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Posts posted by OtakuAnonymous

  1. "WHERE AM I?"


    Aeyrius looked around as he woke up, rubbing his head, gusts of cool winds brushing against his bare flesh as he looks down the massive slope of the mountain he slept on. Above him, is the beginning of a snow-cap, Aeyrius sits up just inside a cave, a weak, dimly lit pile of embers remains of what was once a fire, beat dim by the harsh gusts scraping through the cave. Aeyrius crawled out to the ledge to get a better view, the memories starting to return to him, of when he had left Leumalin, Darkhaven, or in other words, Malinor as a whole on year back.




    He began to recollect his dream of the passed night, where he lurked the forests of Malinor, in search of a Dire Wolf, a dream he pursued not only in his dreams, but in reality. The difference here was that he did, in fact, find one. The creature looked to him, and spoke common tongue, it was the oddest thing, they became friends, and lived what seemed to be a life time together, it brought a smile to Aeyrius's face, just as the cold pinched his skin. Aeyrius went back into the cave, seeking out his blade, one he had crafted for himself, something from the great beyond, the heavenly stars above.


    A blade, forged from the very mineral that fell from the sky a year and some time back, which he had treasured so dearly, but never trained with, it was a shame to let something of such value go to waste...


    Aeyrius took it off of the carved in crop in the wall, holding the short sword in his right hand, testing the balance, and the bamboo grip like every other morning. Turning to his left, just beside the embers of the fire lie a wooden bowl, carved crudely to shape, with scraps of what looked like a potent, green soup from the night before. Aeyrius sat down, trying to remember what miracle led him to make this fire the night before, bonking his head to remember, before it came to him. Aeyrius took the burnt stick just poking out of the fire pit, trotting out of the cave, and down the side of the mountain, on a windy, rough trail leading to the beginning of vegetation, and one might say Malinor.  The entire time his head would be swirling with inner conversations, reminders of his relatives, his goals, why he came out here- oh yeah, why did Aeyrius come out here? The answer seemed simple in his mind if he didn't focus on it, and that was to learn to survive, he knew how to fight, sure, with one type of weapon, maybe two if you wedge in archery. So here he would learn to hunt, with a short sword he thought, but really, that wasn't the case. He did in fact train, but at the same time he was pushed away, he told his father of Aislinn, yet after what seemed like feral rage in his father, Aislinn was never pursued, all of Malinor was aware after posters were raised, but no one pursued, so Aeyrius decided that was not the place for him, at least not now. To tailor a nation is a big thing, but also a desire that was in Aeyrius, if everyone was already bound by Fear, Arrogance, or pure Over-Confidence, much needn't be done to assume that dominant position, but that was for a much, much later time.


    Aeyrius needed to kill Aislinn, to wipe away his series of mistakes, to repair what was ruined, he broke his own bind of fear optimistically, but he also broke his honor, by lying to survive. That was the bottom of his facades to escape, while many of the previous things were true, that was the core.


    Aeyrius finally stopped in some shrubbery beside a lit pathway, holding the charred stick in hand, and after looking far down either side of the path, he dashed forward, lighting the stick, than holding it carefully in his right hand, concentrating on the flame, balancing himself as he embarked upwards, only stopping to tear up some plants with his left hand, and drink some water, the flame held far from it.


    As Aeyrius ascended the treacherous trail up the mountain once more, he went over the times he had tried to do things with words, to make people listen to him, none worked, why was that? They didn't care, didn't take him seriously, or had given up hope, pathetic in his mind, Aeyrius did not want to live with those people. He began speaking out his thoughts;


    "So... I shouldn't have even attended that dumb meeting, only thing I got from it was another stupid ear-load, and a chance to smack a dumb bird. Let alone going far into Malinor again, as far as Haelun'or, agh, I'm tired... White Rose are dugdugz, Pale People are dugdugz, oh, a better way of saying dugdugz would be Duzgh, yeah! Duzgh, that'll confuse those duzgh's so much... Hrmph, I heard stories of the dead rising, and I even have a picture, I should check that out soon again, it would be awesome if I could kill and not be punish- Uuuh, hi, yeah, ehm... So... Whistling time!" 


    On cue, Aeyrius whistled the entire way back up the mountain, into the cave, where he lit the fireplace once more, working on cooking up some food from his stockpile, the sun was descending now, a day so routine yet so captivating as always. For the rest of his time, Aeyrius would brutally train himself, mostly learning new, custom technique with his hatchets, one thought came across his mind. I wonder what my family thinks? He responded openly.


    "I should go back, shouldn't I?"


    Aeyrius would pack up that Elven night, and start to make his way back to Leumalin.



    ((Sooooooo... I haven't been on in five days, my computer

    borked  <--- Custom word, gotta love it, and so I'll be back tomorrow night, that is after all, the ETA for my computer's return.))

  2. Nicely done, I give this full awso-credits, because I am biased in the fact that I follow all of these, thus I support it.




    As a lil' boy nutshots hurt not even half as much, confession time being that I smashed my nuts on purpose as a past time on long car drives.


    I'm sorry,


    had to share,


    enjoy your meal.

  3. Aeyrius was roaming around the distant forests of Malinor in searches of the claimed 'Dire Wolves' he so desperately wanted to ride, when the bird had arced downward, giving him an instinct to react, he swatted at the bird with a grunt, and it flew off, dropping the 'invitation'. Aeyrius read it slowly, occasionally huffing in agitation as he reread a word multiple times to get the meaning through the sentence, then nodded his head as it made sense.


    After knowing what his trajectory was, he would realize he's quite far out, and began to trot towards Haelun'or, which he assumed was what the Silver City meant. It would take him much longer to arrive, getting there late into the meeting, but he digs his heels in, raising his chin and emerging into the gathering up straight, clean and prepped up, with a hatchet over his shoulder, and another in his left hip-ring. He listens, trying to catch up on what was discussed, frowning as he sees whom is speaking at the center of the gathering.


    "Hmph... A fort? I'd suggest two, we have a rather awkwardly large mountain to utilize, we can get laborers to dig securely within the mountain and install supports in certain areas, tough ones so in the event someone gets inside per say an Orcish raid, we won't have a pile of rubble to tend to. Not boasting, but the Dark Elves appear to be the most 'naturally' capable of fighting, or so I'd hope, thus I suggest Dark Elves be assigned the role of defending Malinor, this will solve the issue of us having no honor, being dispersed and yadda yadda- and it'd be enjoyable. Back to these forts... Have multiple openings along the side of the mountain, with platforms jutting outwards- all of you see the current problem with that, and that would be entrances, correct? Well, the platforms would have spiked ends, so nothing could climb up, another issue would be them going around and dropping down from above, that is why we have the entire mountain full of these openings, with one Elf manning each, if we manage to be the impulsive, violent Malinor that I've come to believe, maybe two. It seems like a hassle, but it will be effective, because while we do not have numbers, we have the skill, the agility, the strength, the superiority, and the minds, human scum do not compare to us." 


    Aeyrius glances to the side, gritting his teeth at the thought of humans, before shaking it off, nodding towards the crowd.


    "Alright, that's all for me."

  4. Aeyrius remains silent as the Oussana Clan celebrates in their glory, looking at the stitches over his arm, feeling the stitches on his cheek, and looking at his leg, outside, he appears stagnant, emotionless and beaten, but inside he is afraid, panicking, for he heard the words of this man, he was coming for him. Aeyrius' chest hitched, but he instinctively clutched a hand around a hatchet on the left side of his waist to feel safe. Aeyrius grins as his father says to bring death to Aislinn, but inside, he wanted to do it for himself, he wanted to grow up, and one day bring vengeance, but his scars had told the story for him.


    "This is war... Indeed..."

  5. Aeyrius looks at the note, staring distantly in fact,

    "You can try... But they do not listen it seems..."

    Aeyrius sighs, pressing a hand against the paper, "Even so, you have this Mali'kers' support, even if I have suspicion of S... Kayden using my journal to start their own little change. Oh, and, the shadows are nice." Aeyrius catches his spoken thoughts, walking off slowly, looking around to see if anyone witnessed that awkward display.

  6. Name IC/OOC: Gorkaa 

    MC Name: GenocidalCarrot

    Race(Has to be Orc): Orc

    Orc Skin Tone: Green

    Orc Subrace: Uruk

    Brief Bio (2 sentences, tell me who he is):Gorkaa grew up in the deserts and has scars from his training. Trying to now join a clan.

    Why are you interested?: Gorkaa is interested because he see's it as the clan with the most Uruk's in it.

    Player status (Active player, New player, etc.): One month old player, very active British times.

    Accepted, though if you're looking for the clan with the most players in it, Gahktusk is not the right clan, you might want to see Gorkil, but anyways, accepted! Welcome, I just need your skype info.

  7. OwakzD7.jpg


    The New World Club

    This is a group which in general, strives to change Malinor for the better, and in the end, the entirety of Anthos and it's population, while that will hold true, is the question. Aeyrius Oussana was scarred over and over, mentally and physically, and has pushed away his deep desires to pursue a friendly way of achieving his goals, taught by his father. After realizing through a humiliating second re-run of his speech that one will not listen to a childs' plea, Aeyrius seeks to gain power in numbers, and a more official way of doing things. 







    *Leader holds override switch to everything, has full command and order.

    *Bracketted numbers represent age.

    Leader(Aeyrius only, non-achievable rank): Aeyrius Oussana

    *Assistants help the Leader form speeches, check spelling/grammar, give mature advice.


    Assistant 2(18+):

    Assistant 3(18+):

    *Councillors form a table of five, whom work on events and projects to help better Malinor.



    Councillor 2(10+):


    Councillor 3(12+):


    Councillor 4(14+):


    Councillor 5(16+):


    *Messengers find innovative and creative ways to convey messages and community gatherings.

    Messenger 1(5+):

    Messenger 2(5+): 

    Messenger 3(5+):

    Messenger 4(5+):

    Messenger 5(5+):

    Messenger 6 (5+):

    Messenger 7(5+):

    Messenger 8(5+):

    Messenger 9(5+):

    Messenger 10(5+):

    *Fluffies are new recruits to the NWC.

    Fluffies 1-100(3+):






    A young boy runs up to you if you look of adequate age to join the NWC, he holds out a board with a piece of parchment attached;





    Why you want to join the NWC:

    What have you done in your past, or achieved to change?:

    What do you plan to achieve or change?:"


    ((TO CLARIFY: The NWC are a peaceful organization, not an insane posse of 100 little children, do not fret  :accepted:Courage, reader, courage!))


  8. Aeyrius arrives at the scene, sitting down beside a patch of Dark Material on the ground, taking out a piece of parchment and ink, pulling a bone from his satchel as he begins to roughly sketch what he saw, in the later hours afterwards, he would refine the image to look presentable;



    "So it is true."

  9. Aeyrius watches as the man is taken away, frowning to himself, before leaving the square, heading to the remains of what used to be the site of the crossing battle, both of his hatchets in hand, to look for anything that could lead to the conclusion the man had. "'I' was there... In the battlefield... Right after..." Aeyrius nods to himself, taking stance into a sprint, his fractured shin having been healed in the passed month.

  10. Orcs;

     -Nomad (Taller, well, Nomadic Orc)


    -Ogres (Damn tall, not sure of who and who isn't allowed playing them.)

    Classes?: Shaman(Requires Magic), KLOMPOAR(Fighter)!




    -Northerner (Taller, stronger)


    -Easterner (Fairly new I think, mostly just common-sense adaptations with these)



    -Mountain Dwarf

    -Cave Dwarf

    -Forest Dwarf

    (These are the main ones, and above post covered all the specifics)


    Elves; (Lovely Elves...)

    -Dark Elves (Mali'ker)

    -Wood Elves (Mali'ame)

    -High Elves (Mali'aheral)


    Kharajyr (Cat people)... (Requires application)


    :idk:  I try.

  11. Application Forum


    The following information has been written intentionally, and passionately, with the letters cursively and neatly fitted to be Aesthetically pleasing, for what can be seen the child is literate. Not to mention having the audacity to apply.


    Name: Aeyrius Oussana


    Age: Nine


    Experience(if any): Hatchets! Duel hatchets!


    Race: Mali'ker




    Timezone: EST, (GMT -4)


    Skype: OtakuAnonymous - (Aeyrius Oussana)           -You already know Khellypoof :3

  12. Name IC/OOC: Traulik and gorgo_empire

    Race(Has to be Orc): Orc of course 

    Orc Skin Tone: A mucky bland green

    Orc Subrace: Nomad

    Brief Bio (2 sentences, tell me who he is): Traulik is a 7'6ft  Orc who has had fair bit of training in black smithing, although he is by no means an expert at the craft he can create decent weapons and armor if given time and supplies. Like most Orcs he is a warrior, preferring a one-handed axe and shield, however he does have a great deal to learn about fighting.  He is not by any means the best warrior or blacksmith but he is more than capable of taking care of himself, Traulik (like most Orcs) is loyal to his leader and clan.

    Why are you interested?: Well besides the fact that I have always wanted to try out Orc RP, I like the lore and I like how (from what I can tell) active this clan seems. 

    Player status (Active player, New player, etc.): I only joined three months ago and in that time I think I have basically learned the ropes, but this is my first time with Orc RP so I guess I would be a new player [new character] (if that's even a thing). Besides that I'm very active on this server.

    Accepted, welcome to the Clan, I'll need your skype so I can add you to the chat, after that you're all set.

  13. Aeyrius tears down one of the notes, gritting his teeth, "Agh! I had this idea! It was me first! Before anyone here!" Aeyrius stamps the note repeatedly, yelling at it, before leaving a rough journal beside the torn pile. ((See (Childhood 4+) Aeyrius Oussana Section I)) Aeyrius presses his palms against his head, "Why can't I grow up faster! I wanna do this! I wanna lead the Mali to a better world! I wanna beat White Rose! Stop Oren! Free Mali! But this man takes it from me! My idea! My torch!" Aeyrius sits down, continuing to tear the note to bits for hours to come.

  14. jDXGPiG.png


    Aeyrius walks around in his mind, trying to sort this and that, thoughts that were not meant to be are there, and ones that were meant to be have long since abandoned him. Aeyrius was an heir to the Oussana family, and was trained accordingly, viciously scolded for mistakes, and barely rewarded for achievement, for there is no such thing until perfection. That was before he was allowed to freely roam the worlds expanse, one which he thought waited for him with open arms and beauty.


    But it did not...


    The first day Aeyrius left his home town, he walked across a vast mountain, seeing body after body, one with it's entrails strung about, another missing an arm, the eyes still wide with terror as they died. Many others were scattered with less and more major dissections and violent acts against them. These were the first strike to Aeyrius', his world began to spin, and he doubted it was real, but after breathing in the rotting stench, intestines blowing in the wind of one of his fellow Mali'ker, the subject having been crucified long ago. He couldn't resist but unloading his lunch in the hillside, his eyes wide in disbelief, fear and panic as he ran down the hill, getting away from that disaster. He met a man, a mannered, seasoned Knight, which he led to the mess again, having to bear witness to himself as he hurled nauseously against the hillside. That was all and well for the first day in the real world... But it never ended...




    Aeyrius desired an end to the madness, even after his mind was warped from his violent, and constant training, just wanting to armor himself for the world to come, so he entrusted the Darkhaven blacksmith, Relios, to reforge some Dwarven plate, which even in the end was a little heavy for him... At the end of the week, the armor was held up to him, and his eyes gleamed, he ran through the cavern as fast as he /could/, not realizing that the bridge he had ran over had started to creak and groan from the stress. While Aeyrius made it across fine, he turned back to see Relios falling, and exploding against the bottom of the cavern. He ran, screaming to find someone, where he met his Uncle, Valdax. He was forced to perform cannibalistic acts against the body of his friend, Relios, and other scarring things, all of which he could not bare to continue... Before something in him... Snapped. Not permanently, but at the time it was so unreal, that he truly believed it was fake, that he was dreaming, a grin was on his face the entire time he ate Relios' tongue, even through the taste. It came to his realization later that it was in fact, reality, and to his knowledge he had essentially fed on someone's tongue... He vomited, his eyes wide in insane fear and panic, he dry-heaved for hours after, blood vessels strained and burst in his eyes. It was his second day in the world outside...


    The third day is when stories he had heard from other Dark Elves became obvious to him, they told him that these "White Rose" hunted them, hung them and crucified them brutally, torturing and beating them to submission. He had never thought too much on it, since it didn't matter to him, he was far from them, and the opposite. He began to leave the lands of Malinor, going to Salvus for the first time, but he was not encountered nicely, White Rose pulled out weapons on him. He thought it was crazy, how he was so young, yet they still attacked, why he thought, it only gave him more insight on how strong one must be in the world, and what they must put behind, to reach ahead. Aeyrius ran from these men, screaming for all he could, tears running down his cheeks and falling to the grass as he ran, leaving dust in his trail. He stopped, looking down once the pursuer had given up chase, collapsing to his knees, weeping silently to himself, gritting his teeth and grasping a clump of Earth in his hand, in a conflict of anger and sadness. His training led him to anger, he would pass those White Rose and reach the world beyond, and so he did.


    For weeks to come he trained with his sister, Rathina Oussana, not perfecting, but hardening training he received earlier in the day, having two training sessions in one day. He also planned to begin training with hunting with the Kameki family, unfortunately their hands were full. Impatient to reach his goal, he set out for Kingston after a solid few weeks of training, passing the barrier by a complex, nerve-racking, time consuming trek around the deployed checkpoint. He would make it to the gates of Kingston, when it was still alive and bustling with life, to be met by the Inquisition and White Rose. They had taken the town of Kingston he would learn, Martial law in time of need. The group of White Rose and the Inquisitor beat him, blood seeping down his chin, onto his chest, and his mind tempted to slip out of consciousness, but he remained, being drug by his hair down into a dark room, surrounded in dim torches and magenta carpet. He was kicked, told to get up, and he clawed at the table side, pulling himself up, whimpering in defeat, before being told to walk to the post, he did not hesitate, too deep in his sorrow and despair to fight fate, instead being tied to the post, the Inquisitor walking closer with a pair of shears. At first he was scared, but than the Inquisitor started snipping his hair, and although it was an embarrassment, humiliation, it did not hurt, and so he relaxed, lowering his head.


    Than the shears clamped down along his tongue.


    Aeyrius screamed, blood spewing against the floor from the wound, Aeyrius gritting his teeth to stop the blood from escaping in a desperate attempt, his nostrils flaring instead of screams. He was branded with the new name Mementos, which he lived by in a cell for the next year, eating the dead that were thrown inside, wasting away from lack of food, he tried to escape at first, using the bones of the dead to make weapons, and cloth from his pants as a wrap around a stick for a handle, or sometimes another bone, but he gave up on that too. He sat there for all that time, silence, and when another was thrown inside in an attempt to cheer him up, they always failed, a puddle of blood there when Aeyrius would wake up the next morning instead of them. It became routine, life, Aeyrius began thinking of his name as Memento, and his home to be this cell, he began to forget his relatives and Darkhaven... Stored deep in the back of his mind.

    Eventually he was let out, given a key to New Kingston, in which he eyed wearily, slowly walking into the light outside, blocking his eyes from the light, falling back from the intensity of being in darkness for a year, curling up into a ball on the stair case. Through all this time, he began to lose care, he began to harden, to hate, to want to kill all who did this. He fantasized about making sports of it, even at his young age, the type of dreams no average young boy had. It was the final straw, and it was the middle of the teeter-totter, Aeyrius began to descend into madness, questioning his reality at the age of Seven.




    Aeyrius was now eight, and he had learned his place, to be like other children, innocent and kind, while his mind was not the same behind the facade, he didn't understand anything a more than a child, but he saw everything differently. He wanted them all to die and rot for the cruelty they have done, one day he may rise, either clouded by his insanity or glorified for his heroic stature and courage. A story to tell is still emerging with each day, as the Inquisition wants Aeyrius...





  15. Little Aeyrius jumps up and down excitedly as he hears the news, before doing over ten circles, giggling, "Yay!~" Aeyrius begins to passively work on doing chores and earning minas here and there to purchase some small leather armor, he runs to his father to eagerly ask if he can help in ANY way.

  16. Aeyrius looks at a torn flier on the ground, sitting down and piecing it together, his eyes boggling as he reads the content, he sputters into a slew of childish swears and slang; "Tibbly Poo dumb peef squibbles arf Fallen pieces of migglin fuddlez with no figgleh fuzzles!" Aeyrius takes a few deep breathes, coming down as he reads the torn poster once more, "So... Dah Fallen people stop getting hunted by Mali'aheral, and... Start to get a better name... Den dey side with duh humans against the Mali? I'm gunna have a chat wif' mista Arzota in a lil' bit." With that, Aeyrius runs off, gritting his teeth.

  17. Aeyrius looks towards the scroll, nodding as he reads along,  getting the general message of the information, although his reading skills are still in development, he does in fact speak to /himself/, "Hmm... Why is it 'dat after I writ' the journal all these people are rising to do the same thing I wanted to do when I grow'd up? I wonder where this mizter is, I gotta show him my journal!" Aeyrius Oussana runs off, built with agile speed, high endurance and mobility from brutal training in his family, in search of the man whom wrote this scroll, in an immature thought it would be easy, unfortunately after ours of scouring around Malinor and Salvus, he did not succeed, rather lay huffing in the dark and damp grasses of Darkhaven.

  18. hbxmVIy.png


    Aeyrius observes attentively from the midst of the crowd, jumping to get a view, or running over to climb up a tree throughout the speech, his ears perked towards the speaker. His mindset, like most Oussana are exactly like this mans, even at his young age he knows things have to change. He gives out a cry at the end, "I believe the same thing! As a people we can do this! The White Rose are the ones holding us down!" Aeyrius grabs some leaves, crumpling them in his hand as he watches the speech finish, sitting there for hours afterwards thinking of what to do and how to do it.

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