that wish to damage us,
    What could you offer the Lumidrim? (Skills, specializations, crafts, etc.): I am a good swordsman, and archer. I also have a thing for science.

    A simple word is sent to the sender, by what appears to be a slim Mali'ker, possibly a runner of some sort, once it is in your hands, you would see:


  9. Aeyrius arches his head slightly, listening to what the three had discussed earlier, his facial features devoid of anything significant as usual. Half-way through the ceremony he did himself the self-satisfaction of going into his room, tired of being looked down by someone who he believed himself to be stronger than.


    Aeyrius would than proceed to have noticed this little note before it was ripped away, those he paid no mind to take it down, as his babysitting for the clan in Khel's absence was over, but hey made his own remark on it, something so insignificant, but to Aeyrius, the truth in his words brought joy within his mind, 


    "This individual hides behind his words... Look here." Aeyrius had pointed to where it wasn't signed, "Now, if this man had power behind what he did, and a unified force, maybe he'd have the carriage on his lower floor to actually sign his name, sadly, we are the only strong, the rest are weak until they prove us wrong."


    Aeyrius mumbles his name quietly, "Aeyrius... Oussana, son of Khel Oussana..."  While Aeyrius understood the unification, his name holds his past, and while not in public, in privacy his name will never change.

  10. 1325792-grimreaper.jpg((Credit goes to their respective owners)) - "A rough depiction of a Dark Lieutenant, in Aeyrius' mind."


    Aeyrius pondered, in the dark one night, trying to put a phrase together, as a joke to what he does, though not necessarily untrue; "He who battles with edgies should be careful lest he thereby become an edgy..."  ((Adopted from Nietzsche, and modified))


    Aeyrius laughed quietly in his mind, echoes of laughter ringing faintly, mimicking what some sort of Oren guard might say, before moving to the counter at the end of his bed, pulling out the drawer and retrieving his emblems, which he pinned to the side of his leggings. One of these was the emblem of Captain of the Lumidrim, another was his own guild, Leader of the UMHG, and a final one, the crest of the Oussana, which he also took upon his bare chest in the form of a tattoo. 


    It was another day, in which the mundane routine he had become accustomed to repeated itself, how unsatisfying. No longer had other worldly beings visited him, in reality and in hallucinations, from lack of sleep. Once he had operated until he no longer could, and slept where he stood when he felt like sleeping, but now he had a bed... And foremost, a roll in society.


    Newly appointed as Captain of several Captains of the Lumidrim, Aeyrius decided to re-evaluate his life, he wondered if the High Council really understood who they had taken under their wing when he was accepted. He knew how to impose fear, and protect, but at what cost? He wondered if they understood how he wanted to go about it, how much of his desired plans he should tell. None of that matters though, Aeyrius decided it was best to safely do things, to be civil, to not be so harsh as the leave these lush lands baron of sentient life, given an evacuation might be a good idea, with the North breathing down their collars...


    Confident in his skills entirely, Aeyrius knew he could do this, move to any extent to keep Malinor peaceful from mortals' greedy clutches, and safe to mortals' aspiring good will, a two sided ideal. Together he had found allies to aid him, Kaldo Raven'kor, his family itself, and other unnamed individuals, all pledging their service to the safety of Malinor. All willing to die to fulfil that cause... Wonder how many actually will, when the Slaughter-day arrives, the day when the North descends and claims our land with its' icey gauntlets. 


    Aeyrius wondered who will achieve immortality... From the death of thousands, the unneeded massacre of the century, it was a challenge.


    Demon_Warrior_by_ProjectHybrid.jpg((Once again, credit to the respective owners))


    Aeyrius was lost long ago, too far buried in the corpses of those weaker than him to deem himself innocent, in fact, he cherished those corpses, as they only made him closer to immortality, invulnerability...


    A friend once told him this little phrase, "From the death of masses of mortal beings, take rise to one immortal being." Aeyrius had taken it to heart, it was his goal, to achieve that immortality, to test his worth in the plains of gore and emerge anew, that was truly why he was where he was today, he wanted to grasp that future with his own hands...


    Aeyrius had caused the death of at least twenty people, a number likely quite insignificant, but it was what could be bound into the law, the death of criminals, cannibals, "other" psychopaths... And so forth. If it was up to him, he'd store the bodies and start a tally, but yet again, he was bound by law. A law that did not do its' purpose, that approved literal death games, like the gauntlet to kill hundreds daily...


    A deal was offered far back, one that required the sacrifice of a single body each day, it angered Aeyrius to no end, not the deal itself, but how it was handled. Do nothing, and an elf would be murdered daily,  but sacrifice an elf, and it would be weekly. Now as a citizen is murdered each day, we do nothing to combat those forces, we do not sacrifice to unjust, we build a massive death games, and sacrifice hundreds per day to fulfil our own pleasure, none of which count as sacrifices to the North, for they are to be given to them, not melted in a pool of lava trying to win minas...


    It made Aeyrius clench his teeth, twitch violently, run his fork-tongue across the jagged teeth he owned in pure hatred of who called these orders. Who let their pride dissolve their efficiency, who didn't care for the lives of many, of course, neither did Aeyrius... Although Aeyrius at least acted as if that weren't true. 


    Aeyrius had killed monsters for years, criminals, psychopaths, literal monsters, and in doing so, that is what became of him. He was the perfect tool for a military job, that was his passion. The definition of a socio path was someone who didn't care for other's emotions. The definition of a psychopath is someone who didn't care for theirs or other's emotions, that was Aeyrius. He would instate order into Malinor by introducing Chaos, those who do not abide our laws meet death.


    If it is a savage game the Northern beasts wish to play in the intermission,


    a savage game Aeyrius will play.


    And finally, at that, Aeyrius closed his late-night journal, blowing out the torch and slowly drifting off, all of his notes referred to himself in a third person perspective , as if he watched himself with a careful eye, forming an Autobiography.

  11. *A notice hangs on Malinor's noticeboard, quick, concise, and to the point.*


    "The three new interim captains are as follows:

    -Aeyrius Oussana

    -Emanaf Delsaran

    -Kaldo Raven'kor


    If all three captains could contact Prince Lafthi Sylvari it would be most appreciated."


    ((Mind posting your skype's if you have them?))

    ((You know mine, Kaldo's is Matt (mthdominator), not sure of the other one.))

  12. Application:

    ((MC Name:)) tylerthebrain

    RP Name: Aeyrius Oussana

    Age: 24

    Previous Work Experience: I believe myself to have endured one of the heaviest of childhood, and youth work, while I have never acquitted myself of a normal 'job', as in a Lumberjack, or any of the normal trades, I have trained throughout my life to protect Malinor, and serve it's cause.


    On top of the above, I have in fact worked in a tattoo shop, inherited from my father after his disappearance, named the "Shirtless Darkie", as such, I have also taken the profession as a tattoo artist, using my fathers tools. I currently do not get a profit for this, it is out of good will.


    Pervious Military Experience: My previous Military experience is quite extensive, and while it may not be in the same aspects as your average militant, I believe I can bring something to the plate.

    Age 4 is when I began a daily training routine, it wasn't rigorous, physical training, but it was learning  the tactics of war, hand to hand combat, weaponry training, for what I could hold at the time. I couldn't learn how to use a bow, so I was shown at that age. Needless to say, I knew how to go about weapons by the time I received the mark of my family at age 10, admittedly I was not a master at them, but I knew how to use them to an efficient extent.


    Later, in my youth is when I began my physical toning to incorporate the appropriate figure to handle the weapons I use, which on that note, are Tomahawks and Bows, though don't mistake that for the only weapons I use, it is just what I carry. Day in and day out my training continued, I introduced myself in my early teens to hierarchy, admittedly laughable, but it was a group. This group was comprised of a leader, assistants for the leader, and so forth, it was quite simple, black and white, and so forth, but it was a start. 



    I had always had a strict, militant mindset, my Maln raised me to fight, so it was the only job I thought I could fit into, and I enjoyed protecting, the thrill of the hunt, and so forth. I asked again and again to join the Highborn, Lumidrim, or any other military group, but what kept me unable to join wasn't my skill, in fact, my father commented I'd embarrass the recruits, but my age.


    I had witnessed the chain of command for years though, my father was a Highborn in the Lumidrim while it was active, the majority of my youth. I was well versed in how things worked, how I wish things would've worked, and what problems existed at the time, even for my age, some thought it was impressive.


    At last I got into a career, multiple, and some quite domestic, and not profitable, though it's tough work, here they are, and there descriptions:

    1. Laurir, or Noble Warden of Malinor; This job dealt with the entire protection of our Princedom, Malinor, with the culminating numbers of about five, one of them beings myself. That would've changed, had the group lasted longer than the time to digest a carrot, though it was long enough to endure the stress of the position. My duties were to entirely scour Malinor of criminals, the dangerously insane, cannibals, pick pockets, all that sort of thing. The occupation took a large amount of time, but there were also blank points in which nothing happened, where I attended to my other work, which is as follows.


    2. Running a Guild; The guild in question here is the UMHG, responsible for hunting the greatest of monsters, that wreaked havoc in Anthos about a year ago, a stretch would be two, and haven't been killed, but have just become less active. There are currently 9 members, including a Graven if I may state in this guild, but none of us have collectively gathered to kill a monster, that is done on rare occasions, on a pre-set date. Myself, on the topic of monster-hunting have just recently, within the Month dealt with an apparition, with my stock of golden-tipped arrows.


    3. The last and final job goes without saying really, and isn't an official occupation, but it's running the Oussana family. Doing so is what comes second or last, and it can be tiring, house hunting, all that sort of thing, but as said before, it isn't really a 'job'.


    Weapon Skills: The weapons below will be listed in the order I believe I am best with, down to my least used, and least experienced weapons, so without further ado, here it is:


    The Tomahawk (or hatchet, duo usage): I began learning this at the age of four, almost like your destined weapon, my maln had lain them across the table, and I pointed these out immediately, these, being two, I do use two at a time. I could only practice tactics, and swinging, but not at an exhausting rate, to prevent unnatural growth of the muscles. To be safe, I had the tactics mastered at 11, and could only develop my own variant from there. This makes myself a unique fighter, my movements aren't written in any book, journal or diary, they're all from my own mind, and could throw off any experience fighter, and especially an amateur. Prince Sylvari knows my father well, and could probably assume how I've been trained, and where that has gone from there.


    Long bow (Flat Bow)This I haven't actually been trained by my father, but I've used his way of teaching to learn the entire series of bows, focusing on the Flat Bow, an optimised version of the Long Bow, even if it isn't noticeable. I can apply the correct angling of the weapon, the ratio of string stress to the distance and power of the arrow, and so forth. I've worked on training my perception of hearing and touch by closing my eyes, and meditating, my mind set to tell which direction the wind is blowing in, if at all, and how fast. By doing this I managed to teach myself how to adjust with wind, for even with the power of the Long Bow, even the slightest inch lost due to wind could end up in a failed attempt, and lead to deadly consequences. I feel that I've mastered the way of the bow, that brings us to the next weapon.


    Thin Swords|Daito|Wakizashi|Odachi|Nodachi|Ko-Katana| ; Away with all the fancy names, these are all different types of Nimble, light-weight swords. With thin blades, long handles, and being light pieces in general, they're meant for speed, and not strength. I saw the potential in these other than a massive broadsword, put it in this perspective. You have a heavy Knight, with this large Broadsword, that will be a slower swing, if someone was experienced with one of the swords above, they'd me so nimble, and be able to maim the knight so quickly, it would be gut-wrenchingly one sided. To I travelled East, and trained with various unnamed individuals there to learn more of these blades. Now capable of drawing one from its' sheath and striking within a second through private training, I've managed to say that I'm 'professional' with these weapons, but not as good as the above two.


    -I will not continue the list, for you'll unlikely see me fighting with /anything/ else.-


    Captain Application only from this Point:



    Why do you wish to be a Captain?: I would like to be a Captain in order to formally put some things into progression. I've seen a lot of lost potential in the Malinorian Military, and have brainstormed the appropriate steps in conduct to accommodate those flaws. One of my largest personally issues is not having dopplegangers, I can protect one thing, in one place, but I cannot be everywhere, yet I know there are other issues to be attending to. Having the position of Captain would enable me capable of having other units to deal with these situations, and I'm well aware of rationalizing numbers of units to attend one situation with their skill. Secondly, after the Lumidrim has relatively died, and the Wardens have been unofficially disbanded, with no official statement yet, I have no way of receiving an income, unless I begin charging people for tattoos, and a simple military position won't cover the expenses for a stall, and two large homes, one closer to the size of a mansion. The most straight forward part, I feel I suit the qualifications for a Captain, and the role of leading has always been my forte. 


    What do you see for the future of the Malinorian Military?: I quite literally see a change in events, again and again Malinorian Military has proven faulty and fallen apart, but I am aware of Prince Sylvari's capabilities, while they do not specialize in Military, he knows how to lead, and how to assist. I believe if the captains are selected with care, and the future High Commander is selected also with /utmost/ care, we can finally make a stable Military, and with an official income being instated, more citizens will feel pulled to the job. In summary, I see glory to our Military, something new, and different.



    Any other notes you may wish to note: Killed an Orc when I was nine, I thought I might share this, just so the applicaiton reviewer can get a good idea of my skill, since an example is best to describe things...


    What is your name? Clovis Masson


    What is your race? Human


    Do you have access to Golden Weapons? Sadly, mine broke in a battle with a specter


    Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to slay beasts whom terrorize Anthos? Of course.


    Why do you seek to join the UMHG? To rid Anthos of the darkness that silently grows.


    Where were you born? In Oren, but moved to the Greymarsh for a while.


    Do you understand the difference between Monsters and the paranormal(Gravens, apparitions, etc)?  Yes.


    Have you slain a Monster before? 3 ghosts, and like many a large number of undead.


    Do you believe the UMHG should import a sub-group UPEG (Unnatural Paranormal Exorcism Group)? When we have enough members, we should make a specialized groups.


    Aeyrius leans back, resting his legs upon each other as he reads through the application, in which afterwards, he would stand up and wander through the busy Luminaire square, up behind the pond and into the Aviary, extending the most exposed part of the Application itself, so the bird can track the sent, which takes the letter, flying off to said sender, the note attached reads:

    "Applicant, welcome to the UMHG as a Trial Member, you'll be put into the 3 Month (3 Elven Day) long course to be promoted into a Slayer, if you do as you're told and are active for those 3 Elven Days, you'll be promoted as said before. 


    Your first task is to contact three people, and gather them in Luminaire, I will select an unclaimed Large Home, which will house some of the Oussana as well, but can serve as a place of meeting, in the bridges above the Elven Capitol. The three people you are to contact are as follows;

    -Catherine (xXBegginBobXx)

    -Fenair Serax (Volkaineo_12)

    -Gamil Irongut (spychicken956)

    -Rathina Oussana (kizumachan)

    -Wolfe Stryker (ChilledVapes)


    Good luck."


    What is your name? Gamil Irongut

    What is your race? Dwarf

    Do you have access to Golden Weapons? Aye!

    Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to slay beasts whom terrorize Anthos? Aye.

    Why do you seek to join the UMHG? Teh kill and or capture beasts so we can keep teh world of Anthos sayfe.

    Where were you born? Aegis, Kal' Urguan

    Do you understand the difference between Monsters and the paranormal(Gravens, apparitions, etc)? Aye.

    Have you slain a Monster before? Aye, a broodmother.

    Do you believe the UMHG should import a sub-group UPEG (Unnatural Paranormal Exorcism Group)? Nae.

    Aeyrius attaches a note to the sender, the bird gliding through the quiet, star-filled night as it returns to the individual who sent the application, perching on his shoulder and releasing the papers:

    "I have reviewed your application Irongut, and heard a lot of your family, I will put faith into you as an honorable Dwarf. You'll be ranked directly to Slayer, I do not doubt your capabilities, and at that, -accepted-.  


    You are to meet up with the new applicant, Wolfe Stryker (Chilled Vapes), and join him in seeking out Catherine (xXBegginBobXx) and Fenair Serax (Volkaineo_12). It may not be an easy task, as most of the members are doing their own private ordeals, after the Guild going dormant due to the lack of beastial activity. Gather them together with Wolfe.

    -Aeyrius Oussana, RG of the UMHG."

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