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Posts posted by OtakuAnonymous

  1. Name IC/OOC:


    IC: Zog'Bur (will convert to Zog'Ghaktusk if accepted)


    OOC: thomascovey


    Race(Has to be Orc):




    Orc Skin Tone:


    Dark Green


    Orc Subrace:




    Brief Bio (2 sentences, tell me who he is):


    Zog is a 8'6ft Nomad  Orc, he is quite muscular due to his Orcish back-round. He is sixty-three years old and wears thick iron shoulder-pads and bracers, which is followed by a red loin-cloth. His jagged great-sword is sheathed on his back, held in place by two thick strips of rhino hide.


    Why are you interested?:


    I have been interested in coming back to the Orcish community as a Nomad, and so I came back, and here I am looking for a clan which interests me.


    Player status (Active player, New player, etc.):


    I'm a active player, though I do spend time on my other character, but I tend to divide my time evenly.

    Nicely Formatted, Accepted, just a reminder the Camp is located at; X: 1300, Z: 870.






    Uyrgut charges across the dry deserts along with the rest of his Clan, all mounted on Gahktusk Bears, the ground rumbles around them in their movement. Uyrgut carries his dreadful Fla'boi'crusha War Hammer, it dragging against the sand as they push through the dunes. They give no war-cry, no chant, nothing, only the thunder of heavy feet.

    Nomadic Orcs travel the Badlands vastly, maybe not-so-much to the extent of bonded Orcs, Uyrgut shouts; "STUB!" Gahktusk Bruddas glide across the dunes as they skid to a halt infront of the group of Nomadic Orcs, Uyrgut begins;


    "Bruddaz ob dah lozt, wi vind latz tuday tu giv latz uh purpoz, tu giv latz grub, blargs agh uh betta fuucha! Da 'umiez 'ave sticken deyr fa-lagz in dah Uruk landz, agh mi will nub tullerade it! Zo join mi Uruk, join dah cawz of dah Gahktuzk, tugedda mi wull bring da Badlandz intu liev, unide ull dah Uruk, tu flatz dah 'umiez! Ash dah 'umiez bi gone, wi wull pud'da klomp tu deyr blargs, zee 'ow dey liege it!" Uyrgut shifts on the mount, before nodding to the group.


    The group of Nomadic Orcs look among themselves, contemplating for mutual agreement, before looking back, nodding, and taking out their weapons, "Wi ah redi."




    So the reason I've done this is to bring the Gahktusk lore further into fruition, meanwhile giving a platform for players to make Nomadic Orcs and need some help, in the process joining Gahktusk, these Orcs will only be actively used in a battle if someone actually creates one of them. This is why I did not specify how many, their names or gender, etc.


  3. Name IC/OOC: MC Name: blob9000 RP Name: Vaktharg

    Race(Has to be Orc): Orc


    Orc Skin Tone: Dark Red

    Orc Subrace: Nomad

    Brief Bio (2 sentences, tell me who he is): Vaktharg is a tall 9.6 ft Orc, having 3 large tusks and wearing leather clothing, along with his black hair which lies in a pony tail. He is 102 years old, and has been without a clan his whole life. His mother died at birth, then his father at age 46, leaving Vaktharg alone, seeking a clan to join.

    Why are you interested?: Well, I am interested in this clan because of how it is with the constantly moving around from camp to camp, which I think is great for Orcish RP, along with the fact that this seems to be an active, growing clan, which I am looking forward to RPing with.

    Player status (Active player, New player, etc.):Well, I am definitely new, I have only been on this server for about 3 weeks, but I come on the server every day, so I would say I am a *puts on sunglasses* active newbie.


    ((If this is accepted, I will need the location of the base))

    Accepted, welcome to Gahktusk, for reference, just to display to the Orcish community, the base it located at x 1300, z: 870

  4. Fla'Boi'Crusha



    Length (Handle): 3m

    Length (Head): 2ft

    Width (Handle): 3in

    Width (Head):  4ft

    Decals (Handle): Heavy Black rope strung around the handle, with crimson warpaint in the shape of fire along the curve.

    Decals (Head): The head is Black Iron, cast crudely to give it deadly edges and brutal momentum. Along the head are red etchings, mostly a slur of many Blah terms, pertaining to killing and brutal purpose.

    Materials: The Handle is made of heavy wood, refined from layers of bamboo in the tropical areas bordering the badlands desert. The Head itself is made of Black Iron, thicker and heavier than normal iron.

    Weight: 141 pounds.

    Efficiency: High, the Momentum of the weapon combined with the momentum of Uyrgut himself make the weight less of a hassle, a hit from this will shatter bones regardless of where it hits.

    Throw-ability: Very little, if it is thrown it will be deadly, but once it's thrown it'll take time to recover.





  5. ((This is a recruiting post, if you would like to join, please make an application below with the following application format;


    Name IC/OOC: Kilgarrah'Gahktusk

    Race(Has to be Orc): Orc 

    Orc Skin Tone: Light green

    Orc Subrace: Shaman

    Brief Bio (2 sentences, tell me who he is): He was born as a whitewash, and both him as his parents were clan less. Never the less, they still trained him in combat and orcish traditions. Now, as a 8 year old, Killgarrah is looking to join a clan, to live the true Orc lifestyle.

    Why are you interested?: As I have wanted to play as an Orc tribe member for a long time, and truly get a feel of Orc ways and traditions

    Player status (Active player, New player, etc.): I am quite an active player, though I am no veteran. I joined a few months ago, and learnt the ropes. I have my flaws, and I make mistakes here and then. But all in all, I'd say I'm a pretty good role-player


    ((Good luck!))

     Nice application, welcome to the clan! If you have any problems finding the place just fire me up a PM. 


    Sweet! Are we supposed to find the camp IC or would talking to you OOC be fine?

    You can talk to me OOCly about it, all joined members would be notified automatically of the location in Character via bird.



    We only need one more member until we're an official clan, then we can begin on our preset events, and get pinned on the Orc Badlands RP section.




    For the new Orcs/Goblin, feel free to make your tent in our camp, and if you want to build anything, run it briefly by me first, it'll probably be a yes if it's logical and in a good spot, for a good reason.


  7. Name IC: Gor'Moc Dungut

    Name OOC: Hellsbane

    Race(Has to be Orc): Orc

    Orc Skin Tone: Marshy Green

    Orc Subrace: Uruk/Nomad.

    Brief Bio (2 sentences, tell me who he is):


    Gor'moc once travelled with his 2 kin, Hunting and Pillaging across the arid plains of the Wild lands. On a fateful Night, Human Bounty Hunters killed his 2 Brethren, while Gor'Moc just managed to escape after the hunter tasked with him failed. He now travels alone, searching for a place where he can be welcomed with his Smithing and Sword skills to aid him.


    (Tried to explain in 2, had to do 3 for clarity).


    Why are you interested: I think that it will be great to get into a smaller clan, and have a good chance to get into some immersive RP, rather than be left out of huge clans' RP. Also RP in a group is much more interesting than just staying alone.


    Player Status (Active player, New player, etc.): Ive recently got back into LotC, and was pretty active back in the day.

    Nice application, welcome to the clan, if you need anything just fire me up a PM.

  8. Name IC/OOC:

    IC: Ruzh

    OOC: Soresan

    Race(Has to be Orc): Orc

    Orc Skin Tone: Red

    Orc Subrace: Goblin

    Brief Bio (2 sentences, tell me who he is):

    Ruzh is a mischievous, maniacal little bugger. However, even though he's completely and utterly mad, he is loyal to the end to his leader. 

    Why are you interested?: The lore is very solid and very cool, not to mention I like the smaller size of the clan, and thought i'd help out.

    Player status (Active player, New player, etc.): I'm starting to get more active recently, getting back into LotC.

    Congratulations, nicely said, welcome! 

  9. Imperial Citizenship Form 1.0.0
    Name: Aeyrkaidon
    Surname/House: Hyonaidas
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human (Northern)
    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): B
    Physical Description
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 280lb
    Eye Color: Crimson/Hazel
    Hair Color: Black
    Skin Color/Shade: Pale White
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: N/A
    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): 
    Nation of Residence (Choose one: Renatus, Salvus, Hanseti, Seventis): Salvus 
    Profession/Occupation: Farmer, unofficial Swordsman
    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):
    "I, Aeyrkaidon Hyonaidas, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."
    "I,[Name], hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will."


    "Uygut vil ugreh tu da turmz uf dah zeezvire, fur dah 'umiez awr a paan in mi az, an mi gunna flatz'd dem ull, evin avta deyr lil' blarg iz buum in dah Uruk landz. Lader, mi wud preever dat a truz iz izdablizh'd su dat mi can gu 'ead hund da 'umiez, wedder dey submid agh bi snaga ur git flatz'd. Mi gunna maak zur diz nub habben agin, bi flatzin' da 'umiez undil dey oud uf zight. Hub latz ar in diz wid mi- Uyrgut."




    I invite our current two other members, and all who join between now and then to join in the shoot, just make sure to give me a link to your skin by then, and I'll store them all away. How will it be done? SAGE, a nice member of the community has gone out of his way to make signatures for players, but I'd like to challenge him in making a group portrait, with all of Gahktusk, so send me your skin links/image links and I'll get the list ready to send on the Third of June!



    It reads: "Dah Gahkduzk wud laik tu maak diz ovizhial, wi reguesht dat da Gorkill maak a truuz wif uz, wi enphit latz tu joun uz in a veazt at Gahkduzk buvor dah comin' baddlez wiv Brawndux, Mi hupe tu zee latz deyr, mi com blah latz time latoar."



  13. Welcome to the Announcment of the Second Clan Event


    What the event entails: We will POSSIBLY be engaging in combat with the Braduk Clan in the coming day-week, and thus we will need to prepare for literal war, and not one from distant lands, there is fifty meters between each of our walls, it will be a war where there is no retreating, so we'll have to muster all the strength and strategy we have.


    When will this occur?: We'll start whenever Braduk gives us a specific date and time of when they'll be attacking, and if they don't do something within the coming week then we'll proceed with our own plans which have still yet to come to fruition.


    Why are we doing this?: We need to defend our honor, as a new tribe our first impressions are everything, thus we cannot make our place amongst Uruk, but we must earn it. It is well known that we are at a disadvantage against the Braduk, and while they dishonor even the most basic of codes, we will fight them anyways to show our own honor, for even if we lose, they will lower their heads in shame. From information I have collected, I am not alone on realizing their dishonoring.


    What will be done for the event?: Simple enough, we'll be in an all out war, there are a bit of outcomes that'll happen.

    1) We defeat the Braduk and storm their Clan base, essentially taking it over.

    2) We are defeated by the Braduk Clan and stormed, forced to flee by proceeding to Event One in order to continue, because it's better to fight another day, etc.

    3) We get outside help from another Orc Clan, and defeat the Braduk, giving a share of their territory as payment for their help afterwards.

    4) Braduk lowers their offensive, and we continue to live beside them.

    The specifics of the battle plan and strategy will be discussed as I make the instruments to perform them, we will need archery posts, with my well versed knowledge of fortification to optimize our power for our lack of numbers. If we are offered to an open battle, we will accept by default, since we have to show they we can beat them at any battle they throw at us.

  14. Welcome to the Announcement of our First Clan Event


    What the event entails: In recent times the Braduk Clan has been pushing against us, and although we could get the assistance required to deal with them, we are a nomadic tribe, so by taking the opportunity we'll be setting up a new camp near Gorkill to be a more immediate assistance to them.


    When will this occur?: It's simple, once we have the playerbase, there is no set date at the moment, so until we have a total of five members including myself, we don't want to be moving too much.


    Why are we doing this?: As mentioned above, we are a Nomadic Clan, that is neutral or allied with all other clans (besides Braduk). So in light of both of these, we'll be moving, there is no rush of course, and likely we'll get a good fight with the Braduk, which I'll also fit into this event post as ANOTHER event, which will be a probability, not a certainty.


    What will be done during the Event?: We'll leave the previous camp as a shell, with maybe one or two members to defend it while we move, the new camp will be set up a little way at the coast of Gorkill's MAIN fortifacation to provide easy assistance in the fuel of war against Humans/Elves/Dwarves and Halflings alike, since at the moment, everything wants the badlands for some reason. The benefits of this are still being discussed, but I think it's safe to assume we'll take part in Gorkill training and customs, as well as closening our bond as bruddas, think of it as a massive sleep over I suppose.

  15. Name IC/OOC: Ragol/ Jackson

    Race(Has to be Orc): Orc

    Orc Skin Tone: His normal skin tone was green but it has been dyed black

    Orc Subrace:Uruk??

    Brief Bio (2 sentences, tell me who he is):Ragal is looking to be a brutal, fierce, and determined  warrior. In the midst he aims to do whatever he seems necessary to help the himself in combating his enemies

    Why are you interested?:I'm interested in this clan because I think it could turn out to be some awesome rp and I can't wait.

    Player status (Active player, New player, etc.): Active Player

    Welcome to the Clan, you're accepted, if you need help finding the Clan Location send me a PM on the Forum or message me ingame and I'll help you out.

  16. A sole voice emits itself from the gate, booming, filled with disgust and anger, Uyrgut would climb to peer into the wall, using the dig-ins along the wall, his Shoota hanging from his unseen, right hand, he wears no armour, simply this bow, as he glares, speaking;

    "Latz, mi zeddle cuz mi kan, agh if latz try tu klomp wid mi, latz meight cim ut vikduriuz, afder, da Gorkill wil nub bi pleez'd. Su, if latz wunna Klomp, mi wil nub bidrey mi hunur, if latz brin' da strungisht wurriur latz gawt, mi will gu aginst him. Iv mi winz, den dis bi mi land fer ALL toime, if mi luuz, mi will nub bi eyr tu... Stub latz. Filyur tu anshur mi reguesht wil rezuld in a bitrayul uf hunur, an da shuw uf feer."

    Uyrguts face is blank, except for a cold stare aimed at Ghazkull, he taunts him by waving a hand towards himself. "Latz, lez git diz uver wid, er bitray ur hunur agh all 'o latz come ad mi."

  17. A big, crooked wooden sign is slammed into the Gahktusk land;

    "Mi f'ink uf clubber, it bi mak'd ut uf kuktuz, wif a twee huld peesh, den latz cuvor de' fleshie greenie purt wif da sim huld peesh, da wuudz, den deyr, latz gut latzelv da Gahktusk imfumuz smacka, da Kuktuz Clubba, Uyrgut."


    ((In English, we just patented the idea of uprooting a cactus, and covering everything besides the pricks to use as a weapon, with varying degrees of enhancements, for example, higher ups would have metal melted over the pricks, whereas others might keep it bare. Of course it's an unofficial patenting, but an awesome invention nonetheless.))

  18. ((Well I actualy have only two question for you.Are all clan members related?If so from wich great ancestor do they descend from?))

    Well, Uyrgut took to creating the Gahktusk on his own, very recently, he is the first, so unfortunately there is no descending bloodline of Gahktusk Orcs, the members that join the Gahktusk will be tested, however way is deemed fit after they declare they want to join, of course this is to start things, so these will eventually sprout into sub-clans (if the players choose so). There will be a main Gahktusk Clan, that will all be related, but for now, to summarize;


    There are no related Orcs currently, nor will they be until Uyrgut gets a mate and has cubs.

  19. MC Name: tylerthebrain

    Overall Idea: The Orc nations have in recent times been at quarrel with the White Rose, and while we have indeed struck out at them, it was never a unified attempt, since there are only so many Orcs on at a time, so in light of these recent events, we need to put them in their place. We have the coordination, the people if they are notified and get on at the specified time, and the specialties. In general, dem pinkiez have begun settling in our badlands, and we need to kick them out of our land and teach them the might of the Orcs, and I've seen that said a lot and not done, but that needs to change. We need to rid of any Human/Elf/Dwarf/Hafling or Kha that stays in our lands, and don't stop there, go out and kill the White Rose, paint our armor in their blood. That's what should happen. I hope that's what will happen. The time for this event should be decided at a later date, though it could be; Thursday May 23rd, 7:00pm EST, Sunday June 1st, at 5:00pm EST.

    What would you need: I would need an abundance of people with the Orcs, at least 10+, yet more would be prefered to perform war tactics against the White Rose, since they will STILL have more than the Orcs. We would WANT an organized selection of Armor, Iron for Tanks, Leather for flankers, etc. This is in light of an RP battle, since PVP battles quite frankely ruin the fun (some times). It ends it too quickly, somewhat like a failed climax. The battle(s) can be spaced out, or kept to whispers so that there is not a chat flood. This last prefered RP part is optional of course, but I think it would be more enjoyable, more creativity to your approach.

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